
Kaoru: Desk To Destiny

In the bustling world of corporate offices, Kaoru's mundane life takes an unexpected turn when, after a harrowing encounter in his workplace, he finds himself waking up in a mysterious forest. Clad in his office suit, untouched by the violence of his past, Kaoru navigates this surreal landscape. As he explores the enchanted forest, guided by ethereal spirits, Kaoru uncovers fragments of forgotten tales and ancient magic. The forest, a realm between life and death, responds to his emotions and thoughts, shaping itself around his perceptions. Encountering luminescent beings and an ancient shrine, Kaoru is drawn into a quest to collect the scattered stories that hold the key to the forest's balance. With each revelation, he discovers latent magical abilities within himself. However, shadows loom on the periphery, and a malevolent force seeks to exploit the mystical imbalance caused by Kaoru's presence. In a climactic confrontation, Kaoru, fueled by the spirits and the forest's ancient magic, confronts and dispels the encroaching darkness. As he returns to the mortal realm, Kaoru emerges transformed, carrying the wisdom of the enchanted forest. He becomes the guardian of untold stories, determined to share the delicate harmony between the mystical and the mortal, forever changed by his journey through the surreal and otherworldly.

Ragexrst · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Desk To Destiny

Keyboard noises

The rhythmic clatter of keys echoed through the office, accompanied by the soft hum of computers. Kaoru, immersed in the glow of his monitor, diligently typed away at his keyboard. His fingers moved with practiced precision, a dance of productivity in the midst of the corporate symphony.

As the clock on his desk ominously marked the passage of time, Kaoru's eyes momentarily diverted from the screen. The hands pointed accusingly at 11:23, a reminder of the relentless march of the workday.

Interrupting the digital symphony, a colleague, identifiable by the determined steps and office attire, approached Kaoru's desk. "Hey Kaoru, you done yet?" the man inquired, breaking the code of silence that enveloped their workstations.

Kaoru, with a half-smile and a hint of deception in his voice, replied, "Just a little bit more. Why do you ask?" His eyes flickered towards the clock, concealing the true urgency behind his words.

The fluorescent lights overhead cast a sterile glow over the scene, emphasizing the contrast between the clock's relentless ticking and the hushed conversations that unfolded in the cubicle-laden expanse. The office, a realm where time and tasks intertwined, held its breath, waiting for the next keystroke to punctuate the chapter of Kaoru's workday.

Amidst the soft hum of the office, Kaoru engaged in a brief conversation with his colleague. They exchanged words about the latest office gossip, the impending project deadline, and even veered into the territory of weekend plans. Laughter echoed in the sterile air, a temporary escape from the monotony of work.

As the clock struck the hour of departure, the man bid Kaoru good night and left, leaving the office in a quiet transition from bustling productivity to a silent, dimly lit space.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in, Kaoru succumbed to the allure of a brief nap. The harsh reality of the clock announced his return to consciousness at 12:47. Undeterred by the late hour, he plunged back into his work, determined to conquer the digital challenges that lay before him.

Finally, the culmination of his efforts manifested at 1:19. With a triumphant gaze at the clock, Kaoru stood up and left the office, the confines of cubicles replaced by the nocturnal cityscape.

In the dimly lit alley, shadows danced to an ethereal tune as Kaoru found himself standing against the ominous backdrop of two menacing figures tormenting Yuki.

Kaoru, a spark of determination in his eyes, couldn't stay silent.

Kaoru: "Hey, back off! Leave her be!"

The harassers, momentarily taken aback, shifted their attention to the unexpected hero.

Man 1, sneering: "This doesn't concern you, pal. Walk away."

But Kaoru, undeterred, held his ground.

Kaoru: "It concerns me now. Step away from her."

Tension electrified the air as a brief scuffle unfolded. Kaoru, fueled by a surge of resolve, managed to overpower one assailant. The other, angered by the interference, drew a concealed weapon.

Man 2, menacingly brandishing the weapon: "You think you're a hero? This is where your story ends."

In a flash, Kaoru charged forward with the speed of a protagonist ready to face the impending clash.

Kaoru: "I won't let you harm her!"


The struggle intensified, and a gunshot pierced the stillness of the alley. Pain surged through Kaoru's abdomen, but he pushed through, wresting the weapon away.

Kaoru, gritting his teeth with determination: "You won't hurt anyone again."



He retaliated, firing shots that echoed in the alley, leaving one assailant injured and the other fleeing into the shadows.

As Kaoru doubled over, blood staining the ground, Yuki, wide-eyed and concerned, rushed to his side.

Yuki: "Are you okay? We need to get you help. I'll call an ambulance!"

Kaoru, with a determined yet pained expression, shook his head weakly.

Kaoru: "No... no ambulance. I'll be fine. Just give me a moment."

Ignoring Yuki's protests, he managed a weak smile.

Kaoru: "I'm okay, i just need to wrap myself with bandage and i'll be fine. Yuki right? Thanks for your concern, i'll see you later."

Yuki, reluctant but touched, nodded as Kaoru staggered away, leaving behind the aftermath of the clash.

As Kaoru stumbled through the city streets, the pain intensified. In the midst of his internal struggle, he spoke to himself.

Kaoru: "Life's a twisted game, full of choices and consequences... unpredictable."

Siren noises

The distant sirens of approaching emergency vehicles resonated through the night, but Kaoru pressed on, determined to face the consequences of his actions alone.

Finally reaching the solitude of his apartment, Kaoru collapsed. With his final breaths, he muttered to the silent darkness that enveloped him.

Kaoru: "In this tale full of boredom, my character arc reaches its end. Goodbye, Yuki... I hope your story turns out better than mine."

And with that, he closed his eyes, surrendering to the overwhelming darkness that swallowed him whole.


Waking in the midst of an unfamiliar forest, Kaoru's eyes fluttered open to the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves. His body, clad in the same office suit he wore during the night's chaotic events, felt strangely untouched by the violence that had transpired.

No stains of blood, no echoes of pain.

Confusion etched across his face, Kaoru slowly rose from the forest floor, surveying his surroundings with a mix of wonder and trepidation.

As he ventured through the towering trees, a peculiar calm enveloped him. The forest seemed to hold its breath, whispering secrets Kaoru couldn't comprehend. Each step carried him further into an unknown realm, disconnected from the reality he once knew.

A shimmer caught his eye, leading him to a serene puddle of water. Kneeling beside it, he gazed into the reflective surface.

Staring back at him was a version of himself he hadn't seen before – a handsome stranger with a resolute gaze and an air of mystery. The confusion deepened as he grappled with the dissonance between his memories and the inexplicable transformation.

Kaoru, to his mysterious reflection: "Am i...in another world? Who am i?"

The forest, cloaked in an otherworldly hush, offered no answers as Kaoru continued his journey, the enigma of his surroundings mirroring the uncertainty within his own shifting identity.

In this mysterious forest, Kaoru's journey takes a different turn as he encounters surreal landscapes and unusual phenomena. The forest seems to respond to his emotions and thoughts, shaping itself around his perceptions.

As Kaoru navigates through this dreamlike realm, he discovers an ancient, overgrown path leading to a hidden clearing. In the center, a peculiar tree stands, emanating a gentle glow. Drawn to it, Kaoru reaches out and is enveloped in a surge of energy.

Suddenly, memories flood his mind – memories that are not his own. Visions of a forgotten civilization, where nature and the mystical were intertwined, play like vivid dreams. However, these memories remain elusive, leaving Kaoru with a sense of wonder and confusion.

Continuing his exploration, Kaoru encounters elusive wisps of light that guide him through the labyrinthine forest. He stumbles upon a shimmering pool where his reflection once again reveals the mysterious, handsome figure, leaving him perplexed.

Throughout his journey, subtle hints of magic and ancient energies surround Kaoru, but their true nature remains veiled. The forest becomes a realm of self-discovery and introspection, with the true depth of its secrets waiting to be unraveled as Kaoru grapples with the surreal nature of his surroundings.

As Kaoru delves deeper into the surreal forest, the boundary between reality and illusion becomes increasingly blurred. Unpredictable phenomena manifest, bending the rules of time and space. Whispers of forgotten tales surround him, teasing at the edges of his consciousness.

One day, as he follows an ethereal melody, Kaoru stumbles upon a gathering of luminescent beings. They are the spirits of the forest, ancient guardians connected to the ebb and flow of nature. These entities, though curious about Kaoru's presence, remain elusive, leaving him with more questions than answers.

Guided by the spirits, Kaoru discovers an ancient shrine hidden deep within the heart of the forest. Symbols of a lost language adorn the walls, and an otherworldly artifact rests at the shrine's center. Intrigued, Kaoru touches the artifact, unlocking a flood of memories and visions that reveal snippets of the forest's history.

In these visions, Kaoru witnesses the rise and fall of civilizations, the dance of spirits, and the delicate balance that binds the forest to realms beyond. These glimpses into the past deepen his connection to the mystical nature of the forest.

Yet, the mysteries persist, and the true purpose of Kaoru's journey remains obscured. As he grapples with the surreal and enchanting world around him, a subtle yet powerful force guides him towards an impending revelation that may reshape not only his understanding of the forest but also his own existence within its ethereal embrace.

opening windows to a bygone era. They speak of a time when the forest was a conduit between worlds, a place where mortals and spirits coexisted in harmony.

One spirit, adorned in shimmering light, approaches Kaoru.

Spirit: "You, too, are part of the intricate tapestry that weaves through these ancient woods. Your presence here is not a mere coincidence."

Kaoru, still grappling with the surreal nature of his surroundings, listens intently.

Spirit: "Long ago, a great imbalance occurred, disrupting the harmony that once thrived. Your journey is intertwined with the echoes of that imbalance, and only by understanding the forgotten tales can you mend the threads of destiny."

Guided by the spirits, Kaoru embarks on a quest to collect fragments of the lost stories, scattered like fallen leaves throughout the forest. Each tale reveals a piece of the puzzle, connecting the dots between the mystical past and the present.

As he ventures deeper, Kaoru encounters challenges that test not only his resolve but also his newfound connection to the magical essence of the forest. He learns to harness subtle energies, discovering latent abilities within himself that respond to the ancient forces at play.

Yet, shadows linger on the outskirts of this enchanted realm. A malevolent force, drawn to the disturbance caused by Kaoru's presence, seeks to exploit the imbalance for its own gain.

In the heart of the forest, at the culmination of his journey, Kaoru faces a choice – to succumb to the encroaching darkness or to become the catalyst for the restoration of balance. The spirits watch with bated breath as Kaoru, now a convergence of mortal and mystical, stands at the crossroads of destiny, ready to confront the mysteries that have woven their threads into his very existence.

With the spirits as his guides, Kaoru braves the final challenges that lead him to the heart of the enchanted forest. The air crackles with energy as he approaches a clearing bathed in an otherworldly glow.

In this sacred space, the spirits gather, their radiant forms casting dancing shadows on the ancient trees. The malevolent force, sensing Kaoru's proximity to the epicenter of power, attempts to sway his resolve with haunting whispers.

Dark Voice: "Embrace the shadows, mortal. The power you seek is mine to command. Abandon this futile quest."

Undeterred, Kaoru presses forward, his steps echoing in the hallowed silence. The spirits, sensing the impending confrontation, lend their ethereal strength to his cause.

As the malevolent force materializes, a swirling tempest of darkness, Kaoru stands resolute.

Kaoru: "Your influence ends here. I carry the stories of this forest, and I will restore what has been lost."

The spirits' collective energy intertwines with Kaoru's newfound abilities, creating a luminous barrier that repels the encroaching shadows. A spectral battle unfolds, with Kaoru facing the malevolent force in a clash of light and darkness.

In the midst of the struggle, visions flash before Kaoru's eyes – the stories he has uncovered, the spirits' tales, and the forgotten history of the forest. These revelations fuel his determination to mend the threads of destiny.

As the climax reaches its peak, Kaoru channels the harmonious energy within him, creating a brilliant surge of light that disperses the malevolent force. The forest responds, the ancient trees whispering their gratitude.

The spirits, now bathed in a renewed radiance, approach Kaoru.

Lead Spirit: "You have become the bridge between worlds, the guardian of our tales. Your journey is one of redemption and restoration."

With these words, the forest begins to resonate with a melody that echoes across realms, a song of rebirth and renewal. The once-hidden path back to the mortal realm opens before Kaoru.

Lead Spirit: "Go now, Kaoru. Carry the wisdom of the forest with you, and let its magic guide your steps."

As Kaoru steps through the portal, leaving the enchanted forest behind, the spirits' luminous forms fade into the embrace of the ancient trees. The balance has been restored, and Kaoru emerges from this surreal journey with a newfound purpose – to share the untold stories and preserve the delicate harmony between the mystical and the mortal.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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