
The Creation of Uranus

Years ago, when the demons are attacking the Celestial Palace, the city of Gods. The city was being protected by ennumerable Nazar guardians. Any of the demon who dared to approach the city was being punish by their peerles speed and fearsome magical lightning whips. No demon could escape when pursued by the divine warriors. But there is some conflict happened. One of the God that is living in the city was in the side of the demons. He gave them strength and magical powers to overcome the powers of the Nazar guardians. As the leader of the Nazar, Kaja didn't even know about what to do. The demon started to kill the Nazar guardians one by one. The ruler of the city was desperate, he activated the city's greatest defense. Uranus, the city's last hope to survive. He commanded Uranus to keep protecting the city while waiting for the new master to come, the ruler has been killed by the demons in front of Uranus. Uranus was filled with anger. He roared upon charging his power. The battlefield was fueled by lightning and killed most of the demons. Kaja told Uranus to keep protecting the city while he roam upon the Land of the Dawn to find the new ruler of the Celestial Palace. Uranus was left in the Celestial Palace with some of the Nazar guardians, while Kaja left the city to find the new master, the new ruler of the city.