
Kamen Writer Review 4

Hello! It's been a little while since an episode has come out. This time we have a few extra members of the gang to tell us what's been going on! Start us off Sento.

Sento: Thank you, Mr. Author. We're gonna let the introduction run a little bit longer this week. 

Ryuga: Wouldn't that be harder to understand?

Sento: Only if you keep interrupting, our story takes place in Touto.

Soichi: The amnesiac physicist, Sento Kiryu, transforms into Kamen Rider Build to protect citizens from monsters called Smash.

Sento: What are you doing here, Owner?

Ryuga: Now you're the one interrupting!

Sento: Ah just shut up and listen!

Soichi: One day, after becoming convinced of the innocence of the escaped murder convict, Ryuga Banjo, Sento helps him escape from the Touto government. As Sento begins to wonder if he, too, is a Smash experiment... He hunts down the secret organization, Faust, in hopes of finding Nabeshima, a man who can testify to Ryuga's innocence...

Ryuga: We're really covering it all again huh?

Sento: Shut it!

Soichi: ...Thank you Sento, anyways, Faust ensures Nabeshima loses his memory...

Misora: And now, after finding one of the panels that Faust had supposedly stolen in his secret base, Sento asks the man who's been taking care of him about his connection to Faust.

Ryuga: And now Misora is slipping in!

Misora: We were invited. 

Ryuga: ...What'll happen in Episode 5?!

Sento: Why are you butting in with show related talk now? They already said everything.

Ryuga: I'm supposed to be the star here!

Uh huh, anyways, onwards to the next episode, Dangerous Identity! 

Back after a month long break. Next episode starts next week! Stay tuned!

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