
Enter the world

Death was the truth. He knew that truth because he just experienced death.

He scratched his head in annoyance.

' How am I alive? ' He asked himself. Right now, he was in the classroom. It was an unfamiliar setting because he had never been to the school.

At that moment, a surge of memories entered into him. Lists of names and scenes of memories. After a while, he just stared at the blank space. He chuckled.

Maybe because of his laugh, the teacher threw a pen in his direction. He dodged to the side in reflex.

" So you can at least dodge my pen. " The teacher remarked. " Hiro, stand up and read the passage. Page 34. "

He stood up and read the English textbook. Because of his past life, he managed to read it perfectly. The teacher was stunned by this and went on with his English lessons. " Good job. I knew you were smart. Next time, put your brain to study. "

" Yes. "

He sat on the chair again and started to run through his memories. Born in Japan, Tokyo. A lawyer son. His name was Hiroshi Suzuki.

Because his father was busy with work, Hiro was a bit childish. He never study despite being blessed with a good brain. He made friends with the gang and supported them with his money. A rebellious teenager.

But those friends were just using him for money. He could see through them with his eyes.

But it all doesn't matter in the end because he is now Hiroshi. Maybe he always had been Hiroshi.

' I was a fragile person in the past because of my heart condition but now that I have a healthy body. I can do all sorts of things. Train my body and play sports. '

Despite being in a new body, Hiro was feeling quite well. Then a school's bell rang.

" Itadori and Takagi-san are having a battle. " A boy from the next class yelled across the hallway.

Hiro freeze. ' Itadori? '

A famous main character's name echoed inside his mind. ' Wait? What is going on? '

He quickly packed up his book and followed a group of students. He arrived at the soccer field. He noticed an average height with a spikey pink-haired, stretching his body.

' So I am in Jujutsu Kaisen. ' An excitement spread in his heart. He could feel his blood pumping in excitement. ' And this is the start of the anime. '

Hiro watched as the scene unfolded. He also noticed a gloomy man walking past the group. It was Megumi.

But somehow his eyes landed on the curse which was walking on the group, sometimes swimming as if the solid ground was water.

Hiro walked away from the curse and group. He stopped at the entrance to the indoor sports building. He sat on the stairs and stayed silent.

After a while, his heart calmed down. ' I can see curse. Does that mean I have cursed energy? No. That is not how this works. '

' Everybody has cursed energy. Humans can sense curses after experiencing life-or-death situations. In my case, I literally just died. '

Hiro stared at his hands and tried to focus on something. In the black space, he used his will to push forward. He struggled for a while until something clicked.

It was as if something was just right. Everything feels so smooth. A wave of cursed energy condensed on his palm. It was neither cold nor hot. Just a wave of smooth feeling as if reflecting his calmness.

Then something poured into him. A set of rules. It was not as harsh as the memories. It was his cursed technique.

He digested the information. Time passed. When he looked around the school was dark as the moonlight pouring from the sky to the surface. He also senses a various form of curses around him.

But they were all weak. A kind of like a faint signal.

' I thought I could live my life to the fullest with a healthy body but I am in a dangerous world. ' Hiro smiled.

Perhaps staying in the room for his whole life, he wanted to experience danger. A new kind of danger. The one of which he could at least have the ability to control. Not the one where he just counted the seconds passes in the room.

He wanted to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer. That is his heart screaming. A life of unpredictable dangers.

I write a fantasy book called Burn and Ash. Check that as well.

Axel_Maswellcreators' thoughts