
Chapter 2:Blank and School

A/N:LOL I couldn't Post it with only one chapters Cuzz webnovel said that the words actually passed the 20K mark even tho it was only 19.7k...Im confused as well Lol.

And as you might have noticed..This chapter is mostly just Mc's Interactions..Don't worry though because next one is a battle!

and where he would get his Contracted Monster


Ignoring the music and the voice that appeared before, I excitedly opened the box by opening the lid, which revealed a greenish blue Metallic Deck.

And along with its reveal a system window opened up next to it, displaying its information.


        [Unactivated Advent Deck](Empty)

An Item Created By Shiro Kanzaki, which lets people transform into a Kamen Rider.

Would first start as a blank kamen rider which has little to no power, and only having few cards, but after contracting a monster, new cards would appear inside the deck which will magnify the power of the Rider a lot, as well as making the Kamen Rider form get a new look based of the contracted monster.

Originally made only accessible for a certain dimension brawl, but has been modified by ?????, allowing the transformation in reality stay in exchange for stamina, as well as Allowing the contract of monsters outside the Mirror Dimension.

Currently it is not activated because it hasn't been fused with the V-buckle.

Advent Cards Available:

*Contract Card

*Seal Card

*Sword Vent

*Sheild Vent





I gazed at the Advent Deck for a few more minutes before taking out the [Empty V-Buckle] from the inventory, and inserting the [Unactivated Advent-Deck] in its slot.

(img. here)

As soon as the Deck was inserted perfectly, the two items glowed for a few seconds before subsiding, leaving the Deck alone as it plummeted into the floor, although before it could plummet

I caught it, but I accidentally pointed the deck in front of the Rooms Mirror.

Which caused the mirror to release a blinding light that swallowed me, as i closed my eyes...


//A few minutes before the Advent Deck Dropped//

//Worlds Boundry//

//??? P.O.V//(3'd person P.O.V)

*Bang* *Bang* Punch after punch landed into a giant invisible wall, each punch caused the wall to shake little by little.

Untill finally as ???? punched the wall with all the power he had, the wall got cracked a little, but the crack was repaired just as it was inflicted.

but ???? upon seeing that he made a crack, just smiled sinisterly before chuckling and flying off to rest and announce his accomplishment, and call upon helpers to break the wall.


Although the crack was repaired, it was not without consequences, as at the same time the Wall cracked, an ancient seal, separating the Main world of the DXD and its mirror Dimension cracked as well..

And that crack happened to be at Kouh.

In a house where a Certain Amethyst Eyed young man, tried catching a falling Blue-Green coloured Deck.


//Gabriel P.O.V//



*blink* *blink* "Huh?...Where am i..?"I muttered, blinking my eyes before looking around the room filled with spider webs.

I moved around, breaking the webs as I did so, and stumbled upon a familiar mirror, but right now, this mirror did not reflect how I looked before but instead reflecting a person, wearing a blue gray suit, with silver metal armor parts on the upper torso.

It also wore a black helmet with gray metal mask in its front face that is shaped like a wolf, and a silver belt in his waist that has the Blue Green Deck..

"Is this?.my blank form?"I muttered, before i raised both my hands to check it out by flipping the two up and down, which leads me to notice that my right arm is a bit different than my left one..

The difference is that there is a white sleek metallic gauntlet in it that has an amethyst gem shaped like a diamond in the middle back of my hand, and on the wrist part of the gauntlet has some kind of slot.

Which leaves me to believe that the gauntlet is my visor.

and what's strange is, that despite having a helmet that has little to no holes for my eyes. I can somehow see everything clearly, like there was nothing on my front face..

But just as I was admiring my new look, I didn't notice the predator stalking me on my back, awaiting for the right time to strike at me.

"I look hella cool! Finally!"I exclaimed, raising my right fist as I did so, which was the perfect timing that the stalking predator was waiting for.

A web suddenly flew into my right hand, surprising me as the web bouned, before my hand was dragged into the corner of the room..

And seeing what was happening now, I realized that I have probably entered the Mirror Dimension and the monster attacking me is a spider mirror monster, just like the first enemy shinji beat in the Kamen Rider show.

"Oh Shit!"I exclaimed as I attempted to stop myself from being dragged by pulling my arm.

But alas, Being only a blank rider with no contract monster, wouldn't allow me to overpower what was dragging me, which made me panick for a second, a mistake that almost cost me my life.

Because of me panicking, I lost my focus which cost my muscles to relax a little, but that little made me loose the game of tug and war.

"Oh Fuck!"I exclaimed as I was dragged.

The Spider web successfully dragged me, which led me to panick more, but I finally realized what I was doing, and punched my face.

'Relax, you cant be panicked, find a way to get out of this situation!'I though inside my head as i frantically looked around.

My eyes eventually landed on my Gauntlet Visor, which gave me an idea!

I reached out into the deck in my belt before taking out a card, and hurriedly insert it inside the Visor.

⟨Slash Vent!⟩ As soon as I inserted the card, the finger tip of gauntlet glowed with a sharp light, and seeing that glow, I hurriedly gripped the web with my left hand before tugging the web hard, which made me flew towards the door, and into whatever was dragging me, though before I reached him, I immediately cut the spider web, freeing myself.

Right after I cut the web, I saw the thing that was dragging me. A big Spider monster.

"Just as i thought! A dispider!"I muttered, before I quickly pulled out a second card out of the deck.

The dispider who is already eying me as I fall, screeched at me before charging at me, attempting to slash me with its sharp legs, it was too late though as I had already inserted the card that I pulled into my Visor.

⟨Guard Vent!⟩ As soon as I inserted the card, i crossed both my arms, readying myself for the impact.

The dispider's feet made contact with my body as it slashed, but was met by a resisting force, which was broken not too long after but the Card served its purpose!

I am launched into the mirror before, and the dispider seeing that I am already wounded didn't think much about it, thinking that he already got me because I was injured.

But jokes on him! As I hit the mirror, I did not broke it! instead I passed into it and was transported back into the real world.


//House at Kouh,Real World//

As soon as I was spit out by the mirror i hurriedly took the bedsheets and Covered the mirror.

"Fuck...that was close...I know Blank Riders are weak, but what the heck was that...I almost died.."I muttered, befor cringing at the wound that was inflected at my forearm.

*sigh*I sighed before muttering..

"Lets just get this healed up for now." before  I stood up, removing the Deck in my V-Buckle which made me untransformed.

Afterwards, I Removed my Coat before walking towards the bathroom.

Yes, the Coat had a gash in its forearm but it was mending itself, that's why I left it in my room.

After reaching the bathroom, I walked into the bathroom sink, and washed my wounds, before I removed my clothes to once again take a bath, hoping that the water will help me heal faster..

*Sigh*"I guess, I need to learn how to fight first, before being cocky, just because I became a Rider now, it doesn't mean that I would gain instant fighting skills like in the show."I sighed before muttering those words, while looking toward the roof.

"Thankfully, There is, one guy that is perfect as a sparring partner at kouh academy..."I muttered, thinking about the people I could fight..

"Oh and speaking about that guy, I wonder if class has already started at Kouh Academy now...God did mention that Im already enrolled in the school as a transfer student, but i dont have any uniform.."

"Ow!"Suddenly the wounds on my Forearms started to hurt, so I looked at them and sees that the wound is starting to heal that i can see it with my own eye..It was slow for sure, but it was still healing, so i just ignored the pain that disappeared a few seconds later and just enjoyed the second bath that I took not too long after the First bath that I had..

It felt like it was too long because a lot has happened in such a small amount of time.

*fwooh*I once sighed again, this time in comfort before I closed my eyes, which lead me to have a nap..

and 6 or so minutes later, I once again opened my eyes. I looked towards my fire-arm and saw that the wond is now gone, replaced by a long scar.

To be fair, the wound was not so deep and bad..Its just like a scratch from a cats claw, but, much bigger..and only this time its a spider.

after confirming that i was now heald, i got up from the bath, which was still warm by the way, and dried up myself before wearing the same shirt I wore before, afterwards I went back into my room and took the Coat which looked good as new, its as if it didn't have a gash before.

"This time, Its time to buy clothes"I stated before i walked towards the door and into outside.. But then I remembered something.

"Do I have cash?"I asked myself, As I realized that I was essentially just brought in this world.

"Im broke..."I muttered, devastated as I couldn't find any money even after I came back and search the room.

Right now, im sitting in a bench from the park in Kouh..

thinking about how I am essentially a broke person, though I did have food and shelter so its not bad, except that the food is only good for one week..after that I would need to buy more..

"Hmm....What should i do.."I muttered in deep thoughts, as I think about Jobs that i could do to earn money.

"Ughh...Whats an easy job that earns a lot of money...."I muttered..

Robbing a bank is out of the question....as for getting employed somewhere....I dont think they will give me money as soon as I enter the job...

"Aaa!! This is so hard!"I exclaimed, scratching my head as I do so.

"I guess, I'll just go to Kouh academy now, and worry about that later."*sigh*I said before sighing.

Then, I stood up and started walking towards kouh academy, asking people its location from time to time..

And at last! after 9 minutes of walking and asking kouh academy's location, I finally found it.

The gate is closed but thats normal, considering thag its already 10am...2 hours after I almost died.

I of course, brought my Advent Deck with me, and it's currently inside my Coat's pocket.

So, anywho..I walked towards the gate and looked for the people watching over the gate and saw someone passing by so i beckoned him towards me.

"Excuse me!"I called out, in Japanese of course since, God also made me able to speak Japanese, So now I can speak English,Tagalog, and Japanese.

The person, heared my voice and looked towards me before he walked in front of the gate. "Yes?" He replied.

"Umm...If it's okay to ask, has School started already?"I asked replied.

"Ah Yes! the school has just started its operation again last week.. why do you ask?"The guard replied.

"Well, you see I am a transfer student, and I only arrived Last night... Someone already Enrolled me in the school, but I was not informed when the school would start again..so I'm here to inquire when i can start going to school."I replied before handing him my ID.

"This is my I.D, you can ask the faculty if you want confirmation.."I continued.

"Oh, Okay wait here outside the guard house for a few minutes and let me ask the faculty"He replied, before opening the gate, letting me in.

"Alright, I'll wait here"I told him, before sitting down in the bench near the guardhouse..

Seeing me sit down, the guard entered inside the guardhouse, to call the faculty, and a few minutes later, the guard came back and said "Alright, its been confirmed that you are indeed a transfer student. You can go head inside the building in the middle and head into the first floor, to the faculty room, a teacher will guide you afterwards where your class is."

"Alright then, thank you!"I bowed to him as i expressed my gratitude.

"Its no problem! Its part of my work, and Welcome to Kouh Academy!"He replied, before entering the guardhouse.

after that, I started walking towards the main building, looking around as I did so.

And after a few more minutes of walking I arrived at the building, and deciding to not Dilly Dally any longer, I continued walking to find where the Faculty is.

I knocked on the Door saying "Excuse me," before I entered.

And as I entered I saw a few teacher, which stopped what they were doing to look at me for a split second before continuing what they were doing..

One of them greeted me, a female teacher.

"Hello there! You must be Gabriel Cruz, I was informed of your arrival by the guard and well its time to tell you which class you are in!"She said.

"Thank you, Sensei"I thanked her, and she replied with "No biggie"

before saying "Now, You're in Second year correct?"She asked, I nodded agreeing with her.

Seeing my agreement, she sat back down in her desk before typing something on it.

"Oh! Here you are! Class 3-B...Now lets go to your Classroom"

After saying those words, she stood up and beckoned me to follow her, I complied and followed her outside the faculty.

Oh and I failed to mention it before, but the teacher is hot, she looks between the age of 30-34 the prime age for women, she has beautiful silky black hair, and big butt.

Though shes lacking in the Boob department, none the less she's hot.

and her wearing black stockings made her even hotter.

The person engaged to her is lucky...

Yes, shes engaged, because if that diamond engagement ring is not a sign then I dont know what is.

And although, she lookes hot, I wasn't really looking at her lustfully, Im just admiring the view, though I dont know about essei and his two friends..

While I was once again in an Internal monologue, I didn't notice that we have already arrived at our destination, and was woken up by the teacher's call.

"Mr.Gabriel?"She asked, which got me out of my Internal Monologue.

"Ah! yes?"I asked her.

"We have arrived at class 3-B.. let me call the teacher and let them know about you."She said before going inside the room, leaving me behind outside the Door.


//Class P.O.V//(3'd Person P.O.V)

'Huhuhu...I can't wait till this class finish! why? because next class is P.E!! Yes P.E!! and yesterday Ms.Yumei said that its Swimming!...I cant wait!!'Issei thought inside his head, while smiling lasciviously.

and its not just him who was smiling like that while having the same thoughts, because 2 other guys are doing that as well...Making the female students stare at the 3 with contempt and Disgust.

"The Pervert Trio is at it again"Female student A said.

"Yeah...Ever since Ms.Yumei announced we were having swimming lessons, they have been smiling like that..gross"Student B replied.

and its not just them talking like that almost all the other students in the room are talking at them quietly as they look at the three with contempt and disgust...

Even the other boys, was staring at them like that despite being happy themselves..But at least they were not acting like complete pervert like the 3 pervert friends..

meanwhile, the Teacher currently in class was writing on the chalkboard when he heared that the class started to get noisy so he turned towards them and shouted..

"Quiet! What is it again?"He asked, before he saw the face of Issei and the other two.

He sighed, pinching the space between his eyes..Afterwards he took 3 chalk sticks and launched it above the 3 students who was the cause of the noise.

*Puck* *Puck* *Puck* Each chalk hit each heads of the three problematic students.

"The rules of Punishment has already been decided"The teacher muttered, before flicking his fingers outward from his head.

Seeing the Perverted trio having red marks on their forhead because of the chalks..

The other students clapped their hands and cheered. ""Wooo!!""

"Alright, Lets continue our class..."The teacher, said.

""Haiiii!"" The whole class except for the three said..

Seeing his students' agreement the teacher smiled and nodded before he continued writing on the chalk board..

And a minute later, he finished, he was just about to explain when the Class door was knocked upon and a Beautiful female teacher entered.



Meanwhile, before the teacher entered, The three Perverts each had one of their palms in their head, with tears on their eyes.

"Ouch....It hurts so bad, even though Seto sensei didn't throw the chalk at me strongly.."Issei muttered in pain as he frantically rubbed the red mark on his head.

and the other 2 perverts has different but same thoughts inside their head as well..

Then the door of the class opened before a beautiful teacher entered.

"Sento~"The teacher called out Kiryuu Sento, the school physicist teacher, and also one of the three most smartest teacher in Kouh Academy..

After calling the Sento, the teacher hugged him from behind which earned a sigh from him.

"Nee-chan, I keep telling you not to hug me.. especially in public, much less the school."Sento said, still being hugged by the female teacher.

"My bad, My bad..Its just that my little brother is so cute"The teacher replied.

and hearing her words and seeing her actions the students laughed at him which made Sento face palm and said "Nee-chan, you're embarrassing me... You're already engaged...."Sento said before asking."Anyways what are you doing here?"

Hearing Sento's question made her remember about the transfer student.

"Oh yes! Lets go out for a bit and I'll tell you"She said before dragging Kiryu Sento out of the classroom with student eyes staring at them..

Meanwhile,Issei was just at a daze as he looked at the place where the female teacher was in.

and was only snapped awake after hearing the door closing..

"Ahhh! Rika sensei is pretty as always... although she doesn't have massive boobs, shes still pretty! Its a pity, she would've been more beautiful if she has massive breast instead of having B cups"Issei muttered lowly, before imagining a scene where he's fondling em big oppai's, which makes him smile pervertly again..

And once more, the other two also had the same but different fantasy as Issei.

and just like that, the entire room was back staring at them with disgust and contempt.

meanwhile outside the class, our main character is also dazed the same as Issei but for a whole other reason.


//Gabriel P.O.V//

'What the hell?!? Kiryuu Sento?!?'I exclaimed inside my mind, eyes wide open in surprise because I just saw the protagonist and my favorite Kamen Rider Kiryuu Sento..

"Uhh, Hello there? Student Gabriel?"Sento said as he waved his hand sto get my attention ehich worked as i was now out of my daze.

*cough* "Yeah, I apologize I was in a daze, its  nice to meet you sir."I hurriedly said.

"U can call me Mr.Sento, its nice meeting you as well Gabriel"He replied before extending a hand.

I of course shook it.

"Seeing as your both Introduced to each other, I'll leave the rest to you, Sento-kun, and Gab-Kun, Come to the teacher's lounge after you finish Sento-Kun's Class Okay?"The female teacher said before walking away.

"Alright, Nee-chan...Take care! Tell Takeshi i said hi!"Kiryu Sento said towards the female teacher..

"Now, then..Lets Introduce you to class shall we?"Sento Kiryuu my new teacher said.

"Aight, thank you."I thanked him..

He waved his hands, telling me to stay outside for a moment before he entered the classroom.


//Classroom P.O.V//(3'd Person)

Sento entered the classroom and saw that once again almost all the students were staring in contempt at 3 male students, making him sigh, before once again taking 3 chalks and launching it towards the three..

"""Ouch!!""" Issei, Matsuda, and Motohama exclaimed at the same time.

Sento ignored the 3 and looked towards the other students before saying "Okay, Class...Its a bit sudden but, you're going to have a new classmate."

Sento's Words surprised the entire class even the pervert trio was surprise, but that surprise turned into a weird smile as they imagined that the new classmate would be a busty girl but too bad!

*cough*"You can come in now, and introduce yourself afterwards."Sento Signalled and a Young man of the same age as them with porcelain skin, Amethyst eyes that instantly captivated all the females in the room and Onyx black hair which Complemented his eyes more.

He was wearing, a Black Coat, Deep Gray Trousers and an amethyst inner shirt, which further complimented his overall looks.

"Its nice to meet you all, my name is Gabriel Cruz, and I'll be your classmate from today onwards, I hope well get along."Gabriel said before bowing as gracefully ad I can.. because you lnow what they say, the first impression is important.

"""".....""""Everyone from the room did not speak for a few seconds before.

""EEEEEEEE!"""Most the Girls In the class shouted, I said all because one of the girls had a Red face as she looked towards Gabriel.

Meanwhile the boys was cursing, especially the pervert trio seeing that the new student is a handsome fella.

*Bang* *Bang* Sento banged the teachers table before shouting "QUIET" which made the class stop what they were doing.

Afterwards Sento looked towards Gabriel one more time before asking "Do you have anything else to say?"

Gabriel thought for a moment before his face motphed into someone who had an idea... Gabriel smiled before saying.

"If you all want, You can ask me to do anything for a certain amount of time, of course for an amount of money. I pride myself in my professionalism so dont be shy to ask, if you want me to do something,Of course I'll decline your request if it tarnishes my morals and if the order is impossible, other that all is fine but! No Indecent and Immoral stuff kay?" After saying those words Gabriel flashed a teasing smile.

Hearing my words especially the last, the females in the class had a red face, some with shame but some just purely embarrassed...

Meanwhile the boys cursed further seing the girls reaction...but quietly this time.

But the quietness didn't last for long because one female student raised her hand before saying "Here Here! I would like to reserve your service first!"A female student with pink framed glasses and short twin braids said, as she raised her money.

Gabriel looked towards her and flashed a smile before saying "Alright, Youll be my first customer..and since you're the first maybe I can remove the limitations just for you? Or not." afterwards Gabriel flashed her a teasing smile.

*Thud* The female student, Aika Kiryuu, the younger cousin of Kiryuu Sento fell, with blood in her nose.

"Oi! Aika!"Seeing his Cousin fainting Sento hurriedly ran towards her before shaking her to try and wake her up.

Meanwhile, as the rest of the students ignored the two, because first of all...The girls are clamoring and cursing Aika because she became the first customer of Gabriel while the Boys was cursing Gabriel and calling Foul.


//Gabriel P.O.V//

"Is she fine? I can carry her into the infirmary since its because of my teasing that this happen.."I offered, and Aika who was gonna open her eyes, changed her mind and kept them closed..

*Sigh*"Alright, But dont do that again.."Sento Said.

I of course nodded, because it was honestly my fault, I didn't think that having a face like this would be this devastating, especially for Aika, the Most Perverted girl in class 3-B.

But still, its all according to keikaku!

Easy Money without getting employed, so no taxes! Though it might be annoying in the future but its not like I'll keep doing this.

Its just till after I get connections with the Biblical faction.

Which would be more easy if my reputation reaches the ears of the 2 Heiress or one of their peerage members.

Anyhow, I got near Aika before Carrying her in a Peincess Cary and walked out of the classroom and into the Infirmary which I passed by before on the Second Floor.

And while walking in the halls, I glanced at Aika's Face from time to time, and couldnt help but compliment her. "Shes really cute up close."I muttered, before gazing at her face, which was turning red.

And seeing this, I realized that she was only pretending to be asleep, and I couldn't help but flash a teasing grin as I planned on teasing her..

"Yup! Shes really cute, I heard Sento calling her Aika, so Aika-chan then?"I "Quietly" Muttered to myself.

Aikas face turned Redder, which made me snicker even more so I continued.."Ahh!Its a shame, If she let down her hair then im sure she would easily be the most pretty in the class.."I Said.

"Should I really make her an exception to my rule? Because I wont mind, especially because she's so cute"

At this time, Aika's face was so red that it looked like a tomato.

We arrived in the Infirmary,  I opened it before calling out "Excuse me!" but nobody was inside so I put down Aika in one of the beds before looking around for some Tissue.

I found one, so I teared a sheet before wiping Aika's Nose because it still had blood.

And along with the tissue, I found a quarter and had an idea.

I once again made a mischievous smile before I picked the Coin up and say.

"Okay, Lets just decide wether I can exempt Aika-san from my Rule of Conduct with a coin toss, If its heads then I'll Exempt her but if its tails then I wont."

"Here we go!"I exclaimed as I tossed the coin above my head before catching it with my palms.

I did not say the result and instead just left the Infirmary leaving Aika in the bed.


//Aika Kiryuu P.O.V//

A few minutes after Gabriel Closed the door, I deemed it safe and finally opened my eyes, afterwards I sat up before I hurriedly my face with both my palms..

"Eeek..."I shrieked as quiet as possible..Calm down Aika!! I mean im sure he was just joking right?, was he just joking about that? Of course he's Joking! after all Im not cute at all! Im a perverted girl...a bad girl.

I continued ranting inside my head for a few minutes and after im done, I lowered my palms..But was met with the big Mirror In the corner of the room and the Mirror was Reflecting my Really Red face.

At first i didn't really mind it, but afterwards i realized that He must have seen my face becoming red because he carried me in here with a princess carry...

"AWAWA AWA"I muttered loudly before, I slumped down on the Infirmary bed and Muffled my voice with the Pillow.



//Gabriel P.O.V//

As I walked back towards the classroom, after teasing Aika, I couldn't help but chuckle, but then I remembered the result of the Coin toss which was Heads by the way. And hurriedly walked towards the classroom.

And no, the things I said about Aika becoming the most prettiest if she just had her hair down instead of braids is true.

Oh! and if she does avail my service then she will be an exception to that rule, because I keep my promise.

Plus, I dont think she has the guts to do order me those, because even if she might be perverted, a girl is still a girl afterall.

"Mannn, It sure is great being handsome, so this is how those handsome guys from my previous life felt."I muttered in realization before, continuing my walk towards the Classroom as I did so.

And aftee I reached the Classroom, I knocked on the door then opened it.

And right as I opened the Door the eyes of the whole class stared into me.

"Aika-san is resting in the Infirmary now.."I told Sento, but i didn't expect the response.

"Eh?!? First name?!" A female classmate exclaimed, and was sollowed by the other girls.

*Bang* *Bang* "Quiet..."Sento said, and once again the room got quiet.

I sighed before saying "Its because I heard Sento Sensei calling her that, I dont know her family name"A total lie, because I already know that hee family name is Kiryuu- wait a friggin minute...Dont tell me, Shes related to Sento??

Right as I made that question inside my head..It waa answered by Sento's murmur

"Sigh, that Cousin of mine..."

After his little murmur he looked towards me and asked me to take a seat in the Vacant chair in the middle of Essei and Aika's Chair.

As I walked towards my assigned chair, the eyes of everyone followed me untill I sat down in my chair.

And as I sat down, I didn't forget to greet the Future Red Oppai Dragon Emperor.

"Yo! Nice to meet you"I greeted Essei.

"Yo..."He greeted back, albeit reluctantly.

"Mhm, Gabriel as you may have heard me before...Just call me Gab though, I don't really mind"I said before extending my hand.

"Uh..Yeah..Issei Hyoudo"Issei replied, but was reluctant to accept my hand.

"You sure, you want to shake my hands? I dont think the girls would like it if you shake your hands with a member of a pervert trio"He warned me about the consequences of befriending him.

And hearing his words, I couldn't help but let out a light chuckle and said "You're a nice guy Issei, and I dont really mind if they Dislike me a little because I'd rather associate myself with somebody genuine that fickle people who would dislike someone else just because he wanted to befriend a person"

Afterwards, I got near him and whispered lowly "And between you and me, I also like girls with big assets...Well I like all girls the same way so yeah."

Hearing my words, Issei's eyes shone before he strongly shook my hand..

'Once again, All according to keikaku'I said inside my head as I smiled while my eyes glinted mysteriously which disappeared a split second later.

Meanwhile after seeing my Interaction with Essei Some girls already showed an unsightly face, only 3 girls... Surprising.

Just as I was ready to listen to the lectures of Sento, the school bell rang, signifying the end of the morning class and lunch time.

"Alright Class! That would be all today for this subject... Don't Forget to go change into your P.E as you will be having swimming lessons with Ms.Yumei. That is all!"Sento said before beckoning me to go towards him, so I did after telling Issei "See you later!"

"Yes Mr.Sento?"I asked him.

"Lets go to the faculty office together.."He said.

I accepted because I was gonna go there anyways. And after a few minutes of walking, passing through students and even the infirmary while we did so, we arrived at the faculty office on the first floor.

"Were coming in!"Sento announced before opening the door, this time nobody looked at us, as the teachers was either eating in their desk or doing something..

"Come here, Lets go to Nee-san first"Sento said leading me towards the corner where the female teacher that was guiding me before was sitting in typing something on a laptop.

"Nee-san, I brought Gabriel with me..."Sento said getting the attention of the female teacher.

"Oh! You're here good! I forgot to introduce myself before, so I'll introduce myself now

*cough* Kiryuu Rika, Nice to meet you Gabriel-kun"The teacher, Rika said.

"Yeah, nice to meet you sensei, now why was I called here again?"I repied, wondering why I was called.

"Ah yes! Its related to the person who enrolled you, He left some things here, saying to give it to you after you have attended, and other than that is the School uniform, each students gets a free uniform here! A pair of P.E uniform, Swimming Trunks as well as 2 pairs of the summer uniform and 2 pairs of the winter uniform, and your textbooks"Rika explained before, she went inside what i presume is a storage room before coming back out with 2 Boxes..

"This one here is from the old man who enrolled you, and the other is storing your textbook and uniform"Rika said before handing out both boxes to me..

"Alright, thank you!"I lowered my head thanking her and Sento before walking.

"No problem~ Dont forget to eat lunch! Cafeterias at the Right side of the building!"Rika sensei reminded as I walked away...

I just smiled at her with gratitude before i reached the Faculty room's door.

I walked back towards the room passing through student's as I walked, and I never failed to catch their attention, be it guys or gals.

probably because of my outfit, or the two box that I am carrying.

and wait, was that Kiba who passed by? Meh... I'll see him sooner or later anyways so Im not in a rush, for now its time to check out the box that God probably left me.

As soon, as I entered the room with two boxes in my hand, I caught the attention of the students who were left in the room, which is not a lot compared to before, its just a group of female friends and a few guys talking to each other, essei and the other 2 member of the pervert trio is nowhere to be found and then Oh! Looks like Aika is here sitting in Issei's chair, eating alone for some reason and it seemed like she didn't notice me, as she was busy looking towards the window while munching on what I am guessing is a Yakisoba Pan.

I slowly walked towards my desk, and stacked the two box as quiet as possible leaving it for later, before sitting in the seat in front of her, facing her.

and seeing what I was doing the students who were watching me started gossiping.

which got Aika's attention as she looks towards them.

Seeing them looking at someone in front of her, she followed their line of sight and finally noticed me.

as soon as she faced me she got surprised.

"Woah!.."She exclaimed before she realized whos face she was seeing, which made her remember the things I said.

"You said you wanted to avail my service before? Would you like for me to start now? 500 yen for an hour by the way, and you can order me around, as long as the order isnt too absurd and the things I said before is not allowed...oh yeah! I just wanna share it but before, I did a coin toss before and it landed at heads"I Said to her, with a professional smile.

Hearing what I was saying, especially the last part, made her face turn red. And seeing it made me flash her a teasing smile before asking. "So? What would it be?"

"I.." Though before she could answer, someone tapped my back and another female classmate of mine greeted me..

"hello! Gabriel-Kun, I would like to take you up on your offer a while before."She said, with a blushing face..

"Oh? Alright then! Since you're my first customer, I'll halve the price for my service for 2 hours only"I said to the girl with my professional smile..

Meanwhile, Aika seeing me talking with another girl, lowered her head.

Of course I saw it so I asked my client to wait for a few sec before I went towards Aika's side and whispering "Dont worry, The matter involving the coin toss will always be available for you." afterwards I got back towards my client leaving Aika with a red face..

Then I asked the girl what was her name and how many hours she wants me to be employed..

she told me her name, before saying that she would want to employ me for an hour,

and she would like me to accompany her on the cafeteria to help her buy some things because the Cafeteria is crowded and that it was hard for her, considering her smaller stature to buy the things she wanted before it was sold out, afterwards she paid me 250Yen(With discount)

hearing her request, I smiled before I lowered my torso a little, and say "The cobtract is complete, so for the next hour, starting now, you're wish will be my command, Ojou.." My words left her face pink before she asked me to follow her to the cafeteria.

Of course, her being my employer for an hour, I complied with her wishes and followed her, along the way she told me what are the things she wanted to buy, and I must say it was a lot.. Surprising considering her smaller frame, made me wonder where all those go to.

But I got rid of that thought and just continued to followe her towards the cafeteria.

Along the way, The two of us got a bit of an attention, but it was no bother as the students were only looking and not doing anything.

Then we reached, the Cafeteria and oh boy, it was like a battlefield, atudents trying to be the first one to buy. So I held my clients hand before asking her to wait outside the cafeteria.

She nodded Gave me the money to buy her food, and went outside near the cafeteria, and after seeing her standing outside waiting, I nodded before saying "Alright! Time to do my Job I guess?" Afterwards I entered the jam packed people.

And after a grueling battle of pushing for 5 minutes I finally got, all the Client asked for.

"5,Yakisoba Pan, 3Pudding,2 Custard Cream, and then 2 Milk tea"I listed, before I went towards my client, and gave her what she wanted.

"Here you go, Ojou...What do you want me to do next?" I asked her.

she replied with a "Next is...eating together!"She said cheerfully.

"Alright then, But let me go and buy my own food first.."I said before I tried walking towards the cafeteria once more, but i was stopped by her.

"You dont have to buy any, These will be our food"She said.

"An angel..."I muttered, before bending my knees and said "Thank you, for the kindess Ojou.."

My actions caysed her to panic, as she frantically shook her head, pleading for me to stand up and go out way.

"Alright, if that is what you wish, then i will follow.."I said before I stood up, waiting for her to lead the way.

The little angel which was named Ange btw,  verry fitting name, considering that she's an angel.

Lead me towards the Back of the building and into a quiet little vegetables garden.

"This place is?"I asked her.

"Just a vegetable garden, nobody really comes here so this became the place where I eat when, I wanted to be alone from the others.."She said.

"Well, I can understand that, sometimes being alone is a nice way to rest, just spending time alone reading.."I replied.

"Right?"She replied nodding.

"Mhm, Now where shall we eat?"I asked her..

"Ehm... well I normally just sit on the chair right there "She said, pointing towards an empty chere that is only for a single person before continuing "but you are here so I dont know.."She replied

"I have an idea!"I voiced, before I removed my Coat and putting it on the grassy floor as if its a picnic matress..

The coat was big enough for the two of us to sit on, so I beckoned her to sit in the coat with me..

"Oh no! Wont your coat be dirty if we did that?"She expressed concern.

"No worries, My coat will be fine."I responded, persuading her to sit.

She finally relented after a few more words from me and sat down..

I took the Paper, bag which was housing the things that i bought and took the food one by one..

"There,You can eat now.."I offered her.

"Lets eat together!"She replied, smiling like the angel she was.

We both ate together and enjoyed the rest of the hour, talking about books and other things..

Untill the bell rang, So much time has passed and we didn't even notice that it has been more than an hour now..But i didn't mind because I enjoyed the company.

"Ah! the bell rang already? which meant that an hour and a half has passed, way more than the agreed time." She said, in worry.

"Don't mind it! I enjoyed the time we had together, Heck i would like to eat again with you, even if were not employee and employer but as friends instead"I reassured her that everything was fine which made her relax.

"Thanks, my money was well spent.."She said before smiling.

Hearing her words, I myself smiled and said "It was my utmost pleasure."

Afterwards, the two of us stood up and picked up the trash, after I picked up my coat, and dusting it of for a few seconds and wearing it.

and the coat looked good as new.

"See? the coat is fine."I told her, as i wore my coat.

"Mmn! Thats good! Now lets go back! "Ange replied.

"Alrighty then! "

Afterwards the two of us started walking towards the building, but had to separate because she went into her locker to get the needed outfit for our next class and because My Swimming wear is inside one of the box I left on the room.

And as I ascended the stairs I cane across one of the Heiress, The Student council president Sona Sitri, or Sona Shituri in her human Persona.

I greeted her with a nod as we passed by as I walked into the third floor while her the First floor..

and what my past counterpart didn't know is that back then, Sona stopped for a moment before he continued walking.

Yes, Yes Its me, the one from the very beginning! Dont worry the chapter will end soon...Source:Trust me bro

Alright! lets continue shall we?

I reached the classroom, and saw nobody inside it, My box looked untouched so its all good..

I went towards my table and Picked up the box above the other one and put it in Issei's table.

I decided to open the one that ws pressumably left by GOD, and saw a Bag, another smaller box and a letter inside the Box.

I decided to firstly read the letter and just as i have guessed, the letter was written by God.


If you are reading this letter, it meant that you took my advice and is now inside Kouh High, and you must've already seen Sento there.

You must have been confused why sento was there but, I just did it on a whim, and sent you to a world where Sento and another 2 Kamen riders exist as school staff in Kouh.

Oh, and I left you a bag, which is useless considering that you have the system inventory, but im sure you would want to hide that fact right? So I left you a completely normal Bag, and a Bank Card because I know it would be hard for you to earn money before you establish a relationship with one of the Biblical faction.

This will be the final gift from me(For real this time)

That is all!

Ps:Password is 696969 it has 3Million Yen inside.

Pss:Only you can read the letter.

-An Old Man


"Thank you Once again God! It feels like you are spoling me..."I muttered, before I took out the bag out before storing the Smaller box inside my Inventory for safekeeping, its my lifeline at the moment so i gotta make sure.

Afterwards, I opened up the second Box which has my Uniform and Textbook inside...I took out the swimming trunks before I looked around to check if there was someone else near me, and seeing the coast is clear, I hurriedly stored the two boxes inside my inventory.

and if anyone asks, I'll just tell them that I already Got rid of the box and the items are inside my bag.

Afterwards I started walking down towards the location of the Pool, I was already informed of its location, thanks to a certain Angel.

I greeted the few people that I can say that I know. The rest of them started gossiping as i did so..

Meanwhile the Pervert trio is staring at every girl with bulged eyes, which once again got the Ire of every girl in class.

Afterwards, I entered the Boysh Changing room and changed into my swimming trunks, showing my developing abs and muscle.

Which was another Combo to all the girls as all of them Got red face as soon as they saw my look.

While the boys Cursed me to explode..

The Class clammored but was stopped when they heared a clap and a Voice saying "Okay! Quiet down!"A female voice commanded.. The voice belonging to a woman once again in her prime years, and unlike Rika sensei who only has a huge behind, this teacher also has huge badonka's That was further emphasized by the Swimsuit that she wearing...Dont get me wrong, it was only a One-piece dark blue swimsuit but hell does she look fine..

Just like every ladies in my class, especially A few girls, with Aika and Ange within the Top 5..

"No wonder Issei was so excited"I muttered before I got near the teacher just like everyone did. After that we were just tsught how to swim, swimming around as practice.. Then the rest of the day went by pretty normally, Nobody else wanted to hire me though, too bad.

And after reaching home, I did my Daily Exercise quest before taking a bath then cooking dinner and then going to sleep.

That cycle repeated every day, the quest getting harder, and getting employed by 2-3 of my classmates daily, the request were surprisingly normal, stuff like doing their homework or helping them study and things like that..and that repeated for 7 days untill here we are now! Finishing my 250th Push up..



Thats basically all for the Intro of my arrival in this world...Oh wait? theres more?



//3'd person P.O.V//

It was evening, Gabriel just finished going to school and is now doing his Quest. Not realizing how a man just vanished, leaving behind only little spider webs inside his room.

//???? P.O.V//

A Man who has just finished Working just got home, He was living alone, But he was none the less content for now..all because he has his Dog a Shiba Inu, Cheemz as his company who always greets him with a loving smile.

But today, it was different, Cheemz Did not Greet him with a loud and cheery bark, instead what greeted him was a quiet and dark room.

"Cheemz?"He called out but no bark could be heard..So he opened the Lights and Walked inside his house, looking for his Dog's whereabouts.

Hea searched all around the house but with no success, this devastated him, so he just sat in his couch... Thinking about what could have happened to cheems..

Suddenly he saw a web fall through his hands which he found weird because he never lets spiders make webs in his house so he looked around, but couldn't find anything, what he didn't know is that theres a pretty hungry and pissed spider in the mirror's reflection.

Pissed and hungry because both of his pray Got away, the first one, vanished through a mirror, which he tried entering but Couldnt for some reason and the other one rescued by a Detestable Wolf which got mad after it saw that his Prey was of his Kin.

Sadly he could not do anything to it because it was part of one of the largest Pack inside the Dimension it reside...Lead by one of the most strongest Beings.

And that One, was it's pup, a kin of it that has gained his Abilities of Devouring and Penetrating anything..

And heck! That detestable Mutt even dared to steal his own residence! so right now dispider is angry!(Get it?) And unfortunately the one who was unlucky enough to become part of its stress eating is Cheemz's Owner.

After finding the right time, The spider spat out its web binding the Poor guy, and before he could even shout he was hurriedly dragged into the Mirror which fell as soon as the man entered and broke..

The man's fate already decided, because dispider would never make the same mistake again after its 2 previous failures...It quickly swallowed up the poor man before it started to find its next meal..

a poor woman from the next building..


A/N:So what do you think?

Did u like it?

And I know some of u guys must be complaining because of the MC's actions of basically becoming a servant for a few hundred yen..But it's a set-up because I plan on making the MC some kind of mercenary where get paid by Materials and Money!

Oh and! Aika Kiryuu and the O.C Ange will either become the MC's future lovers or just Subordinates... Subordinates when he inevitably makes an Organization Made entirely by Kamen Riders because Kamen Riders are never alone at defending people!

I also Added Kiryuu Sento in this fic Aka. Kamen Rider Build because he's a great person to have a subordinate as well! Because MC needs someone smart so he can help him make Drivers! O.Concept Drivers!

I also made him and Aika cousins because why not? And I know some fans noticed who is the other Kamen Rider that I Added in Kouh..

That's all!! Stay tuned for more!

Don't forget to donate PowerStones and Do write a review of the book if you have time..

Comments are always welcome as well! and I don't mind Critiques as long as it's a proper one and not sone Asshats trolling to get more attention because their father went to buy milk and never came back..

Aight..For real this time...That's all!