
just love story

At the age of 5 they promise to be each others friends for rest of their lives but at the age of 18 they ditched their promise and roll onto each other. To know What happened to their friendship or to their promise just read Friends or lovers #A scene from chapter 62 Tiya turned around and was about to leave when Sam suddenly hold her hand pulled her close to him and kissed her. Tiya's eyes were wide open, her mind was not able to process what was happening, before she could think about anything she felt short of breath, Sam released her as she gasped some air. Tiya was about to say something but was only able to say, "WHAT" when Sam hugged her again and very passionately placed his lips on her lips for another sweet kiss. ? Tiya was shocked as she thought Sam was not in his true state of mind, so she started pushing him with her full force but her every effort seems to be in vain as the more force she applied to push him away, the more harder he licks her lips. Sam seems to be in full swing as he doesn't want to stop ever. The next moment he released her, She wanted to say something but again the moment she said, "What" Sam placed his palms on her mouth and he blocked her against the wall, he then started kissing on her earlobe then on her neck. Tiya thought that Sam was behaving like a possessed person. (Right Sweety he is possessed by his own emotions and feelings) She started struggling but then Sam leaned by towards her ears, his hands were still covering her lips, he said in a perfectly seductive voice, "I have waited for fifteen years for this moment, for fifteen years I have been keeping it inside me but now please don't stop me, please don't say anything, I love Tiya. Please be with me forever I love you.... I really really love you. " Hearing those words from Sam, Tiya was stunned, she was so stupefied by his words that she forget to say anything.

loll_doll · Kỳ huyễn
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178 Chs

You are mine

Ruby bites Sam's hand and said "I am sleeping here. Can you please tell what are you doing here at such a time? "

"Off course I am here to see Tiya. Where is she?" Sam asked in a whispering tone as he doesn't want to wake up others.

Ruby gave a naughty smile and said, "Mr. Prince your princess is sleeping with her mom, now you think how you are going to see her." she then yawned, covered her face with the blanket and went back to sleep.

Sam pinched the space between his brows as he doesn't want to go back without seeing her, he then carefully got up from the floor, opened the bedroom door slowly and came out of the room.

The flower vase in the table near the room tripped creating a small noise. Tiya who was sleeping in the next room opened her eyes and was startled to see a shadow behind the window, she hold a stick from under the bed and came out of her room as she thought some thief might have entered the house.

She was tightly holding her stick with both the hands and was searching on every corner of the house when two strong arms pulled her into a tight warm embrace. Tiya was about to scream loudly when Sam put his palms on her mouth.

Tiya's eyes were wide open when she saw Sam, she stopped struggling and stood straight but the moment she realized that Sam was about to kiss her, she placed her stick in between both of them causing Sam to move back a few steps.

Sam was looking straight into her eyes, he was not in a mood to play so he pulled the stick from Tiya's hands, but his actions were too forceful that along with stick, Tiya was also pulled towards Sam.

Sam threw the stick while holding Tiya in his arms. They both were so close that their heart beats can be listened by both of them.

Sam was looking at her like a hungry beggar who has certainly got a big piece of mutton and he wants to eat that all in a single bite.

He was about to capture her beautiful pink lips but she aggressively stomped her foot on his foot causing him to scream in pain although he closed his mouth but still it was loud enough for Mrs. Aka to get up.

"Who's there Tiya? What are you doing? " she asked in a half sleepy voice.

Tiya was in a panic on hearing her mother's question, she was thinking of an answer when Sam made a noise of a cat, "Meeaaooww"

As if she understands Sam's intentions, she replied,"Nothing mom, it's just a cat. "

Both of them took a sigh of relief when they heard light snoring of Mrs. Aka again.

Sam opened the door of the store room and pushed her on the bed inside the store room.

Tiya was about to retilate when he jumped over her and kissed her hard on her lips

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