
Stepping up-1

There was a gentle sigh, Ko when the entire situation had started got worried, not for himself, hell not even for Oliver. It was Endeavor he was worried about.

It had been a bit since it last happened, but everything Oliver had taught not just him, but all of the Kings, was that in the situation that it called for. Oliver would sacrifice his own safety for their own. That was the first thing he promised them, to give them safety, he didn't promise that he would protect them from all harm, he never promised he would be able to protect them.

But he did promise he would do his best to keep them safe, even if at that moment, it required him to give his life. Slowly, Oliver was showing growth as a person, being more accepting to allow people into his life.

Roku stepped forward towards Oliver, hands resting over his shoulders as he pulled his boss around to look at him. Oliver knew why, his anger all be it controlled was very potent and it was effecting the air.

He stared at Roku, letting the calmness slowly wash over him before he took a deep breath as the Chief walked forward. ''I'm glad when I came when I did, woof."

Oliver gave a nod before he turned to the police chief. ''Thank you for coming so fast.''

''I was in the area... I'm just upset I had to see such a scene." He shook his head gently, Oliver only released another sigh. Thank god his quirk was able to construct and manipulate his DNA, made it impossible to get grey hairs.

"Put some quirk suppressing handcuffs on him, we'll take him to the station, you stay behind rookie and talk about the process to the family. Oliver, Ko, Roku, once again thank you. I feel with your help, we'll eventually be able to great a better society, even if it's slow work."

He gave a nod to them before he helped get Endeavor dragged out of the house. Rei only now seeming to fully relax, however Toya looked up to Oliver, his eyes focused. ''Is it true what Dad said? You've killed people before?"

Oliver looked down to him, before he lowered a hand to ruffle his hair. ''One day, I'll tell you the story behind why I do, what I do. But I will not lie, I have, and most likely will do so again. But, the first time I did, was to protect someone, near and dear to me, someone I'd turn this world on it's side for."

When Oliver spoke, he noticed that familiar flash of light through Toya's eyes as he looked slightly off to Shota, only to turn back to Oliver and nodding strongly.

Rei helped guide them to the living room where they all sat, Oliver watched the decorations, all of them not having a lot of 'Hominess' to it. As they all say down Roku focused his smile to Rei, keeping her calm as she was able to relax slowly, her voice small before she spoke out.

''So... What now?''

The rookie cop looked over to Oliver, he didn't know exactly who Oliver was other then rumors, but he was told to follow his lead.

''For now? We're going to put distance between Enji Todoroki and the rest of the family, the hope is he will be going through therapy and a few rehabilitation courses to try and sort through his obsession, going as far as to attack someone, even in the heat of the moment was not a good look for the number 2 hero."

''We, the Kings will take you and your family in for protection, while also helping you by letting you work with Roku here, who by the way is a trained, and licensed Therapist and has all legal documentations needed to work, and even assign medication. He will help you go through all the stress, the trauma, and any other demons that might be sitting in the back of your mind."

''What about my kids?"

''For now, they will be put into private schooling, as I'm sure they already are. They will come under me directly for quirk training. Even if they have no plans to become a hero, it is always good for them to know how to use their quirk in the event they must defend themselves."

He motioned towards Toya. ''As you noticed, your son is not a danger to himself as others make it out to be. With some proper care, and medication his burns should clear up within a few months. He still has no resistance directly to his flame, however the 'Cold Resistance' he got from you is actually good at helping heal any wounds he might get from it, it was speculation at first and I'll need to do research into the science behind it exactly. But for now, he shows no signs of needing to burn his flesh anymore. The Kings will provide protective equipment as well, to further protect him from burning himself, and hopefully. Through training, you will never have to worry about him hurting himself again."

There was a nod from her, her lips quivering as she tried to hold back tears, a few still falling. Toya hurt to see his mom like this, Shota still not quite understanding but he still went over just to hug her. He may not understand exactly what's going on, but he knew his mom was sad, and that's all he needed to know for him to be able to step up and help her.

Oliver took note of the look Ko was giving the interaction, he could see some anger behind his eyes as well. Something he took note of so he could help him release it later. He then spoke once more.

''For now, I recommend you call the respective places that your other children are at, get them to come home, a police officer can help take them if need be."

Oliver offered his phone, which she took slowly and after cleaning herself up by freezing the tears and brushing them off she called the school. Shortly later she nodded to the Rookie who called it in.

Once Oliver got his phone back, he then turned to Ko which caused him to look over and meet his Boss' eyes.

There was a flicker of something, Ko's hand tightening. He knew what ever he was about to be ask was going to be hard for him. ''In the mean time, Ko here has a healing type quirk, such quirk also allows him to accurately see any previous injuries, damage, or anything bad. A check up so to speak just much faster then going through machines. If you would please let him check you yourself Rei over, then once you agree to it, he will begin to check Toya and Shota, then the rest of your children once he finishes and they arrive."

She nodded, Ko stood up. ''Please, remain seated and just relax, can I see your hand please?" She offered her hand and Ko took it, he began to channel his quirk which began to slowly pulse with healing energy toward her. As it did she watched him before turning to look down to Shota who was still holding her, a gentle smile over her face as she began to slowly stroke his head, earning her a stupid smile.

Oliver watched Ko closely, gauging the reaction, and by the reactions, there was a lot of anger, but Oliver could sense, it didn't seem to be 'Bad' Ko looked to Oliver and gave a stiff nod before he spoke. ''There is some minor injuries, bruises and a few old injuries that never quite healed properly."

Rei spoke up quickly. ''They must be old sports injuries! He was bad, but he never onc-.''

Oliver cut in. "I understand, now that you know how Ko does it, are you find with him doing it to the children?"

She nodded, now that she had been healed, even if minor, a lot of minor aches and pains had gone away, making it much easier to relax. Ko's quirk was actually really broken. A key to immortality perhaps?