

After all, I meet you to overcome everything...

Sky_lilac · Thanh xuân
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
38 Chs


"Arghh...!" , Xiu feels the pains in her abdomen . The blood keeps pouring from her stomach as she saw the knife in hers . She stares at the person holding the knife .

"You...you...why you..?" , she's in denial when she saw the person she trust is the one that strived the knife at her .

"Sorry but I need to do this" , the person pulled the knife out and stab her one more time .

Xiu bore the pain that going through inside her . She has no energy to fight as she has been stabbed two times in row . She fell to the floor after the person pulled out the knife from her again. "Ah Yan...you...why...." , tears flowed to her cheek . She saw many of her bodyguards on the floor as well . Breathless . Then she hears Mu Yan's voice giving an order to set the house on fire . Xiu feels so betrayed when the cousin she grew up together is the one who wants her dead as well . She smelled gasoline and then slowly crawled out using a secret passage at the back . She is struggling and keeps going to the back of the house . She made sure no one saw her before she went into the woods . She keeps walking through the woods without knowing when she will get out of there alive .

"Qi Mu Yan , that bastard...just you wait" , she cursed him as she found it hard to walk .


"That...that sound of vehicle!!!" , she followed the vehicle's sound to get out of the woods . She used all her energy that was left to follow the sound . Then her eyes were blinded by light . Car's headlight ! She walked faster to get out of the woods . She don't know how many days she's in there but who cares as long she saved . She finally arrived at the side of the road but there was nothing . Not even one car .

"Ughhh... I need to walk again?!!!" , she mumbled and keep walking at the side of the road until the point she can't take it anymore and blacked out .


"Sir , we are late for the meeting . Are you sure you wanna take her with you?"

"Take her . Drop me at a place first then bring her to my home . Call Dr. Tom and brief him about her , make sure he comes fast" , he directs his bodyguard .

"Okay , sir"

The car drifted through the roads.


Xiu opened her eyes .

"Where am I?!! How did I get here?!!" , she rushes to get out of the bed then the pains are back .

"Aahhh!!" , she closed her eyes as she bore the pain. "This damn wounds!" , she's mad at the wound .

"You awake."

Xiu was shocked when hearing that hoarse voice . 'Where the heck I am?!!!!' , she screamed inside .

"Ah , yeah . Who..are you? Are you the one who saved me?" , Xiu stuttered .

He walked to the bed and sit by her side . Then he brings his face closer to her right ear and whisper , "what do you think I do?"

Xiu shivered . His breath falls to her neck . She feels the warmth of his breath on her skin , and smelled his nice fragrance as he had just bath . She can smell lemon on his body . "It smells so good" , she said out loud without knowing.

He smirks . At that point she realized she just said it out aloud .

"Did...did I say it out loud?" , she asked with her red face . You can see she is blushing so much to the point her face feels hot .

"Do I smell nice , little girl ?" , he asked with his mischievous smile .