

The physics teacher didn't know why she was delighted but she had always wanted to embarrass Juliet ever since Juliet walked out of her class.

Soon all the students werye through with the exams. She collected everything and went to her office to mark the exam. She started with Juliet's script.

She was shocked when she saw that Juliet had scored everything without missing a single one. She immediately called the attention of the teachers. She started yelling that Juliet cheated during the exam,some of the teachers believed her while some don't.

Juliet was talking to Jason when the hallway speaker announced " Juliet Hart please report to the principal's office".

Juliet was surprised bunit soon she recovered from her shock and went to the principal's office. When she got to the office,she saw the physics teacher looking at her with a scornful look,she immediately understood the situation.

The principal looked at her calmly and asked her to sit down.When Juliet was seated the principal spoke up " Miss Juliet, according to the information provided the physics teacher,you seem to have cheated. Since about 20 years ago,no one has been able to answer the question correctly".

As the principal spoke Juliet did not look frightened instead she sat down leisurely . When the principal was done talking she said " I didn't cheat during the exam, I studied well and isn't inappropriate for a teacher to falsely accuse a student".

The physics teacher then spoke up at that moment" why can't I accuse you,you don't pay attention in class and all of a sudden you pass the exam,isn't that suspicious? ".

" To prove my innocence,I am willing to re do the exam in front of the teachers". said Juliet.

The physics teacher grew confident at that moment and said " Yes,I'm sure you won't be able to do the exam this time".

Juliet sat down in front of the teachers and started answering the question. She didn't look nervous at all which was surprising to the principal.

Soon she was through with the exams and submitted,she waited for the teacher to mark the exam before leaving.

Just as she was about leave she heard a scream from behind " Impossible".

She smirked and walked out.