
Just Met You

"Truth or dare?", she asked. Truth is not an option for him! He got his whole heart which should be hidden from her!!! "Dare!" "Ok. Let me kiss you"!!!! A love game where no one can lose. 4,304 miles...... The distance between Shanghai and Anchorage. The distance between him and her! He was her idol. Once he visited her country. What can she do now? Be a Chinese translator to his movie troop? Then, he went back. What she's gonna do now? Maybe fleeing to China???? Their story began in winter... In the Frozen North..... But trust me, It'll get hot with time!!! **************************************************************** All the characters, organizations, and events in this story are fictional. Happy reading... =)

DyaAran · Thành thị
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138 Chs


"I... I can't," she said. She definitely couldn't let this happen. She couldn't go through the hell of four months again. She had tried her best to stand where she was at the moment. She could not afford to lose herself in him again.

"I can't stay away from you," he stepped closer. "You know that, don't you?" he asked. His voice sounded much gentler than before. Still, she was stepping back. 

"Don't. I don't want to..." she said. 


"Hey man, that's enough," It was Dylan again. 

"Stay out of this," Ryan roared this time. 

"Who the hell are you, man?" Dylan once again jumped in between the two.

"Who the hell are you to stand in between her and me?" this was Ryan.

"In case you don't know, I'm technically her fiancee," he said This time Ryan paused. He had to. His gaze quickly traveled passed Dylan's shoulder and rested on her. She too looked started.