
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Tranh châm biếm
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62 Chs

Chapter 50: Controlling a Clone.

I blow up Mahito's hand before he even realised it. 'That kid touched my soul.' Either a cursed technique or a vow of sorts.

"Come on, no fighting." Immediately, I hollow out my entire body and break the barrier at the same time.

'Suguru' only laughs.

"Make a deal with me Zenin Sachi. You keep your promise with the crip-

"And in return you want?"

"Your help." I was interested since he used barriers but he doesn't really seem to be worth my time.

"I'll just kill you." Why not?

"Do you think you can?" He smirks at me as he says this.

"I know I can."

"Won't I escape, psychic?"

"You can't." Wait a minute.

I appear behind Suguru and rip off his head with my hands. I ignore all the blood, I kick the head into the grey wall where it promptly shatters.

In fact, the entire area shatters.

"A barrier in a barrier." Can Utahime do this? 'Most of all, it happened in the exact second he set up the first one. Not a single delay.'

Slowly, a dark figure approaches from the dust. I hear the vivid sound of clapping. 'Suguru' walks up to me, still clapping.

"I really thought I could run away after that." Yet, you're walking to me. "A boundless power as I've heard, you can even perceive barriers of my level."

Well, that's debatable.

"I must ask, do you really think you can kill me?" He has an amused expression though I must say,

"Kill you?" I raise my hand and point at him. "You are already dead."

Silence befalls us.

"Didn't know you watch Anime."

"Hey! Unohana got me into it"

Whatever. 'The body behind me is gone.' I'll have to finish this quick and report to Gojo.

"I'm serious. You'll-

"I'll break your fate. I'm aware the reason you approached Tsukomo Yuki was to speak with Tengan. And I know the answer you got."

Hhhmm. Unlike me, he isn't invisible, so how?

"If you agree to the deal, I'll help the crippled one and break your fate with the blessed one."

The corner of his lips reach up to his eyes.

He lifts his hand up.

Even the idea of rejecting his proposal didn't cross my mind. After all, I'd finally be free like Toji.

Even though he wasn't really free. The only reason I will agree to this because of my freedom.

Yeah, freedom.

"You will call the 'crippled one' by his name, Mechamaru."

I shake his hand.

One week later.....

"Well done on getting a Domain, Meg." I really means this. Fruitlessly, Megumi tries to take my hand of his head.

But I know he likes it.

"So, how about some-

"REPORT!" Oh? 'The only time the emergency system activated was when Suguru defected.' I pull Megumi close to my chest.


It then repeats itself again, and again, as Megumi struggles to get away from me.

"I need to go! Just stop!" I don't let him go. This continues for a few seconds until Megumi stops struggling.

"Please let me go, Sensei."

I let him go.

I watch him run away whilst summoning Nue. 'I'm sure this involves Noritoshi. Gojo will deal with it, and maybe.....

He'll break my fate.

'I am a bit curious.' I look to my right to see Unohana staring at me. 'On why you're here.'

She shrugs, her long white hair doesn't even move.

"Why aren't you going Sachi?"

"The others will take care of It." She snorts.

"As in Mechamaru?" Again!?

"As I've said before,

I dust myself off and get off the wooden floor.

, None of this is your business!"

"So I can't know why you've been avoiding me. We haven't even had a hour-

"Really! Can you stop being so needy!" Seriously Unohana. 'She's been bothering me all month. Usually, I'd never feel like this but if I don't interfere, Noritoshi will heal Mechamaru.'

Anything for my student. So, just don't talk about the barrier or anything else. I wanna go home so I can take a bath.

"So, just wanting to be with my best friend is needy!" When you put it like that. Well I'll just say,

"Whatever, just move along." I sink through the ground. Though, I do hear some rather annoying words.

"Tsk. Just run away."

Run away? Me? Running away? Someone like me?

As if.....

Within that instant, Unohana's pinned on the floor under my hands. So weak.

"And what if I didn't run? What if unlike you, I'm not a coward?" She grits her teeth and grabs my hands, even knowing it's pointless.

"I'm not a coward!"

"You've been lazing around in your room all day. Actually, for the entire month. That last mission get to you, huh?"

"Dammit! It's not that!"


I can feel her entire body flinching. I can tell she's on the verge of tears which makes me feel like- Nevermind. I don't feel anything.

"Y- you don't remember the talk!" I can barely hear her words. "During Kyoto, I called you because.....

"Beacuse what?" She looks into my calm eyes, then starts struggling again. Genuine fear was in those eyes, and for a moment,

I remember how Satoru looked at me when I learned he killed Toji. Though he only had that look for a moment, in fact, I might have imagined it.

I let go of her and she immediately jumps away from me. It makes me feel strange. 'Eager to leave me. Eager to just disappear from my life?'

I won't let that happen again. 'Be in my control, then, everything will be fine.'

I slowly lift myself off the floor. I smell the cold sweat on Unohana. 'I need to calm her down.' I don't think I like that look on her face.

"Unohana. All I need is more time." Argh. I really want to shower. "Can you do that for me dear?"

Her expression falters as I walk closer to her. 'Her body is still tense.' I place my palm on her doll like face.

Sky eyes stare back into my soul.

"See ya around. Kay?" Her hand touches mine. She asks the unspoken question.

"I promise." I then hug her.

'I care about you very much. As such, keep staying with me. And I'll stay with you, no matter what I say or act.'

I'm not losing more people.

'I'll have to keep my temper in check.'




Nothing much to say other than this chapter took a while to come out so sorry.

Also, do you understand what Sachi really meant by taking a shower?

See Ya!


For anyone wondering about Januma and Desmond (wouldn't be surprised if you forgot them) they will appear in the Culling games.

So much work.



Rynincreators' thoughts