
Chapter 2

It's summertime, specifically August 4th, Kanisha is taking a nice walk with her imaginary friends.

"So, Kanisha, what crazy story are you coming up with today or do you not feel like it?" Kisa asks Kanisha.

"I haven't decided yet, but I will tell you when I do", answered Kanisha. "Oh, before I forget I should text Kamari happy birthday".

"Good job, Kanisha", said Kisa.

"Thank you", said Kanisha, as she texts her sister on her phone.

"Kanisha! Kanisha! Kanisha!" Den called, while running with Jerry.

"What's up?" Kanisha asks Den, once Den and Jerry are standing by her and sees her sister text her back 'thank you Phatty'.

Kanisha put her phone in her pocket.

"We wanted to go on the walk with you", said Jerry.

"Not this time, but maybe when I come back", said Kanisha, then walks away.

Jerry and Den shrug their shoulders and walk away.

Jerry: 12-year-old boy, wearing a black shirt with yellow stripes, black jeans,

Den: a 10-year-old has short black hair, black jacket, yellow shirt,and blue jeans.

Kanisha continues walking, when she starts playing music.

Jack and Wolfie start playing guitars, and Sciencia plays the drums.

Daisy, Kisa, and Cherry harmonies.

Clay throws a microphone at Kanisha.

Kanisha grabs the microphone and sings 🎶Then you look up at me with pure, bright eyes

Then you laugh because you see someone

Someone you think is meant for you

I get a chill when I look in your eyes🎶

In-between the song, Kanisha is looking at Betty.

Aki, Kennedy, and Lily sings: 🎶Look at all the lights, look how they shine

Look at my hands, look how my mind🎶

Then, everybody sings 🎶You now your lonely ends tonight🎶

🎶Even if you hold tight🎶

🎶You can send your dove🎶

To any other place show your love, show your love, show your love to everybody🎶

Max and Kisa sings 🎶 On your way, you got the time your life

On your way, good luck, life is good

Teach me how to be human

Not a slave to your twisted dream 🎶

Ryan and Cherry sings: 🎶bet it makes your head spin

Another love comes your way 🎶

Everybody sings 🎶You now your lonely ends tonight

Even if you hold tight

You can send your dove

To any other place show your love, show your love, show your love to everybody🎶

Dumbra sings 🎶Let those in the world

Know of your grace🎶

Everybody ends the song with them all gathering in one place by a tree and sings 🎶You now your lonely ends tonight🎶

🎶Even if you hold tight🎶

🎶You can send your dove🎶

🎶To any other place show your love, show your love, show your love to everybody 🎶

"Man, I wish we could've recorded that", said Kisa.

"We did", said Flynnfield, revealing a camera under his hat.

"Well, this is the best we can do", said Aki, while holding an umbrella.

"Indeed, also does anybody hear something", said Wolfie, as a giant dog.

Everybody look around and sees a Jeep that is driving out of control.

"Everybody let's move, there's no telling which way that Jeep will end up crashing into", said Kanisha, looking worried.

Everybody ran in a straight line and turns a corner.

Then, they hear a crash.

Everybody look from the corner, and says "Phew!"

"We should call the police", said Sciencia.

"Oh, I think somebody has us beat there", said Dandy.

Everybody sees a woman who has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing an orange dress and heels with a phone to her ear, looking worried.

"Do you think whoever was in that Jeep is okay?" Kanisha wondered.

"Maybe we should check", said Lily.

Everybody heads to Jeep.

The woman that is on the phone sees Kanisha and asks "You're the girl who ran out of the car's way?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine", said Kanisha.

Kisa jumped and says "Kanisha, your leg".

Kanisha looks at her leg and sees how her leg looks twisted.

"Dang, I didn't even notice that I'm wondering how I am walking", said Kanisha.

"MaybeI should call the hospital unless you live nearby", said The woman.

"I do, I'll just walk to my house", said Kanisha.

Kanisha's imaginary friends follows Kanisha.

Meanwhile at the house, Jenz: a man who has shaved head, wearing a red shirt, blue pants is playing a game.

Jana: a 30-year-old woman has a bun in her black hair, wearing a blue hoodie, blue leggings, and white slippers walks into the living room and says "What happened? What was that?"

At the same time, Kanisha is getting close to house, then all of sudden she gets crushed.

Jana and Jenz come outside hearing a crash.

Jerry and Den come from the garage.

Soon, Meria and Jon come out.

Jon is a four-year-old who has frizzy black hair, wearing a blue shirt, dark blue pants

Meria is a 12-year-old girl with black hair in multiple ponytails, wearing a red shirt, and pink skirt.

"Is that a meteor?" Den asked.

"Can't be, must be fake", said Meria.

Jerry tried to lift it, but it was too heavy.

"It feels like something", said Jerry.

"I'll try it", said Jenz, then tried to lift it.

The meteor is still too heavy.

So, they call a construction team.

They lift the meteor, and they see Kanisha's body.

Kanisha's imaginary friends cried and ran to Kanisha's side.

"Kanisha!" Jana screamed

"Oh my god, is she okay?" Meria reacted. "Please tell she is okay".

Jana dials on her phone and says "Hello, 911 there has been an incident at 33 Honor Street, it was my 20-year-old cousin she got crushed by something we don't what, please hurry. Thank you".

Jana puts the phone in her pocket.

"What did they say?" Jenz asks Jana.

"They said they are on the way", said Jana.

Dumbra is holding Kanisha's hand.

"Please live", said Sciencia.

"Of course, she will, after all we are all still here", said Kisa.

"We can't guarantee that", said Dandy.

"No doubt, I don't want to hear that, we have to believe the best", said Dumbra.

"You are right", said Daisy.

Soon, the ambulance comes and takes Kanisha.

The imaginary friends enter the ambulance and Jana.

The police take pictures of the meteor and take it away for further research.

Jenz and the kids get into the car and follow the ambulance.