
Same Coin, different sides

"Hold up, before y'all suggest anything involving this girl, shouldn't we wait until she's conscious so she can have a say in the matter?," Zhen Yue pointed out.

"That's...a good point."

Evidently, none of the other scions had thought about this point either, so when it was finally pointed out, they just nodded in agreement.

Zhen Yue couldn't help but roll her eyes at her cousins.

Their hearts were in the right place, but their heads...not so much.

"Anyways, you guys think we should save the girl some of this stew? Think she'll be able to eat it?"

"Actually, I think Gao Ren mentioned that he was going to make something for the girl off to the side," Zhen Liu answered, "mentioning something that he needed to make something rich in iron for her."


With the issue pertaining to the slave girl's aftercare no longer being in their hands, the Zhen Clan scions took that bit of news as the moment to relax.