
Reborn as an Adapter!? *Omake*

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

The omake isn't going to make any sense if you haven't read my other garbage novel, Reborn as a Dragon!?

I don't care, though. Don't read it.

The Disc voted for a verse crossover. So, why not use the garbage verse I created? 💀

This omake isn't canon.


Naohiro (Chapter 99: The Strongest Sorcerer)

Damn, looks like I lost.

Who knew that Gojo would take off my head?

Of course, he had a random technique that he hadn't used since the blah blah era.

Shoot, Shoko is going to kill me.




Well, in any case, it was fun.

I dealt with all of the threats to Jujutsu society so that the next generation doesn't have to worry about them.

It sucks that I can't be there with them, but even if Shoko made it to me, my upper body was blown off.

I've been reincarnated once, so I'm sorta banking on it happening again.

Closing my eyes, I do the only thing I can.


Yes, working with the soul long enough allowed me to sleep.

Don't question it. It makes complete sense.

My consciousness started drifting as I had a single thought.

'I hope everyone is going to have a nice life.'




Except for you, Yuta.

Fuck you.

I passed out as I forced my soul to 'sleep.'


Previously, on Reborn as a Dragon!? (Chapter 26: "My Hero")

(A/N - "I put the source there, but please, God, do not visit it.")

The two idiots are sleeping on me with red faces, indicating that they have been crying. I smile and flick them both on the head, startling them and making Jean fall over. They both look at me and give me a hug that could probably kill a bear.

I look outside and drop my head downwards.

(Ellie) - "All good things must sadly come to an end."



The next thing I knew, I felt my body again standing.

My eyes slowly open.

(Naohiro) - "Huh?"

(Mystery Kid) - "Holy shit, I got isekai'd, WOOOO! No more school and I get some badass cheats! Where is the demon king, what are my stats, what are my new abilities!? Holy crap, I have 800 hp and 10 intelligence! I bet that is super strong in this world!"

What the hell?

Hp, intelligence?

Don't tell me...

Out of all the places God could send me.


Looking up, the cliche king could barely keep his composure as he seemed annoyed.

(Arthur) - "(Sigh) Yes, please quiet yourself; your questions will be answered soon enough. Everyone, please follow my court magician, Farengar, who will lead you to your rooms and fill you in on what is going on with you. I now understand that you must be wondering why you are here. *Whisper* I wonder what the hell I just got myself into."

I facepalmed.

(Naohiro) - "Fuck this, I'm outta here."

I noticed that someone reached out to touch my shoulder, but I couldn't care.


Some fodder touched my shoulder.

(Fodder) - "Shh, that's the king you're speaking to...Sora."

I tilt my head to the side.

(Naohiro) - "Who is Sor- ah yeah, that was my name, wasn't it?"

I was way too stressed and paranoid about everything for 28 years. Who cares about my past before that?

Gege was too busy trolling me.


Let's find out my stats.



[Sora] (Naohiro Zenin):

[Race: Half-Shikigami Human (Jujutsu Sorcerer)]

[Age: 15 (28)]

[Level ?]

[Characteristics:] Arrogant, Disrespectful, Obsessive, Greedy, Cocky

[Likes:] Strength, Jujutsu Kaisen, Shoko, Training (Torturing) Megumi, Training, Toj-, friends (Gojo)

[Dislikes:] Weakness, Sukuna, Kenjaku, Allegations, Gege, One-Eyed Cats, Uraume, Sukuna Glazers

[Stats]HP: 99999 [Increase Based on Adaptation]

Attack: 9999[Increase Based on Adaptation]

Speed: 9999 [Increase Based on Adaptation]

Defense: 9999 [Increase Based on Adaptation]

Magic (Cursed Energy): 99999

Intelligence: 1999 [Increase Based on Adaptation]

Luck: 10000

Skills: [Black Flash](SS) [Soul Manipulation](SS) [Adaptation Activation (Includes all adapted Phenomena)](X) [Domain Expansion](SS) [Binding Vows](S)Special Skills: [Accelerated Growth and Potential (Sukuna's Finger + Black Flash)](S) [Shikigami Physiology](SS) [Adaptation](X)

Titles: Domain Merchant, Black Flash Merchant, Goathiro, Fraudhiro, The Adapter.


It looks like even though I'm in my younger body, I kept all of the stuff I acquired from being in Jujutsu Kaisen.

By the way, what is it with my characteristics?

This thing makes me seem like an asshole.

There must be something wrong with it.




If I had to start back at square one, I would've jumped out of the manga pages and strangled that cat or whoever wrote this stupid world.

(Author - "Who the hell are you?")

Hmm, are you the God of this world?

(Author - "Uh, sorta, yeah.")

Then, you wrote me into this place, right?

(Author - "No, you just popped up out of nowhere.")

God, the author talking to the characters has to get annoying.

What a terrible choice to include in a book.

Having the fourth wall being broken constantly and the author talking can distract you from the content.

I would never do that if I wrote a story.

(Author - "Uh anyways, I'm going to do a funny and pull a pro gamer move.")

What kinda shitty writing is this? Is this some type of crack story?

(Author - "It wasn't like it at first, but I just gave up at some point. Anyway, you can leave here when you die. Well, have fun while you still can.")


(Fodder #2) - "-ora! SORA!"

My thoughts get broken as random mobs scream at me while I get surrounded by guards.

I flop my head back.

(Naohiro) - "Huh? What do you side characters want?"

(Daisuke) - "Who the hell do you think you are?"

(Naohiro) - "Jeesh, you all are more annoying than Kogane."

They say something, but I tune them out again.

(Naohiro) - "Hey, shitty God, can you bring me someplace that isn't a cliche mess?"

My eyes narrow as I sense a guard attempting to grab onto me.

I scratch my hair.

(Naohiro) "What a pain in the ass."

Before I can fold the losers in cliche guard armor and silver spears, my eyes widen as I sense something with immense cursed energy...or magic in this case.



A white dragon smashes through the roof.

(????) - "HAHAHA, it is I, Hikari, the Dragon God of Light!"

I put my hand on my chin.

(Naohiro) - "I guess this is what Gojo imagined when he told Hakari he could surpass him."

Damn, this sucks.

This dragon.


Is way stronger than I am.


Normally, I would be freaking out, but there is one reason why I am as calm as I am.



The ability can nullify infinite pointed spheres and bypass space itself.

Due to my training over the years, I need a single trigger to adapt to something.

The problem is that I'm not sure I can adapt to it before I get incinerated.


The dragon, known as Hikari, perches on the cracked roof.

Pissing this thing off is the last thing I want to do, so let's see what it wants.

I stay quiet and try to hide my presence so as not to draw attention to myse-


The dragon seemingly teleported to the ground, standing only inches away from my face, its left eye peering into my own eyes.

(Hikari) - "So, you are the one I sensed."


Behind me, I charge a black flash soul rupture, which is probably the only attack I have that can damage this thing.

I narrow my eyes.

(Naohiro) - "What do you want?"



Suddenly, another dragon perched on top of the castle roof, looking down at me and Hikari.

(????) - "Sorry, dude, she's just like that."

A massive black dragon called me, dude.

I'm not surprised anymore.

I sit down and facepalm.

(Naohiro) - "What the hell is going on? First, I'm fighting Satoru, and then I end up in some shitty cliche manga."

(????) - "Satoru? As in Satoru Gojo?"

I raise an eyebrow.

(Naohiro) - "Know him?"

(Alderam) - "If you have touched anime at all, you know who Satoru Gojo is. Oh, by the way, my name is Alderam."

(Naohiro) - "This is so weird. A dragon knowing about anime?"

The dragon raised one of his claws.

(Alderam) - "I reincarnated into this world. My name was Sora."

I give him a deadpan stare.

(Naohiro) - "That's strange since my name was also Sora."

The dragon seemed to ponder.

(Alderam) - "That is pretty strange. What a weird coincidence that had nothing to do with creativity."


(Alderam) - "There he is again. In any case, are you a reincarnator as well? I don't recall seeing a character like you."

I smirked.

(Naohiro) - "How far did you get in the story?"

He gave me a deadpan stare back, if that was even possible for a dragon.

(Alderam) - "That answers my question. Well, when I died, Gojo was sealed in a box."

My smile slowly dropped.

(Naohiro) - "I died a few chapters after Sukuna cut Gojo in half and killed him."


The dragon recoiled and fell backward.

A muffled voice could be heard.

(Alderam) - "spoilers!"



The white dragon from before disappeared.








I feel a sharp pain in my stomach as I get sent flying through the castle walls.

W-What the hell was that?


I vomit blood as I've never felt such a strong strike in my life.

No physical strike has made me adapt in years. The only one was Gojo's blue-enhanced strikes that pulled his fist toward me rather than pulling me into his fists.


The white dragon from before stands above me.


This thing wants to kill me.

Wow, this life was pretty quick.

So, this is what Jogo felt like, huh?

Well, it was a short run, but at least I'll get reincarnated again, given that I didn't disappear from existence after my second run of life.

I really am lucky.



Or not.

My bones get smashed as a massive clawed foot stomps on my body.


I fully adapted twice and it still wasn't enough.

Power creep is stupid.

Why is Jujutsu Kaisen so weak in comparison to other verses!?

My body starts rapidly healing as the dragon watches with narrowed eyes.

It moves its face to be inches from mine.

(Hikari) - "Only I can spoil Rammy."

Ah, a dumbass yandere dragon.

Of course, what a great addition to a story.

I smile as I feel my body completely adapting to the force it was able to put into those strikes.

However, it isn't nearly enough to close the gap in strength.

(Naohiro) - "Hey, when you kill me, can you do it with your strongest attack?"

If I'm going to die, better get more adaptations before I wake up in another verse.


A white light charges up in the dragon's mouth.



What sounds good for dinner?

Depends on where I end up.

That ramen place that I brought Shoko to was pretty good.


Everything went white.


Back in Jujutsu Kaisen


Why is there a hole in my chest?

Ah, it seems like I'm back somehow, but my head is still intact.


My voice barely comes out. "Would I really die from something like that? I already told you..."

I have a soft smile as I hear a noise in my head.


He smirked. "...nah, I'd adapt."


God, my other novel was so cringe. Love you guys, peace!

P.S. The (End) at the bottom was something I did to signify the end of a chapter.

More omakes coming.

JaxWolf4creators' thoughts