
THE AZTECS: Spanish conquest

So, even though the Aztecs were warriors and strong people, they were no match to the modernized Spaniards. In 1519. Hernan Cortes landed in Tenochtitlan and now this is an interesting part which I am going to narrate in a story kind of way:

Hernan Cortes to his men: "I tell you, my brothers, these people are just savages, brutal bloodthirsty people with no hygiene and just cannibals. I tell you to be prepared to wage war and be strong"

Once they arrived, they saw that the city was beaming clean, colourful and with big temples and structures. People were walking and selling goods.

Hernan: "What the hell! I-I thought- wait is that a bathing room?"

(Now you might be wondering why is Hernan so shocked with a bathing room, well during that time in Europe hygiene was a rare thing to see and smallpox was all around that time infecting people and it was due to their lack of hygiene)

Montezuma's POV: This must be the light-skinned Quetzalcoatl, whose return was prophesied in legend. I shall greet him and give him gold and much more.

Back to the Narrator's POV:

Montezuma did as he had planned, what he didn't notice was that these were not gods.

And as expected Cortes was able to immediately take Montezuma and his entourage of lords hostage, gaining control of Tenochtitlan. The Spaniards then murdered thousands of Aztec nobles during a ritual dance ceremony, and Montezuma died under uncertain circumstances while in custody.

Now wait, weren't the Aztecs warriors...well that was when they fought with spears and arrows, the Spaniards had guns, horses and more advanced military and weapons. sO, DEFEAT WAS WELL...EXPECTED.

European diseases like smallpox, mumps and measles were also powerful which was brought by Spaniards and consequently spread to the Aztecs and prompted a lot of deaths.

Cuauhtemoc, Montezuma's young nephew, took over as emperor, and the Aztecs drove the Spaniards from the city. But the Spaniards were not about to leave so easily, hey they came for the Bathtubs and they were going to take it! With the help of the Aztecs' native rivals, Cortes waged war and finally defeated Cuauhtemoc's resistance on August 13, 1521. Then on top of this, he built New Mexico.


Well here we come to an end of the amazing civilization of the AZTECS, I DON'T KNOW IF YOU ENJOYED IT BUT I HOPE YOU DID! We can learn so much from this civilization(But kids don't eat or kill other people!)and I enjoyed writing this and let me know if you have any feedback as well.

I shall leave you with a fact

"The Aztecs were so hygienic that the rulers used to bathe 2 times a day!"

(I mean even I don't bathe that many times.)



