
chapter 5

The door opens revealing Jana.

"Here she is", said Jana.

Jana looks shocked as she sees Kanisha's imaginary friends.

"What is it?" Cherryster asks Jana.

Cherryster is revealed to have bushy black hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt with a heart on it, blue jogging pants, and white shoes.

Cherryster also sees the friends of Kanisha's.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" Jana asked, while looking angry and confused.

"If I didn't know better I would think she was talking to us", said Kisa.

"I am talking to you, blonde", said Jana, looking at Kisa.

Kisa gets up and says "Blonde? My name is Kisa, Ms. Jana".

"How do you know my name?" Jana wondered. "Wait, you must be Kanisha's friends, but friends aren't allowed to visit, well not yet".

"How did you get in here?" Cherryster asks Kisa.

Kisa giggles.

"I don't believe this", said Dumbra.

"Jana, you might not believe this, but we are Kanisha's imaginary friends", said Sciencia. "I'm Sciencia".

"Very funny, but that's impossible we can see you", said Jana, not believing what Sciencia said.

"I guess, we will have to prove it", said Max.

Wolfie gets up revealing that he is in human form, and walks up to Jana; then he turns into a wolf.

"I don't believe it, this must be a dream", said Jana, backing up to the wall with Cherryster.

"I agree, but I don't think it is", said Cherryster, as she pitched her skin.

"Right, pitching yourself, I'll try it too", said Jana, the pitches herself, but nothing.

"Mom, I got your ginger ale from the vending machine", said Meria, then she sees Wolfie in human form again.

"I'll give that to her", said Wolfie, then takes the ginger ale from Meria and puts it in Jana's hand.

"Little mermaid you see them, right?" Jana asks Meria, calling Meria by her nickname.

"I do, who are they?" Meria asks Jana.

"Pleasure, I'm Wolfie", said Wolfie, as he shakes Meria's hand.

"Wolfie? Like Kanisha's imaginary friend: Wolfie?" Meria asks Wolfie, as she touches his hand.

"Yup, somehow we are seen by you all", said Wolfie.

"You all?" Meria questioned.

Wolfie points to Jerry and Den.

"Did I hear that right?" Jerry asks everybody.

"You are Wolfie? Cool!" Den exclaimed.

"Okay, now Sciencia, you want to explain how they can see us?" Dandy asks Sciencia.

"Well, from what the doctor said there is radiation inside Kanisha, it gave her odd symptoms, and by entering her dreams the symptoms affected us", Sciencia explained.

"So, since you all went into Kanisha's mind, that's why we can see you?" Jana tries to understand.

"Precisely", said Sciencia.

"Do you know how long it lasts?" Cherryster asks Sciencia.

Sciencia feels Kanisha's head and says "It'll last for one day until we enter the dreamworld again".

"So, what will you do now?" Meria asks Sciencia.

"What do you mean? We might be seen and touched by you, but Kanisha is in critical condition. We aren't going anyway", said Betty.

"So, we will just be in the background, so continue with your business", said Alex.

"I don't think I can", said Jana.

"I will be honest, I am a bit freaked out", said Cherryster.

"How about we answer your questions, to calm you down?" Daisy suggested.

"Good idea", said Jana.

Jana, Cherryster, Meria, Jerry, and Den sit down.

"So, what questions do you have for us?" Dumbra asks Jana.

"You're Dumbra, right? Kanisha's alien sister", Jana asks Dumbra.

"Bingo", Dumbra winked.

"So, do all do have powers?" Meria asks Dumbra.

"Yup, except Betty, Cherry, Jordan, Dandy, and Clay", said Kisa.

"Can you name them all?" Den asks Kisa.

"I have super speed", said Kisa.

"I can create any weapon, super speed, and super strength", said Dumbra.

"I have high intelligence and super speed", said Sciencia.

"I have fire powers", said Max.

"I just have magic, since I'm a witch", said Alex, while riding on a carpet.

"I'm a robot, so I think you can figure that out", said Aki.

"I have ice powers", said Lukas.

"I have the power to make people find their perfect match", said Kennedy.

"I have powers of nature", said Daisy.

"I have powers to heal", said Lily.

"I am good at any sport", said Ryan, while spinning a basketball with one finger.

"I can play any instrument", said Jack.

"I can turn candy into weapons and I can make candy appear from anybody", said Hayuki.

"I have super strength", said Flynnfield.

"I have teleportation", said Detective Z.

"I can control water", said Alyma.

"I can change into any animal and I have super speed; also I can duplicate", said Wolfie.

"Impressive", said Jerry.

"Wait, so this is all of you, right?" Jana asks Sciencia.

"Yup", said Sciencia. "This is the whole group".

"Okay, so you all have been with Kanisha for her whole life?" Cherryster asks Sciencia.

"Technically Kisa, Dumbra, and I yes, but the rest joined later", said Sciencia.

"Oh okay", said Cherryster.

"Can you change your age?" Meria asks Sciencia.

Wolfie turns into an 8-year-old boy and asks "Does that answer your question?"

"Way too cool", said Jerry.

"Want to have fun?" Wolfie asks Den.

"What kind of fun?" Den asks Wolfie, looking curious.

"Flying around, how about it?" Wolfie asks, then transforms into a griffin.

"Can I?" Den asks Jana.

"Absolutely not! You could get hurt", said Jana, with her arms folded.

"Awww!" Den complained.

"How about we just do it out the window for a small bit? He will be safe I promise", Wolfie suggested.

"Alright", Jana sighed.

Wolfie and Den high fived each other.

Den gets on Wolfie's back.

Betty opens the window.

Wolfie speeds out of the window quickly and appears outside by the window.

"And you better stay within my sight", said Jana, while by the window and has her hands on her hip.

"We will", said Den, while on Wolfie's back.

Wolfie flies around, while doing loops.

Den screams with excitement and a tad bit of fear.

Wolfie hops on the clouds, while Den touches them.

Wolfie transforms into a dragon and breathes fire.

"Totally awesome!" Den cheered.

"Thank you and here", said Wolfie, then gives Den a chocolate pocky.

"How did you do that?" Den asks Wolfie.

"It only took a second", said Wolfie, then winked.

"This is so awesome", said Den, then tastes the chocolate pocky.

Meria walks to Jordan. "You are Jordan, right?"

"Yup, pleasure to meet you, Meria, wait we already know each other. Since you and Kanisha share me", said Jordan, then giggled.

"Speaking of Kanisha, are you all like her siblings?" Meria aks Jordan.

"In some way, yes", said Jordan.

"You love her, right?" Meria asks Jordan.

Jordan smiles, and says "Of course, I love her, I mean we spend every moment of our lives together except when she goes to the bathroom".

"So, you boys have your own bathroom?" Meria asks Jordan.

"Yes, as well as the girls", said Jordan.

"It's hidden within the house", Jordan whispers.

"Could I see when we go back home?" Meria asks Jordan in a whisper.

"I'll have to see if it's okay with Dumbra", Jordan whispers.

"She says it's okay", Dumbra whispers with her arms around Jordan and Meria.

"Yikes, you scared me", said Meria.

"It's okay, I have that effect on people", said Dumbra, modestly.

"So, you are really cool with it?" Jordan asks Dumbra.

"Of course, but you have to be back at midnight for our adventure", said Dumbra.

"Aye Aye!" Jordan salutes Dumbra.

"Alright", said Dumbra.

Meanwhile, Ryan is spinning basketballs on his fingers and feet and Jerry watches with amazement.

"I thought you were a basketball guy or sports guy, not a juggler", said Jerry, mocking Ryan.

"I can't play basketball with no hoops", said Ryan.

Alex makes a hoop appear.

"No way! You are not playing inside", said Sciencia, Dumbra, and Jana.

Sciencia, Dumbra, and Jana look awkwardly at each other, then look seriously at Ryan and Jerry.

"I have a better idea", said Alex, then makes the hoop appear outside and two flying broomsticks with a wave of her wand.

"Cool, thanks Alex", said Jerry, then gets on a broomstick.

"Be careful Jerry, and those broomsticks better be safe", said Jana.

"They are, my magic is perfectly fine", said Alex. "Show them, Ryan".

Ryan gets on a flying broomstick and flies out of the window, passing Wolfie and Den, then stops.

"See, try Jerry, just remember to think as light as a feather", said Ryan.

"Okay", said Jerry, a bit scared, then gets rides off on his broomstick out of the window.

Ryan throws a basketball through the hoop.

"See, how was that?" Ryan asks Jerry.

"Fine, where did the basketball go?" Jerry asks Ryan, not seeing the basketball.

"It's right here", said Ryan, while spinning a basketball on his finger, then throws the ball through the hoop again.

"Hey, you never said we could throw two in a row", Jerry complained.

"True, after you", said Ryan.

Jerry throws a basketball through the hoop twice.

Ryan throws a basketball through the hoop.

Ryan and Jerry fly around, while shooting hoops.

Cherryster and Jana are sitting in chairs.

"Seems all the kids are having fun with Kanisha's friends", Cherryster pointed out.

"Yup", said Jana. "It's got me worried".

"Don't worry, they may seem odd, but they would never let your children get hurt", Sciencia reassures Jana.

"Are you the most responsible of the group?" Jana asks Sciencia.

"I am, that's how Kanisha made me" said Sciencia. "She gave each of us a responsible part of her".

"You mean there is a responsible part of her?" Jana asks Sciencia,

"I hope that was a joke you rude excuse of a cousin", said Kisa.

"Hey, what right do you have to call me that?" Jana asks Kisa, while looking angry.

"What right do you have to say my sister doesn't have a responsible bone in her body, joke or not", said Kisa.

"Well, she doesn't exactly act like a responsible person", said Jana.

"So, that doesn't mean she can't be responsible and I will have you know she actually try to act responsible, but sometimes it's too much stress for her, but you wouldn't know that. Would you?" Kisa complains back.

"Well maybe I would if she would tell me", said Jana.

"Will you two knock it off and the reason why she didn't tell you is because she doesn't want to cause you any stress, when she should be able to handle her own problems", said Dumbra.

"Did she feel that way all the time?" Jana asks Dumbra, while feeling guilty.

"Only sometimes", said Dumbra. "She tries not to let it bother her too much".

"I can't believe I never noticed, and to think I kept using it as an excuse not to trust her to handle stuff on her own", said Jana.

Jana looks at Dumbra and asks "Does she have more worries?"

"I don't know if we should tell you about all of this, but we will tell you that she feels that she is cursed by bad luck and hates that you accuse her that she doesn't care about the house being clean or about anything else", Kisa admitted, while filing her nails.

Jana feels guilty and talks to Sciencia, Dumbra, and Kisa more.

Anyway, after a few hours, the sun comes down.

Before they leave, Cherryster sits by Kanisha and opens a book.

"Once upon a time, there was a princess named Calliope that lived a lovely life hanging around other princesses and had princes flirting with her, but one day on her birthday she get cursed by a witch named Bernadette and now every night she turns into a fox and stays up to have an adventure", Read Cherryster.

Cherryster tells Kanisha the rest of the fairytale, then walks out of the hospital room.

Kanisha's body is glowing.

Cherryster drives away with her car, while following Jana.

At the house, Jerry and Ryan are playing football.

Meria is singing with Kisa.

Den and Wolfie playing with each other.

Jana is dancing with Sciencia.

At midnight, the imaginary friends are gathered in the hospital room where Kanisha is still unconscious.

"Is everybody ready?" Sciencia asks her friends.

Everybody else nodded.

"Everybody touch her head on three", said Dumbra.

"One, two, three", said Everybody.

Everybody touches Kanisha's head, then they glow, and a portal opens.

The portal sucks everybody in the dreamworld.

In the dreamworld, they fell onto a normal field.

"Uh, I forgot to fly", said Max.

"Me too", said Kennedy.

"Forget that, we should figure out what to expect in this land", said Sciencia.

"Good point, like why there are no sheep, cows, horses or at least a barn?" Alyma pointed out.

"I think I might be able to help you", said a mysterious voice.

"Oh boy, the mysterious creepy voices are back", said Kisa, while shivering in fear.

Aki points out the mysterious voice is a man wearing a black cloak that covers his body.

"What is your purpose here?" Sciencia asks the man.

"To guide you to a new adventure", said The man.

"Fine, where specifically?" Sciencia asks the man, still keeping her guard up.

The man points to the land.

"So, we have to walk all the way to wherever", Max.

"Why do you assume that? Last time, we were able to use our powers", said Dandy, then a motorcycle appeared.

Kennedy puts out her wings.

Wolfie turns into a leopard.

Kisa blows a whistle, which makes a red car appear.

Max reveals her wings.

Aki puts out her metal wings.

Sciencia, Kisa, and Dumbra get into the red car with Betty and Clay.

Dandy and Daisy get out onto the motorcycle.

Lukas makes an ice trail with Lily on his back.

Jack, Ryan, and Cherry are riding on Wolfie.

Alyma is flying.

Jordan is riding on a flying skateboard.

Alex is riding on a flying broom.

Detective Z and Flynnfield are riding in a truck.

Together, all of them ride off as they follow the mysterious man.

They are riding through the land for three hours.

"How long is this going to take?" Kisa asks The man.

"Not that long, but I must warn you that when you get near the tower you will be zapped if you try to use your powers to enter it", The man warned them.

"Are you serious?" Max asks the man.

"Very", said The man.

"Fine", said Max.

Soon, they make it to the tower, then all of their stuff disappears, but there is a problem with the tower.

"Hey, where's the stairs?" Kisa asks The man.

"Yeah, you have to climb, sorry", said The man.

"Excuse me, did you just say after waiting two hours to get here, we have to climb up there?" Kisa complained.

"Come on, Kisa, we can do it", said Wolfie, then starts climbing as a monkey.

"Wait, mister you never told us when you are going to disappear", Sciencia pointed out.

"Not until you all make up the tower", said The man.

All of them start climbing up the tower and enter the tower.

They breathe heavily.

"Well done, friends, now you must find a mysterious room and don't stay here too long or you will be eliminated", said The man, then disappears.

"Seriously, wait where is the room?" Dandy asks The man.

"You have to figure that out on your own", said The man.

"Great", said Kisa.

Everybody gets up and tries to find a secret passage through books, bricks, etc

So, they find a secret passage by pulling a rope and a door opens.

They all go through the passage and lay down on a long circle-shaped couch.

"I'm so glad, that is over", said Kisa, while chilling.

"I kinda want something more, I wonder if the kids are still up", said Wolfie, while jumping.

"Did you have sugar?" Dumbra asks Wolfie.

Wolfie points to a buffet.

"Wolfie, seriously you ate it all, Dumbra can you whip something up?" Kisa asks Dumbra.

"Sure", said Dumbra, with a pan and spatula.

After hours, they eat a buffet and then a portal opens, sucking them up.

They ended up on the hospital floor.