
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

goodbye rice ball recipes

Inumaki was doing some run in the field and he was talking a break until

Elizabeth: there you are Inumaki come follow I have something for you

Inumaki was surprised that Elizabeth had something for him. He always heard Kevin calling her a mad engineer. They got to her room and Elizabeth show Inumaki a futuristic looking mouth gaurd and it was white.

Elizabeth: so I saved the recording of your fight with the curse and yuta and I noticed that you suffered throat and vocal cord problems and I think I made the perfect gadget to solve your problems.

Inumaki was surprised that Elizabeth put an effort to actually to actually help him but he didn't get his hopes


Elizabeth: look just put it on oh right i forgot wear this you gonna need it.

Elizabeth gave Inumaki the glasses he asked okkotsu about it and he said that Elizabeth made it. Inumaki put them and was surprised on how high tech it's is. the status screens and his curse energy status and his vital signs and he saw a box that said off

Elizabeth: you see the little box that says off? well that is actually connected to the mask. But it's on voice command so your gonna have to say on but first put on the mask.

Inumaki removed his the blue scarf from his neck exposing his snake eyes and fang marks then he put on the mask and he felt like he like he could get use to this thing.

Elizabeth alright now speak and say on so thar your technique doesn't go haywire.

Inumaki was hesitant but he took his chances.

Inumaki: on

There was a sound on his mask and the box in the glasses now said on

Elizabeth: now talks try with a hi or hello

Inumaki was sweating buckets because if this actually he swore that he would do his best to make to marry this girl. He swallowed his fears decided to test it out.

Inumaki: hi

To his own surprise his voice didn't hurt his throat he decided to say something again to make sure he is no dreaming.

Inumaki: hello I'm toge inumaki.

Once again nothing happened his throat doesn't hurt at all.

Inumaki: you are kidding me is this for real

Elizabeth: it's for real for real

Inumaki had a big smile under his mask and he hugged Elizabeth.

Inumaki: thank you seriously thank you I wanted to talk normally bur I couldn't.

Elizabeth: Allright you big baby sit down let me give you more details on.

Inumaki sat down and listened to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: so I noticed that when you use cursed speech your cursed energy scatter and you can't focus it and it looks like your cursed energy is mix into with your vocal cords so I added a special alloy that bounce off sounds. so when you talk the energy bounce on your mask and it returns to your vocals.

Inumaki: now that you mention it I can hear echos in the mask and I fell like the curse energy Is coming back to my mouth.

Elizabeth: there one other special fact about the mask the more you talk the more curse energy you mask will store and once you turn off the talker mode. When you say get crushed it will have ten times the force.

Inumaki: that saves me the trouble on yelling that actually kills my vocals more.

Elizabeth: what do you think I am a genius right?

Inumaki: no you are not a genius you are a life saver. I family have a way to talk to people without hurting them or myself.

Inumaki bowed all the way to the floor

Inumaki: I mean it seriously thank you.

Elizabeth actually blushed that someone was genuinely thanking her

Elizabeth: alright you get up if you want to show it the the guys go ahead.

inumaki: right I'll go see you

Elizabeth was smiling that some actually that her work actually helped somebody

Inumaki was breathing heavily he was about to talk to his classmates normally and he was sweating bullets he didn't know what to say he saw then in the field and he decided to just wing it.

Inumaki: hey guys.

They all stopped and looked at inumaki with surprised looks and inumaki was actually smiling under his mask resisting the urge to laugh.

Panda: did did toge just talk?

Inumaki couldn't hold it anymore