
Chapter 8 (red flags)

Few days after I recovered, I was back to my usual life. Was Brian upset or he felt embarrassed? I couldn't tell but he never visited me after that night. Adam managed to visit me once or twice and he always drops a gift when he does claiming it's from Brian. He was such a nice friend but he didn't know his friend so well for him to try to disguise. Brian would never send chocolates or ice creams to me when I'm sick, he would send short notes, pictures and sometimes some herbal tea urging me to recover fast so that we could tour the world even when I knew we wouldn't.

Vanessa proved herself to be a darling friend who never lets go, I became fond of her as well. Despite all these love and energy from Adam, Vanessa, Leo and Rosa, I missed Brian, I missed his reassuring words. One day I decided to take him on a surprise visit, luckily enough, he was at home playing some video games with the boys in the room. It was weird and satisfying. Brian should not be playing games at this moment of his life.Freshers at Yale lived their lives so cautiously because he mistake or failure can lead them home. This wasn't the Brian I knew. Adam was also part of the team, I felt reassured and guilty for not wishing him happiness.

"You're here! come on in" Adam announced cheerfully from the bed where he laid

Then I realized I've been standing at the door for over 5 minutes. I walked in sluggishly, expecting an embarrassment from Brian but also praying it wouldn't. He stood up from the bed and walked up to me, hugging me tightly. I loved it when he hugs me, because he had grown bigger and I was kinda petite so i was always lost in his arms.

"I missed you" he said, as he threw kisses at my neck and stroked my hair with his hands.

My heart fluttered once more, I hugged him tightly praying he doesn't listen to the beatings of my heart.

He left my grip to change into a jersey top and we both walked out of the room. It was a cool Thursday evening, perfect weather for lovers. I interlocked my hands with his and rested my head on his shoulder, I missed his smell.

"Why didn't you come looking for me?" I finally asked

"I couldn't, because I thought you were upset, considering how you kept mute when vanessa was talking the other night, but I still sent gifts to you anyways"

"Did you really send those gifts?" I asked as I stopped walking- he nodded

"I didn't believe Adam whenever he said so, because the Brian I know would never send me chocolates and ice cream"

"Well, the Brian you know has grown, he's more romantic now" he answered as he began to walk again

"Still, not a valid reason for you to leave me, Brian. You left me alone,no calls, no facetime, no messages, how were you surviving? because I wasn't"

"I wasn't either" he answered as he lifted me up and placed me on a rail, " I missed you Alison, I had always wanted to call you but I felt threatened after what vanessa said that night, how could you believe her?"

"I didn't, I was so weak to say anything, I just laid....."

he dropped a kiss on my neck, he dropped another one on my cheeks, he caressed my body with kisses

"Okay, that's enough, I believe you now" I said as I laughed out trying to make him stop.

"What? you didn't miss me?" he asked, feigning anger

"I do baby, how could I not miss my cute puppy" I teased as I held his cheeks, still laughing

he hugged me warmly, "I'm not going to ever leave you, Alison. I love you more than you can ever imagine"

"I know"


I answered him with a hug.

"Are you crying? why?" he asked

"Because I missed you so much Brian and I don't know how to express the way I feel"

He released my grip and kissed me on the lips

"I'm sorry for leaving you, I promise not to do that again"

"Promise? then let's take a pinky swear"

"pinky swear? he asked puzzled, guess you've been watching too many movies, how is it done?"

"Fold your 3 middle fingers like this, make sure the only standing fingers are your thumb and little finger, I'll do same as well, then we'll both interlock these two fingers, here we go!"

"When do you sit to watch movies? You're less busy now?"

"Same as you, when do you have time to be playing videos game?"

"A question for question? I was forced to"

"Whatever" I said as I gave him a slight punch and stood up from the rail

"Don't cry so much next time, you're going to mess up your pretty face" he said cleaning my years with his hands

"what? I'm not even on makeup!"

"I know, but you like a cast for horror movies" he teased

"make sure to not be the reason why I cry"

"I promise, now come on in my back" he said bending over

I laughed and ran away

"what? you don't wanna climb on back now? you always went crazy during high school"

"I guess we all grew up now and I'm no more interested" I chuckled

He walked me home that night and dropped me at my door, I couldn't have been more excited than that. He threw kisses on my face and hugged me severally. He didn't want to let go, neither did I, but we had to part ways anyway.

"Guess you both reconciled, stood there for over 30 minutes and didn't wanna let go" Vanessa said

"Actually, we did" I answered smiling sheepishly.

*. *. * *. *

By morning, we were all set for classes. I dropped Brian a message before leaving for class but he didn't respond, "maybe he is busy" I thought. It was a hectic Friday morning as we were all preparing our assignments and projects for the week. Going to Labs, compiling research, and submitting assignments. It was one of these busy afternoon that I bumped into Adam.

"Hey Alison!"

"heyyy! what's up Adam?"

"All good, what are you doing here?"

"Oh! I came to collect samples for some assessment"

"Oh! great"

"What about you?"

"I was just returning from class"

"Oh! lucky newbies. Y'all attend classes on Fridays, I really wish"

"You look so stressed, have you had lunch?"

"I will, thank you so much for your concern Adam, I really appreciate" I greeted as the mood became awkward and I had to rush back quickly. Then I paused and turned to ask,

"Have you in any way seen Brian today?"


"okay" I nodded and scurried away

I hurried to class to get my notebook when I noticed a sticky note on my desk, it read,

"I'd appreciate if you stay away from my guy, crazy motherfucker!"

The message didn't sound so threatening but I was bothered, could this be Adam's girlfriend? I wondered as I walked away. By 4pm, I messaged vanessa to come out and join me for lunch, I knew she hadn't eaten as well as her schedule was too tight for it.

"So you're suspecting Adam's girlfriend?" Vanessa asked as we both sat on the bench at the cafeteria munching our meals

"Why not? Who else have been close to me apart from Brian?"

"Okay, you could ask him"

"Why are you acting so cold? You're supposed to help me sort this out"

"You think I am? well, I'm just trying not to overtsep my boundaries"


"We'll talk at home, I have to catch up with something and thank you so much for calling me out for lunch" she said as she rushed out.

It was a long day but I missed Brian, how could he not even call, what has he been up to? He's so full of surprises I thought as I walked past through the school corridor.

"Why did you have to drop a note for her?" I heard a whisper as I walked past, I stopped, I'm not the type that eavesdrop to conversation but I had to, I felt a strong urge to stop.

"I had to! you've been delaying so I had to do it my own way, how could you?"

"Hugh! I'm sorry Clara" the male voice apologized

"Clara? Now I'm being called my by name?"

Both the male and the female voice sounded really familiar, so I pushed the door a little,only to find Brian passionately kissing a girl whose name i just knew. She pushed him and slapped him, if you love me so much then fight for me!

"I love you! I really do Clara"

I stood in shock as I felt my heart breaking into pieces. I didn't know when I turned and walked home, I came back to my senses on getting home.

I fell on my bed and cried. I couldn't take it, I had to confront him, I had to understand, was that another drama? I took my bath and dashed out to his place.

"Hey baby girl! I was just about to call you" Brian said immediately after I entered his room

"We need to talk" I said as I dragged him outside


"I need you to give me a straight answer, are you seeing someone else?"

"I said give me a straight answer!" I yelled as I threw the flower vase outside his hostel

"Alison! get a grip of yourself, what are you doing?"

"I bet you love your dear life so much and that of that slut called Clara"


"I saw you both! she's the same person you told me you guys were rehearsing, the very person whom invited you to church, the same person who calls you at midnight"

"Have you been stalking me?"

"That doesn't matter, I just need an answer!"

"Yes! I've been seeing Clara for over some months. She's been my crush since middle school but I couldn't date her because she never liked me, she travelled and came back, yet my heart still flutters when we meet. So we began to date"

"How long have you been dating?" I asked trying to control my tears

"18 months"

"18 what? isn't that more than a year?" I yelled, "I hate you Brian, I hate you so much Brian" I yelled


"Leave me alone! How could you see someone for 18 months and claim you love me?

"Because I do!"

"Shut the fuck up! don't you dare say that one more time!"

"I didn't want to decline her request because I've been waiting for her all my life but I love you still and didn't want to hurt you"

"But you did anyways, what happened to all your promises? Yunno what? you're just a piece of trash"


"All I did was love you and make sacrifices for you, how could you?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want it this way..." I pushed him and ran away in tears