
The News

I had to control myself when Dad gave me the news. Mom had leukemia, witch meant I have to move all the way to New York fucking City. I have lived with my dad in Minnesota for 5 years now and I made me a life here, I have the perfect boyfriend, the perfect life. And now it's all been snatched away from me....

"Zigs, come on we have to get you to the airport"

I didn't want to leave, but mom was dieing and I need to spend time with her, so I'm moving to New york city I'm going to finish off Jonior and Sinior year, In the city and be with my mom until the end.

"Coming dad, is Noah here I need to say bye"

"Yes, hes down here in the kitchen"

I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen.


That's all I got out of my mouth before he kissed me, god I was going to miss his kisses.

" Zigs, we really have to go"

I looked up at Noah and started to cry he wiped a tear from my eye.

" hey, baby girl I know, now go and remember I love you"

I smile at him.

"I love you more"

"I love you most"

Those were the last words I will ever hear from Naoh, I'm going to miss him but more importantly I'm going to miss my dad and his husband.

By the time he dropped me off at the airport I had exactly 20 minutes to get to my plane, "FLIGHT 198 MINOSOTA TO NEW YORK LEAVES IN 18  MINUTES"

Okay maybe not exactly, but I did have to hurry to my gate.