
The Innocent Runaway 5

Ryuga raised himself up off the ground fully, coughing from the smoke and debris that had hit him. His throat was sore from calling out to his fiancé, whom he assumed had just been blown to bits.

He steadied himself and then narrowed his eyes. Something was walking towards him through the smoke and flames. 

Ryuga's eyes opened wide when he was able to see that something clearly. It was a Smash! It had what looked to be an orange colored, old bell-diver's helmet for a head and similar sphere shaped parts for pauldrons. One of it's hands was more or less a flame thrower! 

Before Ryuga could react any further, a voice called out to him, it was neither near or far. Ryuga couldn't quite tell where it was coming from.

"You're late, Banjo Ryuga..."

Ryuga recognized the gravely voice, it was the mysterious man that had intercepted his call with Kasumi!

"...I've delivered on my promise...Your woman is right there."

"That's...Kasumi?" Ryuga stared at the slowly approaching Smash, caught in a state between disbelief and shock!

As he stared at her, Kasumi, whom was now a Smash slowly picked up momentum until it was sprinting towards Ryuga.

The Smash took a wide overhand swing at Ryuga, which he skillfully deflected downwards, spinning his body to dissipate the force. The subsequent strike, a horizontal swipe, was narrowly avoided as Ryuga ducked under it!

He was a little bit too slow to step away from the backhand that followed, Ryuga's body spun through the air as he landed hard ten feet away!

"Ugh!" Ryuga clenched his teeth and grimaced in pain. He used his hands to push himself backwards while trying to hold back his shock and grief. 

"Is it really you!?" 

Instead of answering, the Smash held up the flamethrower arm and ignited a fireball in it. The red orb was then flung towards Ryuga's position on the ground! His eyes widened at the sight of the incoming fire sphere, and he rolled away as quickly as possible. A meter-wide scorch mark was left where he had been just moments before!


The sound of a bikes tires could be heard, Sento was suddenly there on his bike, sliding sideways hard into the fire tossing Smash with his machine!

The blow from the bike staggered the Smash but it didn't topple over.

Sento glared at Ryuga through the visor of his bike helmet. "Dammit man, you sure went nuts on me back there...You really wanna die that badly?"

Sento dropped his head as the Smash moved towards him, taking another horizontal swing. He pulled on the throttle and his bike shot away from the creature; it started blasting more fireballs towards him, seemingly having forgotten about Ryuga.

Sento deftly dodged the incoming fire while ducking and weaving around, he hit the rear brake of his machine again, skidding the bike into a 180 degree turn. This time he headed directly back towards the monster, pulling the front end of his bike up into a wheelie!


This time, he hit the Smash in it's left shoulder with the raised front wheel, making it spin around several times, knocking it to the ground!

Sento hopped off of his bike and pulled out his Build Driver.

"No, Don't!" Ryuga screamed towards Sento when he noticed the man's driver come out.

Sento gave Ryuga a weird, questioning look as the other man ran towards him, looking flustered. He reached Sento and both of his arms went down to his legs for support, he was panting from the previous exchange and trying to catch his breath. 

"That's Kasumi!" Ryuga pushed the words out of his dry mouth painfully.

Sento looked shocked now too.



Both turned to their left and right respectively as a new sound, accompanied by thick smoke started materializing out of nowhere! The bat armored man had decided to show himself, laughing at them as he did.

"The bat man!" Sento scowled at the guy he had been searching for all this time.

The armored man opened his arms towards Sento casually. "It's Night Rouge."

Sento already had two bottles in his hands, shaking them violently, he looked extremely pissed off. He nearly spit the words out as he responded. 

"I don't care what you call yourself, asshole!"

He slotted the two bottles into his driver, wasting no time.



Sento started cranking the lever on the driver like a madman!

He then crossed his arms and threw them down into a fighting pose. "Henshin!"


The belt called out and created the runners, sandwiching the angry Sento between the blue and white armored pieces it produced.

Sento, now Kamen Rider Build, rushed towards Night Rouge, and took a massive swing with his right fist!

Night Rouge met Build's fist with his own, both of them bounced back a foot; Build attempted to throw the same fist again, this time, Night Rouge simply side stepped the attack. 

The angry Kamen Rider threw a backfist, followed by a strong left hook and then an uppercut with his right, all three shots were dodged as Night Rouge chuckled to himself.

"Damn you!" Build decided to try a kick and the other armored man just caught his foot, throwing it back down towards the ground while kicking Build's gut with a kick of his own!

Build staggered back, then rushed forward immediately! He tried another haymaker while shouting.

"What did you do to my body?! You experimented on me, didn't you?!"

Night Rouge caught his punch and pulled him in close while tilting his armored head.

"As if I could remember every guinea pig's face."

Build's voice rose an octave in frustration. "STOP PLAYING GAMES!"

He separated himself from Night Rouge, both of them tossed kicks at each other, pushing themselves away again as their soles connected.

Night Rouge jumped back and released more smoke. When it dissipated, he was holding onto a red, silver and golden bladed weapon.

"Don't think you can beat me with some pathetic, random bottles." He mocked Build.

Night Rouge pulled the blade towards his own chest and it started to radiate a golden glow, before slashing outwards towards Build with an insanely fast swing!


A golden light accompanied the slash and sent Build tumbling away! More smoke enveloped the Dark Rider.

Build rolled in front of Ryuga while coughing from pain the blow had dealt him, luckily it hadn't penetrated his suit! 

"What the hell? Where did he go?!"

Build didn't have much time to look around for his vanished adversary, as the Smash, which had been stationary during his fight with Night Rouge, became active again. It launched a fireball towards Ryuga!

"Look out!" Build moved in-between Ryuga and the Smash. He grabbed him, taking the flames to his back while shielding the vulnerable man. The Rider rolled both himself and Ryuga to the ground, out of the way of the follow up fireball attack!

Bit of a shorter chapter this week, will have a much longer one for you all next time.

Old6creators' thoughts