
Jujutsu Kaisen: Battle Colors

Basically just Jujutsu kaisen, but with my oc as mc protagonist instead of Itadori Yuji.

SenseiBorgor · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

A new school life: Introduction

As the sun started to rise from its bed, birds began singing their morning songs. Seiten began to wake up, as he stretched, still laying in his bed.

Seiten got up from his bed, before getting changed, after he got changed, he headed toward's the bathroom, where he brushed his teeth. As he began to wonder what kind of adventures lie before him.

When he got done brushing his teeth, he went to the kitchen, as he grabbed a toast, which his mother made for him, he went out almost immediately. He put on his shoes, and went out of the house, still eating the toast in his hands.

Seiten walked towards the convenience store, as he wondered if telling gojo about his new power's would be a good idea or not. As he got to the store, to his suprise, gojo was already waiting there, smiling.

Seiten said, whilst looking at gojo:

»Hey!!! Gojo! « Seiten said, as he was happy to see gojo again.

Gojo turned toward's seiten, as he said:

»Yo! your here! Oh kid do i have some great news for you!« Gojo said, smiling at seiten.

Seiten asked:

»News? Good... News? Tell me! i want to know!« Seiten said, sounding happy.

Gojo said:

»The great news are, that you will be an official student of the jujutsu high starting tommorow! The bad news is... well..... Most of the kids dont like ya already. I know it must seem tough, but you gotta bear with it!« Gojo smiled nervously, as he looked at seiten, trying to not sound mean.

Seiten Said:

»R-really? So... Its like that huh...« Seiten said, as he looked down at the ground.

Gojo said, as he walked towards seiten:

»But... Come on! Liven up! You got into the school! That was the main priority!« Gojo smiled at seiten.

Seiten said, whilst wiping a single tear:

»Y-yeah. I should focus on that, instead of hanging out with others...« Seiten smiled, but it almost felt like something changed inside him.

Gojo said:

»Okay! Its time to meet the principal!« Gojo said happily, as he grabbed seiten, before transporting them inside of the jujutsu highs, school grounds, as he put seiten down, before saying.

»Now kid, remember how i said that kids here dont like ya that much? Wanna know why that is?« Gojo asked, whilst looking at seiten.

Seiten replied:

»Yeah... i wanna know...« Seiten looked a little sad, but still refused to fall under the impression that the kids hated him.

Gojo replied:

»Its because... You! Are getting shot up straight.... To being a second year!!!« Gojo clapped happily, as he smiled at seiten.

Seiten replied, looking a bit suprised:

»R-really? How is that possible? w-we didnt even.. train that much.... Am i really that... strong?« Seiten asked gojo, with a feeling of being useful after so many years of feeling like hes just a burden to everyone.

Gojo patted Seiten On his head, as seiten started crying slightly, As he was getting some affection after a long, long time, before gojo said:

»Oh yeah... That's the main reason why everyone hates ya kid. Its because they think that you cheated.« Whilst gojo says that, he points his finger at seiten.

Seiten said, wiping his tears away:

»O-oh well.... I guess... ill have to redeem myself here...« Seiten smiled, as he looked at gojo.

Gojo smiled back, as he said:

»Oh! Look at the time! We must get going. You dont want to miss meeting with the principal!« Gojo said hurriedly, as he grabbed seiten's hand, and began running towards the principals office.

Seiten was barely able to keep up, as he was having alot of fun so far. They got to the office, as gojo knocked, before saying

»Hey, Old man, I got the student here.« Gojo said, whilst trying to not laugh, before the door began to open.

As the door opened, a middle aged man walked out of it, as he looked at gojo, before saying angrily:

»You!!! I've had just enough of you talking to me like that! Ive already told you million's of times that im not old! Gojo satoru!!!« The old man said, then, he turned to look at seiten, and said:

»Are you the new student?« The man asked, as he stared at seiten.

Seiten replied, nervously.

»Y-yeah... That would be me, yes...« Seiten replied, as he looked at the man.

The man said

»Thats some good news! finnally, Something good came in this day. So, I presume your name is Seiten? from what i heard from gojo, that is...« The man asked seiten.

Seiten replied:

»Yeah, I am Seiten. What is your name if you dont mind me asking?« Seiten asked, as he got more comfortable near the principal.

The man said:

»My name is Yaga, pleasure to meet you Seiten.« Yaga said, as he smiled at seiten.

Seiten replied:

»You too!« Seiten said in happy tone, as he extended his hand for a handshake.

Yaga shook seitens hand, as he said:

»Officially from now on, You, are a second year student at the jujutsu high! So, get used to being around here! Also... Gojo should show you around, Since hes free right now.« Yaga smirked, as he used gojos free time against him. 

Gojo said:

»W-wha?! You cant be doing that!« Gojo said, sounding a little annoyed, before saying:

»But whatever... If i wouldn't show seiten around, then he'd get lost, wandering around for ages.« Gojo looked at seiten, as he smiled.

Gojo took Seiten, as he began showing him around the school. Gojo showed seiten where the classes are, where the dorm rooms are, where seiten will be staying from now on, and lastly. How classes will work here. After a long and tiring day of walking around the school building, Seiten and gojo split off, as Seiten went back to the main building, still looking around the academy, he noticed someone walking towards him, after the person walked near him, he said:

»Hey! Arent you the new kid?« The person asked, as seiten looked up at the guy, before saying:

»Yeah... I am. What about it?« Seiten asked.

The guy replied:

»Well, seiten. My names Yuji Itadori! Would you... maybe want to become friends?« Yuji smiled, as he looked at seiten.

Seiten replied:

»I dont mind... But.. i though that gojo said that im hated here.... Do you have any clue about that?« Seiten asked Yuji.

Yuji replied:

»Oh, They are just jealous of your jump! Straight to second year class after just getting accepted in! You truly are really special!« Yuji laughed, as he told that to seiten.

Seiten said:

»Oh well, It was a pleasure meeting you Yuji! I have to get going now though, so goodbye!« Seiten waved his hand at yuji, as he began walking again back towards his dorm room, as yuji waved back.

Seiten entered the dorm building, as he found his door to his room, he unlocked it, and went inside. He unpacked few things, before taking a quick snack. As he got done eating, he went over to the bathroom, and brushed his teeth, before heading back to his bed.

As he got ready to sleep, he changed to his pajamas, and layed down on his bed, as he put the blanket over him. He started to slowly fall asleep. As the thoughts of what will happen tommorow filled his head.

Hey! Coming around here with my daily upload again! Here is chapter 3 everyone! As you know, Dont be afraid to comment at any mistakes i did! I read every comment! So if you have any advice that you would like to share with me, then let me know in the comments! Anyways, Thank you for reading My works! I appreciate every support from you guys!

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