
I'm Sorry, I Love You Part 1

I stood staring at the skyscrapers towering in front of me.

This is my first day working in a company located in South Jakarta.

It may be difficult for others to enter this company. Because this company is a national company that is very strict in accepting new employees.

There are many tests that must be passed, as well as too many rules and qualifications that are their standards.

But if there are people who are very lucky in this world, easily enter without going through any tests. Then that person is me.

Yes, me.

I, a woman who is so lucky to be able to work in this company. But I can also sayi that I'm not that lucky because I don't work of my own volition, and I'm sure I won't even get a penny of my work.

So what do I actually work here for?

All of this I did at the request of someone, who even threatened my life if I didn't do what he wanted.

Oh wait. You must be thinking what position should be suitable for me considering I work in a national company, which is also expanding to an international level.

But of all the positions, I only filled one of the lowest positions in this company.

Become a servant a president director

Sounds lowly doesn't it.

Even lower than the cleaners.

Personal maid.

Ah I don't know how much I feel sorry for myself. Pity my poor self, to be trapped in a life like this.

Honestly, I'm actually fed up. I'm tired of living a life that feels unfair to me.

But I myself was unable to get out, unable to leave because of THAT PERSON!.

THAT PERSON who made me end up like this. Meeting him was hell for me.

Really if I can run away from it, it's a very happy thing for me.

Thinking about that just make me a deep breathe. Many ways and tricks I did to escape from it but it never worked. I always get entangled with him again. Again and again.

I looked back at my black flat shoes which looked shiny because before I left for work I brushed them.

If only today I went to work not as a personal maid. I really will enjoy this day cheerfully. Like other employees who enthusiastically do their job.

But all of that is just wishful thinking that I can't possibly get.

I exhaled again, a little stronger this time, for suddenly annoyance rose within me.

"Damn. Just remembering it makes me feel nauseous and dizzy" I whispered softly, while massaging my forehead.

I looked up and stared back at the entrance of this tall building.

If I ran away on my first day on the job, he would definitely punish me. Oh really that's not a good idea.

"Don't you dare run away from me"

I shuddered at the sound of a soft, heavy voice whispering in my ear. Like he knows what I'm thinking.

I know who that voice belongs to. A voice that had been imprinted in my memory for months.

I slightly turned to the right side, because the person I meant was on the right side of my body.

I glared at him and gave him a piercing glare.

But he just stood still and put on flat face. It was as if this gaze of mine was exactly what he wanted.

"Why don't you come in right away? Do you want me to punish you on your first day on the job?" He said it was spicy and cold. His previously flat gaze had turned sharp like an eagle's.

Even though I've been stared at like that every day, it doesn't get used to me either. It's still scary.

"I'll be right in" I said quietly, but looked away from him.

Instantly I began to be a free show for employees who want to enter the company. They started giving me a surprised look.

Yes how not. Who wouldn't be surprised to see their President Director talking with a lowly employee in front of the company entrance.

Of course it caught their attention, right.

"If you're talking, then look at me. Don't you think I'm here?" He shouted angrily while gripping my arm tightly. I suddenly saw his eyeballs that did look terrible.

My mind winced in pain because his grip was so strong. It felt like he can crushing my body.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, trying to calm his emotions.

Too bad for me to have pissed him off this morning.

"Follow me!" He said fiercely and grabbed my hand roughly, making all his employees stare strangely and surprised at the two of us.

I couldn't take the gaze, I could only lower my head to stare at the toe of my shiny flat shoes.

'Why is he walking so fast' I thought annoyed.

Never mind pulling people's hands so rough, he can't even walk slowly, I don't know what he's chasing.

Since I had lowered my gaze earlier, I didn't think we were already in the elevator.

Oh I know. It seemed that this was a special elevator for a President Director due to its extraordinarily luxurious design and there is no other than the two of them.


He hold me against the elevator wall, a little strong because I was surprised.

"What do you want" I said angrily to him.

I really don't understand his ever-changing attitude. His mood swings were so fast that I had a hard time understanding him.

"I guess I have to punish you to discipline you. Do you know what you did wrong?" He asked again.

His face is currently right in front of mine, which I think is only a few inches away.

I know he's bullying me. But I'm not afraid. I looked back at him who was looking at me with eyes blazing with anger.

I'm confused, what other mistakes have I made? It's still early morning. I don't understand where I went wrong. Was it because I spoke, wasn't looking at him?

But just because of that he could be this angry?

I chuckled. In front of his face, I laughed. It made him look even more intently at me.

For small things that did'nt suit him he can get angry.

"What are you laughing at?" He said fiercely.


The sound of the elevator door opening, signaled that we had arrived at our destination floor.

"Just laughing at my stupidity" I replied indifferently then walked out without heeding her furious growl.

A littlie shit. I cursed myself which made him even angrier.

Oh, God. This is not something good. Please save me this morning.

Can he just be patient and didn't get me punishment

"Ahhhh!" I was surprised because suddenly he lifted me with a strong force, then opened the door office hastily and threw me on the sofa.

"What are you trying to do to me!" I shouted.

He smirked. Showing neat and clean white teeth. A grin that immediately made me shudder in fear. Because that was the beginning of the disaster.