
Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)

A person wakes up in a Saiyan body, however, he soon realizes that he isn’t in the Dragon Ball Universe. He is an anomaly stranded in a different universe, a different multiverse and when the Man of Steel stand against him, the Dark Knight stalks him from the shadows and the warrior princess points her blade at the Saiyan, how will he manage? Will survival be his only goal or will he overcome the odds and become something… More. ------------ Schedule: Mondays - (4-5k Chapter)

Draugzel · Tranh châm biếm
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125 Chs


With my eyes closed, I felt for the anchor point I had created last night after Giblet had taught me how to do it. It actually wasn't that hard even if it sounds hard to fuse my ki with the universe. He had explained that I could also just use something material as objects were easier to fuse with ki according to his technique. Of course, since it was easier, it also had the disadvantage of being easier to be destroyed.

In the beginning, he used it on simple objects like coins and then escalated to planets. After realizing that most objects were too small to hold his ki for too long and after the first planet was destroyed, he realized it was too easy to lose his anchors. After all his anchor point would be gone with the planet. Considering that it wasn't too rare that Earth was destroyed he had placed it on some random alien planet, which was the reason why we had first appeared on such a planet as it was a remnant of when he used it on planets.

After losing a planet-sized anchor, he had to find the universe again, so he developed a technique to fuse it with the entire universe or a majority of it, making the anchor point only vanish if the entire universe or at least the majority of it was erased.

From his recounts, it had taken him a month to come up with the technique and now I was able to learn it in a single night. Honestly, I would probably take equally as long to come up with something like that, or maybe even longer. It made me realize how important a teacher was, especially one that could explain the intrinsicality of ki techniques. How it felt and how the ki moved through the body. Such recounts were invaluable.

We sparred with each other first thing in the morning. He looked like he needed it. We barely exchanged any words during our little spar. Of course, for Saiyans, the sparring was the best conversation. We used it to get to know each other a bit better, his habits, and how he reacted to certain things. It felt natural and personal.

After exhausting ourselves, I got him to go over to the Justice League and prepare an experiment and some information that Westmob's scientists would be able to use to calibrate their machine to drill towards this universe. I sat in the sand and thought about my next moves as the problem remained how I could get the information to my universe.

Of course, I could just wait for Kara's side to figure out how to get to this universe by relying on the information that Felicia's device must have saved, but just waiting around wasn't really my style. There wasn't much I could do, but at least I could set some things in motion in case I get such an opportunity again or maybe I would be able to connect with Kara or Raven through our dreams again.

The dream world had been quiet since the last time we had visited, so I wasn't betting on it, but better be prepared than sorry. It wasn't really a world I could pry into easily, but I guessed that something big must have happened for it to be completely unavailable.

I closed my eyes and was about to meditate when I sensed Felicia's life force again. My eyes shot open and I instantly teleported away. This time it wasn't a rooftop, I teleported on top of a bench inside a park, startling some old lady with her dog. I glanced around and quickly spotted her.

"Yo!" I raised my hand in a greeting, causing her to turn around before she leaped towards me. I caught her in midair.

Since I didn't spin around, the catch was a bit rough. "Oof-" She groaned out. "Is that how to treat a lady?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes and placed her on the bench before sitting down next to her.

"How are you able to be here? I thought your device relied on randomness to choose your destination.

She stretched her back, pushing out her bust that was barely contained by her body-kissing latex suit. Oh, she knew what she was doing. "Obviously, after finding a good place to steal from I would want to pick the place clean. I can't rely on randomness then." She shrugged before reaching between her cleavage and pulling out a nutrition bar again.

"Quite lucky that you arrived in the universe I was in," I said without thought as I opened my mouth to let her feed me. Her fingers unnecessarily traced my lips before she licked them clean and broke another piece of the bar.

"Do you really think I had saved your life force signature as a universe destination since I know that you being stranded inside another universe would be the greatest opportunity for me to be alone with you, which is why every time you are away, I would scan your location in the off chance I could seize the moment you are isolated to meet up with you? Don't be ridiculous. It was just a coincidence!" She responded with a frown, making me stunned.

"Yeah, now that's exactly what I am thinking! How the fuck did you manage to scan my life force across an entire universe?? Even I can't sense that far- Well, I used to be unable to sense that far..."

"It can't sense your life force across universes. As I said that didn't happen. If it did, it would be a combination of magic and cutting-edge technology after I stole the key information from Westmob's scientists after they had created that device to get you back and gave it to Maxima. Your motherbox would have helped as well, but as I said that didn't happen."

"Geez... All that for what? To spend some time with me? You could have just asked me out."

"Yeah, right as if that could have happened. Mister Super Saiyan obviously has a lot of time with a protective Kryptonian that can hear my heartbeat and react instantly, a demi-demon who can read my emotions and know before I know when I would make a move, an Amazonian demi-goddess, a thanagarian warrior and a space queen who all want to spend time with you. Then there is this universe-ending threat coming along in a year, forcing you to train, but yeah how about a day where you only spend time with the thieving cat."

"...I guess, it would be difficult to find some time."

"Tell me about it, but luckily I was coincidentally able to meet up like this with you." She smiled before her tongue licked over her lips as her eyes wandered down to mine.

"Right. Lucky you, you universe-crossing stalker." Kind of reminded me of the time I thought she had crossed to another state to stalk me, back then it had been a coincidence, but this time she truly went above and beyond. I really attracted the crazy type.

"By the way, I talked with Kara and the others." Felicia finally told me what I wanted to know after I finished the second nutrition bar. She probably had more stored in her cleavage. The size of her bust gave her some serious storage.

"What did they-" She placed a finger on my lips, interrupting me before I could finish my question.

"I want something in return. Purr~" She purred as she licked her lips, making me groan, which made her pout. "You know some men would kill to kiss me and here you make it seem like a chore, worse blackmail."

"It is blac-"

"Na na." She wiggled her finger in front of my face. "It's a trade. You get your information and I get some love. Now kiss me."

I looked around and glanced at the few people, who were pointing at me us. Some of them were mentioning Giblet, which made me realize that they were mistaking me for him. Not wanting to create some rumors for my 'brother', I placed a hand on her shoulder and teleported us into the guest room of Giblet's home, which I was sure was bugged to kingdom come and back.

He must have already noticed them but didn't seem to be bothered by them or he didn't know what they were and just attributed them to technology. It was probably the latter. I should notify him of their purpose just in case. I already removed all bugs in the guest room, so I wasn't too worried about any eavesdroppers.

She pushed me into the bed and climbed inside it to lie half next to and half on top of me. Her fingers went into my hair as her lips pressed against mine. Next was a similar making-out session that lasted for about ten minutes before I separated in fear that we wouldn't have enough time to discuss the things I wanted to know.

"So, what did they say?"

She leaned her head on my shoulder while circling her finger on my chest. "She said that they are going to prepare immediately. She also went out to ask Zatara, Dr. Fate, and Constantine to locate you magically. You should have seen her, Constantine almost shat himself when he wanted to decline. Heat vision is so basic, but oh so very intimidating. A shot to the crotch made the Brit obedient like a dog."

"... That sounds like something she would do." Although not experienced personally too often, the few times I did and all the stories I had listened to from time to time build a comprehensive picture of a menacing Kara. Not that it was hard to imagine a blood-lusting Kryptonian. There were more than a few series that entertained the idea. "Didn't you mention that I was fine?"

She shrugged. "I did, but she said a Saiyan's 'fine' is too close to being dead for her liking. Probably didn't help that I mentioned how beat up you were."

I sighed. "Well, I am fine, right? So, reassure her. What about the other girls?"

"They agreed to not take you by the word. They will probably only calm down after seeing you personally."

"Anything else?"

"Besides that everyone is getting busy finding a way to open a path to this universe? Not really."

"Good. I will get my hands on some information soon, which might accelerate the progress. What about you? You are still training?"

Her hands stroked across my chest before wandering to my arms, squeezing them as she thought about her answer. "I am training, but I am just human, so the progress isn't that impressive. The gravity training is going to be enough for my entire life as there is no way I could be strong enough to resist 10000x Earth's gravity."

"Didn't really expect for you to throw hands with our future enemies if I was being honest."

She sighed. "Yeah, I can tell. Though we humans are looking for some other stuff to boost our survivability. Some gadgets, suits, and weapons. It is one of the reasons why I had stolen this universal/dimension traveler. I can get my hands on stuff I shouldn't. Nth metal, mythical artifacts, futuristic light sabers. You name it. I might not throw energy beams out of my hands or shoot lasers out of my eyes, but I can throw grenades that spawn black holes and whip my enemies with an atom-splitting whip."

"Or you could just train your ki and throw hands and actually shoot energy beams. I already told you it isn't impossible for you to do it in the future."

"Easier said than done. This ki thingy is really difficult to get a hang on and it takes too long until I make significant progress." I placed my hands around her hips before I threw her out of the bed.

"Then better get to it then. Want some lessons from me?" I asked as I stand up, ignoring her pouting at me.

"No. I mean, no offense, but it is really difficult to grasp what you are saying if I have a hard time with the concept itself, especially since your version of the ki is a bit different from the rest of us."

I shrugged. "Your loss." With that, I walked out of the room. Not really wanting to tempt the women by lying in bed even if the idea of taking a nap sounded really enticing.

She rolled her eyes, knowing that we wouldn't continue that little cuddling action. "Don't worry, I will continue my training until you don't ignore me anymore and actually see me as a person."

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me like I was making a dumb joke before realizing that I was being serious.

"No freaking way, you are being serious! That... honestly that explained some shit you do, you don't do it consciously!"

"How about you tell me what great revelation you just had?"

She grinned at my demeanor, poking my crossed arms to tease me. "You really want to know, huh?"

"..." I glanced at her unimpressed, which made her raise her hands in surrender.

"Okay, I will tell you in exchange for a k- Alright! You don't have to look at me like that." She rolled her eyes before leaning on the counter of the kitchen. "If someone doesn't reach a certain threshold of power level, you aren't aware of their existence."

"...What are you talking about? Bullshit."

"Tell me 5 people that are baseline human. No, Batman is not baseline."

"Dr. Theodore Knight, Dr. Wakati, John Stewart-"

"John is Green Lantern-"

"Yeah! Take away his ring and you have-"

"An excellent soldier that could probably beat 98 percent of the human population. Just give me some other names, shouldn't be that difficult. How about the guy that makes your Bubble Teas or the guy that regularly fills up your fridge?"

"...Why the hell would I know their names? They are irrelevant to the story! It's not like we are friends and even if we were, me not knowing their names doesn't mean I ignore their existence."

"What's the name of Westmob's boss?"

"As I said, names-"

"Oh, so you agree that there is a boss, right? The boss isn't only a member of the board now after your time travel shenanigans were revealed as he was demoted by the Justice League, right? That didn't happen and you didn't have a month to find that out... Whatever, it seems like my time is up anyway." She said holding up her blinking bracelet, signifying the end of our little banter. "Stupid thing. I will try to extend the time next time. Every second here, is a second I don't have to deal with your worried women."

I grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl, which she snatched away before suggestively eating it. "You could just give your bracelet to them and have them visit me. That should alleviate their concern, right?"

She snorted at my suggestion, shaking her head. "Nope, can't do. I don't wanna~" With that she disappeared as quickly as she appeared, making me sigh out. She was going to abuse it as much as she could, I could already foresee it.

Afterward, I cooked up a meal before sitting at the beach again to eat. She wasn't entirely wrong about her accusation of me not really caring about those that were 'normal', but it wasn't as simple as she thought. Normal people would be easily killed and threatened that it wouldn't be responsible for me to drag them into this life. Even someone like my former detective buddy Nick or the others from the Wesen community were so insignificant compared to the rest that they barely have any presence in society.

Not to mention that I previously didn't know whether I wanted to stay in that universe, making any attempts to befriend someone even other superhumans a counterproductive activity. It was also the fact that if I wanted to relax and be lazy I spend my time with Kara, Raven, Diana, Shayera, or Maxima.

It was probably because of them that I was almost addicted to physical intimacy. Every night after training I would end the day by having sex, cuddling, or making out with them. Do you know how great it was to just sit on the couch after an exhausting day and get some head without any prompt? If it hadn't become such a habit already I would probably have an easier time denying Felicia.

Of course, it wasn't an excuse for me not to stop her advances now, but after all the time of Kara's pushing, causing the extension of my relationship with Raven and Diana, I wasn't that opposed to the idea of responding to Felicia's attempts to get in my pants. If it had been before I would have cut that out instantly, but now an insidious thought of getting some relief wormed itself into my mind. I certainly grew more promiscuous than before.

Felicia was an attractive woman and compared to normal humans quite dangerous. She was flirtatious and more dominant than my girlfriends, which had given her already some bonus points. Not to mention her baking skills were truly impressive, but I wasn't sure whether I wanted to extend my relationship with yet another woman. She was my friend and perhaps we would fuck, but I couldn't see her willing to stay with me.

She was always playful and teasing, letting me rarely see when or if she was serious about some things. Kara was convinced that she was only attracted to me physically and I wouldn't be opposed to spending a night with her, but that wouldn't be good for our friendship.

Of course, our friendship was already skewed by the sexual tension. Loving more women was certainly fun and a dream come true, especially since my girlfriends were freaking bombshells that differed from each other. Not to mention that they loved sex, but being with them also meant that there was a lot more to worry about.

A relationship after all was work and as of late, I had neglected it and even winged it as my focus was the universe-ending threat. Not that this was a valid excuse, world/universe-ending threats should be Tuesday by now. Of course, it was the first time that I might struggle with it, but the threat was the same as usual...

Giblet suddenly swooped in as my mind wandered around the subject. I heard his approach, making me turn to him as his aura dispersed as he landed on the beach.

"You already ate?" He glanced at the empty bowls, which made me look at the giant bag on his back.

"Yep, sorry I didn't make any seconds for you. What did you bring?"

"Just some spices." Inside the giant bag were just spices...? That was about 400kg worth of stuff... Was that truly enough for us two? "I will show you where I am getting the fish and meat later. There is this city underneath the water that is breeding these giant fishes for me. I can bring you to it later, so in case you get hungry you can just head there yourself. There is also that planet. I will show you around soon."

I nodded. This was good to know since I had no money to my name. There was the credit card from the League I guess and I had enough time to burn when I wasn't training. After all, my girlfriends weren't here to occupy my time with pleasure.

After he put everything inside he vanished for a few minutes again, only to come back with another giant fish. He adeptly created a fire with his ki before skewering the fish over it. "I sensed there was someone visiting?" He asked as he slowly turned the fish.

"Yeah, a friend from my universe."

"Oh, right. The friend that was able to get here. You think you can return to your universe soon then?"

"It might take a week or two."

"That's faster than expected."



We sat there in silence, not really knowing what to say. What could I talk about with him? It wasn't like we were truly brothers. There were some things I remembered, but it wasn't really me. I had absorbed these memories as if they were a movie, completely detached, so I couldn't really associate the actions with something I did.

Not to mention, I still have some other memories of another Giblet, which made me wonder where those memories came from. They were obviously not from this body as I now found out that this body belonged to an ancient Saiyan fighting a civil war. As Giblet had said during our initial encounter, this body should never have been on planet Vegeta, and in extension, King Cold shouldn't be taking over the Saiyans during my body's time either.

The civil war of the ancient Saiyans should be long before King Cold took over, which only caused more confusion as I still had the records of my 'parents' saying their goodbyes to me as they were forced to send me off the planet for my safety before I had my first growth spurt. How did this fit in the picture if this never happened to this body? Was there truly someone that had messed with my memories back then and even placed some fake records of my Saiyan parents' last words? My wish shouldn't have given me fake memories, right? So whose memories did I gain after my transmigration?

I glanced at Giblet, who was silently preparing his meal. After breathing out deeply, I decided not to think about it any longer. The only thing that I should be focusing on was getting stronger, so strong that any schemes could be crushed. Even if there was someone messing with me, I had to be strong enough to just shatter everything.

"I will teach you how to transform into a god soon. I can already tell that you already have enough god ki necessary for the transformation."

I nodded at that, though I think at this point I could already figure it out on my own. I already had the experience in mind, but I wouldn't deny any help that I could get. It would be hard to come across another person that knew how to expertly use ki and even god ki while being willing to teach me.


I glanced at the blue sky, while I let myself float in the ocean after being knocked into it. Giblet hovered above me as he announced his departure. In the past few days, the time he used to distract himself with some Justice League duty lessened quite a bit. It looked like he started to warm up to me. A familiar face and no hostility did that to you, I guessed.

It was clear that he didn't want to think too deeply about his loss and initially didn't seem too eager to spend time with me, which was understandable. It got better. He opened up a bit with the daily meals and spars that we shared. Truly a Saiyan bonding time 101.



I turned my head to Felicia, who had arrived in this universe again. She was a daily occurrence and always delivered some news from the others while getting some 'benefits' for her 'troubles'. Her arrivals were getting more accurate from the location and timing.

It seemed like the calibration that Maxima's scientist were planning on, were working as intended. I wondered why no one else snatched her device away to travel here by themselves to confirm her stories. Her timing to arrive right after my training and now carrying more food on her person, obviously showed that it was intentional.

She used the fact that I was exhausted and craving something to eat right afterward to feed me and get closer to me. The stays also got longer and her requests got more outrageous. Obviously, I could have denied her as I knew she would have conveyed all the messages if I pressured her a bit, but it would be a strain on our relationship if I threatened her. It would be on her, but the last few days had been particularly lonely.

The last time Raven had been by my side. Having company that would spend warmth and time at the end of the day was balm for the soul.

I stirred up from my floating position and flew towards her before picking her up princess style "Ah, my hero!" She said exaggeratedly raving. "What would I have done without you?"

"Probably returned to our universe."

"...Alone in the ocean without any other help. I would have died!" I rolled my eyes at her antics, which made her pull out her claws and scratch me. The points of her claws were made out of nth metal, so if I didn't use ki to protect my body, she might be able to scratch me. Nth metal was still broken with it being able to ignore most physical durability. It didn't help that its potency and threat level had drastically risen in this universe.

"Yes, yes you would have died. Fret not because I am here." I answered her in a monotone voice as I knew she would keep it up if I didn't play along. I brought us back to Giblet's island. She stretched before pulling at her suit, which was soaked after being dropped in the middle of the ocean.

She slowly pulled down the zip without looking at me, even though I knew she was doing it on purpose for me to see, and after the three days of her practically throwing herself at me, I wasn't too shy about enjoying the view anymore. So instead of ignoring her, I watched her like a hawk. Her wet skin and how her suit stuck to her body.

I watched as her body reacted to the cold water causing her mounds to gain two protrusions of her hardening nipples. Not even a few seconds later, she covered her breasts with her arm, making me look into her reproaching expression, though it couldn't hide away the slight blush.

She zipped up her suit again with a sigh and just sat on the beach before bringing her legs closer, hugging them to her chest as she rested her chin on her knees. We sat there for a moment and looked out into the ocean in silence.

"After realizing that I wouldn't be able to get back to my universe, I tried to live my life in 'our' universe with my dad. To be honest, I was a bit too young to understand that everything had changed since I was used to moving cities, though the shock was huge when I did. He, my father, hadn't changed much and eventually died by providing for us in this world. I went out to get a rush, trying to feel a certain way after feeling so powerless about my situation. I never felt safe but somehow living at the edge, close to the danger of gangs wanting my head, made me feel safer. At least I knew the danger of a gang with knives and guns hunting me for stealing from them. It helped me get my mind away from suddenly finding myself alone in the world."

It wasn't like I didn't know the fact that she was also from another universe and had been carrying that with her. I was too occupied with finding my own way back that I didn't stop to think about her situation. Even Maxima ruling her world wasn't something I gave much thought to.

Raven's desire to be free from her father, Kara's loss of her entire culture, world, and family. Diana dealing with man's world that was still so foreign to her. Of course, I had helped, talked, and emphasized with them, but they were never my number one goal. Everyone had to live at my speed otherwise they couldn't live with me.

I was growing stronger and even the most powerful beings of my universe had difficulties keeping up. There were enemies coming only I would be able to deal with, forcing me to look ahead, while ironically still living in the past for quite some time as I looked for a way to return to my past life's universe.

Maybe I should focus more on the people around me. Of course, the timing with the universe ending threat coming in 11 months was still on my mind, but there would never be the 'perfect' time to focus on what was truly important to me.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into me as we continued watching the waves break on the beach in front of us.

"You aren't alone in this world." We both weren't.