
Episode 1

(The episode opens with an girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes looking 13, has a long python tail with a hook end; strolls through the park and typing on the phone)

(It's daytime)

(Her name is Kanisha)

(Kanisha accidentally bumps a 32-year-old who has black hair, brown skin, wearing a white shirt, black jacket, black pants, and black shoes named Darius)

Kanisha (apologetic): Oops, (puts her phone down) sorry about that

Darius (amused): No worries. You're quite unique, aren't you?

Kanisha (teasingly): Oh, you have no idea, Darius.

Darius: Wait, how do you know my name?

Kanisha: You want to know

Darius: Yes, because you aren't related to me and you don't look like any of my cousin's kid's friend

Kanisha (laughs): Wow! You are way off

Darius: You going to tease we this whole time

Kanisha: Follow me (walks off)

(Darius follows Kanisha and heads to a cafe)

(Episode ends)