
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Tranh châm biếm
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85 Chs


Somewhere in the world, a great deity existed. Its presence remained hidden from the world as it suffered a painful existence for 100 years. Its four great arms were each bound to what was a great volcanic rock as its extra mouth in its torso was pierced by what seemed to be a red hot iron stake. The mummified corpse possessed two faces and a body covered in tattoos. Despite its age-old appearance if you listened closely, very very closely its heart could still be heard beating.

As Akumu slowly re-awakened from unconsciousness, he now found himself to not be the only one in that hospital room anymore.

He was now surrounded by the friends and teachers that he had made in the last 1 month. His new friend Hagone was sobbing on his bed sheets while being comforted by his grandma who could only continue to pat him on the back. The beast teacher Omo was busy scolding the kneeling Owari who seemed to be on the verge of tears. Surprisingly carrying his greatsword Arthur was standing near the entrance door to the room, despite the little social interactions they had he was happy that he had come to visit him. And Last but not least, was Yukiko who could only try to ignore the chaos that enveloped the room as she also laid in her hospital bed.

Hagone trickled while more tears streamed down his face, "YOUR ALIVEEEEEEEE"

Grandma Zenin who finally grew tired from his whining slapped him on the back of the head and slowly dragged him out of the room. Yasei now comfortable with Akumus' condition also leaves.

[Owari] "You feeling better? Jihi healed you with reverse cursed technique while you were asleep."

[Akumu] "I think I can fight again already."

[Owari] "That's great. Anyhow I have some exciting news for you"

Akumu kept sulking though and could only think about how he had lost the fight against Ken. Just like that everything that he had accomplished in the last month was about to disappear. Since he was the loser of the match the binding vow he had established would soon force him out of the school when he was ready. Then with some shocking news the Gojo said.

"you won the fight"

In confusion, Akumu quickly asked, "But how? I'm the one who got hospitalized."

"Ken Forefeit the match, he just told everyone that it would be a waste if you left the school and that he didn't care much about his place on the leaderboard. Congratulations you're now 6th ranked in the whole school.", Owari said.

Akumu looked at Gojo and then looked back at himself. He hadn't heard good news in a long while so this brought a smile to his face. Owari's attitude quickly turned into that of a tsundere

"You didn't use the new shadow style technique I taught you..."

Akumu could only laugh weakly. Owari shortly left urging Akumu to find him the next day.

Arthur who was still in the room walks up to Akumu while striking another one of his flamboyant poses.

[Arthur] "Feel free to come back to the room, but just know that you and I are now rivals for Lady Yumenos' love"

He left the room as quickly as he spoke leaving Akumu confused, just who was this Yumeno that he had been talking about this whole time. Then Yukiko finally spoke up.

[Yukiko] She is that white-haired girl in our class. She is also the Gojo clan's 2nd daughter so don't get your hopes up too high.

Akumu thanked her, now understanding what kind of a person she was. He then had a strange thought. Wouldn't that make her and Owari siblings? Nah they were far too different to be related. Yumeno was much more calm and collected than the loud and childish Owari. As these questions about the Gojo clan stirred in his head Yukiko made sure she couldn't see her face. If She had made eye contact with her one more time she was certain she would die from embarrassment.

Akumu still feeling sore though decides to continue resting in the hospital bed.

The next day Akumu was filled with the energy of a thousand men. As he walked through the corridors of A-block he was now greeted with respect from his peers. This was the first time he had felt such reverence and superiority. Finally, his lifelong dream of being able to live in peace without bullying was drawing near, but his hopes immediately froze as he saw Dojima Ken waiting for him outside the doors to his classroom 1-A.

Ken seeing his presence hastly walked up to him. The busy corridor suddenly went quiet to observe the interaction between the two giants. Ken then spoke.

"Call me Aniki1 from now on."

He quickly escaped from the now emptying corridor.

As he entered the classroom he was grateful for finally being able to return to some bit of Normalcy. In the whole month that he had been at school, this was only his second lesson. He quickly sat down in his usual place between Hagone and Arthur. But not too long after finally settling into his seat the loud Gojo Owari barges into the room.

"Saigo-Kun and Hagone-Kun I need you both to come with me," he screamed.

Omo could only argue against him with anger but Owari quickly shut him down stating that the executives of the school needed to meet with them.

The whole class was shocked by the news. It was even enough to promote a reaction out of Yumeno and the unnamed orange-haired boy with her. The only time anyone would ever get called into a meeting with them is either for expulsion or.... a promotion mission to the special grade status. This was shocking as in the entire school there were only 3 special-grade students followed by a total of 8 known special-grade sorcerers in the country.

As Hagone and Akumu are teleported by Owari to their location Hagone quickly asks.

"Are we going to be promoted into special grades?", he frighteningly asked.

The missions granted and taken by special-grade sorcerers were not easy. It was recorded that in the last 100 years, 69/81 sorcerers who tried to complete the advancement to special grade status had died painful deaths.

However, Owari reassured them, "Dont worry you two are far too weak for something like that"

Akumu wasn't sure if he should have been discouraged or not but what he was sure of was that whatever came next would be sure to change his life significantly.

Gojo had taken them to a remote place. Its location remained a mystery even to the school.

The three arrived in a waiting room, surprisingly Yukiko was there waiting for them.

[Owari] This is as far as I go with you guys. I will be waiting here for you so good luck meeting with them.

The three students were quickly forced into a pitch-black room that was surrounded by nothing but darkness. Hagone was still quivering from fear while Yukiko covered her eyes from embarrassment still thinking about that ranked match. And then suddenly there was light.

4 masked individuals appeared, each mask wearing a number from 1 to 4. And yet in front of them sat a 5th masked individual who sat higher up on what seemed to be a throne with a mask of 0. These were the governors of Japan's Jujutsu society.

Then one of them finally spoke.

[3] Welcome grade 2 Takeshi Yukiko, grade 2 Zenin Hagone, and grade 3 Saigo Akumu. We are glad to offer you an opportunity for promotion.

[4] All three of you have been granted permission to be promoted to grade 1.

[2] However, to prove your worthiness as a standard for Jujutsu sorcery you must prove to us you fit the requirement.

[1] In the last 100 years, the appearance of Jujutsu has affected and created a great number of religions. One of the more recent ones we have kept under wraps from the world as just another doomsday cult. Its name is the demon king's resurrection and its figure of worship is the long-dead Ryomen Sukuna.

[4] Due to some risks in security, we have decided to move the location of his last finger which contains a piece of its soul to a new more secure location. 

[3] So we have concluded that we will be entrusting you three to assist multiple other grade 1 and 2 sorcerers with its protection.

[1] Takeshi Yukiko and Zenin Hagone you must leave.

Yukiko and Hagone quickly leave the room from pressure, the piercing gazes of the councilmen/women were too powerful to argue against. Then the highest in authority among the three spoke.

[0] Grade 3 sorcerer, Saigo Akumu. You will be given another mission. You are to assassinate the deserter Jujutsu Sorcerer who has taken refuge with the demon king's resurrection cult. The target's name is Kamo Shinji. Failure to complete this mission will result in the conclusion that you are working for the Curse user Senjuro and will warrant your immediate execution. Do you understand?

Without saying a word Akumu immediately bowed as his blood went still from the thought of committing murder. Yes, his hatred towards Senjuro gave him the desire to kill but to use that on a stranger he had never met? He had wondered what kind of a person the Kamo clan deserter must be.

[0] You are dismissed.

The room suddenly turns dark and as a violent force pulls Akumu out of the room. He quickly gets up to see the laughing Owari standing over him.

[Owari] First time huh?