
Just a Perfect Mess

When she thought she found true love and could live happily ever after, everything crumbled to pieces when she lost him in an accident. She never wanted the chance to love again. Her life became a mess; she became a mess. Years later and her life was still as miserable as it is, a job at a cheap club as a waitress-add the teenage drunkards-didn't help at all. She's lost her self-confidence and felt unworthy of herself until a man steps beside her, making her go insane. A man she thought she would never see again. And just like that, everything became a mess. A perfect mess. (Published on Wattpad as 'A Perfect Mess' but changed it to 'Just a Perfect Mess' here on Webnovel because of other stories with the same title.)

athenarowena · Thành thị
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6 Chs


"Yes. Yes!" I shouted, staring at him teary-eyed. This was the moment I had been waiting for my whole life. He was proposing to me! And it was so romantic the way the beach looked tonight. The stars covered the endless dark sky, the way his eyes were glimmering with tears as he gave me his precious smile, as he asked me while on his knees, "Will you marry me?" I couldn't say no to him. I loved him so much and I only wanted to be with him.

He wrapped his arms around me, covering me with his warmth. The thing I liked about him was that we perfectly fit one another like we're made for each other. I loved this feeling that every time we touched, I still feel like jelly and my knees were going to melt in puddles. Let me tell you, we were in our fifth year and we still acted like lovesick teenagers around each other.

And now that we're engaged, I'm excited and scared for the first time in my whole life.

What if I mess things up and he'd leave me? I'm going to die if that happens.

I hoped not.

We walked on the beach, held hands, and just talked about what we wanted, what we needed. We were so excited that we were already planning what we wanted for our wedding. I said I wanted everything white. Plain and simple and he won't disagree which was very sweet.

I, sometimes thanked the Gods that they made us find our way to one another. I'm so lucky I found him.

Three days before we unite as one.

Just three days.

I inhaled a breath as I got inside the car. Philip was already in the driver's seat, looking good as always.

I held his hand and he smiled at me. No words were needed. We were perfectly fine. Every moment was so precious to me that I felt so invigorated with happiness.

"I love you," he said. His eyes were burning right through mine. How I wanted to melt right now. Just his stare made me feel different things, and I hated how my body reacted to it. I hoped he didn't recognize my sly smile. My cheeks burned beet red.

"Let's go," he said, starting the engine. We drove to the town where I grew up. We needed to deliver invitations to my parents and relatives. Tori, my best friend, was going to be my bridesmaid. I was so glad I have her. She was the one who gave me love advice whenever I needed it.

"I'm so tired," he muttered under his breath. I massaged his back, comforting him. I was always like this. Always on his side to comfort him. "Sweet and innocent" is how he would describe me. But after tonight, I decided I wasn't like that at all. I was a mature woman now that we were getting married. He needed to find a better word to describe me now.

Philip drove on the highway. It was dark and foggy. I thought it was because of the bad weather. We didn't want to stay at my mom's because we still had to attend the food tasting tomorrow and we didn't want to be late.

We decided to park beside the road and rest for a while. Philip turned off the headlights and we went to the backseat, giggling like teenagers.

He straddled my lap and pleasured me with kisses only he can do.

"Can't you wait after we get married?" I asked him, as I trailed kisses on his neck. My actions did the opposite of what I said. The smell of his musky perfume made my blood boil with lust. We needed to stop. I didn't want anyone spying on us doing it here beside the road.

"What? You want me to stop?" He asked, a smirk plastered on his pretty face. He was trailing kisses down there and my pleasure levels just heightened to the extreme. I shook my head and he continued sending me to heaven inside the car, on the side of the road.

We fell asleep for minutes after we made love. Woke up groggily on a foggy road, completely hazed, and not a single car passed by. It was creepy.

"You sleep well?" He asked in his husky just-woke-up voice.

"More than good," I answered him with a smile.

"We'll get coffee on the next stop." He announced. I was famished so it was nice we were getting food on the way.

"Great! But you have to get me waffles...and muffins too!" I told him with a cheerful smile while settling myself into the passenger seat.

"And muffins too, I promise, babe." He smirked before he grabbed my face, and kissed me on the lips.

Once we settled in front and were ready to leave, we heard a screeching sound, and the light was everywhere before the darkness blinded me.


Yay! Prologue done. Follow me and vote if you like the story.😘