
The Testimony Will Be Zero! 3

Ryuga and Sawa sat inside of the van they had been provided, eating some fast food. Sawa waved around some money while Ryuga stuffed his face with a thick cheeseburger. She turned her hand towards Ryuga, making a fan with the bills and waving at him while he chewed. "She even gave us some Seito currency. What a huge help!"

Ryuga pushed her hand away from his face while cramming the rest of the burger into his mouth. He chewed even faster than he had been and opened the door to the van.

"Alright, this is where Nabeshima's family lives. C'mon." 

Sawa could barely understand him, due to him not having swallowed his final bite.

Before Ryuga could fully exit, Sawa grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back inside. "Hang on!"

"What?" With his mouth now empty, Ryuga shot her a dirty look, having nearly choked as he swallowed his food when she suddenly pulled on him.

"Oh sorry about that...anyways, look at tall the security cameras."

Ryuga paused his movements while he scanned around the complex they were in front of. He rolled his eyes after noticing at least five rotating cameras, covering nearly all angles. He slammed the once open door of the van and turned to look at Sawa.

"So what the hell are supposed to do now?"

Urch! Squeal!

They both looked over as a delivery company van came to a squeaky halt not too far from where they were parked. Several men dressed in matching uniforms grabbed a couple of boxes and went right inside the building they were after.

Sawa and Ryuga turned to lock eyes, each sporting a wild grin. The same thought struck them at the same moment.

Around a half hour later, two delivery men, wearing matching green jumpsuits, white sneakers and blue hats.

They pushed a large box on a wheeled trolley through the front door.

"This is Bear Shipping! Coming through!"

The building manager at the front was busy sweeping up some debris into a dust pan as they started to pass him.

One of the delivery people in green stopped to acknowledge him and ask for permission to enter.

"We've got a package for..." She looked at her clipboard and kept talking after finding the name they were delivering to. "...For the Nabeshimas in room 306."

The manager gestured for them to proceed. "Oh, alright, go ahead."

The delivery man nodded, his hat shading his eyes. "Much appreciated!"

They hastened to the elevator, wheeled the box and trolley inside, and pressed the button to ascend to the third floor.

As soon as the door closed behind them, they both sighed and lifted their caps from their heads. Naturally, it was Ryuga and Sawa.

"That was the first hurdle!" Sawa elbowed Ryuga in the ribs lightly, excited that their disguises had worked flawlessly.

They conversed in hushed tones as the elevator traveled upward, continuing their quiet dialogue along the hallway to apartment 306.

"It's this one..." Ryuga looked over at Sawa. She nodded her head and pressed the buzzer on the door.



After a brief pause, the door began to creak open. A quiet voice greeted them. Unable to contain his impatience any longer, Ryuga seized it with both hands and flung it wide open, startling the woman who had been opening it.

"Are you Nabeshima's family!?"

He looked at the surprised woman with a serious look on his face.

"Eeek!" The woman squealed in fright and tried to pull the door closed. Ryuga immediately pulled on the door as well, preventing her from closing it in his face.

"Hang on a sec! Hey stop, You're scaring her!" Sawa also grabbed onto the door and tried to give the woman who answered a sympathetic look. 

She turned to glare at Ryuga and poked a finger into his cheek, pushing it sideways roughly with it.

Sawa pulled off her hat and bowed at the woman who had finally stopped trying to close the door. "Excuse me, sorry about him. Are you Mrs. Nabeshima by chance?"

The woman nodded, still shaken up a bit, her eyes were wide and looked scared. "Oh, yes, yes I am."

Sawa grinned brightly at her. "Great! We've come to protect your family!" She snagged Ryuga's arm and made him do a mock salute with it.

Shortly thereafter, Ryuga found himself seated at a table with a young girl inside the apartment, as Sawa assisted Mrs. Nabeshima with packing some bags in the next room.

Sawa was getting right into the questions, she couldn't help the inner reporter in her becoming a bit nosy.

"Are you aware of the organization called Faust?"

"He never actually talked about work very much...One day, he just told us to go to Seito. I asked him why he would send us somewhere so dangerous on our own..."

Mrs. Nabeshima started packing some clothing into the small bags, along with a few documents.

"All he would ever say was, "I'm going to protect my family." That was more or less all he would mention."

Ryuga had been listening to the two women talk until a small voice addressed him.

"Hey, look."

Ryuga shifted his focus to the small child, Nabeshima's daughter, who was trying to show him something. 

She had a string woven in between her fingers and was shifting it around. She was manipulating a game of 'cat's cradle' with he little hands.

"Tower. Turtle."

Ryuga rested one hand under his chin as he watched the child play with the string.

"Rubber. Helicopter! Cool, right?"

She beamed at Ryuga, holding both of her hands towards his face to see the final shape she had made.

Ryuga smiled at her. "I dunno, it seems kinda cool, I've never tried it before."

"This is the tail of the helicopter..." She started to explain her game to Ryuga while her mother and Sawa watched; their attention had been drawn over to the two as well, after the child started talking. "And this is the head of the helicopter!"

Mrs. Nabeshima smiled fondly at her daughter.

Sawa looked at her more seriously than she had been before. "Your husband might be in danger from trying to protect you..."

"...we should head to him as soon as possible."

"Okay." Mrs. Nabeshima agreed with Sawa quickly.

The child had heard them and turned her attention away from Ryuga. "Are we gonna go see Daddy?"

Her mother smiled at her, prompting her to jump up and down a few times with her hands raised in the air. "Yay, yay, yay!"

"Hey..." Ryuga interjected. "...You really like your dad that much?"

The little girl turned to face him again.

She smiled a large toothy grin at Ryuga. "Yep! I love him! When I showed him my cat's cradle, he praised me lots! He said, "That's very good, Haru!" Of course I love Dad!"

Ryuga's face was hard to read at this point. He didn't know what to think about the man who had caused his life so much change.


Around ten minutes later, Ryuga was pushing that trolley with the large box on it back outside. It seemed much heavier than it had on the way in. It shook unnaturally a few times, but just slightly.

He leaned in towards the box and whispered. "It'll just be a tiny bit longer."

Ryuga rounded the corner and his eyes widened suddenly. Two guardian robots rushed him, tackling him. In the process they knocked the large box over.

Mrs. Nabeshima clutched Haru as they both tumble out of the box and off the trolley carrying it.

The guardian on top of Ryuga looked strange. It didn't have any official markings on it.

"These aren't government bots... they must belong to Faust!" Ryuga's eyes widened in sudden realization. Clutching the bottle Sento had handed him earlier, he felt a surge of power coursing through him and hurled the mechanical man far away.

It rose to its feet quickly, but not as quickly as the boxer. The robot rushed over to Ryuga, throwing a right overhand cross at him. Ryuga ducked it and fed the machine a two piece jab and hook to it's mid section.

Ryuga deflected its arms upward and delivered a backhand, then quickly resumed his stance.

The machine attempted a left jab of its own, which was easily counter punched by Ryuga, he followed up with a large right overhand punch. 


He connected with the robot's head and sent it reeling away.

Another guardian machine charged at him. The bottle in Ryuga's tight grip emitted a blue glow, charging his hand, as he launched another powerful punch, sending it reeling back six feet. The machines regrouped and advanced towards him once more.

They attacked him at the same time and Ryuga was caught with a left high kick after dealing with ten or more attacks that they had launched at him.

He rolled onto the ground but rose up almost just as fast. When Ryuga looked at them again, he was shocked. They had backup now. He was staring at four of the metal monstrosities. 

BOOM! Crash!

There was the roar of an engine and Sawa came bursting through a nearby stone wall with the van! 

She managed to knock several of the guardians down.

"Come on, Get in!" 

Ryuga was able to shove the mother and daughter into the van, he hopped into the back seat with them right after; Sawa foot mashed the accelerator pedal as soon as they were all inside. They sped off while the guardians were still picking themselves up off the ground.

They raced towards the harbor, wanting to get back onto the boat waiting for them as soon as possible. 

"Whew, looks like I made it just in time!" Sawa was happy she had noticed what was going on with the ambush and was glad she had been able to get everyone onto the van safely.

Ryuga leaned his head back against the seat, slightly exhausted from the quick exchange of hands he had just had with the guardian robots sent by Faust.

"We should be able to see the boat soon..." Sawa was reassuring Nabeshima's family as she steered towards their destination. 


"Agghh!" All four of the occupants in the van screamed at the same time. One of the guardians had somehow managed to get in front of them and had dropped right onto the windshield of the van from above, scaring the living hell out of everyone inside.

Sawa swerved back and forth as they made their way towards the boat, trying to dislodge the trying robot.

A minute long countdown screen popped up on the guardian's helmet suddenly.

"Huh? What's going on?" Sawa wondered why the machine was staying perfectly still now.

"That timer...don't tell me..." Ryuga had figured it out before everyone else.

"A BOMB!?" Ryuga and Sawa shouted it out at the same time.

Back at the edge of the pier, the ships captain and their benefactor were waiting for them. She checked her watch, wondering what was taking so long.

She looked up and down the road after hearing the sound of a vehicle, engine roaring, starting to near.

Beep beep beep beep!

The horn went off several times and both her and the captain were now starring at the van barreling towards them.

Ryuga hollered at them with an unnaturally loud and clear voice. "Get the boat moving...get the boat moving!"

The woman squinted and then she noticed the guardian laying spread eagle on top of the roof and front window.

Her eyes widened and she turned towards the captain. "Start her up! Start the boat! The boat! Let's go!"

The captain rushed to his chair and pushed a silver throttle lever forward after firing up the vessel, they started to move away from the edge of the dock as fast as the ship could.

Back in the van, Sawa turned towards her passenger. "We're gonna jump it, get ready to bail out!"

"Jump!?" Mrs. Nabeshima held her child tightly to her chest.

Sawa floored the van in response. They picked up speed had neared the edge of the water. The boat was passing right in front of them as they hit the curbed edge of the water. The vans tires bounced off it hard, launching it ten feet into the air and right over top of the boat!

Everyone in the van tumbled out mid air, landing on the deck miraculously while the van, guardian still attached, flew over head and crashed into the water.

They all picked themselves up and watched the spot where the van had plunged in.


A massive explosion went off underwater, the guardian had detonated and the shockwaves managed to even rock the boat that was now twenty feet away.

A large wave and mist rose up, sprinkling everyone with moisture.

"We're saved!" Ryuga pumped his hands up in victory as they sailed away.