
Chapter 14 – Midgard (4)

(Midgard – Norway - 10th Century)

The world would never truly be the same.

Kal's hands were bloody, and his eyes burned hot as the rage he felt manifested in twin beams of red-hot fury that tore through his surroundings. Lakstad was burning, its people nearly entirely slaughtered, and the screaming wails of the survivors would haunt the memories of all for eternity.

However, Kal was oblivious to that, he was oblivious to their suffering, he was oblivious to the smell of burning flesh, he was oblivious to the charred bodies of the men he had killed, he was oblivious to all except one thing.

The cold unmoving body of Lagertha that was in his hands.

Kal's hand reached out and stroked the now cold cheek of his love, brushing aside the once purely golden hair that had started to grey, tears replaced fury and Kal wept as his memories drifted back to happier days.

Kal had kept his promise to Lagertha and had returned as soon as he was able, it had nearly been a year which Kal regretted but he had duties and responsibilities that he couldn't just forsake. Finally, being allowed to use the Bifrost as he convinced his father that he needed to know the worlds he would one day protect.

However, if Lagertha held any resentment towards him being gone for so long she only showed it for a moment when she slapped him upon his return, only to then practically leaping into arms, Midgardian women were strange.

She showed him around Lakstad which had grown more processes using the money the dragons had left behind, as well as famous from the tales told about the gods slaughtering said dragons. Kal had politely listened to one song about the subject and with the exception of him being there, the tale was nothing like what had happened.

The story was now that he alone had been slaughtered the beasts whilst Thor was reduced to a drinking partying god, whose arrival and subsequent debauchery in the great hall had been so loud that it had summoned the beasts. Then when Thor was too drunk to drive off the beasts Kal, God of Protection and Friend of man, had heard their distress raced from Asgard on foot, took up his flaming sword, slaughtered the beasts and then gave the gold to the mortals, all out of the generosity of his heart.

Kal had politely told the singer it was a good song, praised them for their performance and then made a mental note to talk to Loki who he strongly suspected as having spread the false tale to make Thor look bad.

Lagertha had also shown him the rebuilt settlement, the runestone the people had raised for her brother and the dead the dragons had killed. Those were sombre reminders that the people of Midgard were not like the Asgardians he had grown up with, they were fragile creatures who even the weakest of Asgard foes could cut down as if they wheat in a field.

However, any sombreness was quickly dispelled when Lagertha had brought the children to see Kal, she had adopted Harald and Aslaug as they had no one else, and the glaring fact that her father was now without a male heir, so the adopted Harald would suffice.

Kal was at first hesitant, he had never really interacted with children before but soon grew to adore the two, Harald was brave and determined, desiring to be a warrior like Lagertha and Kal. Whilst Aslaug was the sweetest child in all of the nine realms, she had a commanding presence and was so polite that she could give his mother a run for her money.

He quickly discovered that he greatly enjoyed showing Harald how to hold a sword and what the duty of a warrior should be, feeling a connection with what his own father had so recently taught him. Whilst with Aslaug he felt as if he was observing a miniature version of his mother, sweet and kind but with a commanding presence that even brought Kal to heel at times.

In short, his visits to Midgard quickly became about them as much as Lagertha, with the four of them entering a strange but fulfilling life during the times Kal was present at Lakstad. He would spend weeks at a time when he was able, finding a peace he rarely enjoyed on Asgard and once pushed he stay over a month but never repeated the act when his father had been furious at him neglecting his duties.

His trips to Midgard were also causing issues for Lakstad and Lagertha as well, as despite their best efforts rumours started about the Jarl's daughters and the frequent visits the settlement received from God.

The rumours were made worse by the fact that said visits had resulted in myths springing up about Lakstad. With it quickly becoming a site of pilgrimage for the more religious-minded Norse and one day Kal discovered a very large temple had been built dedicated solely to him. Which whilst flattering made him very uncomfortable.

Despite that however Kal continued his visits and greatly enjoyed his time on Midgard, there was no stress, no worries about being a prince and Lagertha never treated him with any kind of reverence which Kal loved her for.

As the years turned passed by however Kal started discovering that idyllic escape that he had carved out for himself on Midgard had one fatal flaw, it was impermanent.

On Asgard, things changed yes but it was a slow gradual change or was a known change like his brothers and him, they grew rapidly as Midgardians but once they reached their prime as they had they stopped. Whereas on Midgard everything changed constantly and very rapidly, he would leave to attend his duties and then return to find, nothing was the same as he left, a fact that troubled him.

The key sign of change for Kal was Lagertha his father, his mother, even Loki had warned him, that the mortals of Midgard grew like wheat, quickly, without pause and no sooner had they lived than they were gone. His father especially warned against forming attachments to creatures whose lives were so fleeting.

Just over ten years had passed, and the woman Kal adored was no longer a young vibrant shieldmaiden with locks the colour of gold, instead, her hair was starting to grey, tiredness was evident in her muscles and looked more matriarch than maiden.

"Harald wants to go raiding" Lagertha commented looking at the fire in the centre of the great hall where they had just finished a meal.

They were alone now, her father Jarl Regin who was still alive, but now ancient as well as ill had been taken off to bed escorted by Aslaug and Harald had gone off to drink with his friends.

"Is that wise?" Kal asked.

Whilst he understood the lure of battle, he never got the Midgard sense to randomly pillage other lands for glories for no gain other than wealth. So, he was always delicate about talking about it instead of just saying that he taught it was idiotic.

"Everyone else his age goes on the raids, and all his friends do. It is what is expected of a boy ….. of a man in his position." Lagertha said as she turned to face Kal who was leaning on a table.

"By that logic, I should have done exactly what my brothers were doing, namely either ignoring my parent's lessons to get drunk or ignoring them to prank the one having fun." Kal quipped with a smile that was not returned by Lagertha.

"Kal I am serious… I want you to go with him." Lagertha request caused Kal to be silent.

The request lingered in the air, as all Kal could do was stare at Lagertha with an unreadable expression on his face. In the years since they had started their romance, Lagertha had never made a request of Kal, in truth she had never needed to, but her first-ever request was one Kal never would have excepted.

He closed his eyes and sighed forcibly, a look of pain almost upon his face as he struggled between what his heart wished of him and what his head told him was his duty. The silence lasted only minutes but for Kal and Lagertha it seemed an eternity.

"I cannot," Kal whispered his response, he opened his eyes and looked at Lagertha with sadness.

"Why NOT, every time you have come here you fly around helping everyone who asks. I am asking you to keep Harald, OUR Harald safe." Lagertha was seething, she was clearly trying to stay calm but was failing.

"BECAUSE" Kal had not meant to yell and soon regretted his actions, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Because this is different and you know it, I have duties and responsibilities, one of which is not to interfere in the affairs between the people of Midgard.

"You interfere all the ti-" Lagertha stood tall trying to look commanding but was silenced by Kal, who rose from the table he had been leaning on.

"NO, I help. I lend aid, I do not wage wars, tell people how to live and I do not raid other places, just for glory and a bit of wealth. And even the help I have given has been too much." Kal's frustration too was growing, causing him to slam his fist into the table next to him in anger.

The result was that the table shattered at the blow, resulting in a deafening noise that again brought silence to the hall. A servant appeared to investigate the noise but promptly turned on their heel and retreated once they saw who was in the hall.

The two stared at each other, ignoring the damage Kal had inflicted neither wishing to be the first one to relent. The silence again lasted for eternity for Kal, who wished deeply that he could acquiesce but the voice in his head that sounded like his father told him to stay strong.

It was Lagertha who finally relented, releasing a deep sigh, and sat down placing her head in her hands, Kal released his own sigh and sat next to her.

"I cannot stop him, and I cannot go with him. He wants to go raiding with Jaekelsson." Lagertha spat the name out with disgust.

"He is not a boy anymore, he has to make his own decisions no matter what we think. Who is Jaekelsson?" Kal asked gently it was a name he had not heard before.

"Harald Jaekelsson, he is a warrior of some note and a great raider, he wants warriors from the famous Lakstad to join him on a great raid he has planned. I have heard disturbing reports about his raids, and my father has always refused to allow his ship to dock here." Lagertha spoke resignedly as if she knew Kal was right.

Kal opened his mouth to respond but suddenly snapped his head as if he had heard some noise like a fox in wild. He was facing towards Lakstad's walls, his eyes contracted and a look of concern appeared on his face

"What is it?" Lagertha asked in alarm knowing full well the reach of Kal's abilities, fearing he was seeing some danger to her home.

Kal was silent for a few moments before he responded his voice held confusion which soon replaced the concern on his face.

"My brother Loki is here," Kal stated as he watched his brother, who hated Midgard believing it a backwater and dirty, completely unaccompanied come bounding across the field on his steed.

(Midgard – 10th Century)

"What do you mean the Kree empire have declared invaded the Skrulls? The Skrulls are peaceful and no threat to the Kree" Kal asked.

His brother had just told him of the conflict that had just broken out and that he was there to take Kal back to Asgard before their father sent men looking for Kal who had told their father he would be on Vanaheim.

Which in truth he had been and had met many of his mother's people's he had just also snuck off to Midgard for a little while.

"Well, they have, father, is concerned that it may drag others into the conflict. He wants all his sons back to show a united front." Loki spoke in his usual disinterested tone, whilst almost lounging on the bench he was sitting on.

"Father is planning on intervening?" Kal asked, surprised as his father rarely allowed Asgard to become embroiled in affairs not concerning the nine realms.

"No idea, I suspect not, merely he wants to show strength, BUT regardless we need to go home now." Loki gaze flitted to Lagertha, before returning to his brother.

Kal just nodded his own vision darting to Lagertha before he returned to his brother "Give me a moment and I will be with you, brother."

Loki sighed at his brother's response, rolled his eyes and gave a small shrug indicating that he was little concerned with his brother's goodbyes as long as they were departing. Loki rose from his seat and grandly dusted himself as if merely being on Midgard was covering him in a fine layer of filth before he departed the hall.

"Leaving already." Lagertha shook her head.

"I have too, there is a war that could threaten all of th-" Kal started but Lagertha just lifted up her hand silencing him.

"There is always something, and you are always leaving … I cannot keep doing this." Lagertha released a frustrated sigh as her hand started rubbing her head in frustration.

"Lagertha I -" Kal again tried to talk and reached out to her but was cut off.

"JUST go, please" Lagertha shook her head and turned from him.

Kal closed his eyes and sighed a look of reluctant resignation on his face as he turned to leave the hall pausing only a moment to look at Lagertha one last time before leaving.

"I would tell Harald that a famous man may seek war but a good one defends what he has." Kal turned and left the great hall.

He was greeted by Loki who gave his brother a warm smile and a strong pat on the back, more out of brotherly affection than a real understanding of what had just happened. Kal appreciated it nonetheless and gave his brother a forced smile.

"Come let us get back before father finds out where we actually are." Kal gave a chuckle that was more forced than he intended.

The return to Asgard was a shift one, and Kal was surprised to see that the Einherjar were not out in force, despite the fact that the Kree had attacked the Skrulls. Although he supposed his father did not really mean to intervene in the conflict just observe it.

"BUT Father surely we should -" Thor's voice could clearly be heard as they entered the Throne room.

"ENOUGH, I have spoken, we will wait for your brother to return and AH my younger sons return." Odin's eye had spotted Kal and Loki even before they entered the Hall, his great eye-piercing stone and metal.

"Father" Both the princes said in unison giving their father a deep bow, before taking their place amongst the gathered council.

Kal settled in next to Thor but was not really paying attention to the meeting his mind was still on Midgard, thinking about Lagertha and her request. The two of them had been in a relationship of sorts for nearly ten years, he had been heavily involved with both Harald and Aslaug and cared deeply for Lagertha.

Yet in all those years, he had never told his parents or his brothers about them, he had never once considered bringing them to Midgard and in truth, he often put them out of his mind when he was attending to his duties. Kal knew something had to change and soon, he had been living a fantasy with Lagertha and reality was beginning to set it, he just had to decide what reality would replace it.

Complete honesty with his parents and trying to build a real-life with Lagertha with whatever time they had left or leaving behind the infatuation of his youth and embracing the life his parents had laid out for him.

"Father, what is the point of being one of the strongest powers if we do not intervene. This conflict could spill over into the nine realms, let me act before that occurs." Thor leaned forward gestured with his fist, desperate to convince their father to commit troops.

Kal shook thoughts of Midgard from his head as he realised that Thor was again arguing with their father, evidently wanting to respond militarily to the latest act of Kree aggression. Kal loved his brother and would follow Thor anywhere and often did, but he was always a little weary that his brothers' solutions to problems usually used force.

"You would drag us into a war we know little about and risk Asgard, ALL of the Nine Realms." Odin's voice was calm yet commanding, his great eye lingering on Thor.

The council was silent as it always was when the eldest son of Odin clashed with the Allfather himself, no one wanting to risk the ire of either man. Loki merely smirked next to Thor, taking pleasure in Thor's condemnation by their father, an act that earned him a glare from Kal and shakes of his little brothers heard.

"Father why should intervene, the Kree empire and Skrulls border several of our protectorates, and Midgard as well," Kal spoke up setting forward next to Thor.

"EXACTLY" Thor gestured to Kal and gave his brother a great smile for his support, which quickly vanished with Kal's words.

"However, force of arms would be drastic. Perhaps you could send a delegation to Hala, ensure that the Kree honour their treaties with us and keep out of Asgardian space." Kal looked at Thor who merely shook his head at his little brother.

"Talk, what is talking going to achieve we should march into Hala and dema-" Thor's tirade was halted by striking of Gungnir.

"ENOUGH," Odin released a weary sigh. "Thank you for attending, I will let you all know my decision."

The gathered men quickly bowed, except for Thor who just sighed and departed, likely to go hit something very hard to vent his frustrations. Kal was about to leave when his father's voice reached him.

"Kal stay a moment." Odin was still standing and gestured for Kal to come over to him.

Kal caught Loki's eye who merely shrugged and departed, leaving Kal alone with their father. He tried to stand as tall as he could and look as calm as possible.

"Father, I was just trying to he-" Kal began to defend himself but was halted by his father raising his hand.

"What message would you deliver to the Kree, if I were to send you?" Odin's eye was looking at Kal with an inquisitive gage.

"ME." Kal was startled. "Um I did not mean me, I meant someone wise and experienced, like you or mother or Mímir or ANYBODY on the council."

Kal was a little shocked his father had entrusted him with many duties and responsibilities, but leading a delegation to Hala to talk to the Kree was something else entirely.

"And why my son would I not send you?" Odin smiled at Kal's hesitation.

"I am, I am, I am. Well young, I barely 30 father. And, and not the Crown Prince. If you wish to send a royal representative why not Thor or Loki or Mother." Kal was stuttering now something he had not done in years.

"The idea was yours; your mother has duties she cannot ignore and neither of your brothers suggested the idea. So, I ask again what message you would send?" Odin asked placing a comforting hand on Kal's shoulder.

Kal blinked at his father's statement and swallowed the bitter taste that rose in his throat at the prospect his father was presenting. His mind started racing, trying to remember everything he could about the Kree and their treaties with Asgard.

"One of concern about their recent actions, reminding them of the delicate balance of the cosmos. Along with a friendly reminder about their treaties with us and that they should avoid their conflict spilling over into realms under our protection, lest a misfortunate understanding for all involved." Kal straightened his back and looked his father in the eye.

Odin was silent for a few moments before a smile appeared on his face and Kal felt a gentle yet powerful squeeze on his shoulder.

"Good my boy, we cannot involve ourselves in the affairs of others unless it affects the Nine realms," Odin spoke softly.

"I understand that is your decision as King, but what the Kree are doing is wrong, father. We could stop them, we should stop them." Kal spoke with honesty and conviction his father found admirable.

"We could, but then where do we stop?" Odin looked his son in the eye and spoke harshly but truthfully.

"Father I am not suggesting conquest, just that we intervene to protect another realm as you do with our allies and the nine realms," Kal spoke with passion and conviction.

"The Kree will not change, we would have to conqueror them. Then who else? Anyone we disagree with, anyone that lives in a manner that we dislike. How many would we have to slaughter? How many wars?" Odin gripped his son's shoulder tightly and waited for a response

Kal opened his mouth but quickly closed it a look of resignation upon his face as he suddenly felt like a little boy again, his father giving him another lecture about duty and responsibility.

"I understand wanting to make the cosmos a better place, but we keep the peace by limiting ourselves, by understanding that every action we take has consequences. We have great power my son, but the great power we have is the restraint not to wield it blindly." Odin sighed as patted Kal on the shoulder.

"I understand father." Kal's mind then drifted back to Midgard.

The actions he had taken there drifted into his mind, a decade of skirting duties to be Lagertha, of half-truths to play with the children and what had it gained him. A life complicated by a love he could not hold onto, a place dear to him that was made a target because of the wealth his presence brought, and the devotion of people he found disturbing.

Odin clearly saw the look of contention on his face and gave him a fatherly smile and started guiding him back towards the royal apartments in the palace.

"You are a good son, have no fear. I will send you to Hala in a few days, Mímir will go with you to advise. Do not provoke outrage, just remind them of our treaties and that this conflict MUST stay out of the nine realms." Odin's voice had returned to that of the Allfather, rather than just Kal's father.

(Hala – 10th Century)

Kal left for Hala as instructed and was accompanied by Mímir, several dozen servants, a very large contingent of Einherjar and his best friend Haldor. He was leading Kal's Einherjar escort, having achieved a highly respected position in the past ten years and had volunteered to go with his oldest friend.

Hala the homeworld of the Kree was beautiful there was no denying the fact, however, it was very different to Asgard or any of the Nine Realms. It kind of reminded Kal of Knowhere, just much cleaner and organised, Hala a sprawling metropolis of spires and marvels that were interlocked in a complex landscape.

However, Hala was also brutal the architecture although impressive and beautiful at first glance was subtly militaristic, clearly designed to dominate as well as intimidate both the local population and visitors. Kal could also see because of his enhanced senses the more repugnant side of the Kree as well, although they hid it well it was clear that there were slaves present on Hala, labouring away in the shadows.

In short, Hala was not a place Kal particularly wanted to spend any time on, he was very happy to deliver his message and leave. The only problem was that he was currently being made to wait, he and his large retinue had been placed in a very nice hall after Kal had refused rooms not wanting this to be dragged out.

Hours had passed since their arrival in the Hall, and while Kal understood that it was likely a diplomatic tactic, he was still losing his patience quickly, although not as quickly as others.

"This is unacceptable to keep a prince of Asgard waiting." Haldor was pacing back and forth in front of the hall's doors arms crossed across his chest.

"Haldor please calm yourself; this is merely a diplomatic tactic," Mímir spoke softly, looking at Kal who had yet to move from the spot he had been standing in since their arrival.

"ITS bloody insulting is what it is, blood skin Hruga uskit'rs" Haldor spat out his curse at Mimir's attempt to be responsible.

Just as Mímir was about to respond the door opened a very large group of Kree delegates arrived with an even larger group of soldiers escorting them.

"We apologise for the delay, your Royal Highness, what do we owe for the honour of the presence of the youngest son of Odin." The lead Kree delegate spoke in a tone Kal easily recognised.

It was one Loki often used when he wanted to insult people to their faces yet still sound polite so they couldn't cause a scene.

"We are here to express our concern with the present state of affairs, your conflict with the Skrulls is destabilizing and we wish to ensure that the Kree will not violate any of the treaties they have signed with Asgard." Kal stepped forward, towering over the Kree delegate, speaking as his father had taught him with power and command.

To his credit the Kree did not flinch, meeting Kal's powerful gaze " Such a message could have been easily delivered by a simple transmission, it seems beneath the dignity of most princes."

"I am the messenger by command of the Allfather, and if the message is not received properly or worse ignored. I will be the one to return." Kal tried to sound like his father when delivering a threat.

In truth, in his own mind, Kal was panicking a little, he felt that he was sounding childlike and was trying too hard to sound commanding when his own father sounded natural. He was starting to think his earlier reluctance at being the envoy was well-founded and was already imagining the disappointment his father would have with him when he returned a failure.

However, despite Kal's own internal doubts, the room had fallen silent and even Haldor had gulped slightly at Kal's implied threat, just staring at his old friend as everyone waited to see what happened next.

"We will pass on the concerns of your father to the Supreme Intelligence, and I can assure you that the Kree Empire has no desire to break any treaty with Asgard." Kree delegate gave a slight bow of his head.

With the message delivered Kal decided that a prompt departure was best, there being no need to stay on Hala and risk some sort of incident. So after allowing Mímir to handle the small details of the meeting they left, and as they approached their departure point Kal let out a deep breath he had been holding in.

"Well, that was something," Haldor said, a look of surprise on his face.

"Was I that bad?" Kal asked his old friend concern evident in his voice.

"Oh no! You were that good, I mean I honestly thought for a moment there, that you were your father. That Kree looked like he was about to Skitr himself" Haldor spoke with honesty and grinned at Kal.

Haldor's statement caused the pair to start laughing as the rainbow hue of the Bifrost appeared around them.

(Asgard – 10th Century)

Upon his return to Asgard Kal and Mímir delivered their report to Odin whilst Haldor took his men back to the barracks.

Odin met their report with the same unwavering stoic expression he always had but Kal thought he saw a glimmer of pride in his father's eye, that made his chest swell with pride of his own. His brothers however who were also present were less enthused and less subtle in their response.

Thor openly scoffed at the report, Kal hoped it was more out of Thor's disbelief that the Kree could be diplomatic rather than an actual enmity his older brother might be holding against Kal. Whilst Loki just seemed his usual disinterested self but what was telling was that he did not offer even a subtle smile to Kal.

His report delivered Kal excused himself from the rest of the meeting wanting to clear his head rather than listen to the debate that was sure to follow regarding how to keep the Nine Realms safe, with war raging between the Kree and Skrulls.

His mind drifted back to Midgard as he was now free from obligations with keeping the Nine realms safe for the moment. Kal took to the skies to think, and action that had become his escape from concerns, over the years as he found he thought clearer when flying.

Kal was not sure what to do next, he cared for Lagertha deeply, he greatly like Lakstad, he also adored Harald and Aslaug, but in truth, things had changed. Somewhere Kal's idyllic and carefree escape had become all too real, it had gone from a respite of duties to become a whole new set of responsibilities.

He was very aware that he was crossing some lines as well, there was nothing wrong with the odd trip to Midgard and the worship that resulted in it due to Midgardians limited development, but Kal had built a life on Midgard. A life that was now making demands of him, which in truth were long overdue, he had played the god for so long that he had forgotten that every time he helped someone, they became dependent on him to a degree.

Lagertha in actual fact had been remarkably patient with him and beyond reasonable, she had sat back and watched him help so many people with minor problems and never asked anything of him, until now and what she asked was not unreasonable.

'What am I going to do?' Kal asked himself, his mind conflicted and providing no clear answer.

He landed at Himinbjorg, Heimdall's seat from which he guarded Asgard, his mind unconsciously drawing him to the place from which the Nine realms could be observed. Heimdall did not acknowledge his presence as he entered, standing like a statue on his raised platform.

"Back so soon, from your triumph with the Kree?" Heimdall's voice was dry but Kal could tell he was being humorous.

"Hardly a triumph, my old friend," Kal responded his eyes looking out at the cosmos.

"Perhaps." Heimdall looked at Kal. "Your thoughts linger on Midgard. On the Women?" The guardian of the Bifrost spoke softly.

"Yes," Kal knew hiding the truth from Heimdall was pointless "You never told my parents?"

"I am tasked with guarding Asgard and the Bifrost. Your actions threatened neither …. And Odin never asked." Heimdall gave a rare smile, one which Kal returned.

"How is she?" Kal looked at his old mentor.

"She is ….." Heimdall suddenly went silent as his vision focused on something Kal could not see.

"What? What is it?" Kal turned to face Heimdall.

"Her settlement had been attacked and I fear she is -" Heimdall stopped himself not wishing to cause his former student and friend pain.

"Send me." Kal words were blunt.

"My prince, I cannot," Heimdall stated, his duty prevented him from acting.

"SEND ME NOW." Kal's words caused the very walls of Himinbjorg to shake.

Heimdall looking into his former student's eyes, simply lifted his great blade Hofund and activated the Bifrost.

The brilliant and vibrant hues of the Bifrost engulfed sending him hurtling through the cosmos and when they dissipated Kal found the world around him was one of fire and horror.

(Midgard – Norway - Lakstad -10th Century)

Lakstad was burning, the screams of women, the crying of children and the groans of dying warriors could all be heard. The raiders had set fire to nearly every building and what was not on fire was covered in blood, corpses littered the streets.

However, all that was mute to Kal whose great sight only saw one figure in the entire horrific scene, as if a silhouette embraced her fallen form, Lagertha's still body engulfed his entire world.

She lay at the entrance of the Great Hall, the headless body of her aged father a few feet away from her, whilst a dark and brutal crimson wound stained the stomach of her dress. Her hair created a golden veil that hid her face, and despite the fires around her, she lay as if she was simply sleeping.

He walked like a man possessed ignorant to the cries and fury raging around him, not even Harald Lagertha's adopted son, that he passed could shake him from his stupor. The young warrior's yells to his mentor met with silence as he desperately defended his sister and clutch of small children.

Kal walked through the carnage and ascended the stairs, his walk was steady and methodical, only pausing once he reached his dark destination. He knelt his knee and feet becoming bloody as it dipped into the thick crimson pool that Lagertha was bathed in, he gently lifted her cradling her in his arms.

There was no warmth, no light, since the first time he had held her or even seen her there was nothing, no joy, no laughter, no fierceness, only silence and cold.

He pushed back the golden veil and was met by a sight that would haunt him forever, her mouth was a wash of dark crimson, and her eyes once full of life and passion were empty. The twin sapphires that had once been his whole world were now dull and ordinary.

He stroked Lagertha's now cold cheek, his face expressionless as he stared down at her. He heard the approach of two men coming from behind him, the sickening sound of blood-drenched boots squelching on the floor.

"Think that's him? The god Lakstad claimed they had." The first warrior said his voice hard and gritty.

"Might be, looks more like a prissy boy playing pretend in those fine clothes. Still, Jaekelsson will want his head for a trophy." The second warrior stated, lifting his sword off his shoulder.

Kal's response was cold and chilling, he laid Lagertha gently back on the ground and turned to face the raiders, his face was still blank and lacked all emotion. Kal's lack of response caused his would-be executioners to stumble back slightly, the first raider opened his mouth but whatever he said never came.

Charred flesh rained down on the second raider, who blinked and looked at where his companion had once been standing instead in his place, was a charred midriff and legs that promptly toppled over. As he looked back to Kal, he was met by the same expressionless face but with eyes that were now glowing red with a heat hotter than all the fires of Muspelheim.

He attempted to strike Kal with his sword but before he could even move twin beams of red light obliterated the man, leaving nothing but a smear.

Kal despite showing little emotion on his face was trembling, a fury he had never known before coursed through his veins, boiling his very soul along with his blood. The tears he had wept silently had burned away, his world was now one of red and crimson.

He moved forward and the fires of Lakstad were joined by a new more terrible heat, that none of the raiders would survive.

Harald Jaekelsson was reeling as he ran for his ship. His plan had been so simple, for years he had heard the rumours of the dragon-hoarded wealth of Lakstad, of the beautiful Shieldmaiden Lagertha, and most of all of the supposed God living there.

Upon hearing the rumours Jaekelsson had known it would be his destiny to sack the place, take Lagertha as his captive, and slay the fool pretending to be a god. It had initially gone so perfectly, Lagertha's adopted son had even invited them in and he found the rumours of a god living there to be just that rumours.

Their supposed God had apparently left a few days prior to his arrival, a story he believed they likely told any fool when he came to visit to keep the myth alive and the stream of idiots visiting the temple coming.

So, it was all so perfect when the night after his arrival he had thrown a feast to celebrate his upcoming raid, and when everyone was good a drunk, he unleashed his warriors on the settlement. Lagertha had unfortunately resisted and had to be killed, but no matter her adopted daughter Aslaug would make for a far greater prize once they took her.

However, his perfect plan had been interrupted a few hours later by a sudden burst of a strange light in the heavens, that crashed down into the centre of Lakstad, and a few moments after that he had heard a noise cutting through the sound of his men raiding. It was a harsh brutal sound accompanied by strange glowing bursts of red light.

It did not take long for Jaekelsson to meet its source, a man that had once been dressed in fine robes and light armour but was now covered in charred gore, with twin red suns blazing in his eyes, incinerating his men where they stood. Now he was not a religious man and truly believed that the gods were mere stories, but he quickly found faith when the monster before him tore a man in half with his bare hands.

Harald Jaekelsson was no fool and quickly ran before the creature could spot him, he ran fast despite his heavy armour, his flight aided by him discarding his shield and was in sight of his ship when a pair of twin beams obliterated it.

He did not feel the blow, but he felt the pain as no sooner had he blinked than he felt a hand on his throat lifting up like a rag doll and the creature's fist in his guts.

"Why?" Kal asked his voice quiet but with fury, he could never have imagined using it a few short moments ago.

Jaekelsson's response was just a grabbled sound of noise, Kal's grip on his throat was so tight that air let alone words could barely reach his lungs. Surprising upon realising this Kal loosened his grip slightly causing Harald Jaekelsson to gasp for much-needed air.

"Why?" Kal asked again, his voice sounding more desperate than before, a clear need to understand present on his face.

"Because I could." Jaekelsson snarled out.

What other reason was there? Harald Jaekelsson was strong and powerful; he could take what he liked, Lakstad was wealthy and famous, so of course, he raided it, it is what men do.

Kal's face went grim at the response, Jaekelsson then felt Kal's hand leave his gut and felt himself being lowered by his throat until he was face to face with Kal. Jaekelsson saw the bright flames in the god's eyes and prepared for his death, however, suddenly the fires died but his reprieve was short-lived.

Instead, he felt Kal's bloody hand on his face, then immense pressure as Kal's fingers and palm excruciatingly slowly crushed his skull. Despite his high tolerance for pain Harald Jaekelsson screamed, tears mixed with blood as Kal watched with a dark glint in his eye as he ended the man's life.

A sickening sound cracked the air as Kal's hand finally made a fist, one he quickly undid as he released the vile content that strained his hand. The lifeless form of Harald Jaekelsson dropping to the floor, as let go of the deceased man's throat.

He stared at it for a while unsure what to do now, Kal had stopped the leader of the raiders and now that leader was dead, yet the rage, the anger was still there. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of armour, he turned and saw a young man, a boy really standing off to his side, he was wearing the same armour and colours of the raiders.

Kal's eyes started glowing, but the man instead of running or attacking just dropped his sword and raised his arms.

"WAIT NO, I'm not like them, I was protecting the children." The boy warrior begged, tears forming in his eyes.

There was a few moments of silence before Kal answered, his rage still washing over him.

"I do not care." His voice was harsh and brutal, as his eyes flared.

"Wait! Kal he is telling the tru-" The newcomer's voice was cut off by Kal who just swatted the arrival away with the back of his hand, sending the figure crashing into a building.

"STAY OUT OFF THI-." Kal's voice was cut off as he saw who he had struck.

The body of Harald, Lagertha's adopted son and his student lay amongst a pile of rubble that Kal had sent him crashing into. He stood there stunned, as Aslaug ran to her fallen brother, her dress torn and covered in blood. She quickly threw herself to the ground and cradled her brother's face, she gasped with joy as he coughed, showing he was still alive.

"Aslaug I, I did not -" Kal started forward to offer aid but was stopped as Aslaug whirled around holding her brother's sword in her hands.

Aslaug was no shieldmaiden, the blade was almost too heavy for her, and it trembled in her grip, in other circumstances the sight of Aslaug with a sword would have made him laugh but not today, not here surrounded by the ruins of her home.

"STAY BACK!" She yelled her voice trembling just like the sword.

"Aslaug it's me," Kal whispered shocked at her fear, he took a step towards her.

"I SAID STAY BACK. YOU DID THIS, LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" Aslaug yelled having found a well of courage.

The reality around Kal suddenly came crashing back to him as his rage left him, he looked around and saw the swathes his fiery vision had cut through Lakstad. They were worse than any damage the raiders had done, the destruction he had wrought was careless, brutal, and tore through everything in sight.

He suddenly felt his hands for the first time that night, he looked down and saw the gore which was his hands, they were a mixture of crimson and flesh. Blood combined with charred flesh clung to him and Kal could feel every speck, every molecule of flesh, and even the heat from those still warm.

As he looked up, he saw the faces of the survivors that were now gathering, there was no look of deliverance, no joy, no jubilation, just fear, fear of him.

It was that look, the look of fear Aslaug had, a person as close to Kal as his own family that convinced him that he needed to leave.

"HEIMDALL!" Kal's voice broke the terrible silence and Kal felt the great hues of the Bifrost engulf him.

He was soon faced with an even worse sight, that of his parents before him, who had clearly been summoned by Heimdall after Kal's departure and had evidently just been about to depart. A look of pure anger was etched on their faces as they stared at Kal's bloody form.

However, that look soon disappeared as they saw Kal's face it was a wash of pure heart-breaking agony and sorrow. Kal lifted his outstretched palms, blood dripping on the floor, his vision lingering on them.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should have listened, I should have …." Kal broke down, falling to his knees.

A feeling of shame, rage, and sorrow overwhelmed him, as his heart started tearing him apart.

Frigga was the first to move, dropping to her knees and wrapping Kal in a motherly embrace, ignoring the blood and gore her son was covered in.

"Hush now, I am here, everything is alight. Everything is going to be alright." Frigga whispered softly to her son.

"I should have listened; I am so sorry." Kal just repeated as he broke down into his mother's embrace.

Odin just watched a look of great sadness on his face as he watched his youngest son break down at the mistakes he had made. Whilst he subtly slipped back a glowing green rock back into its protective case, thanking the Allfather's that he had no need for it.

"Everything will be okay, my son" Odin's voice was soft and gentle.

Nothing would be the same again.

(Author's Note)

So thus ends the Midgard arc, in truth this arc ended up going in a different direction than I had planned but I think it works much better than what I originally had planned.

I seriously hoped you all enjoyed it and if not, well I hope you did not hate it too much.

So, my next chapter will be skipping ahead as I feel I have dallied long enough and will move to the first chapter regarding a proper Marvel movie from the MCU.

I hope you all enjoy it!

Please, review, follow, and favourite as you desire.

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