
92: The main Man is here

The meeting shifted to a more focused and strategic tone as Darius stepped back, allowing the leaders to take the reins of their discussion. The circular table lit up with a holographic map of Earth, highlighting regions under threat or at risk of future attacks.

Each leader began contributing ideas and sharing intelligence, their voices blending into a symphony of problem-solving and planning.

Steve Rogers took the lead. "We need to prioritise securing major population centers. Thanos and Darkseid's forces are likely to target them to cause maximum chaos and casualties. Splitting into teams to cover key areas is our best bet."

T'Challa nodded, pointing to Wakanda's region on the map. "Wakanda will bolster its defences and offer refuge to nearby nations. Our technology can handle significant pressure, but we'll need allies to hold the surrounding areas."

Carol Danvers added, "I'll take the cosmic front. If Thanos sends more of his Black Order to Earth, I'll intercept them before they get too close. I've got contacts who can monitor space for early warnings."

Bruce Wayne, ever the tactician, leaned forward. "What about intelligence? We need a way to track their movements and anticipate their next moves. We can't be playing catch-up every time they attack."

Natasha Romanoff spoke up, her tone sharp. "I can coordinate a global spy network. Shield may be gone, but there are still operatives in the shadows who owe me favours."

Arthur Curry tapped a finger on the ocean regions displayed. "Atlantis will safeguard the seas. If they try coming through the water, they'll regret it."

Barry Allen interjected, "And we speedsters can handle communications and quick evacuations. If someone needs backup, we'll get there in seconds."

Diana and Ororo joined in, their voices steady and assured. Diana said, "Themyscira's Amazons are prepared to defend key regions on land. We'll station forces in Europe and South America where the resistance is weaker."

Ororo added, "I can work with mutantkind to protect Xavier's vision. We'll station groups of capable fighters across the globe and utilise my weather manipulation to disable large-scale invasions."

Tony Stark's holographic projections filled the air as he outlined tech support. "I've got drones, suits, and automated defences ready to deploy anywhere on the planet. The Stark satellites will provide real-time tracking of enemy movements. Jarvis and Friday will coordinate with your networks."

Peter hesitated before speaking. "And what about smaller places? The neighborhoods and towns that don't make these maps? We can't let them be forgotten."

Steve nodded at Peter. "You're absolutely right. We'll create mobile teams to respond to distress signals in smaller areas. No place is unimportant."

The group continued for hours, refining their plans, assigning roles, and debating contingencies.

The room suddenly trembled slightly, causing everyone to pause mid-conversation. Steve glanced around. "What was that?"

The tremor grew stronger for a moment before settling, the golden glow of the walls rippling faintly.

Darius tilted his head, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Ah… It seems we've got a visitor."

The massive holographic map vanished, replaced by an external view of the Agency's shimmering golden barrier. At its edge, a towering figure on a massive, custom-designed space bike came into view. His wild mane of jet-black hair, muscular frame, and cocky grin were unmistakable.

"Lobo," Thor muttered, his tone laced with irritation.

Tony raised an eyebrow. "That's the guy who gave you a beatdown?"

Thor scowled. "A week ago. And I do not wish to see his smug face again so soon."

Darius chuckled, his voice filled with amusement. "I must admit, watching that fight was quite entertaining. You put up a valiant effort, Thor."

"Valiant effort?" Thor groaned.

The screen shifted to a recent event: Lobo squaring off against Thor somewhere in the middle of a desolate plain and various locations around Earth. Despite Thor's mighty strikes, Lobo's brute strength and relentless resilience overwhelmed him.

The footage ended with Thor being unceremoniously smashed into the ice sheets of the Arctic, unconscious as Lobo laughed and sped off.

"Oh, come on," Thor muttered as Darius replayed the scene with a smirk.

"Never gets old," Darius teased, earning a glare from the Asgardian.

On the external feed, Lobo revved his bike and launched himself straight into the barrier surrounding the Agency. Instead of being obliterated, as most intruders would have been, the barrier shimmered and absorbed the impact, shaking the room again.

"Fraggin' barrier," Lobo muttered, floating back. "Let me in, ya glowing cowards!"

Bruce's expression darkened. "Why is he here? And how is he not dead after touching the barrier?"

Darius answered casually, "Because I let him. Don't worry, he's not here to kill anyone. Not yet, at least."

As the room stared at him incredulously, Lobo finally dismounted his bike, walking up to the barrier with a confident swagger.

"Name's Lobo, ya fraggin' amateurs," he bellowed. "Darkseid's hired gun and the last bastich you'll ever meet. I'm here to tear down your little defenses, and I'll enjoy every fraggin' second of it!"

Inside, Thor groaned, "I can already hear him bragging about that fight again."

Darius smirked, addressing the group. "Well, it seems our plans will have to wait. Let's welcome our guest."

The golden glow intensified as Darius prepared to lower the barrier.

"Everyone," he said, his tone sharp but calm. "Ready yourselves. This isn't the last time we'll have to face Darkseid's forces… but it's a good opportunity to remind them why Earth isn't so easily conquered."

As the barrier shimmered open and Lobo stepped through, his signature grin widened. "Hope you lot are ready to die, 'cause the Main Man's here to play!"



As Lobo strutted into the massive meeting room, his heavy boots echoed against the polished marble floor. His crimson eyes darted around the room, taking in the gathered heroes and leaders with a sneer of disdain.

"Well, ain't this a colourful freak show," he said, cracking his knuckles. "Guess I'll start the fireworks!"

Without hesitation, Lobo dashed toward the first person he saw—Barry Allen—his massive chain weapon swinging wildly.

Before anyone could react, Darius raised a hand lazily, and with a simple flick of his fingers, Lobo froze mid-stride. The chain clattered to the ground as the once-imposing Czarnian began to shrink.

His muscular frame softened, and in seconds, he was transformed into a small, fuzzy plushie with stitched features, a grumpy scowl, and a ridiculously oversized tuft of black hair.

The room erupted in stunned silence.

"Uh… what just happened?" Tony muttered, leaning closer to inspect the now-harmless Lobo plushie sitting motionless on the floor.

Darius smirked and picked up the tiny, plush version of Lobo, dangling him by one stubby arm. The plushie wiggled furiously, its stitched mouth somehow managing to produce muffled curses.

"You turned him into a plushie?" Diana asked, raising an amused eyebrow.

Darius shrugged. "He's been reduced to what I'd say is a more manageable form. Wouldn't you agree?" He chuckled, turning the plushie toward his face. "Now, Main Man, let's have a chat."

The plushie growled, its squeaky voice dripping with frustration. "Ya think this'll stop me, ya glowing bastard?! When I'm back to normal, I'll rip ya a new—"

Darius pressed his thumb gently against the plushie's mouth, silencing him. "Listen carefully, Lobo. I don't deal in idle threats. Here's the deal: either you play my game, or I'll erase you completely. And trust me, not even you can regenerate from oblivion."

The room held its collective breath. Lobo's plushie form went still for a moment before growling out a begrudging, "What's your damn game?"

Darius' grin widened. "Simple. If any of the people in this room can bring you down in a fight—without me intervening—you forfeit your employment under Darkseid and work for me instead."

The plushie squirmed in Darius' grip. "Ya mean I've gotta fight all these fraggin' heroes? Pfft. Sounds like a party to me!"

Darius' voice turned sharp, his glowing eyes narrowing. "You misunderstand. You'll face them one at a time. No complaints, no interruptions. If you win, you're free to return to Darkseid. If you lose, you're mine. Understood?"

The plushie gave a reluctant nod, its stitched face scowling. "Fine, ya glowing freak. Bring it on!"

Darius snapped his fingers, and in a flash of golden light, Lobo returned to his original form, standing tall and imposing once more. He cracked his neck and flexed his fingers, his trademark smirk back in place.

"Alright, which one o' ya jokers is first?"

Darius stepped back, gesturing to the assembled heroes. "The floor is yours, my friends. Show him what Earth's mightiest can do."

The tension in the room was palpable as the heroes exchanged glances. Thor rolled his shoulders, stepping forward with a grim expression. "I'll gladly be the first. This time, Lobo, I'll show you the true might of Asgard."

Lobo laughed, swinging his chain. "Oh, I've been waitin' for this rematch, Goldilocks. Let's dance!"

The room cleared as the two titans faced off, the air crackling with anticipation. Darius leaned back into his chair, a faint smirk tugging at his lips as he watched the chaos begin to unfold.

"Well, this should be entertaining," he murmured, Diana and Ororo exchanging amused glances beside him. Whimsy snuggled into his lap, purring softly.
