

Hey ! it's me Florence, not Florence Nightingale but Florence Jonas. I'm 14 and right now , mean today is the first day of my new session and my parents are excited more than me, sounds funny to you but it's really terrible. They are treating me like a 5yr old child!

Well however, I hear goes the call of my mom, "Florence come down! I don't want you to get late on the first day of your school!" " Ya, coming it's only six right now and the class starts at how will I get late" my smart reply didn't impressed mom and she yelled to me with the most dangerous voice, "You are coming down or..." "Oh! no, no it's fine" I hurried down the stairs and just indulged myself into my breakfast. As I was about to have a glimpse of my smartphone that it slipped into my fathers hand and my mother groaned at me and threw me out of the house and ordered me to straight reach school.

I stamped and angrily went to on the way to school. As I reached there was something really awkward going there and everyone was talking about a new foreign exchange student, I was about ask my friend Liana about this chaos but just then our teacher Mr . Hudson entered with a boy following his lead we wished him and then he was introduced to us as Simpson he looked a bit serious and absurd but every girl in the class was just fascinated, well I guess everyone knows why. But the worst of all is that he sat just beside me. Well, I never like so serious people however it's fine. Let's see in the next chapter if find something mysterious and interesting.....