
The Hundred Year War: The Beginning

The 'Hundred-year war', pretty grand and fancy name don't you think? I mean, even though it took place between 1337-1453, and if you have good mathematical skills that are 116 years, then again that doesn't sound quite grand, does it?

Hello there! Today I have brought forth an interesting period in history called the '100 years war' fought between the English and The French. France and England have been at war for quite some centuries, mostly on land disputes. We have 2 royal dynasties which play an important role in this war.

1.French Royal Dynasty- The Valois

2.The English Royal Dynasty- The Plantagenets

So, we shall start way back in 1066 when the French used to claim English lands and this was all started by "William the Bastard" (not the best name a man can have) He wanted more lands than just Normandy and then after conquering those English lands he became known as "William the Conqueror"! (Well, that was a free upgrade on the name)

England became the property of french lords, they spoke French, they ate French!

Then in 1155, King Henry II became king of England (he was originally from Anjou in France) and he also brought more French land in William's holdings of Normandy, then Henry married Eleanor of Aquitaine and she brought more french lands as well like literally half of Modern France was under the Plantagenets!

But then here's where things get interesting...

Technically, these lands were still owned by the kings of France and therefore were like Medieval vassels. So, kings had to pay homage to the Valois French kings, but King Henry II and William were too proud to do so. (As were the kings of those ages ) But as the years passed by The Valois took back parts of France slowly until most of France was retrieved except one small place called "GASCONY" and this land is what causes the war to take place.

We come now to 2 important characters in this war:

-Edward the III of England

-Philip VI of France

Philip the VI wanted to take Gascony once and for all, so he joined hands with the Scots and in 1337 he confiscated Gascony. Now of course you might be thinking "It's just a small land I mean, what's the worst that could happen if France takes it?" Well, that's where you are wrong as the most important trade in England came from 2 places:-

1. The wine trade in Gascony

2. Wool trade in Flanders (in modern-day Germany)

The Count of Flanders was under the French king, therefore, he ordered them to stop trading with England and this, of course, was not good to the Flemish people as they would suffer badly due to this. Therefore Edwar III was angered by this and told that not only would he claim his right to Gascony and Flanders but sit on the French throne itself. (A bit too much for that second one if you ask me.)

So, he started this by campaigning in French territory and with a technique called 'Chevauchee' which is essentially raiding and pillaging every town and village he passes through. (What he wanted to achieve with this is destroying towns so that the King is forced to come and fight to protect his citizens.) In 1339 he went for a campaign, but he failed miserably and he had a huge pile of debts.

At the same time, the French had a naval base in the English channel at Sluys on the coast of Flanders. So, Edward decided to attack the French (even though the probability of winning was 1 out of 100 chance) and surprisingly won. Furthermore, he had won two small battles in Brittany as well. This surged his confidence and he marched forward for the battles to come.

(Though he still had too many debts!)

Nevertheless, from here we begin the horrifying bloodshed, brutality and killing for just the crown, greed and some land.