
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Last Uchiha

Fukashi is The Last Uchiha who was born with the privilege of The Legendary Sharingan. For the first time in all recorded history The Six Eyes and The Legendary Sharingan will be active at the same time! What does this mean for Satoru Gojo, more importantly what does this mean for the world of Jujutsu Kaisen?

Stingleese · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Where is he?

Fukashi stared at the barrier to the culling games with interest, it was a blank wall of pure cursed energy. He stepped closer until he was inches away from the barrier.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the third Tokyo barrier.

His eyes widened as wind whipped around him and sent him spiralling through the air, he was surveying dozens of skyscrapers surrounding him and slowly but surely gained control of his fall.

His eyes surveyed the landscape below him only to see a small glint to his right. He tuned his head only to see a rocket flying towards him, he twisted his body around the projectile and spied a group of five people on the building directly below him.

He dodged another projectile and avoided dozens of small metal bullets flying towards him.

"Fuck get this guy" one of the men shouted with fear in his tone, his blonde hair was flying about in the winds and his green eyes were wide.

"Shut up Ito! Once he lands we spray this bastard!" One of the other men shouted to the shaking blonde man.

They expected him to land any second now.

Itos eyes widened even more as the man didn't land he just disappeared through the floor. "H-he just went through the floor!" He shouted with his legs shaking.

The floor didn't look like anything had gone through it, it's like he phased or something.

One of the men noticed Ito pointing at something and turned to look only to see the silhouette of a man behind their leader.

The leader was a blonde green eyed woman who had recently awoken her cursed technique, she could transfigure items into weapons. She had been targeting the new enemies that were surprised when they entered the culling games.

She felt something brush her neck and she turned instinctively only to see a fist coming towards her stomach.

She couldn't react quick enough.

The woman coughed blood as she looked down to the man who had stuck his hand through her stomach. He didn't even pull the hand out, he just seemed to phase it out of existence as she suddenly fell to the floor choking on the blood in her throat.

She slowly looked up only to see her whole crew lying dead on the floor. She coughed again as a hand was suddenly over her wound.

The woman looked up and saw the man hovering over her and her wounds healing! Her eyes widened in surpirse but she took advantage of his distraction as she turned a nearby piece of flesh into a pistol.

Said hand was cut off in a movement she couldn't even see. Her eyes filled with tears as she met eyes with the man.

"Do you know who Kenjaku is?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

She didn't.

But she knew that the only reason she was alive was so the man could ask her these questions.

"Y-yes" she said with her voice cracking halfway though.

"Your lying" his voice seemed to penetrate her very soul as the tears that were filling her eyes suddenly spilled onto her pretty face and before she could respond a fist turned said pretty face to a pile of flesh and bone.

The teenager in the black cloak stood with blood covering his fists and forearms and threw himself off the skyscraper.

His eyes searched for people to hunt as the wind blew through his hair, his black eyes landed on the form of a grey haired man wearing an odd blue suit of armour on the edge of a small building.

Fukashi landed with a crash and in a smooth movement he threw himself at the man who easily dodged.

They both landed on a large street with large buildings on each side of them.

They now both stood facing each other. The older man had a stern face as he stared towards the teenager across from him.

Fukashi had a grin on his face as he rushed towards the man in a burst of extreme speed with a kunai in his right hand.

He sliced up at the man who easily dodged and kicked the teenager away.

Fukashi activated his whirling sharingan and met the eyes of the other man. Said man's red eyes only narrowed.

"Uchiha" he almost spat out with disgust filling his eyes.

Fukashis eyes widened as dozens of water pipes below him burst and scalding water suddenly came flying towards him.

He avoided a whip of water only to be burned by the steam coming off it, he was then impaled in the stomach by a freezing cold stream of the water and then water started to make its way into Fukashis mouth.

This water was boiling, he was screaming as he fell to one knee. His reverse technique had healed his stomach already, he tried to cough out the water to no avail as he choked and struggled.

He had in his panic forgotten about Kamui, as he remembered and was about to use it the scalding bubbling water was dragged from out of his throat.

He coughed out blood and skin onto the concrete below him with a wince, his reverse cursed technique was luckily already fixing the damage.

He let out a wheezing cough as he was suddenly on his back facing the sky with a pained chest. He could barely see as he wiped his eyes and tried to get rid of the blur.

Eventually he did and he saw the grey haired man staring down at him with his boot on the Uchihas chest.

"W-who" he coughed again as he saw the bubbling red water hovering above the man "W-who are you?" Fukashi asked.

The man's red eyes narrowed "Tobirama Senju" his foot pushed harder against Fukashis chest making his ribs.

"Now who are you?" Tobirama asked, his cursed energy cracking the floor beneath them.

"F-Fukashi Uchiha" he said quickly.

The man's foot only pressed harder into Fukashis now cracking ribs.

"Where is Kenjaku?" Tobirama asked with a snarl on his pale face, his grey hair was blown back from the force of the cursed energy releasing from him.


Any criticism, comments or even future plot ideas are always welcome and appreciated. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!