
Jujutsu Kaisen: Battle Colors

Basically just Jujutsu kaisen, but with my oc as mc protagonist instead of Itadori Yuji.

SenseiBorgor · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Beginning of Selfism: Malevolent Showdown

Wind blew all around Sukuna and Seiten, as they were staring at eachother, before Seiten took the initial, and attacked first. Shooting with an orange pistol towards sukuna. One of the shots hit Sukuna, as it briefly set his arm on fire, not for long though, as Sukuna quickly used Reverse cursed technique, before Telling Seiten:

"You might not be as bad as i thought. Brat."

Sukuna said that, as he suddenly used his cursed technique on Seiten. Seiten's armor was barely able to protect him from what seemed like invisible slashes. Seiten Got some distance after seeing his armor be barely effective against Sukunas technique. 

Seiten quickly summoned two sniper's, blue one and a red one, as he combined them to create a purple sniper. At that time, Seiten still couldn't summon the purple sniper, so he had to resort to combining red and blue sniper's. Seiten then aimed the sniper at Sukuna, before firing.

As the shot traveled towards Sukuna, it erased everything in its path, almost as if it was disintegrating anything it touched. Sukuna dodged the bullet with ease though. He then appeared behind Seiten. Before Seiten could do anything, Sukuna kicked him into the air, then jumped up, and punched seiten into the ground, leaving a big crater in the ground. Seiten got back up, but with noticible struggles, as he spit out blood.

Sukuna looked at Seiten, Before Saying:

"Come on, Try harder."

Right after Sukuna said that, Seiten summoned himself a green pistol, he then jumped out of the crater and started running around sukuna at high speeds, shooting at sukuna randomly, though. To no avail, as Sukuna was healing faster then Seiten could damage him. Seiten realized that, as he quickly summoned 2 red grenades, and threw them under Sukuna, before getting some distance.

Within a few seconds, the grenades exploded in a huge radious, Still burning Seitens hand a little bit, as he hasnt gotten away quickly enough. Seiten then said to himself:

"At this rate, i'll be drained of my cursed energy! For fucks sake! How powerful is this curse anyways?! I thought it would be around the same level as me!"

As Seiten was talking to himself, he failed to realize that Sukuna was right behind him. Sukuna used his cursed technique, aiming for Seiten's head. Seiten barely stopped the attack, only leaving a slight cut on Seitens head, as his left hand was completely cut off in the process.

Seitens eyes widened, as he realized that he wasn't ready to face an opponent like Sukuna yet. Seiten began running away, not wanting to end his journey this quickly, yet sukuna catched up with ease, as he appeared infront of Seiten, Before saying:

"Domain Expansion: Malevolent Kitchen."

Suddenly, a shrine with mouths on each side appeared, as Seiten quickly said:

"So Its a domain expansion?! Its worth a shot!"

Seiten suddenly began to try and expand his technique. Before saying:


Seiten's Domain suddenly started to expand. Both of the domains fought over control. Seiten Held a steady flow of energy into his Domain. Sukuna then said, whilst Smiling down at Seiten from his own Domain expansion:

"Learning a Domain Expansion from just Seeing it once... Your a special one, Arent you?" 

Both of the domains got destroyed in the collision, as Sukuna looked slightly suprised that his domain got destroyed by someone like Seiten. Seiten then said:

"T-that... takes so much.... e-energy...."

Seiten dropped to his knees, as he was breathing heavily, Feeling like he used everything.

Sukuna walked towards Seiten, Before grabbing him by his hair, and pulling him up. As Sukuna said:

"Come on, Try harder!"

Sukuna laughed, before kicking Seiten in the stomach, sending him flying into a tree that was far away from there.

Seiten landed in the tree, as he was barely conscious. All that he could do is stay conscious for aslong as he could. Seiten was feeling extremely dizzy, as the blood loss from his cut off hand was starting to set in.

Sukuna was nowhere to be seen, as Yuji had already swapped out with him. Yuji could be seen running towards Seiten, as Seiten was practically bleeding out. Yuji quickly grabbed his phone, and called Gojo to come over fast, asking Seiten:

"A-are you okay?! Hey! Do you hear me?!"

Seiten smiled, as he chuckled, before caughing up blood. Seiten then said, with a low and shaky voice:

"T-thank you... f-for letting me.... f-f-fight Sukuna...."

As Seiten said that, he could feel his last bits of consciousness fading away. the last thing he did, was smile at Yuji, before falling fully unconscious.

Gojo quickly got to the scene, as Yuji was right next to seiten, trying to stop as much bleeding as possible. Gojo then said:

"What the hell happened this time?! I swear! He always Gets into situations where he's barely alive!"

Gojo walked quickly towards Seiten, and started to use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal his hand and internal injuries. Yuji then spoke:

"W-well... He asked me if he could fight Sukuna..... He told me that he was strong... So i though id give him something that he wanted... But i couldnt switch back with sukuna in time, and sukuna managed to cut his hand off.... Im.... Sorry, Gojo...."

Gojo looked at Yuji, before saying:

"Dont be sorry. If that is true, then he did it to himself. Then, im suprised he even survived. Fighting a 3 finger sukuna... For me it would be a breeze, but for someone like him... Listen Yuji... This wasnt your fault if, what your saying is true, okay? I dont want you to blame yourself for this."

Gojo said to yuji, as he was Healing Seiten with Reverse Cursed Technique. Yuji then said:

"Its fine... Seiten told me before i switched with sukuna... That he wouldn't blame me if anything happened to him.. Im just happy that hes still alive... Hes such a... friendly person..."

Gojo smiled at Yuji, before picking Seiten up, and saying:

"Well. We cant just leave him here, Come on, Yuji. lets go back."

Yuji nodded, and so, they went back to the jujutsu high.

Yuji said his goodbyes to gojo, as he left to go to his dorm room. And yet again, Gojo, was in shoko's office, carrying an unconscious Seiten. Shoko, then said:

"What happened this time? Did you have a fight again or something?"

Gojo quickly replied:

"It was a fight... But not with me.... He fought sukuna, one on one.... And survived..."

Shoko looked suprised to hear that. Gojo layed Seiten down on the hospital bed, before asking Shoko:

"Could you look over him? I managed To Heal His hand. But i dont know if i managed to heal his internal bleeding..."

Shoko then replied, as she was already walking towards Seiten:

"Sure thing. Just leave it to me."

Shoko began to use Reverse cursed technique on Seiten, and managed to heal all the internal bleeding that Seiten had, before turning to Gojo, and saying:

"You can go now. He will be fine, You can have my word on that."

Gojo looked at shoko, before saying:

"Okay.... thank you."

Gojo then left the office. Shoko got done Healing Seiten, and packed her things aswell. Before leaving the office. As now it was only Seiten, who was in the office, Still unconscious, but safe from danger.

Hey! Im sorry if my chapters got less creative over the time. Im still trying to do as best as i can! Ill be focusing on a diffrent novel in the future. So the chapter uploads for Jujutsu kaisen battle colors will be quite limited, so im sorry about that! Anyways, i hope you had fun reading this chapter!

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