
Jujutsu Kaisen: Another

Follow our new Jujutsu tech student Haruki as he settles into his new life as a sorcerer! (pls be kind newbie here -3-)

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5 Chs

I'm late!


"Wake up! it's time for you to get going now is it not? get up NOW!" shouts a middle aged woman with jet black hair tied into a pony tail.

"Just a couple more minu.... "

"GET UP! " this time Ayumi Kitajima does more than shout as she shakes the living out of her nephew who's tucked under the blanket.

"S-stop! I'm up auntie" Haruki yawns as he slowly gets up.

"You're going to make a bad impression on your new teachers and classmates. You know when i was your age first impressions wrre everything amd i got me into.... "

she's rambling again , ugh first thing in the morning Haruki thought to himself.

"Please stop auntie my ears can't-"


"IT'S NINE? why didn't you wake me up!" said Haruki as realisation hit that he is in fact VERY late.

"I've been in and out this room 4 times you idiot" Ayumi angrily responded, hands on her hips.

"Alright Alright, Im gonna get ready so get out" said Haruki as he motioned her to leave his room.

"Don't make me come in here again" she said as she exited the room.


"Quickly come on!"

"Yes yes auntie, I'm not gonna miss this train since i missed the earlier one" Sighed Haruki, now dressed in a hoodie and grey baggy jeans.

"And whos fault is that?" Ayumi huffed as they both walked to the platform.



Suddenly a single karate chop landed on the top of Harukis head.

"What was that for?" cried Haruki, rubbing the top of his head. Ignoring his question with an annoyed expression, Ayumi continued to lead the way.

"We're here, platform 6 right?" asked Ayumi as they made thier way towards a bench.

"Yeah this is it"



"You'll text me weekly as we discussed right? "


"You'll also eat properly and not get into trouble right?"

"Yep yep"

"And also rememb-"

"I'll be fine auntie, don't worry about me" Haruki smiled as he slowly turned to stare at the sky.

"I know you'll be fine, but I'll still worry" Asumi replied with a wavering voice, her hands clutching her handbag."Tokyo's a big place, anything can happen."

"I know, but i can take care of myself" Haruki suddenly stood up, arms wide open."I've lived under the same roof for 10 years with 2 demons after all haha!"

"Me and Toshi? demons? then what are you then? " laughed Ayumi as she stood up to hug her only nephew.

"T-t-too tight!"

"Love you kiddo" smiled Ayumi, hugging Haruki as tight as she can.

"Love you too, now get off before you kill me"

"Yes yes, the train's here now, good luck Haru" said Ayumi as she patted his back.

Haruki nodded as he made his way on the train"Say hi to uncle Toshi for me when he comes back! "

"I will kiddo, have a safe journey, text me when you get there! " shouted Ayumi, waving at him.

"I will" Haruki waved back.

Minutes after, the train departed towards tokyo, Haruki looked out of the window to see what he would not see for a while, his home town. Bye for now, I'll see you soon sweet home. Haruki thought to himself, I should try to sleep, its a long train ride. He puts on his headphones and slowly begins to drift to sleep.

12:36 - Tokyo

"Welcome to Tokyo Haru-kun!" exclaimed a tall man with white hair and a blindold covering his eyes.

"Sorry I'm late Gojo-san" Haruki quickly replied

"No need to worry about that" Smiled Gojo " Ijichi! take his bags and drop us off at the cafe! "

"Y-yes sir"

"Hello Ijichi-san, Thankyou for helping me out last time as well" Haruki thanked as Ijichi took his bags.

" Don't worry about it Kitajima-san, I did all I could, besides, Gojo-san did all the work"

*CLAP* "Now now we all know Haru-kun here did most of the damage hehe" chuckles Gojo,clapping his hands.

"That was an accident" Haruki responded with a pout as they got into the car.

At a local cafe, the smell of coffee and cakes swirled around the room, complimenting the light green, natural colours of the walls, with pop music playing in the background, a certain brown haired girl was not enjoying it at all.

"It's been an hour" she said, face down on the table "I should be out shopping"

"Kugisaki, you should try this cake it's so weird" said the pink haired boy pointing at his cake.

"I don't want to try your cakes Itadori, I want to try on new cute clothes" Kugisaki grumbled, head still face down on the table.

"Want some Fushiguro?" Itadori asks with his mouth stuffed.

"No thanks" was the answer from the spiky haired boy, eyes glued to his novel.

"He doesn't eat, he's to cool to eat, in fact I've never seen him eat, He only drinks black coffee cuz he's cool" Kugisaki rambled.

"Oi, what's you're problem with me and coffee" Fushiguro irritatedly replied.

"Nothing really you just look so cool drinking it" Kugisaki sarcasticly answered back while Fushiguro visible irritation increases. "Why is Gojo-sensei taking so longgg"

"He's always late"

As the three sat there, a tall white haired man entered the cafe followed closely by a shorter teenage boy, probably as tall as Gojos shoulder, with silver white ruffled hair and dark eyes. Haruki took a quick look around the cafe and thought to himself this looks nice, must be kinda expensive here.

Gojo walked towards where his 3 students were seated "Hello my precious students! " Gojo shouted cheekily with a wide child-like grin.

"Gojo-sensei!" replied Itadori, Fushiguro took a quick glance at Gojo and back to his novel while Noboras face was still flat on the table.

Sensei? Haruki thought to himself.

"Now, don't be so down you two, look! I've brought to you your new classmate! " announced Gojo, waving his hands unveiling his new student.

"I'm Kitajima Haruki, nice to meet you all" Haruki waved with a smile, but the mood was awkward. Itadori, with 7 plates stacked up at his side tried to finish his cake in one go, Fushiguro closing his novel and putting it in his pocket and Nobara with her face still down on the table. Haruki tried to hold his smile but it was getting increasingly hard for him to do so.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fushiguro Megumi, this here is Itadori Yuji" pointing at Itadori who was waving at Haruki, trying to talk with his mouth full which Haruki could not understand "And that there is Kugisaki Nobara" Pointing at the brown haired girl.

"Nice to meet youuu" said Kugisaki with a bored tone, slowly lifting up her head.

Itadori took a big gulp "Nice to meet you Kitajima!"

Haruki smiled they're okay I guess.

"Sorry I'm late"