
Just one night with the billionaire

In the heart of Derbyshire, Sylvie faces her past when she's tasked with renovating Haverton Hall, a historic estate owned by the enigmatic Sir Ranulf Carrington. As Sylvie navigates old feelings and hidden mysteries, she discovers that love and trust can bloom in the most unexpected places. Will she find redemption and a second chance at love, or will past mistakes haunt her forever?

DaoistSPqzpA · Thành thị
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12 Chs


Ignoring her outstretched hand, he covered the distance between them and before Sylvie could even begin to guess what he intended doing his hands were resting either side of her waist, his scent, his heat filling her nostrils, his body and his mouth less than inches away from her own.


Was that really her own voice, that soft, husky, and, yes, somehow invitingly sensual little thread of sound, gasping his name in a slow-drawn-out moan that was more invitation than protest?

But it was too late to correct the erroneous message she knew instinctively she had given; Ran was already acting on what he had obviously interpreted her 'protest' to mean, his hands lifting from her waist to her arms, her shoulders, as he drew her closer, his mouth fastening on hers as he kissed her, not as an old acquaintance or a friend of her brother's, Sylvie recognised, her senses reeling, but in all the ways she had dreamed of him kissing her all those years ago, as a man kissed a woman.

Despairingly she struggled valiantly to resist but it was useless. 

Her own foolish senses were doing far more to aid Ran than to support her, turning traitor and welcoming his sensual assault of her mouth with the eagerness of parched land greedily soaking up a heavy rainfall.


She tried weakly to summon her flagging defenses, but the objection she tried to make was lost beneath Ran's kiss and all the ineffectual parting of her lips did was to allow Ran's tongue to slip masterfully into the sweet moistness of her mouth.

Briefly she tried to challenge its entry, but what should have been the rejecting thrust of her own tongue against his swiftly became, under Ran's sensually skilful manipulation and expertise, more the intimate sparring of lovers rather than the defensive rejection of adversaries.

'Mmm...' Instinctively Sylvie moved closer, close enough to lean her body fully against Ran's and let his strength support her weakness as delicious tremors of sensation skidded dangerously over her.


Beneath her hands Ran's back felt so broad, so firm, so...

Eagerly she tugged his shirt free of his waistband, glorying in the sensation of sliding her hands beneath it and onto the hard heat of his skin.

She felt him shudder responsively as she traced his spine and her own body jolted fiercely in excited reaction.

Beneath her white T-shirt she could feel her suddenly swollen breasts pressing eagerly against her bra.

 Her nipples ached and even without being able to see them she knew the crests would be hard and erect, the soft flesh around them flooded with aroused dark color.

Ran could not see what he was doing to her, though...what effect he was having on her as his tongue slid erotically against her own, no longer coaxing but openly, fiercely demanding from her the response his sexuality wanted.

Only one man had seen her body naked and aroused, to only one man had she willingly and, yes, almost wantonly exposed the full femaleness of herself, glorying in her sexuality, in her response to him, her need for him, not fearing...not imagining that he would reject her.

Reject her!

Immediately Sylvie stiffened, her nails momentarily digging into Ran's back as she recognised with shocking abruptness just what she was doing and, even worse, whom she was doing it with.

'Let go of me...' she demanded furiously, fiercely pushing him away, her face bright with mortification and confusion as Ran immediately stepped back from her and then, without taking his eyes off her face, casually unfastened his belt and started to push his shirt back inside his jeans.

If her face had been pink with self-consciousness before, that was nothing to the heat she could feel burning off it now, Sylvie recognised as she refused to give in to the silent visual challenge Ran was giving her and forced herself to keep her gaze locked on his as he slowly and tauntingly completed his task.

Why, oh, why should it be that when a woman disturbed a man's clothing in the heat of passion he could make her feel so self-conscious and femininely vulnerable whilst he repaired the dishevelment she had caused, but when it had been a man who had disturbed a woman's clothing she was still the one to feel shy and self-conscious when she re-dressed herself?

No wonder the Victorians had considered modesty to be a feminine virtue. His shirt rearranged to his satisfaction, Ran re-fastened his belt and then, without taking his eyes off her face, greeted her ironically.

 'Welcome to Haverton Hall...'

Sylvie would have given the earth to be able to make a suitably withering response but she could think of none.

The shaming fact was that, no matter how she tried to convince herself otherwise, she had done exactly what she had promised herself she would not do and allowed him to take the upper hand. 

And worse than that...far worse...she had... Quickly she swallowed the frighteningly familiar and painful lump of aching emptiness she could feel blocking the back of her throat.

 No way... She was not going down that road again...not for a king's ransom. The arrogant, selfish, almost cruel way Ran had just behaved towards her proved everything she had ever learned about him. 

She was under no illusions about why he had kissed her like that... It was his way of reminding her not just of the past, but also of his superiority...of telling her that, whilst she might be the one who was in charge of the project they were going to be working on together, he still had the power to control her...to control her and to hurt her.

Sylvie turned swiftly on her heel, not waiting for him to see the emotions she knew were clouding her eyes.

'The lake needs dredging,' she commented crisply as she shattered her eyes and stared out towards the large ornamental lake several hundred yards away from the house.

It was the wrong thing to say.

 She could hear the mocking amusement in Ran's voice as he drawled, 'Well, yes, it does, but let's hope this time you don't end up head-first in the mud. We'll have to hose you down out here if you do.

There's no way Mrs Elliott is going to let you into the Rectory smelling of stagnant lake water and covered in mud and weed...'

Sylvie stiffened, for the moment ignoring his reference to the ignominious fate which had overtaken her as an over-eager teenager when she had missed her footing and fallen head-first into the pond they had been cleaning out on Alex's estate.

'The Rectory?' she questioned him with ominous calm.

She knew from the reports she had read before leaving New York that Ran was presently living in the eighteenth-century Rectory which was part of the estate and which, like the living which had originally gone with it, was in the gift of the owner of the Hall. 

To judge from the plans and photographs which Sylvie had seen, it was a very, very substantial and handsome property, surrounded by particularly attractive grounds, and she had not been in the least bit surprised to read that it had originally been built for a younger son of the family who had chosen to go into holy orders.

'Mmm...you won't have seen it as you drove in. It's on the other side of the estate.

 I'm living there at the moment and I've arranged with Mrs Elliott, who used to be my cousin's housekeeper when he lived there, for a room to be prepared for you.

 Lloyd mentioned that you'd probably be working here for a number of months and he and I agreed that in view of Haverton's distance from the nearest town, and the fact that Lloyd has warned me that you like to keep a very keen eye on the budgets, it makes sense for you to stay at the Rectory rather than waste time and money hunting around for alternative accommodation.

Especially since it seems that there could be occasions when you might have to travel abroad to check on work you've set in progress at other Trust properties.'

What he said made sense, but still—she wasn't a child any longer; 

what she did not need to have was Ran telling her what to do!

'But you live at the Rectory,' Sylvie commented quickly.

Immediately Ran's eyebrows rose and he told her laconically, 'It's got ten bedrooms, Sylvie, excluding the upper attics—more than enough space for both of us, I should have thought.'

'Does this Mrs Elliott live in?' Sylvie asked him stiffly.

 Ran stared at her for a moment and then burst out laughing.

'No, she doesn't,' he told her coolly, 'although I'm not sure why it should make any difference. 

You and I have lived under the same roof before, after all, Sylvie, and if it's the thought of any unplanned nocturnal wanderings that's worrying you...' He gave her a wolfish grin and to her fury actually reached out and patted her tauntingly on the arm as he told her, still laughing, 'Don't worry. I'll make sure I get a lock put on my door so that you don't come wandering in...'

Sylvie was too speechless with anger to be able to respond.

'What's wrong now?' Ran challenged her mock-innocently. 

'There's no need to be embarrassed at the fact that you occasionally sleepwalk... Of course, it might be an idea to make sure you go to bed wearing something, but I'll warn Mrs Elliott and...'

He stopped as Sylvie made a female growl of frustration deep in her throat. 

'That was years ago, when I was a child,' she told him defensively, 'and it only happened once... I don't sleepwalk now...'

What was she doing? 

What was she saying? 

Why was she letting him do this to her? 

Sylvie ground her teeth. Yes, once, when she had been initially disoriented and upset at her mother marrying again, she had actually sleepwalked, and might, in fact, have suffered a nasty accident if Ran hadn't happened to see her on his way up to bed.

 But it had happened once, that was all, and, even after she had eventually developed a massive crush on him, surreptitiously creeping into his bedroom had been the last thing on her mind then. She had been far too unworldly, far too naive even to think of such a thing.

'No! Then what are you worrying about?'