
Tuesday - As we meet again.

And the clock alarm loudly as Marian shook by vibration and woke up. It's a happy Tuesday morning it's Marian's 19th birthday. She directly go to the bathroom and took a shower.

Marian's mother scream and said, You woke up early and why? It's my birthday I will go to church to thank God for some blessing I had received lately Marian reply. Oh okay take your time and have some fun Marian's mother said

After she took a bath and dressed up, she directly take a ride going to the church directly. As she arrive she slowly walk and find a vacant seat in front of the altar. And the holy mass initiated, I heard a low voice behind me whispered slowly my name twice saying Mariannn! Mariann! When I turn my head and see who is it I clearly saw the face of Aldrin smiling and waiving his hand.

An hour later the mass is going to end Aldrin stand beside me and said 'Will you go with me find a restaurant and have a breakfast? of course my friend it's my birthday. Marian answer with no hesitation. Really! then allow myself to treat you. At the restO they've talked and shared a lot. They start getting comfortable to each other and happy went back alone both into their home.

Marian's birthday celebrate happily just as ordinary like before.