
**A Tumultuous Encounter**


Two weeks had passed since Kinsley had started attending Gatesworth College. She had diligently followed Ally's advice and done her best to steer clear of the infamous K4. But avoiding them was no easy task.

As Kinsley arrived at school one morning, she found herself facing a familiar spectacle. The K4, led by Kaden Mitchell, had become the center of attention in the hallway. Their presence was greeted with screams of adoration from girls and envy from boys who aspired to be part of their inner circle.

Kinsley muttered to herself, "How am I supposed to submit my assignment with these people blocking my way?"

Minutes dragged on like hours as Kinsley waited for the crowd to disperse. It seemed like the K4 expected a red carpet to be rolled out for them.

Growing impatient, Kinsley decided to make a dash down the hallway. "I can't wait any longer," she thought.

"Hey, who is she?" a girl from the crowd exclaimed.

"Stop!" a boy added.

In her haste, Kinsley tripped and went tumbling to the ground, her books scattering in all directions. Anger boiled within her as she heard Kaden's harsh voice, "Are you freaking blind?"

But their brief confrontation was interrupted by an unexpected moment of magic as their eyes locked. It was fleeting, but in that instant, time seemed to stand still.

The spell was broken when Vennita Sinclair, a girl who exuded confidence and authority, stepped forward and slapped Kinsley with a resounding "smack!"

Kinsley winced, stunned by the unexpected blow. Silence descended upon the crowd, broken only by the sharp sound of Vennita's palm meeting Kinsley's cheek.

Kaden, Kieran, and the rest of the K4 watched the unfolding drama with detached interest. Kaden, in particular, wore an expression of cold indifference.

Vennita, taken aback by her own audacity, regained her composure and watched Kinsley, her eyes smoldering with anger.

But Kinsley refused to be the victim. With a fiery spirit, she slapped Vennita back with equal force, drawing gasps from everyone.

"Vennita, are you insane? Why did you slap her?" Kingston scolded.

"Yeah, why would you slap a beauty like her?" Kellan added, his flirtatious nature momentarily subdued.

"Stop flirting with her, idiot!, aren't u suppose to reprimand her for having the audacity to slap me" Vennita snapped at Kellan.

Kaden and Kieran, the silent observers, remained unfazed by the commotion.

Kaden, his patience wearing thin, grabbed Vennita's wrist and said coldly, "Watch your way next time." he said to Kingsley not facing her.

But Kinsley surprised everyone, including herself, by grabbing his other wrist. The onlookers gasped, for no one dared touch Kaden like that.

Kaden turned to face Kinsley, avoiding eye contact. "You must be new," he remarked.

"Yes, I am. What's wrong with that?" Kinsley retorted.

Kaden snatched his hand back, whispering to Kinsley, "You should not have grabbed my wrist. Just watch what I'll do to you."

The chilling words sent shivers down her spine. Kinsley pushed him away, feeling a mix of anger, confusion, and a strange attraction that she couldn't quite comprehend.

Just as tensions were about to escalate further, Ally appeared in the crowd and pulled Kinsley away. She whispered urgently, "Let's get out of here before things get worse."

Kinsley fumed as she was led away, ranting to Ally, "Who are they to treat me like trash?"

Ally tried to calm her down, saying, "Getting into Vennita and Kaden's bad books is terrible. Why did you have to slap her back?"

Kinsley fired back, "Because she slapped me, and you want me to look weak!"

"Who is she, anyway?" Kinsley inquired, her curiosity still burning.

"Well, her father seems to be rich. She's the queen bee of the school and a family friend of Kaden," Ally explained, "Rumor has it that they are dating, but I don't think Kaden likes her."

Kinsley's heart skipped a beat. "Why do I feel relieved when you say Kaden doesn't like her?"

Ally smiled knowingly. "In fact, I don't think Kaden will ever like any girl."

Their conversation was cut short when Kinsley remembered her forgotten assignment. "Oh no, my assignment!" she exclaimed and dashed back to the hallway to retrieve her scattered papers.
