
Chapter 2

Jia didn't come back to the office after she met Jay at the kindergarten. She didn't have the courage to face the latter. Yes, she needs to explain thing but she just can't do that. Not right now.

Jia just straight to her home and cook something for both her and Denny. She just cook simple dishes for lunch as she didn't have any mood to do anything. Well at least her son still ate what she cook.

"Mommy, Shannon's uncle is sooo nice." Denny said with his mouth full with food. Jia almost choked on her food once she heard the words that slipped out from Denny's mouth. "He buy me ice-cream." The little kid added and Jia only nodded. She didn't reply anything and only listen to whatever her son were saying from what had happened at the kindergarten until about Shannon's uncle, about he's so nice, here and that and Jia just wanted to shut her son's mouth, stopping him from talking more about Jay but how can she did that to her lovely son right? Denny didn't know anything. He's still a kid to understand. "Mommy." Denny called out, snapping Jia out from her thought.

"Yes baby?" Jia asked, smiling.

"Why are you so quiet?" Denny asked. He's on the verge of crying when he notice that her mother didn't react to his story. Jia suddenly felt guilty. She tried to find the right words to convince her son. Denny is so smart for a four years old kid.

"Its because I love to hear you speak baby." Jia said while pinching Denny's fluffly cheek. Denny giggles when his mother doing it. Jia released a relieved sighed once she saw that Denny already giggling. Glad that the kid didn't cry just because she didn't react to his story. To be honest, Jia can't bear to see Denny crying. He's too precious for her.

They continue eating and Denny continue to speak with his mouth full with food. Several time Jia said to him to not speak when he's eating but ohh well that kid didn't want to listen to her. Jia only shook her head to her son stubbornness.

Then, out of sudden, there's a knock on the front door. Jia frowned, thinking who was that.

"Finish your food. Mommy will come back later." Jia said before getting up from her seat to the front door. She opened the door and saw a person with orange haired. It was Ash. Ash put his shoes off before inviting himself into the house.

"Yahh Yahh!" Jia yelled when Ash made his way into the house and straight to the kitchen. Jia shook her head, then close the door.

"Uncle!" She heard Denny squealed. When she steps into the kitchen, she saw Ash was holding Denny in his arm while kissing the kid's cheek several time.

Later, Ash took his seat at the kitchen counter while his eyes staring at the food in front of him. Without asking, Jia already handed the plate to Ash and he took it with a wide smile on his face.

"Why you didn't call me when you had found Denny?" Ash asked. "When I arrived at the kindergarten, no one was there. You know, you make me worried." Ash sulks but still he shoved the food in his mouth.

Actually, he didn't eat anything yet. He didn't order anything as he was waiting for Jia for about 30 minutes before decided to call the blond. But then, when he reminds Jia about Denny and when he heard that Jia said panicky that she forgot about the kid, he's admit that he's also freaked out. But he didn't want to show it because he didn't want Jia to panic but instead he tried to comfort Jia that nothing will happen to Denny. When he ended the call, he didn't bother to order anything and waited patiently for Jia to call him again after fetching Denny. He felt relieved when Jia calls him back but he didn't expect to hear "someone took him" coming out from his friend's mouth. He was panic but tried to convince Jia that they will find Denny together. Turn out when he arrived, no one was there. He calls Jia but the she didn't pick up. So, he decides to call his office that he won't come back after lunch because he had an emergency. After that, he drove off to Jia's apartment.

"I'm sorry. I forgot." Jia whispered while eating her food.

Ash stops from chewing his food and put down the chopstick. He saw Jia's body tense. He could feel that something was not right.

"What happened?" Ash asked, concern.

"Nothing." Jia lied. Ash didn't convince with it. He knew Jia very well. Its not like he just knew Jia yesterday. He already knew Jia from they were kid but the older still wanted to lie to him.

"Bullshit." Ash cursed.

"Denny, go watch the cartoon." Jia said. Denny only nodded. Jia took Denny in her arm and brought the kid to the sink to wash his mouth and hand. Then, she let Denny go to the living room.

Jia sat in front of Ash. She looks at Ash who was waiting patiently for her to spill out everything. She sighed. She really can't lie her friend.

"He knew about Denny." Jia started.

"Who?" Ash asked.

"Jay." She breathed out.

"W-wha... How?" Ash started to panic.

"He's Shannon's uncle. Shannon is Denny's friend." Jia said. "When I said someone took him, its actually him." And Jia start to explain everything. Ash listen to it attentively.

"So, did you explain everything to him?"

Jia shook her head. Ash rubbed his face in frustration. Seriously, till when Jia had to endure the torture? Ash thought.

Ash knew who's Jay. They were studied in the same high school back then. Everyone in the school knew who was Jay, the most handsome and rich guy. However, he's so snobbish. He had a lot of secret admire but Jay didn't give a fuck to any of them. Jia and Ash never pay attention about that guy but one day everything had changed. Ash still remembered that day.


It was recess time. Jia and Ash were on their way to the cafeteria when someone suddenly grabbed Jia by her wrist and took him to the rooftop. Ash stared in horror when his friend was dragged by a student name Eric . Ash tried to help his friend but he was shoved by Eric. That guy was really strong, Ash thought.

"Let go of me." Jia yelled while trying to wriggle her hand out from Eric's grip. Unfortunately, Eric was beyond strong and she failed to escape. When they were on the rooftop, Eric shoved her on the ground. Jia groaned in pain when her butt hit the hard floor.

"What do you want from me?" Jia yelled.

"So, you are Kim Jia?" A cold voice send shiver down her spine. Jia look up and met with Jay's dark orbs.

"Yes I am." Jia said harshly. She got up and brushed off the dirt on her skirt.

"You know I had rejected a lot of people who's trying to be my girlfriend." He starts.

"Who didn't know about it?" Jia asked sarcastically.

"How dare you speak rudely to him." Eric hissed and he was about to hit Jia but Jay stops him and asked him to leave.

"Jia!!" Jia turned her head and she saw Ash was at the door but Eric dragged him away from the rooftop. Jia could hear that Ash was yelling at Eric.

"So, if you know about it, then why you still eager to do that?" Jay asked. Jia crossed her arm over her chest and stares at Jay. What was he talking about? Jia questioning herself.

"Do what?" Jia asked confusedly.

"Huh, now you are acting like you didn't even send that love letter to me." Jay said annoyingly.

"Love letter? Me? You? Wow!" Jia asked in disbelief. "Excuse me, why should I give that love letter to you? Do you think that I'm in love with you? Hell no." She mocks.

Jay widened his eyes. He's so shocked to know that Jia didn't head over heels towards him. Not that he expect for Jia to be one of his secret admire, he just shocked that there's someone that didn't admire him. Says who didn't in love with this devilish handsome guy? He guess every students in that school were head over heels at him even though they knew how rude this boy can be. Or maybe there's some of them that hates him but never he heard someone who's dare to say like what Jia just said.

"For your information, I don't give a fuck if you have many secret admires and I never thought to be one of them. Ohh please, I know you are handsome but what's the point if you are just ungrateful brat, treat everyone like a trash."

Jay just stood there, he clenched his fist until his knuckle turned white. His eyes darkened.

"You get it right? So, don't think that I am the one that send that to you because never, I won't do that. Well, for your information you are not my type and I think I also not your type, so if you don't mind I need to go now. Bye." Jia said.

When she was about to leave, suddenly, she felt a cold hand wrapped around her wrist. She tilts her head and met with Jay’s eyes. His eyes darkened and it screamed danger. Out of sudden Jay slammed her against the wall and Jia hissed in pain when her back hit the wall behind her. Jay trapped Jia with both of his arm.

"Are you done?" Jay asked in his husky voice. Jia only blink her eyes and not replying the question. She could feel her heart beating faster than ever. And her face heating up when Jay's face was inches away from her. "Now, listen to me." He stops. "Kim Jia, judging by how rude you are to me, you need to know that from now on, I will never let you have your peaceful life." He whispers before leaving Jia who was froze standing there.

Later that moment, Ash came running towards her. Ash was worried and he kept asking if Jay had hurt her or not. Jia only shook hee head. Then, when she had regain herself, she starts to spill out everything to Ash.

After that incident, Jay really did what he said for not letting Jia having her peaceful life.


"I'm sure he won't listen to me." Jia said. She buried her face in her palm. She can't imagine what will happen after this.

"He will." Ash reassured.

"Why would he? Probably he will use that reason to get rid of me." Jia said, giving up.

Before Jia went to the interview one year ago, she had read the rules for the job that she had apply. Its has a lot of rules and one of them was 'SINGLE' which means they didn't want someone who had married. Jia thought it was weird but she didn't think more about it and just fill in the application form. There's a story about it why Jia just fill the form even she has a son. Turn out when she went to the interview, she was regretting her decision because one of the interviewers was her high school arch nemesis, Jay. She just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him when she saw the raven haired male. She hadn't meet with Jay after he graduated and what was this even? How can dhe met that brat again? Jia knew there's no turning back once she's already in that room. So, she swallow the lump in her throat and proceed with the interview session. While interviewing, Jia was praying in her heart that hopefullys he will fail this interview because she can't imagine if she get the job, she will meet with that brat again and Jia won't let it happened again. However, the head interviewer said that she was chosen. Both Jay and Jia widened their eyes. Jay seemed despise with the idea that Jia was chosen while Jia didn't know if she's lucky or not when she got that job. What worst when she's actually will become the secretary of the COO of J.C Corporation which is Jay.

"I will make sure to get rid of you. But before I find the way, let me tell you this, I won't let you having a peaceful life. AGAIN." Jay whispers, faking a smile when he was shaking hand with Jia in front of everyone in that room. Jia only carved a fake smile.

"Jia, don't give up. Just try to explain everything." Ash comfort, snapping her out from her thought. Jia released a tired sighed.

"Baby, let's take a shower." Jia shouted while getting out from the kitchen. From far, Ash could hear Denny's footstep running into his bedroom.

Ash felt pitied on Jia. He knew Jia was worried after Jay had found out that she has a son. Due to the rule, she will get fire if they know Jia has a son which they assumed that Jia was married and mean that she had broken the rule.


"I'm home!" Jay shouted once he steps into the mansion. He enters the living room and threw himself on the couch. He's so tired. He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep.

"Uncle!" Shannon's voice can be heard from the upstairs. Jay sat up straight and saw Shannon was running towards him. Then, Shannon threw herself into Jay's embrace.

"My cutie." Jay exclaimed. He kissed all over Shannon's face and it made the kid giggled. "Where's your mommy and daddy?" Asked Jay when he fixed the kid on his lap. He reached out for the remote to turn on the television.

"At work." The kid whispered while playing with Jay's finger. Jay could feel the different in her voice. By hearing that, he knew that Shannon was upset. He knew Shannon missed her parents. Jay felt pitied towards the girl. She rarely got her parents affection as they were busy with their career. Jay like kids, so he's the one that always spend time with Shannon.

"Hey, why don't we go to the amusement park this Sunday?" Jay suggests, trying to cheer Shannon up.

Hearing the idea, Shannon jumps off from Jay and standing in front of him, smiling excitedly.

"Yeayy I want." Shannon said, jumping happily. Then climbed on Jay's lap again and give a peck on Jay's cheek "Uncle, can I ask you something?" Shannon asked when she pulls away and sat on Jay's lap again.

"What is it baby?" Jay asked while hugging Shannon.

"Can we bring Denny along?" She said and Jay almost choked on his saliva.

"Why?"Jay asked curiously.

"Because Denny told me that he always want to go to the amusement park but his mommy didn't have time." Shannon explained.

"But, I just want to spend time with my cutie only." Jay said while stroking the kid's locks.

"Please." Shannon begged while looking up to Jay with eyes full with hope. Those eyes, he can't resist it. Jay was deep in thought, wether he should agree or not when suddenly his phone rang. He look on the screen and it was a call from Jia. He slides to answer.

"H-hello." A soft voice came from the other line.

"What do you want?" Jay asked in his usual cold tone.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you." She starts. "I know its already 7 but can we meet? Tonight?" Jia asked softly.

"No, I'm tired." Jay decline. He was about to end the call when he heard the same pleading voice that he heard this morning.


Jay was frustrated because finally he giving in and agreed to meet with Jia. He didn't know how can he lose to that pleading voice.

"Baby, do you want to follow me meet someone?" Jay asked when the call had ended.


"You will know later." He said while pinching Shannon's nose. Shannon nodded. "So, let's take a shower first ok?" Shannon nods obediently and get off her uncle’s laps to stride to her own room to take a bath.


Jia was fidgeting on her seat. She was nervous. She kept thinking what will Jay react? She even has a second thought in which she wants to leave this coffee shop and not meeting Jay. However, the bell at the front door can be heard, showing that someone had just step in. She put her head up and saw Jay. And there's Shannon in his arm.

"Denny!" Shannon exclaimed when she saw Denny who was sitting beside her.

"Shannon!" Denny squealed. He jumps off from the seat and ran towards them. Jay put Shannon down and both kid giggled when they were hugging. Jia only smiled looking at the both of them but then her smile fell when she turns her eyes at Jay.

Jay walked towards her. Jia found herself staring at Jay. The raven haired male was so stunning in his casual clothing. Jay was wearing a black button up shirt matching with his black skinny leather pant. He even wore his red beanie. He looks devilishly handsome. Jia thought.

"Denny, you sit here ok? Play with Shannon. Uncle want to talk with your mommy." Jay said while helping both kids climbed up the chairs that was across from Jia. Jay then took her seat beside Jia.

Jia pushed Denny's food at them so both kids can eat it together.

"So, what the things you wanna talk about?" Jay asked while his eyes staring at the kids in front.

Jia took a deep breath.

"Its about Denny." She breaths out.

"Proceed." Jay said calmly.

"I-I know you didn't like me and I know you always wanted to get rid of me." Jia look on her lap. Jay tilts his head and facing Jia. He just stares at Jia who was biting her lower lip, trying to find the right words.

"Glad that you know that." Jay replied sarcastically when he turns his attention back to the kids. Jia trying to calm herself down from saying anything rude to Jay.

"He don't have a father and he only have me." She continued. "I beg you, please kept this as a secret. Don't tell anyone about Denny and please don't fire me. Please don't do all of that, at least until I find another job." Jia begged. She looks up and stares at Jay with face full with hope. She hates to beg especially to Jay. However she needs to do that for Denny's sake. Imagine if she didn't have a job? Can you imagine how hard their life can be? How's Denny's life?

"Why should I help you? You are lying about your status. You are married and its break the rule." Jay said with a voice full with victory. Of course he's happy that finally he can get rid of Jia with that reason. He can tell his dad about it so that his dad can decide what to do as his dad that have the power to do so.

"I'm not marr..." Jia stops. She bits her lips again. She cannot say it. She cannot let Jay knew the truth. Its not the right time yet. "I'm sorry. Please, just give me a month. I promise after that I will send a resignation letter." Jia continue. She was pleading while grabbing Jay's hand and squeeze it tightly like her life depended on it. Jay was taken aback with that action. But most important, he was shocked when he saw Jia was crying. Hot liquid streaming down her flawless face.

"Why mommy is crying?" Denny suddenly asked. Both Jia and Jay turned their attention to the boy. Jia quickly wipe her tears away before standing up and kneeling in front of Denny. "W-why are you crying?" Denny sobs. His eyes already flooded with tears. Denny was the type that he will cry when he saw his mother crying.

"No no. Mommy is not crying." Jia tried to convince while she wept the tears away from Denny's face with her thumb. "Baby, please, don't cry." Jia kissed her son cheeks but the kid still didn't stop from crying.

"Uncle made Denny's mom crying!" Shannon accused while pointing her little finger at Jay. He was taken aback with Shannon's accusation.

Jay didn't know what to do. He kept thinking and thinking till his mind snapped into something. He got up and took Denny in his arm.

"Hey Denny, listen here. Shannon and I will go to the amusement park this Sunday and I want to bring you along." Jay said and that made Denny stops crying and stares at Jay while sniffling.

"W-will you take my mommy along?" He sniffles.

Jay look at Jia who was still in her earlier position before nodding.

"Yeayy. Denny will play with me." Shannon jumped excitedly on her chair.

Denny clapped his hand excitedly, then he curls his little arm around Jay's neck and kissed his cheeks. Jay lips stretched into a small smile.

Jia on the other hand felt relieved. At least her son had stop crying. That's the most important thing right that moment. She just can't stand looking at her son crying face. She smiles when her son peck Jay's cheek and giggling in Jay's arm.