
Just Another Villain?

Lisa did not think it was possible, but the impossible happened. Because of been killed by a truck, she got the chance to reincarnate. With the blessings of a ROB, she has three wishes she would abuse the heck out of. Now, she wants to live her life and no hero or villain will be able to stand in her way.

Evil_Grews · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

Gaining Power

Lisa groaned into consciousness, rubbing her eyes as she came to. The last thing she remembered was a man snapping his fingers and she became unconscious. Wait! Her eyes opened with a start as the flashback hit her.

She had just died due to a drunk driver's carelessness. But where she appeared next was somewhere she just could not fathom no matter how hard she tried. A gentle looking middle aged man appeared in front of her.

"Excuse me sir, where am I?" she asked the man.

"In limbo, a realm between the living and the dead. I have intercepted your soul before it reached judgement because I have a proposal for you," the man said.

Lisa was even more stunned. Unlike the other MCs whom she had read about that would immediately get excited at this juncture, she knew something was definitely afoot here. This was most probably a ROB, that meant that he was overpowered to ridiculous ness. Just why would he decide to pick her? She was nothing special!

"Why me?" she asked, fully knowing the ROB would be able to read her mind just as easily as it was for her to breath...Wait, she couldn't breath! She clasped her throat in a panic, trying to take a breath but it was futile. The ROB shook his head in amusement before waving his hand and she felt her panic vanish.

"Limbo is a harsh environment for anything. It employs tricks to its inhabitants so that they could crossover either for judgement or back to their bodies. I just covered you with my power, it should be safe for you to stay here till I'm gone," the man told her. "As for why you, why not you? You are an existence solely different from others just as another being is different. The reason why I chose you is because I saw you were different from others."

Lisa let that sink in while trying not to think so hard about it all. If she did, she would fall down a rabbit hole and perhaps fall into an existential crisis. So, to her, the ROB picked her because she had something that none others had. She didn't dwell on it for even if she figured it out, she wasn't even powerful enough to do something about it.

"Where will I be going?" she asked, resigned to her fate. The man nodded in appreciation, seeing how she had accepted her fate.

"That will be randomized. What will be a sure bet, however, are your three wishes. So, go ahead and let it out," he said.

Now this was her favourite part about ROBs, the wishing part. Some people decide to go full on commando, starting from the lowest to become the highest. Yes, it would be exciting but honestly, she believed those MCs would have died of not for their author's plot armor. So, she had to make sure she gets a proper foothold.

"Alright, I would like to have a World Breaker Hulk permanent serum with me that can only be used by me and me only," she stated. She was introduced to the Hulk serum by the Earth 1610 comic book issues, created by a brilliant crook calling himself Tyrone Cash. Soon, like all other serums before, almost all the big players had it. The serum gave the user the base power of the Hulk, which is quite much! But, with her World Breaker Hulk serum, she was certain of her safety.

"That is indeed quite troublesome. The World Breaker Hulk is strong and can grow stronger with more anger. But, I'm not omnipotent for nothing so wish granted," the man said. Lisa celebrated silently before focusing more.

"For my second wish, I'ld like to have a combination of Garp and Whitebeard's Haki and combat experience," she stayed with bated breath.

"I agreed to the World Breaker Hulk serum, what makes you think this would make me refuse? Granted," the man said in amusement looking at her anxious look. Lisa sighed in relief.

Garp was very talented in Haki and even if he did not have Conqueror's Haki, just his armament Haki was enough to keep up with Gol D Roger and that was something she would very much like. Besides, in his combat experience, there would be how he performs the Rokushiki and she could not wait to use Geppo more than anything.

"For my third wish, I'ld like to have Absolutr Combat Intuition," she stated. The man just nodded and she was even more overjoyed.

"Alright, now it's time to make your body,"

"Make my body? Can't you just transmigrate me?"

"I can but it will be more of a hassle. I would need to synchronize your soul and body then make the universe's laws accept you, talk to a lot of beings why you took over another body, write paper works, blah blah blah. Too much work. So, just make your body, I bypass the universe's laws to trick them into believing you are of its product and voila, you have a new life." Lisa did not have much of a choice so she just accepted. A screen with a human figure as the default appeared in front of her.

"Just type what you want it to have," the ROB said. Lisa was surprised by that for if one used this well, it would also interpret to having more wishes! "I knew you were interesting. Go nuts!"

Immediately, she turned to the screen with fervor as a keypad appeared in front of her. Due to her obsession with close quarter combat when thinking of a fictional character, she decided this would be her chance to make the most overpowered CQC fighter she would think of.

So, she started with a racial background, chosing the Asura race. A bloodthirsty warrior type race that have been blessed with the intuition to immediately master any fighting technique they see. She set her character's height to 2.8m, adding two pairs of arms for her. It would be terrifying to see a four armed being coming at you with four kinds of weapons ready to kill you. She set her hail to be blue alongside her skin to differentiate between her and humans, or rather to disconnect herself from humanity. She made her body to be toned, definitely not because she always wanted to be kinda muscular. She was specially in love with the flat, abs showing tummy of hers. Fixing more minor details like heightening her regeneration while reducing her fatigue toxin emission, she was finally ready.

"Well, good luck," the man said as snapped his fingers, making her lose her consciousness.


"So that's what happened," Lisa said as she looked at her arms. She did not feel any motor disharmony when using them, in fact, she felt like she was handicapped before she had four arms. "So freakishly cool!" She suddenly remembered the serum she was supposed to have but before she broke into a frenzy, a green pill appeared before her and fell right onto her lap.

"Eh?!" she was flabbergasted by the blatant display of lack of logic. She picked it with her lower left arm and studied it.

"Is this it?" she asked herself with a frown. She was hesitating whether to take it or not for it could be the trick of another being. But, she was reminded of how powerless she truly was, if a being that could teleport something in front of her could do that, then it can definitely send something even more dangerous, like a wisp of the sun's burning hydrogen. She would be dead before she even knew it. So, she popped the pill into her mouth and intended to crush it. However, the pill simply melted in her mouth and what followed was agonizing pain.