
Borderline of Justice 3

A short while later, back at the lab.

Sento was engrossed in one of his projects, meticulously soldering wire ends and diodes onto the circuit board of a device resembling a silver gun.

Ryuga observed Sento's work from his seat on the nearby steps leading to the bottle purifying device.

The silence stretched between them for a considerable time until Ryuga could no longer contain what he had been wanting to say.

"Hey, we're fugitives you know!"

Sento barely spared him a glance, going right back to his soldering.

"Why do you go out of the way to save people!?" Ryuga raised his voice after being ignored.

He slammed his foot down on the steps he was sitting on to add effect to his mood.


"Why man? Why do you do it?...Just when we found a witness with Nabeshi-"


"Agggh!" Ryuga leapt up in shock and fell backwards onto the floor as the alarm signifying a purified bottle sounded off. 

The door on the machine popped open and Sento got up from what he was doing in a flash.

Ryuga had nearly got back to his feet and was brushed out of the way, falling back to the floor unceremoniously.

"What the hell man!? It's always something!" He just stayed down on the ground this time, pouting.

Sento only had eyes and ears for the new bottle. It was the one he filled with essence from the Smash monster that had been attacking it's own child in the park earlier that day. 

"And here's my prize!" Sento reached into the device and pulled out the now purified , golden-orange colored bottle.

"It's a hawk this time?!" He examined the bottle and when he noticed it's new color and motif, his hair stood up on end. He was truly excited. 

"How terrific!" Sento hugged the machine with his eyes closed, a huge smile on his face.


Sento found himself falling forward suddenly as the larger set of doors on the machine opened.

Misora caught him with her hand and pushed him back to his feet, then pushed him out of her way as she left the machine. 

"Tired. Sleepy. You're in the way."

"Agggh!" Misora walked over top of Ryuga, who was still laying on the ground face down. She made sure to take a few steps on him as she passed by towards the bed in the corner of the lab. 

"I'm going to sleep...If you wake me...I'll cut you."

Misora pulled a sleep mask over her eyes, hit the pillow with her head and fell asleep immediately.

Ryuga glared at the now sleeping Misora. "I'd sure love to show that to Miitan's fans..."

Sento walked over towards the wall. There was a black device with multiple spaces to insert the full bottles that he used as Kamen Rider Build.

He clicked two bottles into a row so that they were opposing each other, one being the new hawk fullbottle he had just received.

Ryuga pushed himself up off the floor and walked to stand beside Sento. "I've been meaning to ask you Sento, what is that thing?" Ryuga pointed at the section of the wall now holding the two bottles.

"It's for the 'Best Matches'." Soichi, propped against a wall, responded to the question Ryuga had posed to Sento. He had descended the stairs from the café silently, creating the illusion of having materialized out of thin air.

He walked up to Ryuga with a sideways grin on his face. "I'll say it again...It's for 'Best Matches'."

Ryuga scrunched his nose and raised his eyebrows at Soichi in response. "That didn't answer my question, old man."

Soichi smacked Ryuga on the shoulder and then started a real explanation as he walked to grab something. "Bottles have different compatibilities..."

Soichi grabbed two of the full bottles from the box that Sento kept them in, he held them up for Ryuga to see and then walked towards the spot on the wall Sento was still standing by.

"For instance...take Rabbit and Tank..."

Sento moved out of the way to give Soichi some room to show off. 

The café owner slotted the two bottles into the black bottle device. "When a compatible combination is set, it lights up like this."

Sure enough, the Rabbit and Tank bottles flashed blue and red, sending their energy into the black device and thus confirming that they were a best match.

Soichi pulled the bottles back out and brought them back to where Sento normally kept them.

"When the 'Best Matches" for every set are found, something crazy is supposed to happen...but it's not been easy."

Sento joined in the explanation. "That's why we need this..." He held up the driver that normally turned him into his Rider form.

"Originally it was just for transforming into Build..." He shook the driver around for extra effect. "...But then I modified it to help hunt down the best matches!" 

He slotted the Rabbit and Tank bottles into the driver and the voice that normally announced what the driver was doing sounded off.




Sento walked up to Ryuga with the driver held in front of him and shook it some more in Ryuga's face.

"So? how do you like my super cool invention?"

Ryuga gave a nonsensical grin to try mock him and snagged the driver from Sento, flipping it around in his hands.

"Well. I probably could have just guessed it myself..."

Sento chuckled at Ryuga's claim. "That's pretty bold, musclehead...Then why don't you try it?" He gestured towards all of the bottles that he had just lined up on the work bench.

He held up the silvery colored device he had been working on earlier. 

"Anyways, this is the ultimate weapon, developed for the Gatling Bottle. I call it the...um...The...Somethingatlinger."

Sento shook his head at the sound of that. "Sadly I haven't found a 'Best Match' bottle for it yet...

Ryuga grabbed the Gatling bottle and the new Hawk bottle off the desk, slotting them into the Build driver he was still holding.




Sento pivoted around fast and sounded shocked. "No way!"

Soichi waved both hands in excitement. "Bravo Ryuga! Well done!"

Ryuga lifted the driver up and walked towards Sento in the same manner that Sento had approached him with. 

"How'd you like that huh? That's my sixth sense at work!"

Sento narrowed his eyes at Ryuga, doing his best to ignore him. "Hhhhmmm how about Hawktlinger...Hawkgatlinger...Yea, I like Hawkgatlinger, that is way better. Let's go with that.

Soichi grabbed Ryuga with his hands by placing them on Ryuga's shoulders. "How did you know what the best match was?"

Ryuga turned the driver over in his hands a few times, performing a mock examination of the device. 

"Well...if you ask me...an animal and a machine is what you need!"

Sento rolled his eyes and retorted.

"There's no way that kind of childish logic would be correct!" 

To find 'Best Matches', I've been trying to solve the paradox of quantum mechanics..."



A large knife came flying past the three arguing men. It embedded itself into the wall behind them!

Misora was standing up beside the bed she had been laying in moments earlier. She had been woken and was pretty pissed off about it.

I...Will...Cut you!" She started to twist her sleeping mask as if it was the neck of those three men whom had woken her.

All three of the guys turned towards her with fear in their eyes and responded at the same time!


