

This a Story about my oc Michael going on Jumpchains, wont be very descriptive since I'm still very new at writing. I'll keep the chapters pretty short, I'm also not going to be following all the Jumpchain rules plus I'm also new in that area. the only thing I claim as my own are any oc I add in the story all other properties belong to their respective owners, especially Quicksilver who I guess started the whole Jumpchain thing.

Shadow8ting · Tranh châm biếm
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Fist Jump: Pokémon

Jumpchan went on to explain some of the others things about Jumpchain like the general layout of a Jump-document and how things like drawbacks worked. Over all she made very sure I was as prepared as I could be and then let me loose on the Jump-list.

"hmm… you said that I wouldn't be able to return to the Pokemon jump if I didn't go to it as my first jump, and its also a fairly safe world, so since I don't know where to start I guess that I'll start with the Pokemon Jump."

"OK! Well here is the document, have fun!"

The Jump-document was a fairly straightforward so after reading through it I just dove in. First was my stipend of 2000cp, I of course I took the free Items then I moved on to the region, as I looked at the document a eight sided die appeared in my hand so I rolled it on the table… 3, so that is… The Hoenn region, if I remembered correctly that region is the one that Ruby and Sapphire took place in. Next I moved on to my identity, my age came out to 12, I stayed male and I took City Life as my background for 50cp since I knew that I definitely wanted Psychic powers. My choice for starter was the Partner Pikachu from that Switch game, and I didn't choose any thing extra for it. For skills and abilities I chose Free Running since it was free, Technician(100), Psionics(300), Blend In(300), Savant (600), and Pokeglot (600) when after looking at the Items I didn't see many that I felt a need to get, so for items I chose the three master balls, the HM collection and 50k poke-dollars leaving me at -200cp which was fixed after taking the silenced drawback for double points since the extra points worked on drawbacks as well as any other source of Jump currency plus it could be mitigated by my telepathy, well at least when I learned to do that.

"well… Here it is Jumpchan."

"Oh! This is so exiting! Now remember I don't care what you do for your 10 years in this universe, all I care about is how you kill the target after the Jump in the copy universe so do whatever you like while you are there."


Jumpchan then proceeded to count down from three, when I heard her say one I blacked out.

When I woke up I was Michael Okuru son of Kenta Okuru and Sasha Okuru, It seems my mom was from the Unova region which seemed to be the Pokemon analog to the US, I remember growing up in Rustboro City with My mom and dad, I was pretty mature from very young so my parents gave me more autonomy than a child usually gets, this led to me picking up free running by the age of 11 so by now I was pretty much an expert. The drawback silenced manifested as a side effect of me having a strong psychic potential since I could understand and communicate so well when I was a baby that I apparently never learned to talk, and by the time I understood it was already too late, my tongue control was too under developed and for some reason I couldn't improve it.

Yesterday I had received my starter, a Pikachu, which I named Tesla, from the Kanto region that my dad was able to buy me, today me and Tesla where supposed to get ready for our coming of age adventure. Next to my bed I found my bag with all my stuff inside so after getting clean getting dressed in comfortable clothes and eating breakfast me and Tesla headed out into the city. Rustboro City is way bigger than was portrayed in the game but I was used to it, I sent some general thoughts and feelings to Tesla on what we were going to do today. After going to the park to get better acquainted with my new body I found that it wasn't necessary since I had 12yrs worth of memories of using this body, so I moved up the schedule in my head and moved on to buying my supplies from the nearest camping store. The nice cashier didn't even hesitate when instead of answering his question of if I wanted a bag I answered by sending thoughts of the word yes, after the camping store I visited the grocery store and then the nearest bicycle shop then headed home.

The next day I was woken up early by an exited Tesla when my mind brushed against his I got a general sense of excitement about the upcoming adventure, I sent him back some feelings of calmness and reassurance as well as an image of our schedule, we would be departing at around 12am. After everything was ready, breakfast and some tearful goodbyes from my mother and an encouraging smile from my father Tesla's and my adventure began.

A few hours later we were headed south to Petalburg town and then to Route 102 to catch a Ralts since I wanted a psychically sensitive Pokemon to help me grow my psychic powers. As I rode my bike I made plans for the rest of my stay here, I decided to focus half of my attention on my Pokemon and their growth and the other half on developing my telepathy, telekinesis and hopefully teleportation. It took me half of an hour to arrive to Petalburg Forest and, after having Tesla zap the bug Pokemon we encountered, we finally arrived at Petalburg City, while Pikachu was recovering in the Poke-center I used the PC to look for a any Riolu up for adoption since his evolutionary line is one of my favorites, I found one that was listed from Floccesy Town in Unova, after sending a Pok-e-Mail to the Shelter Tesla and I headed out.

Tesla and I spent the rest of the day going from the Poke-Center to rout 102 and back again, I caught the Ralts I wanted within the first hour and then spent the rest of the day getting closer to her and helping Tesla fight the Zigzagoon, Poochyena, Wurmple and ocational Ralts. We spent that night in the free lodgings at the Poke-Center, before going to bed Ralts and I piked her a name that she liked, Luna. The next day I checked my mail at the PC and saw that the Poke-Shelter had approved my adoption request and after I digitally signed the paper work and sent the empty Poke-ball through the Poke-web I received a confirmation Pok-e-Mail that my new Riolu, Cobalt, would arrive tomorrow. Luna, Tesla and I spent the rest of the day training, Tesla practising his electric manipulation while Luna and I spent our time lifting branches and small rocks around us and tried to move them in precise and complex patterns.

Today I found Cobalt waiting for me in my PC, after sending a thank-you Pok-e-Mail to the Poke-Shelter I got Cobalt's Pokeball out of the PC and after arriving at rout 102 with Tesla and Luna I let Cobalt out. Cobalt was a serious looking pup, but I could feel his need for acceptance and determination to grow strong. After we finished greeting Cobalt into the group I decided that we would spend the first half of the day bonding as a team and the second half training to fight better individually and as a team. From there on we spent the next few months traveling through Hoenn and batting wild Pokemon and some trainers, towards the end of the second month Luna evolved into a Kirlia, Cobalt felt a bit jealous but soon got over it, we resumed our training when in the beginning of our third month of training near Lilycove City Cobalt became a Lucario, we kept training furiously from then on until on our sixth month Luna evolved in a Gardevoir, after we got her acclimated to her new body and strengthened psychic powers we moved on to to battling more with trainers and challenging Gyms.

After being away for two years while exploring the Hoenn region, I finally returned home. My mother was very glad to see me again while my father was just glad I was alright, I had communicated with them constantly throughout my Pokemon journey but my parents still missed me and worried about me. I had gotten home a few months before the start of the new semester at the university that I had gotten a scholarship to, I had graduated high-school early thanks to my Savant perk, that and my Pokeglot combined with Technician allowed me to become very proficient with coding thanks to Pokeglot working on most computer languages.

I spent the rest of my vacation time brushing up on my academic knowledge, which Savant boosted by my psychic energy made trivially easy, and also learning more about the field of computer science. Luna and I also showed my parents how much I had grown as a psychic since I was now able to lift a couple thousand pounds with my telekinesis and use telepathy as far away as one mile if I knew the person or three hundred feet if I didn't, unfortunately so far I have only been able to teleport twenty or so feet without focusing for a long time. While strolling through the city I saw that one of our stores was selling mega bracelets and mega stones so I got myself a bracelet and the stones for both Luna and Cobalt.

When the new semester started I focused my attention on studying and of course making sure that my Pokemon were getting enough exercise and social interaction by taking them to Poke-Parks, this world's equivalent to dog parks. I did very well In my classes but that was to be expected with my psychically boosted Savant Perk, I also made sure to at least try to improve my psychic powers but I was starting to feel my limits with telekinesis, I hadn't reached my limits yet but from now on it was going to be slow going, by the time that Summer vacation came I had only gotten my max wight limit to expand by one thousand pounds, my telepathic range doubled and my teleportation range only increased by five feet.

For Vacation I decided to go to Mauville City to relax and also to explore some of the desert ruins. Mauville City was relaxing and the Desert Ruins were pretty fun to explore though I made sure not to get close to the area containing Regirock since I had no interest in attempting to capture it. After a few weeks at Mauville City I returned home, at home I spent most of my time either hanging out with my Pokemon or just relaxing. My second year at university went pretty much the same as my first and so did my third and fourth until I finally graduated with a PhD in computer science with a specialization in machine learning. After university I was recommended to a research company that specialized in AI and machine learning in general so I was able to get a job in my field a few months after graduation.

The last few years of my time in the Pokemon world were spent just going to work and then training with my Pokemon on my down time. On my last year though I quit my work and took out a loan from a bank that I didn't have to start paying until a year from now and went hunting for Legendary Pokemon, I started here at home in Hoenn and while I couldn't get access to Groudon or Kyogre, I might be able to get at Rayquaza. I was able to capture Rayquaza after having Lucario distract him and then teleporting one of my Master Balls above him, he was almost able to doge but I just changed the ball's trajectory with telekinesis. After releasing Rayquaza from the Pokeball he was angry but whatever it is that Pokeballs do to Pokemon was making him at least reconsider wiping me out from the face of the earth, which I was very thankful for. Rayquaza and I had a very weird conversation from there but after I explained everything he calmed down, since thanks to the Fiat backed Master Ball he was my Pokemon, after getting to know each other we decided that his new name would be MegaRay since thanks to Fiat backing he didn't need to eat anymore meteors to mega evolve and he could stay transformed permanently. After all of that Rayquaza took us to the Alola region and after a whole lot of trouble I was able to catch Solgaleo an Dawn Wings Necrozma. So after ten years I finally left the Pokemon world.

Next will be a short chapter of Michael doing his mission in the copy universe and then preparing for the next Jump

Shadow8tingcreators' thoughts