
Just Please Let Me Live

Leticia grew up inside the hospital she was severely ill since birth. She always dreaming of wondering outside the hospital. Books is only her friend until her last breath. But then she suddenly open her eyes and she see unfamiliar settings. And when she look at the mirror she see a familiar face. She suddenly became a supporting character by her favorite book she always keep on reading. But Leticia knew she will die at the hand of a villainess by accusing her of killing the female lead.

ynnamae02 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

The new Royal's and their dark past

Casious POV

I went at the night festival hoping to see the maiden they all talking about. She was too good to be true. But I saw her early this morning while I was in my parade, she wasn't watching me she was busy aiding a wounded child. Everyone is cheering for me and doing everything just to make me notice them. While she, she was busy helping a child so pure and so innocent. She capture my eyes. After my parade I went to the plaza hoping to see her but I couldn't find her. Then my eyes capture two child happily watching the merchant's. I couldn't help it but to admire them, they were the reason why I am protecting this kingdom to see their smiles. They keep walking hugging each other but I just notice their parents wasn't there. Maybe they get lost or something. I keep following them until they go in the middle of the forest. I was concern about them, they might get hurt from this dangerous forest. As I keep tailing them I hear a beautiful voice singing somewhere. And then finally I saw the maiden I've been looking for, she was singing under the moonlight she was glowing because of her golden hair. Indeed no one can compare to her beauty. And then I notice a pack of wolves approaching her, and the little girl I was following running towards her grabbing her hand to save her. But the maiden didn't want to go away and speaking nonsense, the wolves was now near to them I was about to jump in because the wolves are ready to attack when I see the little girl use an advance magic, she protected themselves and she toss the wolves far away. I was star struck by the little girl's braveness. And then I came near to them, the little girl seems to notice me even I was hiding my presence, and I found out her name is Leticia. Then the maiden says some cruel words to her, I can't believe that this lady has a foul mouth. Everyone in this kingdom saying she was kind and innocent but I just think that she was just an idiot. I defended Leticia and carry her. "Where did you learn that magic my child?", I asked. She said she doesn't even know she can use magic, I also carry the little boy and ask about their parents. They told me that they were orphan and living on the street I will take care of them I told to myself, this little girl is a genius she was natural mana loves her I can feel it. And this boy I can feel that he has a potential in learning swordsmanship. "Oh my gosh I didn't know you guys are beggars. I am sorry for what I did or said earlier. I am just mad because the wolves got hurt and I lose the chance to be friends with them", the maiden said to them. It wasn't a nice way to speak to these children. She still trying convincing me that this child is wrong and she is right. I can't help it. I guess people are just enchanted by her beauty. Or maybe she was just faking being so kind and pure. I left her alone in the forest , and I accompanied the kids in the plaza I dance with them. Buy them some foods eat together. When we the festival ends I carried them go the carriage they fell asleep on me. It was a long day after all, when we enter the palace everyone is shock that I brought a two child. I lay them down on my bed and talk to my father. He agreed on letting me to adopt them but as my child not my brother or sister but as their father. And I agreed on it so that the nobles won't force me to marry someone if I already have an heirs.

Leticia's POV

I wake up in a fluffy bed besides me is Art still sleeping I just thought that I am dreaming but when I face the other side I saw CASIOUS!!!!!!. I suddenly stand up and realized what was happened last night. "Good morning Leticia", Casious said to me with a smile on his face. He grabs me and lay me down again. It is still early Leticia go back to sleep you got plenty of things to do later you need more strength so just go back to sleep beside us. I don't know what he was talking about but I am still sleepy and it been a long time since I lay down on a very comfortable bed and I fell asleep.. "Wake up Leticia Wake up!!!!!!", Art shouting while shaking me, "Leticia there are too many people outside waiting us to wake up where are we?", he asked. I look around and didn't see Casious maybe he got busy or he did some important business after all he was the crowned prince. We are just tidying the bed when the butler and maid comes in. " Your highness what are you doing", the butler said. They grab the pillow and quilt that me and Art trying to fold and to clean. "Your highness I am Marco the butler of the crowned prince and your butler too. And this are the maids that will be serving you both", he said. "Wait why are you calling us Your highness? We are not from the royal family", Art asked. The butler said that the king and the crowned prince agreed that we will be living in this palace but the crowned prince will become our father. Art and I froze I feel happy and shock. The butler command the maids to assist us. The maids bring us to the palace big bathroom where a big I mean huge! super mega huge pool are there. The maids is helping us to take off our clothes when they shouted and bring the butler in. The butler face became pale and he told the maid to wash us quickly. He left then the maid baths us. After we bath they help us to wear our new cloths. And then the crown prince enters the room with the king. The king commands the maids and the butler to step outside and the prince sit besides us while the king just watch over us. "Leticia, Art can you please tell me what was your life before I came and bring you us on this palace?", he ask. Art and I look at each other we are hesitated to say the things we went through but Art nod at me and he began to tell how was our life before.

Casious POV

I was in the meeting between the nobles and my father the king when the butler came in and say that we have an emergency between Art and Leticia. I ended the meeting fast and my father and I went to my room to talk with Leticia and Art. My father command the servant to go outside. I sit besides them and I ask "Leticia, Art can you please tell me what was your life before I came and bring you us on this palace?". I can see the fear and the hesitance of them. "Before Leticia and I raised by the slave traders when we are both 5 years old. Our parents killed by them, we are only eating once a week. We are busy cleaning doing laundry and...", Art stop and Leticia's begin to cry. "We are force to entertain some dukes and soldier", he said while trying to hold his tears. I am afraid to ask how they entertain those nasty people and then I realized that the butler whisper to me earlier that they have deep scars at their back. I ask them if me and my father can see their back. And they nod and remove their cloths. They are full of scars in the back and I am shaking because the virginity mark is no where to see in Leticia's back. "Now I guess you see Leticia's not a virgin anymore, she was de flowered by duke Pablo when she was 7 years old.", Art told us.

Leticia's POV

While Art telling them what we have suffered I was crying because that moment the little Leticia is the one whose suffering it. I was sad because she suffered from those demon. "And we are able to escape them when a good soldier let us to run away from them", Art continue. This time I saw the king's and Casious face they were angry and pitiful. "No worries now because we know that Casious will protect us and we won't suffer anymore it was all in the past now". I told to them. Art holds my hand and we hold Casious hands too. "Do not worry no one can harm you here", Casious replied. After that he hugs me and Art. The king pats our head and they left. The butler came in and told us that tomorrow we will be announce in the public as the new princess and prince of this kingdom.

Casious POV

After we leave the room of Leticia and Art I ask my father to conduct a warrant from Duke Pablo. While I was talking to them I peek n their memories and now I have the evidence and I know where they been imprisoned as a slave. My father bless me and I was about to crash people to death.

hi guys free to give comments on my work I will try my best to improve myself. so please help me to grow.

ynnamae02creators' thoughts