[Too...dramatic...chances...of...that... happening...too...low...,] Frosttusk rumbled in protest.
<So sayeth the spirit of revenge and regret,> Pathos chastised, <shouldn't you be wanting something like that to happen?>
[Okay, jolly frost giant,] Hurricroak retorted, [what do you think is going to happen now that we're balls deep in hostile territory?]
[Jilted former lover? I don't think grandpa Zhen Shi had any jilted former-oh wait a minute...you're no talking about the grandpa, are you?]
[Damn, I forgot about that angle.]
[Okay no,] Razorstella interjected, [its been like...two, three decades since the elopement happened. I highly doubt that a half-dragon prince who probably has literal pick of any woman he wants would get hung up over one jilted engagement.]
<Aight, you need to read more historical romance novels.>