
jujutsu kaisen: a change of fate

this is an alternative timeline were the 2 protagonist of jujutsu kaisen had a change of fate let's see were this goes.

Blue_Boy_2656 · Tranh châm biếm
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yuji and Rika's first steps

yuji megumi and rika where on a side walk waiting for gojo. Rika: hey megumi I'm curious you have a cursed technique right? Because I saw a pink elephant behind you. Megumi: well my technique is not a secret so I can tell you i have the ten shadows technique I can summon 10 shikigami but currently I only master a few. Yuji: really that's impressive I don't know how you did it but thar it self is amazing. Megumi: thanks I guess. Gojo: yo sorry I'm late the paperwork is a massive pain well now that all of us are here let's go and pick up your classmate. Yuji and rika had a private conversation. Rika: [hey yuji when megumi explained his technique I felt like I could do it] yuji:[are you saying you can copy his technique?] Rika:[I think I can but I feel like I'm missing something like a car with no gas kind of like that] yuji:[huh. when gojo and me are alone I'll ask him I don't is a good idea to gain attention so early] they saw a dark green hair girl being approached by a businessman while she is giving him a grare. Yuji: this is kinda embarrassing. He said this while wearing glasses with the words r.o.o.k. along with rika. Rika I agreed. Megumi so are you two. Gojo hey over here! They when to a private bulding that has ties to the jujutsu school. Gojo now to introduce each other I'm satoru gojo your teacher and these are your classmates hope you get along and you are. Mai: mai suzuki nice to meet you I guess. Gojo:Well nice to meet you mai now that we have our forth menber it's time to go to see what you got. Mai: what do you mean fourth member its just three of us. Rika: actually I'm actually the third student. Mai was surprised to see a floating girl next to the pink haired boy's shoulder. Mai: what is there a kid here. Megumi: this is rika orimoto she is a cursed spirit that cursed herself and itadori here so there soul are bounded together and the only way to break is if yuji dies. Mai: oh I see. Gojo alright enough with the sappy mood. Get ready we are going to Tokyo. Mai was a bit weirded out by how excited yuji and rika were excited to go Tokyo but at the same time it was kinda funny. Megumi whispered loud enough that mai heard him Megumi: I feel bad for those two there about to be disappointed. Gojo alright you to let me tell you where in Tokyo we are going. Megumi had no idea what was going through rika and yuji's heads but they bowed as if the were waiting for a great judgment. Gojo: ROPONGI. Yuji and rika had stars in there eyes and they acted like kid thar were about to go to a sweet store but it wasn't. When they got there It was a rundown bulding. And rika and yuji were raging behind the group and mai was holding her laughter on how the cursed childhood acted like kids that were scammed. Rika/yuji:YOU LIAR. gojo this place has low level curses this would be a great training spot to the yuji rika and mai now before you go in I'm setting ground rules for you two. Rika you got hunt down a least one curse or more but separated from yuji and speaking of yuji do you have your stack of cursed energy? Yuji: yeah. I only ask rika to give me more if I need it. Gojo: good I want you to learn to fight your own fights and not over always rely on rika there will be times that you two might have to fight separate fights so is better to learn sooner than later. Yuji/rika: yes sir gojo: mai this you first time being a scocere. You will go with yuji and rika don't worry if you all are in trouble I'll help. Mai: thank you sir. Yuji mai and rika went inside the building mai looked at the two with worry. Mai: hey yuji right? Are you gonna be okay on your own. Yuji: don't worry gojo is right there gonna be times were rika and me have to separate to help a partner when they are in trouble. Mai could see that yuji wants to prove that he can grow by himself and not just with rika. Mai was impressed by his resolve and she decided to not stop him. Mai: if you are sure but don't push yourselve alright I'll be upstairs see ya. Yuji: thanks for the concern. Rika: let's split up we can let each other if we need help. Yuji: Allright. Yuji and rika spit off to find the curses. Meanwhile mai was heading up she entered a room fill with dools. Mai noticed that all of the dolls had remnants of cursed energy but she new that it was hiding itself. Mai pulled a revolver and aimed at one of them. Mai: I know your hiding show yourself. There was silence but then mai noticed a slight movement from one of the dolls and she aimed at the head and it's head was blown of. Mai sigh in relief that she didn't have to do anything to get it to reach. She then noticed that someone was whimpering. she turned see a kid hiding behind crates. Mai: hey what are you doing here? Kid: some mean kids dragged me here to because I told the adults. Mai: oh hey it's okay to come out I'm not gonna hurt you. Kid you have a gun mom told not trust people with guns. Mai was a bit hurt because she realized that he exclam to the curse to come out and the kid probably thought the she meant him and thanks to the gun shot she scared him even more. Mai: I'm sorry if I scared I just-. She didn't finished be cause the wall busted open and a brown fur curse looked panicked and it noticed mai and the kid it started to charge at mai and the kid. Mai got her gun ready but before either could make a move a while arm with claws grabbed the cursed and crushed it. in its grip. Mai: what the hell? A distorted voice that mai recognize started talking. Rika: oh hey mai. Mai: rika is that you?. Kid: you know that monster? Mai: well we just met. Yuji: hey I heard a commotion is everything all right? Mai: no just that rika kinda scared me and the kid. Rika/yuji: a kid?. Said kid was confused on what was going on two people are talking with a monster and the white monster killed another monster. The 3 got out of the bulding and took the kid back home. Mai yuji and rika who was back into her human state were waiting for gojo and megumi. Mai: not gonna lie rika you look scary in that form. Rika: good thing yuji told that a white was me other wise it would have caused problems. Mai: yeah thanks really I think the curse tried to have me or the kid as a hostage. Yuji: good thing rika was near. Then they saw gojo and megumi walking to them. Gojo: yo we took the kid home. The 3 sigh in relief. Gojo: now how about we grab something to eat. This time it was mai and yuji that perked up at that. Yuji/mai: stake/sushi. Gojo: just leave it to me hey megumi you want anything? Megumi: not really. Gojo: well if you say so come on there a good buffet near by come on. Rika: I feel so left out thanks to the fact that I'm a spirit I can't eat. Mai: oh sorry I didn't mean to offend you Rika. Rika its alright at least I have more people to talk too besides just yuji. The smile rika had was like a ray of sunshine to mai. Mai: she is so cute. The sorcerers when to have there food but tomorrow it was gonna be a harsh day for the others but must of all little rika. (Just to clarify mai suzuki is mai zenin but I'm going to clarify why her name is not zenin when we finish the finger barer arc and unlike the canon it's not gonna goes side way like with megumi and sukuna