
Kal Son of Odin

(Repost of my FANFIC STORY) Explore a universe where Kal-El the Last son of Kryptonian instead of being raised on Earth is instead raised in the halls of Asgard alongside Thor and Loki. Join us as we tell the tale of Kal Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, God of Truth and Justice. Superman/Avengers crossover. Superman in Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Possible more DC-related content in the future than just MoS)

Luke5921 · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs

Chapter 41 – Mortals and Elves in Asgard (3)

(Asgard - Royal Palace of Valaskjalf – Early Morning - November 13th, 2013)

Jane woke up to golden rays billowing into her room, causing her to stir. She felt the bone-deep sense of renewal that came from a long rest, but all she wanted was to go back to sleep. She had been having the most wonderful dream about how Thor had returned and whisked her away to Asgard like something straight out of a fairy tale.

"Good morning my Lady," The pleasant and vibrant voice caused Jane to snap awake before jolting upright.

What greeted her were over a dozen women of unnatural beauty within her very large chambers. They gracefully moved around opening up windows, moving furniture, and bringing in a mountain of food. One of the women poured something into a cup and then offered it to Jane on a tray while kneeling to the now-uncomfortable doctor.

"Um, thank you." Jane took the cup not wanting to be rude and took a small sip which became a gulp as the liquid proved to be delicious.

"I am glad that the Lady is feeling better." Jane turned to view one of the most stunning women she had ever met, with golden locks kept up in a snood and wearing a plain white dress. "Now, we have arranged several dresses for you, and the Lady Sigyn has arranged for drinks in the gardens during the evening with the Lady Carol if it pleases."

Jane's eyes went wide as the woman before she gestured to three stands that had been brought in, upon which were the most glamorous dresses that Jane had ever seen. Her eye went to the blue one and before she even could voice any preference the woman before her snapped her fingers. The blue dress was immediately removed from the stands and brought over to Jane neatly folded.

"Thank you…." Jane said surprised as she took the dress and noticed that the dresses of the women around the woman had turned blue along with the draping on the wall.

"Will the Lady like us to dress her?" The golden maiden asked, causing Jane to look up in alarm at the woman whose white dress now had a blue sash on it.

"NO!" Jane quickly exclaimed before coughing in embarrassment. "I mean, no thank you, I think I can manage it."

"Of course, we are here to assist in any way you desire." The woman curtseyed to Jane and just stayed where she was causing Jane to fidget slightly as she wanted to get dressed.

"Um…..sorry, but, I don't know your name?" Jane asked, feeling uncomfortable as she looked around for a place to change.

"Apologies I am Fulla, Goddess of Secrets and First Handmaiden to Queen Frigga." Fulla gave another curtsy to Jane whose eyes went wide. "I oversee all the servants to the Ladies of the Royal Family. If you desire anything, please let me know."

"Okay…..I would like a place to ch- Wait did you say Ladies of the royal family? But I-I'm not a…..member of the royal family…..right?" Jane asked hesitantly, now worried that Thor's idea of their relationship was different to hers due to being from another planet. Though she did love him dearly, she was not ready to be Mrs. Thor, not yet anyway.

"You are not, but you are a guest and companion of the Crown Prince, which means that whilst you are here you are to be treated as such. It is the express wish and command of the Queen herself." Fulla explained giving Jane an understanding smile which eased Jane's nerves and conveyed to her that the goddess was indeed simply there to help. "So please Lady Foster, what do you need?"

"A place to change for one…" Jane requested but saw a confused look on Fulla's face, and she guessed that the Asgardian sense of modesty was different to humans remembering how brazen Thor was with getting dressed. "….in private, you know alone?"

"Ah, but of course." Fulla snapped her fingers again and without needing to order it a dressing partition was brought in and placed between the two of them.

Jane gave a small smile and nod of thanks around the side of the partition as she started getting dressed. Although she would have liked pants, she found the dress amazingly comfortable and swore that it morphed to fit her dimensions perfectly which, given where she was, likely was the case. As Jane stepped out from behind the partition she saw that Fulla had brought her a mirror to see herself in.

Jane blinked as she watched her hair raise and twist into a perfect elegant pyre braid that then slowly descended back down, but not before Jane saw jewels and golden thread weaving through her locks. As her hair settled Jane stared at her image in the mirror, and what stared back at her looked like a goddess of Asgard. Equal parts grace and sophistication combined with power and beauty to create a striking image, the humble doctor didn't even recognise herself for a few moments.

"Does the lady like it?" Fulla hesitantly asked, fearing Jane's silence meant that for the first time in her life she had gotten something wrong.

However, Jane quickly nodded her head causing Fulla to smile with pride and twisted her hand causing the mirror to disappear. The first Handmaiden of Asgard couldn't help but smile at Jane's look of wonder, deciding that she liked the mortal.

"Can I ask where Thor is?" Jane spoke hesitantly still, but her regal appearance was making her feel more confident.

"You may. Prince Thor apologises, but he is delayed with matters of state until noon. He believes however that you should take the chance to explore the grand marketplace in the city, and he will find you as soon as he is free." Fulla relayed the message her prince had given her earlier, and when Jane opened her mouth again Fulla responded knowing what the woman was going to ask. "Prince Kal is with his mother, while the Lady Carol is in the training yards with Lady Sif. You are welcome to join them if you wish."

"No thank you." Jane replied, not really wanting to meet the woman that myths claimed was Thor's wife nor thinking that the training yards given her current 'condition' was not a good idea. "I would like to see the marketplace."

"Very well, I shall arrange an escort. If you desire anything, please feel free to purchase it. The palace shall cover the cost. But first, breakfast." Fulla turned and revealed a long table that had been laid out with a feast.

Jane felt her stomach grumble and suddenly realised she was starving. As she walked to the table she smelt a plethora of delicious desserts. She picked up a plate and took what she could only describe as a cupcake made of glowing light. As she bit into it she was nearly euphoric with pleasure at the delicious taste. She then spotted to her surprise her favourite breakfast: a mountain of pancakes dripping with honey.

"Oh, …you are good!" Jane turned to offer her congratulations to Fulla who just gave her a prideful smile.

"I know," Fulla said with pride as she refilled Jane's empty cup before she could even ask.

(Frigga's chambers)

"The books I sent, did they not interest you?" Frigga asked Loki, watching as her middle child glared haughtily at the prisoners being brought into the dungeons.

"Is that how I'm to while away eternity, reading?" Loki scoffed, turning back to face his mother with a look of disgust on his face as he glanced at his cell.

"I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki." Frigga sighed not knowing what else she could do, Loki was being particularly difficult today.

"Have you?" Loki asked, moving behind the sole chair in the room leaning over it as a sneer formed on his face. "Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor, or Kal? It must be SO inconvenient for them asking after me day and night"

"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here." Frigga met Loki's mirth with a raised challenging eyebrow that deflated her son somewhat

"My actions." Loki responded standing erect trying to regain the footing that a simple raised eyebrow from a disappointed mother had stolen from him "I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king."

"A king? A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?" Frigga challenged. Ever since her son was little, he almost never admitted to his failings, everything was always someone else's fault.

"A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself." Loki dismissed Frigga's statement with a casual wave of his hand and began to pace around his cell while deprived of the ability to stride away like he usually would do.

"Your father-" Frigga gave a sigh as she tried to reason with her son but was cut off by his rage.

"He's not my father!" Loki screamed. His perfect hair became loose slightly as he panted from the rage burning in his chest.

Frigga was quiet for a few moments before she met Loki's enraged eyes with a soft gentle tone "… Then am I not your mother?"

Loki stumbled for a moment, his eyes glancing away from Frigga before he closed his eyes composing himself, replying in a soft tone "… You're not."

"Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself." Frigga responded with a sad chuckle, tears in her eyes, that caused Loki to look ashamed.

He moved to touch her but his hand merely passed through the illusion, dispelling the enchantment causing Frigga to be merely stood before a burning hearth once more. She let out a tired sigh as she caught a glance of herself in the mirror, her golden hair was now greying and she looked wizened, her hands still charred black. Her channelling of so much dark magic had weakened her greatly and although she had hidden it from Loki, Thor and Kal knew of her weakened state.

"You still see good in him, don't you?" Frigga turned to see Kal leaning against a pillar looking at the hearth's fire that she had used to summon his brother's image.

"Welcome home son." Frigga greeted Kal with a wide smile and outstretched her arms, expecting a hug which she received.

However, as Kal broke apart from his mother a grimace was on his face as looked at her blackened hands. She quickly donned a set of silken silver-blue gloves which Thor had made for her to cover up her hands. She placed a hand on her son's cheek and gave him a loving smile that momentarily assuaged his fear.

"Why indulge him?" Kal asked, returning to the topic of his brother, his voice equal parts angry and regretful. "The gifts, the visits. He is meant to be confined to isolation."

"I think if you ask his guards, they will tell you I was never there," Frigga replied, taking her son's arm and leading him to her balcony, the slyness of her reply reminded her just who in the family Loki took after.

"Mother…..Loki is not the boy you once knew." Kal replied gently not wanting to upset his mother but knowing he needed to address the issue.

"Nor are you," Frigga responded in turn, gesturing to his height as an obvious sign causing Kal to chuckle. "And I loved you no less when you left home to seek answers and fell in love with a marvellous maiden. Nor did I love Thor any less when he was banished to Midgard and fell in love with a mortal."

"Do you ever regret sharing your magics with him?" Kal gave his mother a gentle look staring into her eyes as he stopped on the balcony that overlooked the old Valkyrie training yards.

"No," Frigga replied instantly with a soft smile on her face as memories of happier days played in her head. "You, Thor and your father cast large shadows. I had hoped that by sharing my gifts with Loki, he could find some sunlight for himself."

"I admire your optimism and compassion mother," Kal replied looking down into the yards below seeing that Carol and Sif were sparring with a group of young maidens and girls watching in awe as they duelled with swords. "I wish I could still share it."

"Enough about Loki for the moment, I must congratulate you." Frigga gave Kal a friendly teasing smile as she looked down at Carol causing her son's cheeks to go red. "…. on your victory at Nornheim, you and your brother have restored peace."

"Thank you, mother," Kal said with a roll of his eyes at his having fallen for his mother's teasing.

"I hear that Thor has brought Jane Foster to Asgard?" Frigga asked knowing full well the answer, to which Kal just gave her a knowing look. "…... Is it true about the Aether?"

"It is," Kal replied solemnly leaning on the balcony railing and looking down at Carol while hating that this was how he was introducing her to his family. "Neither Jor-El nor Odin have answers, I was hoping you might?"

Frigga raised an eyebrow at her son, whilst many knew she was more knowledgeable about certain things than her husband it was rare for people to come to her. Especially when Odin and the Halls of knowledge held no answer, as that usually signified that the answer either did not exist or was known only to a few.

"…. The Aether was forged using darkness and…... no one living knows dark magic as well as you," Kal spoke quietly as he explained his reasoning for asking her and hating that he had brought up a sore point in the family.

Frigga's face became one of complete understanding, her son was not after the knowledge held by Frigga of Asgard, but by the Witch Queen of the Vanir. Frigga recalled her days before Odin won her heart and changed his own ways. Rivers of black blood and corpses piled high under starless skies filled her vision along with the demons she once held council with, and a little girl in black that longed to be like her. Frigga pushed those last thoughts away not wanting to remember that failure of hers that still haunted her to this day.

"I am sorry my son, even if I possessed such knowledge, I am no longer able to wield my power as I once did," Frigga replied, Kal made to speak but Frigga raised her hand and pressed on. "It is my fault, not yours, your actions in breaking my spell were the right one, for my love blinded me to the dangers and now I must suffer the costs."

Kal was quiet for a few moments as he looked down to the sparring match which had just ended. Whilst Sif had won the fight of swords having taken Carol's blade from her. However, the Cosmic Avenger had evidently won the match as she had melted Sif's trained blade into a puddle and the two were sharing a laugh. Carol caught Kal's eyes before giving him a loving smile between her laughter with Sif and a quick wink.

"Go." Frigga's soft voice broke Kal's out of his musing giving her son a loving smile. "I shall go see this Jane Foster,for although I cannot give aid I would still like to meet this young woman who has been burdened by the wrongs of our Kingdom's past. Go enjoy yourself, I shall meet you later."

Kal gave his mother a loving smile and a quick hug before he rose off of the balcony and descended towards Carol and Sif with a bored smile on his face. Frigga took a moment to enjoy herself watching at least one of her sons at peace. The only thing that ruined the moment was her husband.

She knew that Odin had very strict ideas on who was good enough to marry into the royal house of Asgard. Frigga recalled with a groan the number of prospective brides they had rejected whilst the boys had been growing up. She remembered how they had initially settled on Sigyn for Kal, Sif for Thor and they had thought of finding a Jotun woman for Loki when he went to reclaim Jotunheim. However, whilst Odin still clung to those ideas, not liking how detached his sons were becoming from Asgard, Frigga had embraced the change.

After all, she had not originally thought she would marry Odin, nor had he thought she would one day be his Queen. Sometimes it was simply fate that decided one's companion in life for good or ill. Frigga placed those thoughts aside for the moments as she moved off to go meet the woman Thor had brought to Asgard and see if she was indeed worthy of her son.

(The Ark – Asgardian Space – Midday - November 13th, 2013)

Malekith stood erect on the command deck of his great dark vessel, a look of pure disgust as the shining realm of Asgard filled his vision. The abomination of this light-infested universe sickened him, which was only intensified by his hatred for the filth that called this world home. Asgardians, the gods of the Realm Eternal, Malekith spat on them, they had only tasted victory because his people had underestimated the vermin and did not possess the strength they once had when they ruled the void.

That thought brought back dark and bitter memories of a time when he had just been a child himself, recalling how real gods had once battled his people and forced Queen Alflyse to submit. Kryptonians the name still sent a chill up his spine, and though he hated them more than the Asgardians, he did respect them. They had wielded real power, a power so great that when his people dared oppose them, dared to attack their fledgling empire they had annihilated his true home and consigned the survivors to the barren dark rock of Svartalfheim.

However, he pushed all those thoughts aside as a rare grin appeared on his face as he gazed at Asgard. This time he would not fail, Krypton was gone from the heavens; the gods of old had finally killed themselves, removing any fear they would interfere. Although he had overreached last time, believing none could stop them with Krypton's retreat, a mistake that the young Asgardian race had pounced on, those worries were gone now however. Asgard was weak, much of their strength had been spent fighting recent battles, their forces were spread thin, and, in their hubris, they had let their defences become antiquated, believing themselves unassailable.

"Sir, Algrim is in position and ready to act, however…..." A Dark Elf lieutenant reported while trailing off, not wanting to risk his leader's wrath.

"However, what?" Malekith asked wanting to know what could possibly cause hesitation on the eve of their revenge.

"…. We have detected a unique life sign on Asgard…it is Kryptonian sir." The lieutenant's voice was tinged with fear, for although he was too young to remember the war with Krypton he had, like all Dark Elves, been raised on the gruesome bedtime stories of the monstrous race.

Malekith was silent for a few moments as his mind processed the news that a survivor of their most ancient and hated foe was on the homeworld of the current enemy. The rare grin on his face turned into an unprecedented full-fledged smile as he thanked the void for the opportunity. Two enemies to be killed, the Prime Convergence approaching, and the Aether within his grasp? This day was truly blessed.

"Give Algrim the signal, begin our approach and send out the Harrows to ravage Asgard," Malekith ordered, his eyes glinting with dark delight at what was to come.

"But sir, the Kryptonian?" The Lieutenant's voice reflected the lingering dread at fighting a demon born of the light-cursed realms.

"We have ways of dealing with his kind, there is no Light that the Darkness does not consume." Malekith turned to the young warrior and placed a reassuring hand on their shoulder. "Now order the assault, target their ships and barracks…..along with the most decently populated parts of their city. I want their realm to bleed."

"Yes sir!" The Lieutenant saluted, moving off to relay his leader's orders while just as eager as Malekith to avenge his people's loss.

It was a few moments before he spotted a series of explosions emanating from the bowels of the ridiculous golden palace in the heart of the realm. He sent up a silent prayer asking for the void to bless the now Kursed Algrim, who would tear through Asgard's defences and allow him to claim their prize. He then watched with pride as the smaller Harrow ships detached from the Ark, turning invisible to both the eyes and detection, arching towards Asgard to unleash a blow they would not recover from.

(Asgard Market Square)

Kal was laughing and clapping as two Asgardians engaged in a Flyting contest, hurling insults back and forth to the amusement of the crowd. Carol, who sat next to him wearing a deep red and golden dress which was more martial than Jane's, was also laughing and calling out praise as well. Kal suspected that he had made the right choice only bringing Carol, as although he had spotted Jane and Thor, he guessed that the very profanity-filled contest would not be something the mortal doctor would have liked.

Despite the circumstances of why everyone was on Asgard Kal could not help but enjoy it for the time being. He had long wanted to show Carol his home, and he knew Thor had felt the same way about Jane. As he turned his vision to where the other couple sat, he saw that their mother had joined them and was currently causing Jane to laugh and Thor to look uncomfortable. He debated for a moment whether he and Carol should slip away before they were dragged over and his mother started embarrassing him with tales of his younger years.

'Then again, it would be nice for her to actually meet my mother' Kal mused to himself, realising that given the war and current crisis Carol and the queen of Asgard had not been introduced.

"Carol, we sho-" Kal's words were cut off by a series of large explosions occurring from the direction of the Palace prisons.

Everyone's head snapped in the direction of Valaskjalf as alarm bells started ringing and the guards started rushing to meet the disturbance. Kal moved quickly followed closely by Carol he shot up into the air and with an audible boom rocketed off into danger. As he soared he turned his head and saw that Thor was also following close behind. His brother pushed himself forward to fly level with him.

"You think it is Loki?" Thor asked as they arced downwards towards the prison.

"I have no…." Kal abruptly stopped causing Thor and Carol to shoot past him as his sentence trailed off.

"Kal what is it?" Carol asked, hovering back towards her boyfriend whose eyes were closed as his face was scrunched with his head cocked to one side.

He didn't answer, instead his expression became one of even greater concentration as he started to turn until his head was pointed in the direction of the Bifrost. Thor glanced away from Kal to the dungeons, alarm racing through his mind. If this was Loki then they needed to act quick before their scheming brother pulled one of his infamous vanishing acts.

"Brother, we must go!" Thor declared his own vision fixed on the stream of guards heading into the palace led by Volstagg and Fandral who were racing to the sounds of battle. As he turned back he saw that Kal still had not moved or responded, still tilting his head as if straining to pick up a sound. "BROTHER! Please, we must go!"

"Go" Kal declared without opening his eyes, which Thor promptly did, soaring down to the dungeons.

Carol remained where she was, having no desire or pressing need to follow the blond Odinson who was more than capable of quashing the riot. She had long learnt to trust Kal and his instincts, and if he was listening for something in the midst of a crisis it was surely important. It had been only a few moments when Kal opened his eyes with a grimace and a perplexed look.

"What is it?" She had never seen this expression on his face before.

"I…... I don't know." Kal answered quietly as if he couldn't believe his hearing had failed. "There is something, but I don't know what it is, it's like the absence of sound moving? It's coming from different directions I don't kn-"

His vision suddenly snapped to the Himinbjorg, Heimdall's tower on the Bifrost, where a small black ship suddenly appeared as the Gatekeeper jumped aboard and plunging two daggers into it. Kal's shock at the appearance of an enemy within the space of the Eternal Realm was quickly replaced by grim determination as he shot towards the Bridge. However, as he went he was halted as the air itself shook as a series of huge explosions ripped across the skyline of Asgard.

"Kal what is happ-" It was Carol's turn to be cut off as suddenly a slender black craft rocketed past them firing madly at everything in sight.

Kal was about to go after it when suddenly the entire skyline became filled with dozens of similar crafts, each seeming to have no purpose but to tear Asgard apart. His vision twisted in every direction trying and for the first time in his life failing to keep track of all the enemies in the sky with him. The small black knife-shaped crafts moved at speeds that rivalled his own and somehow manoeuvred with a grace that Kal had never seen before.

He turned to address Carol but saw that she had already acted sweeping downwards to try and chase one of the vessels firing on Asgard's civilians. Seeing that she was already in action, Kal responded as well, racing for the hall of Bilskirnir, the command centre of Asgard perched on a high tower of the palace that overlooked the city. He knew his duty, and Heimdall would move to activate the inner city's shield, Thor would deal with the riot then secure the palace and Carol would clear the skies as best she could, he needed to rally Asgard's defences and assess what was happening.

"My prince, the city is under attack!" The voice came from Thialfi, a junior commander in the Einherjar, who Kal recalled as a fast runner that had once been Thor's personal servant.

The young commander came rushing over to Kal as he landed, abandoning his post at one of the various consoles that were circulated around the room. As Kal swept his vision, he was disturbed to see so few people occupying the rooms. It appeared only a handful of people had reached the command centre beyond the reserve staff that always occupied it, a deeply troubling thought.

"Shut it boy, he can see that." The grim gruff voice of Ullr Sif's father, barked out. The man himself stood over the central command terminal which displayed a projection of Asgard and the city, most of it flashing red.

Ullr was a tall, domineering man, and one of the few people to who Kal felt small next to, as Sif's father stood almost as tall as Heimdall. The Lord of the plains of Ida stood in silver shining armour wearing the signature headgear of his ancestors: a winged crown with a red jewel in the forehead. He was also not one Kal would call a warm man, and indeed much of Sif's cold nature came from him, which is why many guessed he had been married and divorced nine times; however, few could match the man's command skill or his devotion to Asgard.

"Lord Ullr, who is attacking us?" Kal asked moving past Thialfi to stand next to the only senior commander in the room.

"We haven't been able to identify them, the crafts are moving too fast and keep disappearing," Ullr reported grimly, a snarl on his face as he watched another section of the map change from green to red. "However, they knew right where to hit us, we haven't recovered from the recent war and most of the professional troops are still off-world. Their opening salvos destroyed the docks and the royal barracks, so most of the men we had are dead and we can't respond effectively. They've destroyed everything in the grand market square and flattened much of the lower cities, power is out over most of the city as well, meaning our defences are down. In all, it is one well-coordinated attack."

"Okay, contact General Tyr and Admiral Njǫrd, we nee-" Kal started to speak to try and rally what forces they could given the dire circumstances, only for Ullr to cut him off

"I've tried, but no one can find General Tyr. He may have been in the barracks when it went up and Njord is dead, he died trying to launch the Naglfar from the docks when it was hit." Ullr reported even his grim features wavered slightly at the loss of Asgard's legendary Naval commander, whom Ullr counted as a rare friend.

"How did they get past the fleet and Skidbladnir?" Kal's anger surged causing him to strike the table but quickly regained himself as he saw the frightened look of the men around him. But the question itself still stood Skidbladnir was the greatest ship in the cosmos and the pride of Asgard's fleet, it should have stopped any ship from getting close.

"They didn't, they went through them," Ullr responded bluntly, his report causing Kal's eyes to go wide and become still for a moment.

Kal felt a small surge of relief when he saw the great shield of Asgard beginning to raise over the inner city. A satisfying smile appeared when he saw one of the black crafts smash against the half-raised shield. Good, with the shield up they could regroup and deal with the enemy on their terms instead of reacting as they were, he just needed to get the anti-air defences coordinated and the scattered forces organised.

"Sir! The shield!" Kal's head snapped back to the map, his relief turning to dread as he watched a huge explosion rip through the bowels of the palace and the shield collapse.

Everything seemed to slow as a massive ominous cross-shaped ship materialised over the city raining down a new barrage of hellfire whilst three smaller craft arced to the now defenceless palace, easily able to land. Almost unbelievably, however, the crafts did not slow for a landing but instead they speeded up and rammed into the Palace, creating a trail of fire as they burrowed into the mighty building. Kal just stared in disbelief, he had met many enemies and races in his time but very few possessed the fanaticism or disregard for the life he was seeing.

He had turned to leave for the palace when a black craft started a kamikaze run at their position, its glowing red engine like the eye of a crazed beast charging into a willing death. The craft was moving too fast for an evacuation, instead, Kal's eyes turned red and unleashed a torrent of red energy hoping to destroy the craft. Inexplicably when his great torrent of heat struck the craft it caused hardly any damage beyond a few cracking plates, instead, the black armour absorbed the energy like a sponge. Kal intensified the power of his blast, but it proved to no avail as the suicidal ship simply became faster as it approached them.

The world became slow for Kal as the ship struck the command centre, it was like a snapshot was taken and given to Kal. He saw Thialfi trying to shield people as he rushed them to the exit, several officers stood stupefied at their posts, however, it was Ullr that drew his attention. The grizzled old lord and commander had a loving smile on his face as he lifted a pendant from his neck, a small holographic image of Sif as a small girl was projected waving at him.

Suddenly the snapshot was over, and Kal was thrown back as the world exploded into a swirling vortex of black and red. He felt himself strike the wall and as he opened his eyes to see the damage was suddenly being dragged forward. The black ship's core had detonated into a swirling black hole, that was threatening to suck everything in, it took all of his strength to hold on before the deadly phenomenon suddenly stopped.

Releasing a panting breath Kal stood up to find the hall was just gone, not destroyed but gone as if a great hand had appeared from the heavens and ripped it out whole. He looked out and saw that huge chunks of the city were likewise gone and the parts that were not were on fire. Energy blasts from both sides illuminated the sky, he saw Carol destroy a ship crashing through it when her own energy blasts failed just as his heat vision had. However, he could take no solace in that victory as his vision showed him a grim sight.

Kal quickly dashed forward and knelt next to Ullr who had embedded a dagger into the floor with one hand to prevent his complete destruction in the black hole. However, it had only spared his right arm, upper torso and head, everything else had been ripped from his body as he laid into a growing pool of his own blood.

"My prince, tell them I died for Asgard." Ullr released the dagger to take Kal's hand which the prince offered, propping the dying lord up. Ullr then took his bloodied right hand to take his winged helmet off and shove it into Kal's hands. "Give Sif the crown, she is the lady of Ida now….. she will be gre-... she will be great… tell her I am prou-"

The lord of the plains of Ida, a veteran of a thousand wars and more campaigns than Kal could count died there in the ruins of the once invincible hall of Bilskirnir. However, Kal had no time to mourn, he gently placed the wing helmet back into the Lord's grasp as he could not yet deliver it while there were enemies still to fight. Kal turned and with a push that shattered the ruined tower, he was streaking towards the palace's main halls, as he went, he managed to crash through one of the black ships attacking the city.

As he arrived in the great hall Kal immediately found that the battle had already pressed deeper into the palace at great costs to both sides. The floor was littered with the dead, Hlidskjalf was destroyed, and huge sections of the palace were just missing. His observations were interrupted as he turned to face a silent assailant attacking him from behind. Remembering how his heat vision had failed, Kal merely struck the attacker hard in the chest with his fist.

The black-clad warrior's torso collapsed from the blow and dropped to the floor, shattering his helmeted mask as he landed. Kal's eyes became wide as he saw who was attacking them, the dead figure before him was very clearly a dark elf. He wasted no time on the startling observation, his head twisting as his vision pierced rock stone and metal to find Jane and the Aether. His blood went ice cold as he saw that Jane was in his mother's room and they were not alone: Standing with them were two dark elves, one clearly their leader Malekith while the other was a twisted horror of a monster.

Kal's movement through the Palace shook the very foundations of Asgard as walls and doors shattered in his mad rush to reach his mother's chamber. As he went, he also spotted Thor as well rushing through on the opposite side of the palace, Mjolnir crackling with lightning as he too tried to reach Jane. Kal's great hearing picked up the dwindling sound of battle and heard his mother choking as the beast lifted her from the ground.

"Tell me where the Aether is!" Malekith demanded furiously, having dispelled the illusionary Jane.

"I will never tell you." Frigga managed to sound out as she felt the monster holding her tighten his grip.

The room shook around them as the windows and mirrors of her room cracked, she could practically feel both her sons rushing to her but knew both would arrive too late the beast's sword was already digging into her ribs. Malekith eyed the shaking walls and cracked glass, his look of anger and disgust turned to a sly dark smile as he looked at Frigga.

"I believe you." Malekith's words were accompanied by a firm nod and then an explosion of pain as the blade pierced through her lungs and impaled her heart.

"NO! MOTHER!" Thor's and Kal's combined yell was accompanied by the room exploding into light.

Thor's lightning arced forward as he leapt through the air, striking the right side of Malekith's face turning the pale white dark features to a black charred mess as the skin was flayed to the bone. The other source of light was Kal's heat vision which engulfed the Kursed dark elf monster's head causing the creature to roar in pain. Despite Kal's fury the monster's empowered nature meant that he was able to turn and flee with his dark master before the torrent of red death could kill him.

The Kursed creature's head was a glowing rock of semi-melting flesh as he fled haphazardly grasping his leader who was thrashing on the floor as Thor's lightning raked over his body. The monster wasted no time using the last of his failing strength to leap from the balcony towards their Ark which hung in the sky. As the Kursed warrior leapt away Thor rushed forward and threw Mjolnir, rage making the throw deadly as it went directly for Malekith's head. Thor's ferocity gave way to despair as the pair of fleeing Dark Elves suddenly vanished along with their craft. Mjolnir soared through the space they and the Ark had occupied, striking nothing.

As Mjolnir returned to his hand Thor turned around ready to release a roar of hatred, which died when his eyes fell on the sight before him. Kal was slumped on the floor cradling their mother's head in his arms, tears in his eyes as he watched the light leave her, unable to do anything. With the last of her strength, Frigga lifted up her hand and caressed Kal's face looking lovingly at her son. She barely had enough strength to utter the last words she ever would, which were the first words she had ever said to him.

"Hush, little one, it will…. all….be….okay….." Frigga's hand fell from Kal's face as the last of her life left.

As the Queen's hand hit the floor, Odin and Jane appeared in the door along with the King's personal guard, both looking in horror at the scene before them. Jane gasped, raising a hand to her mouth as she turned to look at Thor, rushing over to him when Mjolnir slipped from his hand, and he fell to his knees. Odin too dropped his weapon, the great spear of the Allfathers clattering to the floor while he walked forward as if the ground beneath his feet would give way.

Odin fell to the floor as he reached his beloved, a look of sheer and complete loss on his face as he stared into the now lifeless eyes of his wife. He reached forward as if to take her from Kal's grasp, yet his hand stayed hovering above her unable to touch the cooling corpse before him which had once been his greatest love. His hands fell to his chest gripping it tightly as if he felt a searing pain in his chest that he wished would consume him and reunited him with his beloved Frigga.

The sound that escapes Odin's lips was as quiet as the grave but could be heard clear across Asgard. There were no words to describe it, it was the sound of loss, a heart-wrenching sound that conveyed utterly to all who heard it a feeling of soul-deep sadness. Odin shed no tears, his grief was beyond that as knelt before his wife and shrieked into the void.

(Dungeons of Asgard – Near Midnight - November 13th, 2013)

Loki sat in his cell reading the book his mother had sent him, Conjuration within a Confined Closed Non-Linear Dimension, not the most exciting read but still interesting. He spared a glance out of his cell watching the limited number of prisoners that had survived the riot stew in their cages. He also made note of how few guards there seemed to be and how the ones he did see seemed rather solemn and glum.

He however dismissed that as of no concern of his. They likely just lost foolish friends in the stupid riot before Kal and Thor crushed that strange creature I directed into the inner palace. Loki mused to himself as he turned the page in his book, he was halfway reading the page when he noticed that he had a visitor. Standing stoically in front of the golden magical barrier that kept him imprisoned was his youngest brother who was just staring blankly into the cell, not even at Loki.

"Dear brother, well this is a surprise, come to see what Odin has made of me?" Loki quipped with a resounding snap of his closed book and leapt to his feet, a sly smile on his face.

As he strode forward however his levity immediately vanished as he saw that his actions had not gotten any response from Kal. His brother just stood there immovable like a statue not even looking at him with an expression fixed on his face that he had never seen before. Loki's gaze became cautious as he looked warily at Kal expecting some sort of trap.

"Look, I know not what you think happened, but I had nothing to do with the-" Loki began to defend himself ready to use all his sly words and half-truths to confuse Kal, until his brother's voice cut him off.

"Mother is dead." Kal's words were barely above a whisper, and he did not even look at Loki, but they stopped the trickster dead.

"…What?" Loki asked, suddenly feeling lightheaded and enraged at the same time swaying in place feeling his sense of balance leave him.

"Mother is dead. The monster that started the revolt killed her." Kal said softly looking into his brother's eyes who found himself still as he met Kal's stoic gaze, for he could see what lurked behind them a cold rage that Loki also felt building in himself. Kal then turned his head to the sole guard that could be spared for the Liesmith's cell. "Release him."

"My Prince, I have orders from Odi…..." The guard's voice trailed off. He quickly swallowed. the lump that formed in his throat and deactivated Loki's cell.

As the shimmering golden wall of magic vanished Loki stepped forward and stood next to Kal looking up into his younger brother's eyes. For the first time ever, what he saw was a darkness blacker than his own, and even the mad god's unhinged mind shuddered at the dead stare he witnessed.

"So, brother, you have come for vengeance?" Grief was swamped by the fearful thought that Kal knew he had sent the monster into the palace and that instead of needing his aid for vengeance, he was its target instead.

"Yes, but not yet…... We need…..." Kal spoke his breath becoming laboured as the words struggled from his lips, he closed his eyes to compose himself before continuing. "…...We are needed for one final duty."

Loki spoke no more and simply nodded following Kal out of the dungeons as they ascended into the Palace above. His eyes could not help but take in the carnage he saw around him, the once shining halls were now dull, scared, and lifeless. The marks of the horror that had occurred within them was still fresh and likely would remain in Loki's mind even once the damage itself was removed.

He only found himself pausing when they reached the large doors that led to their parent's bed chambers, seeing Thor, along with Jane, Carol and Sif outside. However, although Sif gave him a snarl for a greeting no one else really reacted to him beyond a glance. Kal turned first to Sif, his hand slipping into his cloak to pull out the winged crown helmet of the Rulers of Ida, its shining red jewel staring up at the warrior woman.

She took the crown without a word and merely held it in her hand. Although she would forever after claim it to be a trick of the light, all the sons of Odin saw a single tear fall from her face and land on the red jewel. Sif then looked at him an unspoken agreement forming in their look that promised dark and terrible vengeance on all who had slain those they had loved. He then turned to Carol who merely gave a look of understanding and a promise she would be there for him no matter what. He moved in for a quick tight embrace before he let go and headed to the doors, seeing Thor had done the same.

Kal was flanked by Thor and Loki as he pushed open the large doors, which swung quickly shut behind them, as they stepped through all without making a sound as if it dared not disturb the solemnness of the occasion. As the doors shut Jane looked at Carol with a sorrowful expression on her face but a question in her eyes. Jane wanted to ask exactly what was going on, but given the losses she had seen and the grief everyone was clearly feeling did not know if it was appropriate to ask questions.

"They are standing vigil." Sif was the one to answer Jane's unspoken question, turning from the crown in her hands to look at the two Midgardians. "It is an ancient tradition, the final duty of all children to their parents. We are tasked with guarding their bodies so their spirits can go to Valhalla without fear, and to prepare what gifts you want to send with them…... it is also a chance to say goodbye alone."

With her explanation done Sif gestured for them to depart. She had her own watch to attend to. She had promised Thor that Jane and Carol would be safe whilst he attended to the vigil and needed to find Fandral to take over her duties. As they departed both Jane and Carol spared one final glance at the cold silent door before departing, hoping the brothers would find some solace with each other.

As the sons of Odin entered their parent's chambers, they were stopped in their tracks at the sight that lay before them. Laying as if just asleep was their mother, her handmaiden Fulla was still by her side and had prepared Frigga for her final journey with a dedication that no mortal could understand. Even now Fulla who had completed her task remained by her queen's side, not wishing to leave her alone until her sons had arrived.

Frigga, Queen of Asgard, looked radiant, she was dressed in golden cloth and a set of silver armour that shone as if it had been forged from starlight, while elegant jewels were draped from her neck on silver chains. Her arms were folded onto her chest clasping a long sword upon whose blade her deeds were depicted, and her triumphs were inscribed in runes of gold. Her hair was golden again, shimmering like the dawn it had not been braided nor styled merely left to frame her peaceful features in its shining rays.

Upon seeing them Fulla stood up, planting a kiss on her mistress' head, careful not to disturb one strand of hair or jewel she had positioned so carefully. The handmaiden of Frigga and goddess of secrets then left her queen's side for the last time and approached her princes, her white dress now black as night. Fulla made no pretence of normalcy and Kal could see the tear tracks that were etched on her face and the trembling of her lips.

"I have decided to take the journey with my queen." Fulla outstretched her hand and showed Kal a dagger by which she meant to join his mother on her final journey.

"There is no finer or more devoted servant than you. And you have every right to do so…." Kal gently placed his hands over hers feeling her tight grip on the blade. "…. but we have all lost so much this day. I would ask that you honour my mother by keeping her spirit alive and living to tell all those who come after of the Queen Asgard was once blessed to have."

Kal felt the dagger slip from Fulla's hand and into his, he quickly sheathed the blade on his belt and let Fulla melt into his arms as tears overcame her. Loki and Thor moved respectively around them to take up their places for the vigil and taking the time to select what effects would accompany Frigga on her last journey. Fulla cried for a full minute until Kal felt her steady and compose herself once more into the First Handmaiden of Asgard and Goddess of Secrets, in whose confidence Frigga's inner thoughts would always be safe.

"You shall always have a place in the House of Odin, and for the friendship you gave our mother, ask anything of us and we shall give it." Kal offered his hands on her shoulders, keeping her steady.

"I ask only one thing…..." Fulla's voice trembled before a stillness came over her and Kal saw darkness enter her eyes. "…. I want vengeance for my mistress."

"And I swear you shall have it." As he spoke the words, he shared a glance with his brothers and saw in their eyes that his words had their undying support.

Fulla then left the hall leaving the Sons of Odin together, alone for the first time in years and the last time they would ever be in the same room with their mother. Kal moved to the foot of the bed and looked at his mother, not sure he had the heart to do anything more. Thor and Loki upon seeing this shared something they had not for a long time, a look of understanding and a common cause as they set about the task of selecting treasures so their brother did not have to.

Thor went to work gently picking pieces of his mother's jewellery and trophies, carefully placing them back where he found them or else placing them next to her in a steady growing horde of treasure. Loki however went over to his mother's desk which was still littered with tomes she had been reading and parchments she had been writing on only that day, his search was for the treasures his mother truly valued, knowledge. As he went he suddenly found himself still, as his hand hovered then very carefully picked up an item he had not seen in centuries.

Kal felt his heart wrench out of his chest as he watched Loki carefully move his mother's hands and placed a wooden figurine of Odin in her hands. It was a simple child's toy, clearly ancient by the weathering it had undergone, but Kal could still see the small teeth marks he had made when but a babe. He could recall better receiving the gift from Thor than gifting the toy to Loki all those years ago and felt the pain in his chest sear again at realising that is why she had kept it, because to her, that small figurine was proof that her sons loved each other.

No words were spoken as the trio of gods held their vigil, for that night they were not the disunited sons of Odin, nor even the mightiest of Asgard they were the children of Frigga gathered to mourn together.

(The Sea of Ægir – The Great Funeral procession of Frigga Queen of Asgard)

The crowd was deadly silent as the Einherjar lowered Frigga's ship into the canal that led to Asgard's sea which cascaded off into the cosmos. Odin was placed high on a large rock alone with his great spear in hand, whilst his sons, including Loki who he had reluctantly allowed to attend, stood below him standing in the surf of the sea ankle deep. A little ways behind them stood Carol and Jane both wearing black and flanked by guards who stood stone-faced like statues.

Thor was standing next to him, as the eldest, he held the great bow whose arrow would ignite their mother's ship illuminating her path to Asgard. As Kal turned to gaze at the vessel which was filled with treasure, the pile of which grew as her subjects threw more on as she passed in a final gesture of respect, he saw Sif. She had now donned the silver winged helmet of Ida and had a bow in her hands; her father's craft was resting on the shore ready to make its final journey with his queen.

"If they can kill the Queen," Kal's head snapped around and saw the whispered voice belonged to a child whose parents were clinging tightly to them. "…. are we safe?"

Kal did not know what caused him to move but he suddenly found himself moving towards the child, the crowd parting as he moved until he was before the youth. The father moved to speak thinking his prince had come to condemn their child for speaking but still his tongue as Kal stopped to look the child in the eye. The child stared in awe as a prince of Asgard knelt before them, their eyes meeting the warm pools of vibrant blues which were Kal's sapphire eyes.

"Are you afraid little one?" Kal asked, earning a small nod from the child whose innocence prevented false bravery from appearing. "Are you sad because of the queen's passing?"

The child again nodded, causing Kal to let out an understanding sigh as he smiled at them. He raised one of his hands and placed it on their shoulder, staring deep into their eyes. The scene had caused many to turn to him and many leaned in to hear what he was saying.

"You need not be afraid nor sad. You are Asgardian." Kal spoke softly to the boy before he rose up to his full height, his voice now carrying clear across the shore and the city. "NONE OF YOU DO. WE ARE ASGARDIANS!"

Kal's words caused a murmur in the crowd, however as he looked around, he saw that many were still afraid. He understood that fear, in fact, they were properly right to be afraid but now was not the time for fear. He would not let his mother's death be in vain and be used by their enemies to deprive Asgard of its fighting spirit, a spirit all peoples feared.

"Why do you cower in the dark, whispering like frightened children! We are the Æsir of Asgard! We are feared throughout the cosmos! And your Queen has died! You should not whisper, cower, nor weep, but scream, yell and split the heavens with your rage!" Kal's words caused the murmurs in the crowd to grow louder, and he even heard a few yells of approval. "Queen Frigga of Asgard is dead! Such news should be shouted till the very edges of reality shake and the stars themselves tremble in fear. It should be announced so loudly that the honoured dead of Valhalla can prepare for her coming and the dishonoured souls of Niflheim quake in fear at the sound."

Kal's words had caused everyone apart from Odin to turn to face as Frigga's boat exited the canal and entered the still waters of the sea. Jane and Carol, being the only two non-Asgardians present, finding the speech a very odd feature as neither had really expected something like it to occur at the funeral let alone Kal being the one to say it. However, even the more rational Jane was starting to feel a fire burning in her chest as the god spoke, he was moving back towards her now as the crowd grew more animated.

"We are Asgardians, do not lament, nor cry, nor feel sorrow for the dead BUT REJOICE FOR THEY GO TO VALHALLA TO FEAST WITH THEIR ANCESTORS!" Kal's words caused the crowd to start shouting and several guards to start beating their shields. "If you must feel sorrow, pity our enemies who will not survive our wrath. For tonight we announce the herald of their doom! FRIGGA! AND ALL THOSE WE HAVE LOST!"

Jane twisted her head as she watched the crowd start to shout out their queen's name along with a multitude of others. She winced as she heard Thor and Loki roar their mother's name while Sif yelled her father's name in fury. She watched also as the guards started to pound their shields in a steady beat which a number of the crowd mimicked, beating their chests in unison. For the first time since her arrival the Asgardians matched the image of raging vengeful warriors Earth's myths sometimes depicted them as, and in that moment she felt genuine pity for the people that had unleashed such rage.

"YES, SPLIT THE HEAVENS WITH HER NAME. LET THE SPAWN OF THE VOID HEAR IT. LET IT BECOME THE SOUND OF STAMPING HOOVES OF THE VALKYRIES THEMSELVES DESCENDING FROM VALHALLA FOR VENGEANCE!" Kal moved back next to his brother, his breathing laboured as his rage and fury overtook him as he energised their previously defeated crowd, withdrawing his sword and holding it high like a beacon. "FRIGGA! FRIGGA! FRIGGA!"

The chant was immediately taken up by all, even Jane and Carol found themselves unable to resist the power of godly fury that was running through the crowd, began chanting in full. However, the two briefly stopped their chanting at they noticed that Kal nor his brothers were chanting instead they spoke in quiet revered voices. They spoke as one, standing nearly shoulder to shoulder, which made their words seem more solemn and hallowed than anything she had ever heard.

"Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers. Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me. Frigga, queen of Asgard I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave shall live forever. We mourn not but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death."

As the prayer finished, Odin's staff striking his rock could be heard clear across the Realm Enteral and the void itself. The cosmos shook as the chanting of the Æsir halted, as everyone became as silent as the stars as Thor pulled back the great bow. He inhaled and as he breathed out, he released the single elegantly Dwarven Forged arrow.

The arrow soared true and swift, igniting itself at the summit of its flight before it fell back down striking Frigga's ship, which burst into flames.

Suddenly, Jane looked up to the skies as it seemed the stars were falling in their own grief at the queen's passing. It took her a moment to realise that they were not stars but the flaming arrows of the other mourners. In her focus on Thor and his brothers she had missed the other boats being pushed out to sea, and the others like Sif reading their own bows. Jane raked her eyes across a scene she could barely believe was happening and knew she would never see again. It was as if the sea of Asgard itself was aflame, as from horizon-to-horizon fires burned, as their Queen led them one last time.

As Frigga's boat reached the end of the sea, Jane expected to see it fall from view as it went over the cascading water which formed the boundary of Asgard. However, Odin struck his spear one last time and the ship carried on sailing into the void before Jane watched in wonder as Frigga's body turned to silver light. She watched as it ascended into the stars above and disappeared from view.

Kal too watched the ascension of his mother to the halls of their ancestors, his grief and rage turning into cold dark resolve. He turned to face first Thor then Loki causing both of his brothers to look at him.

"…Now brothers, no more tears, no more pity, no more mercy, …. Now the sons of Frigga seek vengeance."

(Author's Notes)

Okay another chapter down and I hoped everyone liked it. I've checked over my writing schedule and the events for which I have planned and I can say this ARC is going to be about 5 chapters long, so another 2 chapters to go!

I hope everyone has enjoyed this chapter. Now shout out again to Dracomancer1 for his excellent beta reading, getting this chapter as good as it can possibly be. He is also going over my other story Supe of a Man and the earlier chapters of this story as well, so if you like the old chapters keep a look out they are slowly being replaced :) I also want to thank everyone who is reviewing this story or just reading it, in general, it really motivates me to keep writing knowing people out there love this story.

Now I also want to announce there is a pause in chapters coming up, DON'T PANIC! It's only for a week as I am going on a camping trip with my family and just to put it simply how we do camping there isn't electricity let alone internet, so I won't be able to post :) I need to confirm the date but if I suddenly disappear for week, I'm probably catching fish for supper somewhere.

As always please, Review, Favourite and Follow as you desire

Luke5921creators' thoughts