
Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto

"Out of all of the worlds I could have gotten, it just had to be this one. As if there wasn't a plethora of Naruto inserts already... Oh well, at least I rolled a decent ability to accompany me in this cruel world!" OC Insert With The Ten Shadows Technique. Slow Burn Fic For all those asking... *NO HAREM!* This is a Fanfiction, As such, I own nothing. Not the cover. I don't own Naruto nor do I own Jujutsu Kaisen. The credit goes to the respective creators and kudos to them for creating such fantastical works. If you haven't. Go read the originals and support the creators. They're better than this I promise!

BurgerNoTomatoes · Tranh châm biếm
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49 Chs

A War We Don't Belong In - Chapter 3: Reality Of War

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Warning Extremely Brutal and Morally Questionable Stuff Will Be Depicted, Hinted at, or Shown. Read at your own discretion. Also Psychological elements, manipulation and other not so family friendly stuff. Really, read at your own discretion.)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Before the imposing gate, a multitude of people patiently awaited entry, forming an orderly line that snaked its way toward the Conservative Group's last bastion, Yumemori.

The air hung heavy with a mix of anxiety and hope, the scent of damp earth rising from the recent rain creating a distinct atmosphere.

Each person underwent a meticulous inspection, an unending process that unfolded due to the continuous influx of individuals.

These desperate souls, united in seeking refuge, all yearned for the sanctuary provided by the Conservative Group's final stronghold.

Most had abandoned their homes proactively, anticipating the looming Radical attacks that threatened their lives.

There were also the lucky or perhaps the unlucky few survivors of massacres who had narrowly escaped with their lives - All in hopes of surviving in the stronghold of the Conservatives.

Conducting the thorough check-ups were two distinctive figures.

One, masked in a demonic grin with protruding horns, observed entrants with intense, silent scrutiny through his unnerving mask.

The other, a burly guard with a stern expression, engaged refugees in meaningful conversations, weighing their fate based on his judgment.

"Granted. Keep out of trouble and cooperate with others. The situation is dire," the guard firmly declared to a thankful mother and child duo.

"Thank you, Jiro-san," the tearful mother expressed, bowing alongside her daughter.

The little girl added her thanks, earning a nod from Jiro. "It is my duty. Now, hurry along."

With the line persisting, Jiro sighed audibly, his gaze shifting towards the masked man with a furrowed brow.

"Has Kenzo-sama found a solution to the food shortage? We can't afford to lower the number of able hands we accept as refugees," Jiro inquired, his concern evident.

The masked man, eyes fixed on the crowd, responded, "If necessary, adjustments will be made. Kenzo-sama is deeply engrossed in strategizing against the relentless attacks we've been receiving. The next rescue party is also preparing to set out."

Jiro shook his head, his tone reflecting worry. "That does not give me much confidence... Who knows whether they'll be too late by then? On that front, has your teammate returned from recruiting? Akuma-san?" The creaking of the wooden gate and the distant murmur of the crowd outside emphasized Jiro's concern, accentuating the urgency of the situation.

"No, he's still out attempting to recru-," Akuma started, abruptly halting as a distant sensation seized his attention.

Alert, he focused on the approaching danger.

Jiro's eyes widened at Akuma's sudden shift in demeanor. "Have the Radicals finally moved against Yumemori?" Gripping his spear, he prepared for the worst.

Akuma, sensing four distinct Chakra signatures, evaluated the threat. "Two Jonin level, two around Chunin level. But the last one... It overshadows them all. Monsterous Chakra. They are not subtle."

Disregarding the question about the Radicals, Akuma swiftly seized Jiro's bow and arrows, prompting a response from Jiro, "Hey!"

"...Silence," he commanded as he tore off a piece of paper, quickly inscribing a message.

Attaching it to an arrow, Akuma took aim, much to the dismay of the line of refugees, ordering Jiro, "Everyone here doesn't have any suspicious Chakra measurements. Take them in. Now."

Jiro displayed zero hesitation. "EVERYONE! THROUGH THE GATES! NOW!"

The refugees, urged by a sense of urgency, surged through the rather small gate, creating a chaotic and messy scene. Some stumbled and fell, getting stepped on in the process.

'They might be the Leaf Shinobi we've been expecting...' Akuma mused.

And Jiro wasn't far from that line of thought either.

Jiro, growing enraged at the panic, shouted, "ORDERLY MANNER DAMN IT! WE DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS THE ENEMY!"

Pulling back the bow with all his strength, Akuma let loose the arrow.

It soared through the air, traversing a considerable distance toward the Chakra signatures that Akuma had detected.

-Akira POV-

A whistling sound approached at impressive speeds in our direction as we approached the town of Yumemori.

We suddenly stopped as Kakashi who was in front of us caught an arrow.

"Talk about a warm welcome." Sasuke let out dryly.

Noticing a piece of paper on the arrow, Kakashi read it aloud, "If you are Leaf Shinobi - Exit the forest and enter the open with your arms up. Approach slowly."

I muttered, "They're definitely cautious."

Kakashi nodded, "They've got a Sensor Ninja on hand. Well, we should do as we're told."

Then, he proceeded to head towards the town.

We nodded in unison and followed his lead.

Naruto deadpanned at me, as we ran, "You were planning on dodging... That?" He pointed at the arrow Kakashi held.

"...It wasn't that fast," I replied curtly.

'Noc, I'll be dismissing you. Good work so far. I'll let Mir act as sentry once we're settled in town and I need you.' I pinged Noc as I promptly dismissed him amid our run.

After a minute or two of running, we eventually passed through the trees to find ourselves in a rather open area, clear of trees.

A flatland with few trees, a lot of wet grass, mud, and a bunch of ponds - In front of us, a large town or more fittingly - A fortress was in sight as we passed the clearing.

A conspicuously large hole decorated the landscape beside the fortress.

Kakashi nonchalantly reminded, "Hands up, guys. And Suki-chan." He added.

We slowly began approaching the town, lacking any attempts to rain arrows down at us as we strode.

Eventually, we arrived in front of the fortress of a town - Yumemori.

We were greeted with the sight of a closed gate and two men.

A burly guard that held a spear.

And a masked individual who held a bow and was carefully eyeing us through his mask.

I could feel his gaze even from this distance.

Now in conversation distance, Kakashi called out, "We're Team 7 under Jonin Hatake Kakashi of the Leaf. We are on a mission to deliver scrolls to Kenzo-sama."

The masked man silently gazed at Kakashi, his eye particularly fixated on Kakashi's hair.

After a moment, his guard was lowered and he replied, his tone considerably lighter than before, "You may lower your hands. We seem to only meet under the most unfortunate circumstances. Hatake-san."

We all did as prompted and followed Kakashi as he led us towards the two men.

"At least we're on the same side this time." He nonchalantly added as he got closer.

Nodding, the masked man turned to his guard friend, "Jiro. I will be guiding the Leaf Nin to Kenzo-sama. In the meantime, do not let anyone enter the town. I will return once I'm done with them."

The guard, now named Jiro, nodded stoically as he opened the gate for us.

Slowly, the gate's doors extended outward, revealing a... Complicated sight.

As we followed the masked man.

A frown finds its way to all our faces indiscriminately.

Whether Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, or myself.

Satsuki grew eerily silent, her eyes lost their light once again.

In front of us, was what seemed to be the main road - Clogged with people.

Despite the sunny day outside.

The atmosphere was suffocating and depressive.

Mother and child sitting on the muddy and wet ground, coughing.

Strong-looking men, their gazes lifeless as they rot on the side of the road, uncaring of any people pushing or even stepping on them.

Injured people, some unconscious as they are being treated with medicine on the side of the road.

And what appeared to be an impromptu food center - Overflowing with people as they rushed, pushed, and gasped like hungry hyenas for a scrap of food.

Dirt, mud, remnants of clothes, blood, and even feces decorated this chaotic scene.

Not to mention the smell...

"Even here... Is it this bad?" Naruto growled, fists clenched, his sadness quickly replaced with bubbling fury.

The masked man replied to Naruto's question as he led us, "It looks this bad since this is where the most recent refugees and injured are kept. Yumemori was not built for this capacity of people - But ever since the Radicals began their relentless mostly one-sided attacks, we had no choice but to accept the able hands, women, and children. Acceptance policy changing every day."

At this rate, the Conservatives and everyone else in this town are going to die.

We all already knew this.

But hearing this from the mouth of a spy is one thing.

Seeing the reality in front of us repaints the picture.

Having gleamed at the same conclusion, Sasuke added, his gaze resolved much like Naruto's, "We cannot leave Satsuki here."

I mumbled, nodding, "...On that, I can agree."

Naruto nodded, his teeth barred, "Damn straight. Kakashi-sensei. We have to take down those bastards. We need to stop this."

Kakashi replied curtly, "Hold on guys. We'll complete the mission and discuss it with Kenzo, and we'll see where we go from there."

Naruto huffed impatiently, whilst Sasuke and I remained silent.

The decision was ultimately held in Kakashi's hands.

"Suki-chan... Are you okay?" As we all followed the masked man wordlessly, Naruto asked the eerily silent Satsuki once we reached a less depressive street.

"Kill them..." She snarled as the light in her eyes returned in an inferno of rage - Alongside tears as it seemed as if she was reminded of her trauma.

Damn it... I grit my teeth as I also boil in frustration.

...Give me an excuse. Please.


That odd emotional plea crossed my mind momentarily as I gazed at Kakashi who pulled out the scrolls we were supposed to deliver.

"We're close. Before we arrive - Have you noticed that the small girl you are carrying has around Chunin reserves?" The masked man expressed his worry.

I answered nonchalantly, "Yes, we were aware of that - She showed no signs of Transformation Jutsu and the circumstances under which we met her proved logical for her to not be an enemy."

The masked man narrowed his eyes, "What if she is Faceless - The Shapeshifter?"

...That had crossed my mind momentarily but that seemed outrageous.

Faceless - The Shapeshifter.

An A - Rank Rouge Shinobi of Kirigakure.

Last sighted in Land Of Lightning - A few years ago.

She wasn't A - Rank because of her combat capabilities.

But due to her spying and assassination skills.

She has an unknown jutsu that allows her to seamlessly transform into her target - But that's all that is known about her.

In her case - Standard methods of discovering whether someone is a genuine person or a transformation won't work.

With Faceless - The only way to discover her identity is if she outright tells you or the person she transformed into acts differently than you had remembered her.

That's it.

Or maybe killing her would undo it.

...He's overly cautious.

I replied to his concern, "While that is a possibility - It's much more likely that Satsuki-chan is simply an individual with natural Chunin Reserves than Faceless. Although we've gathered information that the Radicals have had a surplus of funds as of late - They shouldn't have enough to hire someone like Faceless. And even assuming they did... Satsuki's behavior makes sense for what she went through, but I won't be elaborating on that. Are you telling me you'll be going around suspecting every individual with Chunin reserves? I'm betting there's at least a few of those amongst the refugees." My eyes narrowed at him.

Naruto growled defensively, angrily pointing his finger at the masked man, "Yeah! Leave Suki-chan alone!"

He shrugged, "Your points are valid. I was simply testing how sharp you were. Even I doubt the involvement of any Rogue Shinobi above B - Rank."

Sasuke chimed in, his tone unfriendly, "Your tests are unwelcome."

Kakashi sighed, "I know you guys are heated but don't overdo it. Keep your anger for when it helps." He added sharply.

With each step we took, the less desperate and starved onlookers glanced at us in curiosity.

Upon recognizing our headband, a bewildered and hopeful expression took over them.

Oddly and thankfully, no desperate pleas for help were yelled at us.

Else, I fear Naruto would've lost it.

The masked man led us towards a building, a large wooden structure that looked like an ordinary home back in Konoha.

Arriving in front of the door, he started, "Kenzo-sama will discuss with you. But prior to that. May I express my thoughts?"

We nodded.

He slowly reached for his mask and took it off, revealing a scarred face.

Kakashi's lone eye widened momentarily in surprise at such a move from a former ANBU.

The formerly masked man bowed at a ninety-degree angle as his stoic tone expressed sincerely his plea for help, "I know this is not in your mission parameters. But there is a clear interest in this for the Leaf if the Conservatives come out of this conflict as the victors. I add to that reasoning my plea for assistance. I trust Kenzo-sama. But without your help, I'm afraid we'll all perish. Hatake Kakashi, with your involvement, victory becomes a tangible possibility. I implore you, please lend us your aid."

Our gazes swiftly turned to Kakashi, as we awaited his response.

Naruto wanted to chime in, but Sasuke's well-placed hand on his shoulder gestured told him otherwise.

He replied, placing his hand on the man's shoulder, "Don't worry. I'm well aware of that... Other than that, Kenzo-sama is the Minister Of Foreign Affairs. What of the Daimyo - Your actual leader?" Kakashi's question had a knowing tone in it, yet he seemed to ask out of formality.

The man slowly rose up, meeting Kakashi's lone eye as he equipped his mask, "He's been killed."

'Just as I had feared. Things got out of hand, fast.' Kakashi confirmed.

Even the Daimyo's been killed?

"Our condolences." I bowed slightly.

The masked man nodded, and went to the door, opening it.

We were met with the sight of an impromptu meeting room, a few tables and chairs amateurishly and unfittingly placed along each other.

On the tables were multitudes of maps, documents, papers, and so on.

While in front of us stood two men.

One was a bearded older fellow clad in kimono - Bags beneath his eyes as he seemed to have lacked both sleep and appeared to be under great stress, a frown on his face.

The other was a young man with a vest, sword, and a bow and quiver attached to him.

Their eyes quickly turned to us upon our entry - Widening upon recognition of our headbands.

The bearded fellow - Most likely Kenzo, gestured for the young man, "I'll be attending our guests - If you're ready, set out with the rescue party to the towns I've specified."

"Yes! Kenzo-sama!" He bowed and quickly passed us by, eyeing us momentarily before leaving.

Kakashi stated to the man before he left out of the door, "Don't bother heading towards Midorimachi. That town's gone."

The man stopped at the door, his fist clenched he uttered, "... I see. Thank you." He promptly left following his words.

We approached the meeting table and Kenzo himself.

Kenzo sighed in relief as he smiled weakly, "Akuma. Right now, even my wife couldn't bring me the same amount of relief you just brought upon me by bringing them here." He gestured towards us to take a seat.

The masked man - Now named Akuma snorted lightly, "I'm glad to be of service Kenzo-sama. Though I believe even with them here, I don't suppose this is the time for jokes."

Kenzo's frown returned as he nodded, "Indeed... You may return to your station Akuma. Thank you once again. I'll call for you when I require your assistance."

Akuma lightly bowed, making eye contact with Kakashi, nodding and leaving.

His steps echoed on the wooden floor as he promptly closed the door behind him, leaving us alone with Kenzo.

As a sudden silence enveloped us, Naruto appeared eager to voice his opinion.

Once again, Sasuke's hand silenced Naruto.

"Let Kakashi-sensei handle this. We all want the same thing." Sasuke voiced out simply.

Naruto mumbled impatiently, "...I know."

Kakashi ignored us as he approached Kenzo and extended his hand to hand over the scrolls, his tone nonchalant, "We're Team 7 under Jonin Hatake Kakashi of the Leaf. Lord Third requested for these to be delivered directly to you."

Kenzo nodded, a bittersweet smile on his face, "It is an honor to meet you, Hatake Kakashi. I've heard a lot about you. I only lament the circumstances under which we have met."

Kakashi had an awkward look on him, "Yeah, I've heard that line already... It's fine, I'm saddened by that as well."

Unfurling the scrolls, Kenzo glanced at them with a sad smile, "Unfortunately, these are no longer useful under our dire circumstances."

He moved to show us the scrolls, which Hiruzen forbade us from looking at.

What we saw was...

"Are those Jutsu manuals and Chakra training methods? We've traveled all this way just for that?!" Naruto was outraged momentarily as he jumped in place.

Unsettling Satsuki who was curiously overlooking his shoulder as she was still on his back.

Sasuke answered Naruto's outrage, his eyes narrowed on the scroll's content, "For us, these are a matter of fact. But for non-Shinobi Villages - Especially this far out, this is worth more than gold. With this, you can technically train a decently competent military force."

...He's right.

Why would Hiruzen send these out here?

Well, I'm hoping Kenzo answers these questions for us.

Kenzo nodded at Sasuke's words, he began explaining "Indeed. I see Sarutobi-sama has not informed you. Justifiably so. However, the current circumstances would warrant a divulgence of the information."

He glanced towards Kakashi, who nodded his agreement.

"Following the near wiping out of the Prajna Group - An ambitious man made his appearance, planning to overthrow the leadership and customs of the Land Of Woods. His name is Yukihiro Satsujin. Immediately, most of the remnants of the Prajna went to his side and he gathered strength effectively. Eventually creating a force equal in power and opposed us." He lectured.

We nodded, listening intently.

"We were approached by Konoha with an offer of alliance. Wanting to keep this alliance discreet, Sarutobi-sama provided us with information gathered by your own Shinobi and funds to help us combat Satsujin. However, the circumstances in Konoha are dire themselves due to the Kyuubi and the more recent Uchiha Massacre. Konoha could not afford to help us any longer, especially lacking manpower to send Shinobi for missions here. Thus, we've been in a stalemate for a few years with the Radical Group thanks to the prior support. Finally, our request for support was answered, and Sarutobi-sama promised to send Shinobi here within two months to provide us with our requested goods."

"That being Jutsu, training methods, and Chakra utilization methods? You planned on steadily training your forces and, by proxy, eventually winning the war with your more competent forces?" I commented on his words.

"Indeed... But those are useless now. Suddenly, in the past month, Satsujin's group has grown immensely in strength and funds. We currently have no concrete evidence on how. We suspect he has a backer or he's grown impatient and decided to hire Rogue Shinobi by promising outrageous rewards." Kenzo lowered his head as he aged considerably and his tone appeared hopeless.

His head lifted, and a desperate look crossed his eyes as they narrowed at the calm Kakashi, "We've managed to learn that an attack is approaching. But I wouldn't trust the information some of the Genin Rogues held. Nothing is more dangerous than false information. Already, three weeks ago I sent a letter to Konoha, and I have yet to receive a response. I'm afraid by then, we'll all be dead. That young lass included." He pointed at Satsuki whom he managed to infer that we had rescued.

Satsuki shivered visibly, and Naruto's expression darkened.

He couldn't help but murmur, "Oi..."

Kakashi answered, unperturbed, "What are you offering?"

Straight to the point...

Kenzo nodded resolutely, "What I have offered in the letter I sent to Sarutobi-sama and much more. The Daimyo is dead, the majority of our forces and people are in shambles and torn apart. There is no price we wouldn't pay. Hatake Kakashi, you could turn the tide in our favor. Whatever settlement or price Sarutobi-sama asks for, we'll pay. As long as it doesn't end in the suffering of our people. Alliance? Resources? Vassal State to Fire Country? Whatever it is!" He slammed his hand on the table passionately.

Kenzo's eyes burned with hatred and determination, "I stand here as the voice of my people, the Conservatives, who are perishing like flies. In the streets, our women and children rot, hunger gnawing at their frail bodies! Can you fathom the anguish of denying entry to a starving mother and her child? DO YOU?! Soon, I might be forced to make that heart-wrenching decision. But even then, it's just a fleeting reprieve! We are facing an impending massacre at the hands of the wretched followers of Satsujin... I implore you! Be the saviors we desperately need! I care not about the names history may call me... As long as my people survive, I am willing to sacrifice everything. Their survival... Is my sole concern."

His voice was weak, "Truthfully, I have accepted our defeat. I know we have lost. That we're all going to die. But I couldn't just give up. Now could I? I must put up a fight. Resist. My people do not deserve such a disgraceful defeat. And the enemy? They do not deserve an easy victory."

He once again met Kakashi's lone eye, this time with returned strength and a small smile, "But, now you're here. I apologize for placing you in this uncomfortable situation, but you must understand my struggle." He bowed towards Kakashi.


A heavy silence enveloped us, leaving us collectively at a loss for words.

Kakashi recovered quickly, sighing as he questioned simply, "Assuming we do manage to eliminate the Radical Group. What are your plans for the Country?"

At that, Naruto's face lit up, but the rest of us weren't so easily misled.

Before Naruto could voice out his approval, a hand from Kakashi stopped him, "Hold your horses."

Kenzo kept his cool, "We'll reinstate the laws and leadership. I will be the country's new Daimyo - If I don't survive this, my son will take leadership."

Raising an eyebrow, Kakashi continued, "You're missing the point - Most of the remaining population are under Radical Group's rule and jurisdiction. Will they accept you as leader once Satsujin is out of the picture?"

Kenzo's expression grew resolute, "I am certain they will."

"How?" Kakashi questioned his reasoning.

"They aren't willingly in the Group. Submissive. To those stronger than him, Satsujin has a silver tongue, charismatic and convincing. But to those weaker than him? Join or die." Exhaling deeply, Kenzo continued, "Once he, his forces, and the few true supporters he holds are gone - The old rule may come back along with lasting peace and our payment to the Leaf." Kenzo's words came with a tone of finality, an emphasis on our payment in his words, angling on that point.

Our gazes sharply narrowed at Kakashi once again, as he glared at the wooden ceiling, contemplating Kenzo's words.

Having reached some sort of conclusion he lowered his head.

Kakashi hummed as he turned his head towards us, "Hmm... This mission's designation is A - Rank optimistically and S - Rank realistically. We can still abandon this mission, though. What do yo-" He asked bluntly, uncaring that our "Client" was in front of us.

But his suggestion was refused by the three of us simultaneously.



"Let's do it."

Shaking his head in faux helplessness, Kakashi gestured towards Kenzo with his hand, his tone light, "Well, there you have it. We'll help. I trust you'll keep your word?"

At that, Kenzo gained a relieved smile, "Thank you. I swear on it. I'll have it in written and signed form as well."

We all nodded, determined expressions etched on our countenance.

Naruto exclaimed, clenching his fist forward, "As long as we're here, that won't be happening! Don't worry old man! We'll clobber those bastards!"

Sasuke grunted his agreement, "Hn."

He gave us a thankful nod and began walking away, "Before we speak strategy, I'll call for my son to join us. Could you wait here for a few minutes? He's in the Food center, so it'll take a while. I would offer tea, but we've run out of that as well..."

Waving him off, Kakashi replied in affirmation, "Sure. Take your time."

Taking Kakashi's agreement as a cue, he made his way out of the building, opening the door and loudly closing it.

Now, then...

Voicing out my concerns, I started, "Kakashi-sensei, I'll be blunt. You haven't slept for two days now, and although we have a presumed week of time to prepare - There's nothing stopping them from assaulting Yumemori this instant. As strong as you are and even in the state that you're in... Assuming they attack at this very moment... Could we win?"

The enemy has the initiative.

They have superior military strength - Although Kakashi could count as multiple Jonin on his own.

I doubt we'll be able to save many people should a widescale Shinobi battle take place here.

Not to mention...

A defensive battle is an assassin's biggest weakness...

Although with preparation we could take them down, what worries me is if they strike before we've gone through that and some proper rest.

Naruto answered, growling, "Whatever it takes... We'll clobber the bastards."

Satsuki nodded fiercely at Naruto's comment.

I shook my head as I lectured, my tone even, "Let's be realistic, we need to look at the worst-case scenario. They have more Shinobi, some of which are stronger than the four of us except Kakashi-sensei."

Sasuke answered my query simply, "We just have to plan accordingly, we've trained on our teamwork. As long as we're together we'll win, Kakashi-sensei said so himself." His confidence pricked at my pragmatic analysis as he pointed at Kakashi.

"While that is a comforting thought process, we're dealing with numerous Genin, Chunin, and even a few Jonin..." I sighed.

I'm confident I could survive should they strike at this moment but...

Naruto narrowed his eyes at me in annoyance, "Weren't you all for this mission?! What are you complaining about?!"

"I was and still am... But I don't want to die. Nor do I want any of you to die for that matter. I'd like to hear Kakashi-sensei's opinion on this matter for one last time." That shut Naruto up.

Kakashi, seeing our little argument finally end, dignified a response to my inquiry, "It's as Sasuke stated, if you work together, you'll be fine. Trust in your teammates. Akira, your concerns are valid, but let's focus on finding effective strategies." He shook his head.

...That doesn't quite answer my question, now does it?

Continuing, he stated with a tilt of his head, "Now, once again, you're going with a lot of assumptions and looking at the worst possible outcome - Which is good, you've been taught very well. But, now that we've got the time, we can strategize. As for if they attacked at this very moment? It'll be a bit of trouble, but we'll win." He emphasized this in a matter-of-fact and nonchalant tone

'As for the townspeople and even Kenzo and his son, I'm afraid we won't be able to protect them in such a case...' Kakashi lamented internally.

Growing curious Sasuke questioned, "How are you so sure?"

"You know this more vividly than your teammates Sasuke. Quality over quantity. A clearer example of this would be that the Fourth Hokage managed to singlehandedly defeat over a thousand Iwa Shinobi of varying ranks from the freshest of Genin to the most veteran of Jonin." Kakashi swiftly responded.

At that, Sasuke frowned and nodded in understanding.

Naruto frowned, missing the point, "But you're not the Fourth Hokage, Kakashi-sensei?"

"He means that when you are a very good Shinobi, many inadequate Shinobi against you don't amount to much." I translated.

Though calling a few ANBU as inadequate Shinobi is rather presumptuous, even if he is Hatake Kakashi himself and they are just some weak country's ANBU force.

With a hint of finality, Kakashi emphasized, "We'll go more into detail on strategy later. But I'll highlight one key point for you guys... In the case that we're overwhelmed and I'm occupied with other Shinobi, focus on surviving until I can help you."

Again, Kakashi is saying that he, himself, is enough.

Surviving isn't an issue for me - With enough chakra, I can camp out in the shadows for a reasonable period.

Alright, I'm satisfied.

I turned to Kakashi, nodding, "Okay, thanks for the clarification, Kakashi-sensei."

Who simply waved at my gratitude.

But then I turned to everyone lifting a single finger, my expression heavy, "One last thing before Kenzo returns."

Seeing my serious expression, everyone was listening intently, Satsuki included.

"If we face the worst situation..." I began to explain.


I took a few minutes to provide a thorough explanation.

"That's it... Now, do you understand what we have to do in an emergency?" I finished, sighing deeply.

A brief silence followed, and I was met with looks of disbelief.

Kakashi, with a momentary wide eye, coughed and regained his composure, "Y-You're not lying. I can see why the Nara are so tight-lipped when it comes to your "Eight Shadows" Kekkei Genkai."

I haven't told my family about this ability, but I won't be correcting Kakashi's misunderstanding.

Naruto's eyes shined, "SO COOL! CAN HE TEACH US THAT TOO?!"

I snorted, a hint of irony in my tone, "I'd be happy if he could teach me how to do that as well... Just make sure to listen to the instructions I gave." I added with a grave expression.

Before they could agree, the sound of the door opening revealed the figure of Kenzo and a teenage boy.

The teenage boy wore a vest decorated with the Conservative's emblem. His hair was short and green, and his eyes were amber-colored. His overall figure looked skinny, and he was dirty - Scraps of food, dirt, and other unidentifiable filth marred his figure.

We all turned to face the new entrants as they marched towards us.

The teenage boy bowed suddenly at us.

"Thank you! Leaf Shinobi! My name is Kyokan, son of Kozuki! I look forward to working with you!" He passionately thanked us and introduced himself.

Kakashi, acknowledging Kyokan's earnestness, replied, "Mah, no problem. We look forward to working with all of you as well." He eye-smiled.

Sitting down, Kozuki gestured to us as well, "Now, let us speak on strategy..."

We nodded, and an extensive multiple-hour-long strategy session commenced.

Akuma joined us in the middle of it to add information and compare our strengths to the known Radicals.

Following that, we settled into the Town of Yumemori as the evening was about to greet us.

Each of us, with our own routines and preparations for the looming assault.


-Third Person POV-

The Town Of Yumemori has received a new hope, yet it only meant more work had to be done.

Following the fateful conversation between the Leaf Shinobi and Kenzo, the circumstances began to change.

The number of able hands grew from a couple of thousand.

By another... Thousand.

Naruto clones ran around the town with unbridled fervor and determination.

Helping where they can.

Food distribution, out of town for gathering food, cleaning, fixing, and most importantly, placating the restless populace.

His energy and matter-of-fact tone as he proudly declared that he'd save them all and defeat the Radicals was a much-needed ray of sunshine and hope for the wounded and grieving Conservatives.

It was thanks to him, that acceptance policy for the rest of the day was significantly lightened.

Contrastingly, in the shadows, whilst Naruto held the town's attention, his teammates did their own work.

Sasuke and Kakashi were setting up traps throughout the town.

Unfurling many scrolls, A shocking amount of equipment, and dangerous substances were distributed from Akira to the few capable combatants left in this town.

Yet his most important mission, was nonetheless, rest.

Recuperating the significant amount of Chakra he had used to keep his Shikigami manifested for as long as he did.

The less Chakra the "Eight Shadows" User holds, the weaker he is.

Of course, that didn't stop him from keeping a few rabbits running around...

Satsuki ran around playing with the other children in the town, blending in and adjusting quite well.

Regardless, she always found herself gravitating towards Naruto and sleeping in the same room they'd been provided.

Thus, with these intense routines in mind, time passed quickly and eventually Team 7 came upon their second day in the town.

Everyone was fast asleep after a hard day's work.

Trusting in Akuma's sensory skills to alert them in case of an emergency, they slept soundly.

With the exception of Hatake Kakashi - Who was going on his third sleepless night...


-Akira POV-

The first thing I heard was the sound of an explosion, as I jolted out of my bed.

My teammates were much the same, our expressions hardened immediately.

Kakashi's voice rang out to us, "Now."

We didn't need any more prompts from Kakashi, as we knew our roles in this situation.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto weaved the hand sign and a clone appeared as it quickly ran to Satsuki, lifting her up without trouble.

I made the shadowgraphic hand sign of a dog head, "Divine Dogs." I mumbled as liquid shadows moved quickly to form the figures of Level 1 Noc and Mir.

'At Food Center, Five Threatening... Now Four. Enemy killed. One is Ally. Three Unthreatening... And Two Noteworthy. A lot of. Harmless killed even. Now.' Noc and Mir swiftly supplied.

More explosions rang out in the distance, outside of Level 1 Noc and Mir's detection range.

But, they've confirmed where the major threat resided at - Close to our living space, the Food Center itself.

The sounds of distressed screams and outcries for help quickly followed the explosions, being heard even close to us.

...Damn, they aimed to get the most casualties.

We didn't finish building the bunker in time for everyone...

The sounds rattled Naruto as his fists clenched, about to jump outside, "LET'S GO! NOW! THEY'RE BEING KILLED!"

"Four Jonin, formerly Five. Three Genin and Two Chunin. None of them are our forces. A lot of civilians have been killed. Food Center. This is based on Chakra Readings. Remember." I ignored Naruto as I reported.

I swiftly dismissed Level 1 Noc and Mir - Their current strength isn't fit for a battle of this level.

But, how did they get the drop on Akuma? Why didn't he wake us up?

Damn it all...

We have to hurry and not let him get overwhelmed.

Nodding, Kakashi barked his orders, "That's where we'll be going." He directed his gaze at the Naruto clone that firmly held onto the angry Satsuki, his tone steely, "Keep an eye on her."

The clone Naruto nodded resolutely as he held Satsuki tightly and left out the door.

Thus, the four of us hopped out of the window, our eyes greeted with rising smoke from many sections of the fortress town where the sun had just begun to rise.

As we landed on the roof of a building overlooking the Food Center, the loud ringing of steel clashing with steel melded with the screams of the defenseless.

The expression on Naruto was akin to a snarl.

A silent fury enveloped the rest of us, a determined and angered frown etched on our faces.

We were once again faced with the reality and the responsibility on our shoulders.

We're the only ones who could stop this.

We're the only ones who could prevent this town from meeting the same fate as Satsuki's hometown of Midorimachi.

And from the sight in front of us, thus far, we've only failed.

Not unexpected, yet none of us took it as badly as Naruto.

Our feet shot us forward towards the food center, closer to the ongoing conflict, as the sight of a bleeding Akuma and the gleeful laughter of the other opposing masked Prajna came closer and closer to us.

Upon closer inspection, numerous bodies were visible, burnt, charred, and mutilated.

As the Prajna seemed to overwhelm Akuma, other enemies chased and killed off the defenseless as they pointlessly struggled and attempted to run away.

Five Shinobi.

Who were the Chunin or Genin didn't matter.

What did matter though...

They're our first targets.

Naruto's teeth gritted audibly and suddenly a wave of Chakra hit us.

I am not a sensor, but the Chakra was so eerily familiar.

The bloodlust, the hatred, the killing intent, and the sheer magnitude and power of it were unmistakable.

The Nine Tails.

I turned my head to stare at Naruto, noticing his canines were longer, his nails as well, his eyes blood red and his steps cracked the rooftop with each jump.

Kakashi noticed this as well, a hint of concern flashed in his eyes, but he ignored it - His eyes locked on the Prajna fighting Akuma.

Akuma weaved past the stone bullets from one female Prajna and continued to sluggishly engage with the gleeful bulky Prajna in front of him that skillfully used a long kunai to wound his limbs, Akuma skillfully dodging any slashes aimed at his vitals.

Akuma's left arm seemed to be heavily damaged, as it wobbled failing to move.

"I'm engaging the Prajna. Take care of the others." Kakashi ordered as he burst forward in surprising speed.

My eyes latched onto one of the Shinobi that had crushed a couple of people with a boulder.

Another Iwa Rogue Shinobi... I surmised by the identifiable headband.

"That one." I pointed at the man, and Sasuke and Naruto nodded at my choice.

Jumping off the roof, I dived into the shadows, I appeared in front of the man, my poisoned kunai aimed at his throat.

He was surprised, yet he managed to backpedal and send a kick at me.

...He's Chunin.

I softened the kick with my forearm and retaliated with a kick of my own at his head which he grabbed.

A grin appeared on his face as then I spat at his eye, causing momentary blindness.

"AH YOU BRAT!" He yelled as he went on the defensive, dodging another strike from my kunai, this time at his leg tendons.

He jumped back, only to be relentlessly pushed back by me.

We went on an exchange, where he was consistently on the defensive.

Each of my slices was blocked and evaded, yet I was stronger and faster, eventually, I managed to graze him, and he grew panicked.

As the purple poison coating my kunai was noticeable.

I dodged a couple of kunai that were sent my way, from four other varying Shinobi.

One of them charged at me, his movements considerably slower than the one I was currently facing.

While the other three were weaving hand signs.

I met the charging one head-on whilst the wounded Chunin joined in, his expression enraged.

"DIEEEEEEEEE!" He yelled as he and the other Shinobi put me on the defensive as I dodged their strikes.

"Wind Style - Breakthrough!"

"Fire Style - Fire Ball Jutsu!"

The voices of my teammates echoed out, as they sent the combination jutsu at the three other Shinobi.

A strong gust of wind melded impeccably with the fireball, creating a wave of hellfire that rapidly descended upon the three Shinobi.

Causing two of them to cease their hand signs and one of them to burn to a crisp as he let out a guttural screech of agony.

It was not long after that Naruto and Sasuke went up against the remaining two.

I grabbed the head of the weaker opponent in front of me, and concentrated chakra in my knee, hitting him in the face with it, a loud crack resounding.

The Chunin saw the opportunity of my strike and was about to injure me critically, his kunai aimed at my back.

I quickly turned and parried his strike with my own kunai, in mid-air.

I landed on the ground with a roll, and threw my kunai towards the weaker opponent, aiming at his neck with a lot of strength.

The Chunin didn't expect me to finish off the disoriented opponent and in a surprised expression tried to block the kunai.

Managing to block it, he began weaving hand signs rapidly for a jutsu, "Earth Style - Pill-"

But he wasn't quick enough.

Even when he dodged another attempt at me jumping from the shadows, he was met with another unexpected encounter.

Jumping above me as I appeared below his shadows, his eyes widened as he completed his jutsu when he noticed Whiskers exiting my sleeve and jumping towards him.

A tag on Whiskers glowed, and upon managing to barely reach him.

He exploded with a bang.

A gory shower rained upon me, and the Chunin dropped to the ground, missing a leg as he hadn't managed to jump high enough - Wanting to hit me with his jutsu.

"W-WAIT! WE CAN TALK ABOUT TH-" He began to plead as I charged at him.

I hadn't heard any of it, as I slit his throat.

His blood sprayed freely on my face.

As I had no reason to be dodging that right now.

A smile formed on my face, which I quickly subdued.

'Original Whiskers, you still hiding outside of town?'

'Yes. I'm safe.'

'Good, remember that I need you to report to me when you need dismissal at the first sight of danger.'

I dodged multiple wind bullets sent by the disfigured weaker man that I kneed.

One of them though, managed to scratch my face, as I didn't expect him to recover so quickly.

I turned to him, his expression broken and his teeth were barely hanging on, his resilience was commendable.

But I didn't comment on it, there's no point.

He's not one of the threats here.

Smartly recognizing our difference in strength, he attempted to keep his distance.

Throwing kunai and shuriken at me as he backed away, I chased at a greater speed, hunting him down.

Eventually, I reached him and we got into Taijutsu, he went on a rapid exchange of blows with me.

Kicks, knees, and punches all dodged and blocked, and he went into a mad frenzy, yelling "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" As rage dictated his moves.

I countered with a punch in the gut, causing him to bend over in pain, and finished him off by slicing his head clean off by extending my nails and hardening them.

His head rolled on the ground as I, without pause, turned in the direction of Naruto and Sasuke who were currently battling the last two.

Naruto seemed to be pummeling one of them his chakra visible on the outside, red, whilst Sasuke was fighting the other opponent, they looked to be struggling but he slowly began gaining the upper hand, his Sharingan blazing, improving as he fought.

From the direction of Kakashi came the sound of many birds chirping.

Okay, I'll go help Sasuke.

I ran forward, coating Chakra at my feet carefully, using Silent Step I looked for an opening to assassinate the opponent.

He looked to be stronger than the Chunin Rogue I fought - That means he was the second Chunin.

That was why Sasuke was struggling.

Naruto's yell caught my attention, "MY CLONE DISAPPEARED! I DIDN'T SEE WHAT BASTARD DID IT!" He roared loudly.

Another explosion echoed out afar as his words were uttered.

Shit... Satsuki's in danger.

I wanted to conserve my Chakra in the case I fought the Jonin, but it can't be helped.

Forming the shadowgraphic hand sign of a dog head I mumbled, "Divine Dogs."

I overloaded the Chakra once, twice, and then Liquid Shadows moved at lightning speed to form the figures of Level 3 Noc and Mir.

They should be more than enough.

'Go towards the town hall.' I ordered.

And they obeyed as their muscles bulged and they charged in the direction of the town hall.

'DANGER! FAST APPROACHING!' Noc and Mir barked mid-charge as they pivoted.

Suddenly, in an impressive feat of speed, an explosion appeared in front of both of them, Noc and Mir narrowly dodged the explosion entrance thanks to detecting it.

"TO ME! NOW!" I ordered.

A cloud of smoke and debris formed at the explosion, clearing up to reveal a Shinobi.

A grinning figure, his hair up in a ponytail with brown hair and a lean and muscular figure.

His eyes shone green, a gleeful grin as he smirked at me, "You poor treehugger..."

My frown was telling.

On his forehead...

Was the mark of Iwagakure.

No, not a scratched, sliced, or any other type of method of indicating your status as a Rogue Shinobi.

No, this man was a genuine article Shinobi of Iwagakure.

...The worst-case scenario.

It all made sense now...

He laughed, his guard completely loosened, "You look pathetic brat! Did you figure something out? Hahahahahha!"

Although his guard was loosened, his aura was a completely different story.

He was dangerous, unlike the two I just took down.

They can't compare, with a glance I can tell.

He's Jonin.

'Threatening!' Noc and Mir supplied as they stood by my side, growling at the Jonin.

I huffed, narrowing my eyes at the man, and getting into a stance, my muscles swelling as I was ready to spring into action at any given moment, "Yeah, I could tell..."

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello, my lovely readers!

I know this chapter took more time than anticipated, but such is life! I was pretty busy.

Nonetheless, I hope you have enjoyed the chapter! That it was up to snuff in quality and other stuff!

Now, the next few chapters are going to be pure combat.

Pure unfiltered combat.

And as you can probably tell, Team 7 will be going all out.

Akira, Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi every single one of them.

They have no choice, they are quite overrun, with unexpected opponents as well!

As for the preparation they've made for the town - It'll come into play in the following chapters.

(Not that they managed to make a lot of, they've barely had any time here but ya know.)

As for the political consequences of direct combat with Iwagakure and Konoha etc... You'll see later.

Anywho, I'll be doing my best that the combat will be up to par and entertaining.

So yeah.

Love ya people and cya next chapter!

Of course, do tell me if I've done anything wrong, mistaken, etc... I'm not perfect so any feedback, harsh, constructive, kind, etc... Really helps so yeah, thanks!

Because I do hope I haven't contradicted myself on anything (The worst mistake to make in a story in my opinion and pretty hard to pivot.)

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Gojo Satoru will come back, no joke. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-