
Juijutsu kaisen:Lost in the flames

A loner teenager who just been asked out to a date is nervous for his date he has a bad feeling in his gut but this will be first time and maybe the last time too?

Venda_Boi · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

first boss battle

Step, step, step

"Ahh, I'm here!" Yuji says, running towards us.

"Oh, you're a little late," I say in between breaths.

Before we can exchange words with each other, flowers sprout from the ground, vibrant and ominous. The air grows heavy, saturated with an oppressive energy. I glance at Todo, who's already on high alert, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

From the blossoming flowers, a figure emerges—Hanami, the Cursed Spirit. His presence is suffocating, the malevolence radiating off him palpable.

"Seems like we have a party crasher," Todo remarks, a mix of irritation and excitement in his voice.

Yuji's eyes widen as he takes in Hanami's form. "Who… is that?"

Hanami's eyes, dark and full of malice looks around noticing scorched trees and ground, fixing what I think is its eyes on us. "Humans, always disrupting nature," they hisses, their voice like the rustling of leaves in a storm.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Fighting Todo was one thing, but Hanami is a whole different level of threat.

"Stay sharp," Todo says, his demeanor serious. "This one's not gonna go down easy."

I nod, channeling my cursed energy, feeling the familiar heat of my flames ignite. "Time for my first special grade," I mutter under my breath, preparing myself for the impending battle.

Hanami doesn't waste any time. With a swift motion, he summons a barrage of thorny vines that shoot towards us. Todo, Yuji, and I dodge in unison, narrowly avoiding the deadly tendrils.

"Separate and flank him," Todo shouts, taking the lead and charging head-on. I circle around to the left, while Yuji moves to the right, both of us looking for an opening.

Todo engages Hanami directly, throwing powerful punches that the Cursed Spirit deflects with ease. I take advantage of the distraction, launching a blast of my dark flames at Hanami's side. The flames scorch his floral appendages, causing him to hiss in pain.

Hanami retaliates with a burst of energy, sending shockwaves through the ground. I stagger, trying to maintain my balance, but Todo remains steadfast, his resolve unshaken. Yuji, too, manages to keep his footing, eyes locked on Hanami.

"I'll keep him busy! You two find a way to hit him hard!" Todo commands, his voice unwavering.

I nod, focusing my energy. I need something powerful, something that can break through Hanami's defenses. "Cursed Technique: Inferno - Hellfire Nova," I chant, feeling the intense heat building within me.

Yuji looks over at me, understanding my intent. "Got it! I'll follow your lead," he says, clenching his fists and charging his own cursed energy.

Todo lands a solid punch on Hanami, momentarily stunning him. It's our chance.


Appearing in an instant I release the Hellfire Nova beam, a concentrated blast of my darkest flames kind of like bakugo's ap shot but way more powerful, aimed directly at Hanami. At the same time, Yuji launches himself forward, his fist glowing with cursed energy.

"Divergent Fist!" Yuji yells, his punch connecting with Hanami's side just as my flames engulf the Cursed Spirit. The combined force sends Hanami staggering, his form flickering and weakening.

Hanami lets out an enraged roar, summoning more vines and plants to shield themselves. But it's too late. With Todo's brute strength, Yuji's raw power, and my cursed flames, we press our advantage. We launch a coordinated assault, breaking through their defenses and delivering blow after blow.

"That's enough playing around," Hanami growls, their voice low and menacing.

The ground beneath us begins to tremble as Hanami summons more of his cursed energy. From the soil, an enormous tree starts to grow, its roots and branches spreading out rapidly, threatening to engulf us. The air is thick with the scent of earth and decay, the oppressive energy almost overwhelming.

Yuji, Todo, and I exchange quick glances, our previous confidence now tinged with urgency. This fight just got a lot more dangerous.

"Stay sharp, and don't let it catch you off guard!," Todo commands, his eyes narrowing as he assesses the rapidly growing tree.

I nod, feeling the familiar heat of my cursed flames ignite within me. "Cursed Technique: Inferno - Abyssal Torrent Kick!" I shout,using the rising branches I launch myself into the air and deliver a swift and ferocious kick imbued with the power of shadows. My foot makes contact with Hanami's side, unleashing a torrent of dark flames that engulf him upon impact.

Hanami blocks my attack with a thick branch, but my flames scorch it, causing it to wither and break. However, more branches quickly grow in its place, their movements swift and aggressive.

Yuji leaps into action beside me. "Divergent Fist!" he yells, his punch shattering one of the branches aimed at me. "We've got to work together!"

Todo charges from the other side, his brute strength smashing through the encroaching roots. "Keep pushing! We can't let him overwhelm us!"

Hanami, towering over us with his tree form, lets out a guttural laugh. "You think you can stop me? Nature is unstoppable!"

I glance at Yuji and Todo. "We need to hit him hard, all at once. Combine our techniques!"

Yuji nods, determination in his eyes. "Got it. Let's do this."

Todo grins, his battle fervor undiminished. "Bring it on!"

As we prepare our combined assault, Hanami's branches and roots close in on us, their sharp tips aiming to pierce and crush. I channel all my cursed energy into my flames, feeling the intense heat building within me. "Cursed Technique: Inferno - Hellfire Nova!" I scream, releasing a torrent of dark flames that burn through the encroaching branches.

Yuji follows up immediately. "Divergent Fist!" His punch shatters more branches, but Hanami still stands firm.

Focusing too much on repairing the broken branches Hanami doesn't calculate how much of a threat everyone technique is

Todo doesn't miss a beat. "Boogie Woogie!" He claps his hands, switching positions with Hanami, confusing the cursed spirit and giving us an opening.

Seeing the opportunity, I surge forward, my fists still ablaze. "This is it! Cursed Technique: Inferno - Abyssal Fury!" I unleash a barrage of fiery punches, each one landing with devastating force on Hanami's weakened core.

"Yuji, now!" I shout, knowing this is the moment for him to strike.

Yuji channels his cursed energy, his fist glowing intensely. "Black Flash!" he yells, his punch connecting with Hanami's core at the exact moment my flames impact. The precise timing amplifies the attack, causing a visible crack to form and sending shockwaves through Hanami's body.

Todo moves in for the final blow. "Boogie Woogie!" He switches places with Yuji, delivering a crushing kick to Hanami's core, shattering it completely.

Before Hanami can let out his final roar, the sky darkens and a powerful gust of wind sweeps through the battlefield, forcing us to shield our eyes. The oppressive energy becomes even more suffocating.

Out of the swirling winds, a fearsome figure emerges—a beastial tengu with a terrifying presence, reminiscent of the Cleric Beast from Bloodborne but distinctly Japanese in style. His form is both majestic and monstrous, with feathers and fur intermingling, and a mask-like face that exudes malevolence.

"I am Susano'o, the Storm King," the beast growls, his voice resonating with the fury of a thousand storms. "You have disrupted nature, and now you will face the wrath of the winds."

The air around us becomes turbulent, the winds cutting like blades. Susano'o's cursed technique seems to be wind manipulation, and he wields it with deadly precision. With a wave of his hand, he sends a blast of compressed air that slams into us, forcing us back.

Todo grits his teeth, bracing against the onslaught. "This guy's no joke. We need to take him down fast!"

Yuji struggles to stand against the fierce winds. "How can we get close it's impossible to get through the wind"

Susano'o's eyes flash with malevolent glee. "Consider this a warning. Next time, you won't be so lucky." With another powerful gust, he sends us sprawling and then retreats into the swirling winds, disappearing from sight.