
Chapter 5 (Fixing a puzzle)

Love always have it's two sides, good and bad. It's hurting, it's patience, it's kind, it's dangerous. I lost a very valuable person in my life because of love. I won Brian to my love and lost Leo to my broken love. Avoiding Leo was the best option to make Rosa start up with him. I watched Leo shrinking like a dry Marple leaf and became a shadow of his old self, I spurred up his past, I opened his wounds and left him helpless.

I couldn't stand seeing him deteriorating, I was hurting as well. His cheerful smiles and kind heart all went under his feet, I watched him shield his heart again, I betrayed him, I was greedy right? I was left with no choice, I hoped my decision was the right one. A week later, I was summoned by Leo's coach, he had asked me to talk to Leo into coming back to the team, I couldn't do that, I only nodded and walked away.

Leo didn't even hear me out, he walked away and then stop

"Alison, you drew this boundary yourself, don't cross it next time" and walked away

"Stop being melancholic, pull yourself together, it's for your best and I'm also going through the same pain" I screamed. Nonchalantly, he walked away.

I punched the air with a fist and almost about to throw a tantrum when I heard someone screaming my name joyously


I tried to bend a little to see who it was, the sun was on my face, I managed to see a hand waving but not the face

"Hey Alison!" she called out running up to me

" Rosa?, what do you want?" I asked moving backwardly

"C'mon, I don't bite..."

"Yeah cos you bark"

"Alison! look, I'm sorry, I've realized my mistakes, (chuckles) love can be crazy yunno, seeing how I went nuts, I was foolish and greedy"

I held my hair with my two hands, dragging and venting my anger on it, "Are you serious right now? you caused so much fuss and your here blabbing?" I yelled holding her by her collar

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control my feelings, I'm sorry"

"Are you aware of what you caused?"

"I'll sort it out, I'll make you guys come back"

"Leave! " she walked away and turned and hugged me by my back. I hated Rosa for knowing my weak point

"I'm so sorry Alison"

I ignored her and kept struggling with her grip

"Mmm, I've missed your smell" she said rubbing her nose on my back like a dog

I turned and gave her a warm hug while I fought with my tears.

"So, I've found a new crush" Rosa announced smiling so adorably

"Another infatuation?"


"Do I know him?"

"Not sure about that but he plays basketball"

"Lemme guess, you met him the day you attended Leo's match?"

"Jeez, so smart" she smiled punching me slightly

"They're most times flirt, has he told you anything yet?"

"We're at the "I love you so much but I can't tell you" stage"

(laughs)" so unlike you, why haven't you professed yet?"

"i don't know, I just want to enjoy this phase"

"When I'm i meeting him?"


I smiled and threw my eyes around when I caught a glimpse of Brian and his friends. I waved and jumped childishly, Rosa bade goodbye and walked away. His friends teased him as scurried away.

"What's up baby" he asked touching my cheeks," did I just saw you with Rosa?"

"Yep" I nodded

"Strange! when did you sort things out?"

"Some minutes ago, she came to apologize"

"Oh cool, come give me a hug, you sailed through the storm" he said opening his arms

"Thank you" I whispered as I hugged him

"I have to hurry now, I love you" he said as he dropped a kiss on my cheek and scurried to join his friends

"Hey!" I called out, Brian turned

I threw kisses on the air and hopped away, he smiled and walked away.

"I'm sorry for the wait, I'm sorry for the troubles, let's sort this out today, meet me at the studio by 5pm" I dropped Leo a message.

4:30 pm, I was already waiting at the studio and praying Leo arrives as soon as possible. 5 minutes past 5, the door unbolted and Leo walked in

"Why I'm i here?"

"Leo, I'm sorry for all the hard....."

He lifted his right palm signalling me to not walk any closer to him, "it's fine"


"How does it feel to betray one's trust and dump someone like a rag? cool I guess, I was mistaken, you're no different from Brenda"

"No!" I shook my head crying profusely

"What? Do you feel sorry? C'mon, you don't have to, it's just some time, I need a little more time to recover and heal, I was worse than this when Brenda left.

"I'm sorry Leo, I'm so sorry" I cried out as I fell on my knees, "I did it for the best of you"

"No! you did it for the best of your best friend, so selfish!"

"I was confused, I couldn't take it anymore, I had to lose you both" I said as I bowed my head in shame

"Everything you did was in favor of your best friend stop all these whines and get out"he yelled

"I'm broken, I'm hurt, I've not been myself"

"Shut up!"

"She's better than Brenda and shouldn't be compared to anyone" she said as she walked in

"What? Rosa?" I whispered as I sobbed and sniffed noisily

"I'm the root of your separation, I'm sorry Leo. You must have a bad sight but alison deteriorated, have you seen her test scripts? the principal is screaming the whole school down, her mom is threatening her, at the end I realized how much you've stolen my best friend's heart. She never went down when we had issues, if you need to vent your anger, pour it out on me, she doesn't deserve any of it, she did what she did to make us happy"

Leo kicked the containers down and fidgeted around the room.

"Vent it on me" Rosa yelled

Leo walked up to me and lifted me up. His warm hands wrapping me in his chest.

"I'm so sorry Leo" I apologized still sobbing

"It's fine!"

"Rosa you're wrong! she loves you both, she risked my relationship with her for you"

We both chuckled

"I forgive you Alison, treat me to lunch tomorrow"

"Sure" I answered wearing a smile

Rosa walked up to us and hugged us both, "I'm sorry for trying to separate y'all"

"It's fine" Leo answered

I kissed her hair and patted it