
Dear diary

Ok so I'm gonna try to go in order. Woke up things be normal the only this is I dont remember if I slept in my bed all night more my chair then move to my bed I think maybe at 3 is when I went to bed idk it's a haze. So 1st interesting thing that happened that day was my mom yelling at me about our Thanksgiving schedule because she was us here and it's my dads year to have us and she was getting all mad and how I can't schedule stuff even though she gave me false information and I did have it all plan and now I need to start over. the whole time I was thinking why can't you and dad just call each other and schedule something why do I have to be the middleman and my brother Zack is useless and just let's me handle and get mad at me for not telling him stuff except its because he doesn't pay attention ugh but yeahhh sister sick. my boyfriend's teacher made him cry today because she keeps telling him he's going to fail and he should just drop her class and she had the audacities to try to give him a hug later that day because she made him cry ugh I just want to email her and be like look he is going through stuff hes already barely eating and you go and call him a failure infront of the whole class what did you think was going to happen, but I can't because I'm only his girlfriend not his parent and it might make it worse for him. Need to do last minute homework for my how to use a computer class had to skip some so it will be late then I was running really late but julian and I really really just needed a hug so I made a big detour to go give him a hug. as I was leaving his street I was running late it was very dark raining hard very busy road I was turning left ( it was on a street with normal 1 lane going each direction but with one turn lane in the middle) I was trying to turn in this little opening and I didn't realize this lady was trying to turn down the street I was on and it was too late to stop so yeah I had a minor car bump (car accident) it wasn't bad the lady was really really nice and looked like maybe a little dent in her car and some plastic problems in mine but we gave each others phone numbers we don't want the insurance people involved so that's good I feel so bad tho she said it was a pretty new car too (not a lease I asked because that could have been really bad) after I got to my class like 30mins late and you know college classes they dont stop to catch you up so yeahhh that took a few mins and I stayed after for his office hours to get it done. the sad part I was more scared to tell my mom about the accident then when the accident happened she ... is scary. so I texted her because I knew there was no causal way to bring it up in person and I knew I wouldn't be able to find the words but turns out now that I'm 18 and an adult she doesn't care she's like hey your paying for it because you did it I dont want to sounds petty, but she didn't even ask if I was ok. visited julian at our work got food cheese curds 🤤 with cheese sauce. man I eat there too much but hey I get a discount had to tell bf too he was really worried and confused because I texted him a quick text telling very little info about what happened. so yeah that was an interesting day I can't wait till tomorrow because I'm going to silver bells with bf and my college before hand we are doing some homework tho we both need it I feel bad tho I usually have more and it really helps to have him there but he sometimes gets frustrated because he wasn't to go do other stuff too 😉 I mean me too but homework ugh. but not tomorrow we be busy oh and it's his birthday this weekend hes finally going to be 18 so busy with a musical and bowling with our friends woooo.