
Just Please Let Me Live

Leticia grew up inside the hospital she was severely ill since birth. She always dreaming of wondering outside the hospital. Books is only her friend until her last breath. But then she suddenly open her eyes and she see unfamiliar settings. And when she look at the mirror she see a familiar face. She suddenly became a supporting character by her favorite book she always keep on reading. But Leticia knew she will die at the hand of a villainess by accusing her of killing the female lead.

ynnamae02 · Kỳ huyễn
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The End Of My Old Life And My New Life

Since I was young I always envy those children I saw outside the hospital. The moment that I was born I never ever leaved this hospital bed. I always wanted to go outside make some friend/s eat at a cafe or a restaurant. The only friend that I have is my book. And now I know my time here on this world is already at the end. I will leave with full of bitterness....-Leticia.

Before My Last Day

My Doctor told my mom that I only have 3 months to live, my mom cry so loud that it echo's in the hospital hallway. There isn't single tear fall on my eyes I always knew that this time will come. As I look outside my window I envy those people who can go out and have some fun. I always wanted to go to the beach but I never have a chance to visit it. My mom hug me while she cries "I am sorry my baby, this is all my fault. My pitiful baby Lord just why?", my mom said. I hugged my mom and kiss her at her cheek. "Mom, It wasn't your fault okay? I know you love me so much, I always know that if you have a chance to switch my life to yours, you will do it without having a second thoughts. Mom I want you to live free and happy. Don't blame yourself mom. You do everything for me, you give me strength you give me hope and you teach me how to love. Even though I only spent a short time with you. I am thankful that you are my mom. I will always love you.", I said to her. I don't want my mom to feel burden when I leave her. My dad is an asshole for leaving my mom. So she was raising me with herself and I know how hard it was.

My Last Day

It was September 1st as I wake up in the morning my chest feel so heavy. I still have four days left before I die but I don't think I can make it. I asked my mom to get me some books that I want to read and buy me some stuff toys. I need to distract her and I don't have the strength to leave her face to face. At first she told me she will just ask my auntie to get those stuffs because she doesn't want to leave me but I told her I want her to pick the pretties teddy bear she ever see. And then she just smile at me and kiss me and say that she will not be too long to be back at my side. As soon as she left I cried out loud because of the pain I couldn't even bear. The doctor's came in the nurse came it as I suffer I know this is my time and I am already to leave when I hear my mom voice screaming my name. I just thought that she went away but I guess she came back hearing the scream of mine and see me in my agony. "I love you mom goodbye", that is the last word I say to her as I close my eyes. As just thought I was died why do I hear those people crying around me? When i open my eyes I saw unfamiliar kids? WAIT!!!! WHAT??? What are the kids doing here on my room? WAIT!!!!!!! where am I? Oh My butter nuts I am on the street laying on the ground? Wait why does my feet is so small? My hands too? "Leticia are you alright?", one of the kids asked. "I don't remember a thing what happened to me where I am?", I replied. The kid look so confused and started crying. "I knew it that noble lady hit Leticia too hard", he shouted while crying. Wait is my name still Leticia am I dreaming as I pinch myself "ouccch" . And then a flash back I saw through myself it was this little girl memories and then I realized I have been reincarnated to my favorite novel as a supporting character. I started crying because I am outside of the hospital I do have a second chance to live but my mom wasn't here. "Come on Leticia I know if your mom sees you she will scold you and told you to be happy because you live now as a healthy child." I told to myself. WAIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!! I think I am missing something? OMG OMG this child fate is to be killed by the villainess of this story? What am I gonna do? NO! NO! NO! this is a rare chance I know the story I can escape those brutal route I can do this I am not wasting my second life I will live freely and happy this time. "hey Art stop crying I am fine see?", I told to my friend (in little leticia's memory Art is her best friend) and wipe his tears and I stand up and help him to stand too. Art stop crying and look at me and then smile. Gosh this boy is too cute. Now lets move one and face my second life.

This is my second in my new life let me describe myself I am Leticia 9 years old my mom and dad was killed by the slave traders when I was 5 years old. I manage to escaped the slavery with Art my best friend and now we are living in the street. I have black straight messy hair, my eyes color is dark as the night sky, my lips is too small like a cherry and I have cute pointy nose. Our daily task with my friend Art is to look for those nobles's. When we see one wondering around the street I will come to them as ask for a money or food they had. Because I am super cute and they will pity on me and if we are lucky they will give us some coins of bread and we will share it with the other kids on the street. Today is a very special day because the crowned prince will back from the war. The crowned prince named Casious win the war because he is the most powerful swordsman and mage in the whole kingdoms. And as for today a feast is waiting even us beggar can participate. Free foods and free drinks. But I need to be careful on this day. Because this day is my fated death day by the hand of the villainess. I just need to avoid a red curly hair, a lady who looks so innocent that will capture everyone's heart. A face beautiful as an angel.

Now this is the time to welcome the crowned prince with his troops the parade is simple yet elegant. I can't believe I can actually see the prince Casious, in the book he has the silver gray hair, the cold eyes like a sapphire when you look through it. The cold good looking prince that will made everyone jaw drop will finally appear in front of me. Man life is so good. My eyes is full now I just need to full my stomach. "Art lets go and grab something to eat", I told to him as I grab him away the parade. We went to the shops that giving a free food, while we are eating an old lady sit by our side. "Child where did you get this bread and soup that you are eating?", she asked. "It was free on that shop you want some?", I replied as I give to the old lady the food that I have and I went t the same shop and ask for another food. After we eat the old lady hand me a candy and I was happy to take it and eat it. And I instantly regret it, I feel like I am being controlled by somebody. I am conscious but I can't move on my own. It was the same as my fated scene on the book but I don't even see the villainess unless..she... disguise herself s this old lady. "Child take this knife and as you go to the dance festival later, when you see the crowned prince asking a dance for a young lady who look like this stab her with this knife", the old lady command me as she hand me the knife and show me the picture of the crowned prince with the female lead. Art didn't see everything as the villainess Lady Victoria put a spell on him and made him unconscious. Lady Victoria left and I am still under her spell. I can't speak or move freely by myself I don't know what to do. I don't want to go to the dance festival, I know why life will be over there.

hi guys free to give comments on my work I will try my best to improve myself. so please help me to grow.

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